Example #1

 * @var \Codeception\Scenario $scenario
$I = new Step\Functional\UserSteps($scenario);
$I->wantTo('see latest post on front page at top of table');
$userId = $I->amRegularUser();
$catId = $I->haveCategory(['name' => 'Database', 'slug' => 'database', 'description' => 'Database questions']);
$postId = $I->havePost(['title' => 'Binding Parameters', 'content' => 'This may be a little bit of a noob question but here goes.', 'users_id' => $userId, 'slug' => 'binding-parameters', 'categories_id' => $catId]);
$I->seeInTitle('Discussions - Phalcon Framework');
$I->see('Binding Parameters', '//table/tr[2]/td[2]');
$I->click('Binding Parameters');
$I->see('Binding Parameters', 'h1');
Example #2

 * @var Codeception\Scenario $scenario
$I = new Step\Functional\UserSteps($scenario);
$I->wantTo('see latest post on front page at top of table');
$userId = $I->amRegularUser();
$catId = $I->haveCategory();
$postId = $I->havePost(['title' => 'Binding Parameters', 'content' => 'This may be a little bit of a noob question but here goes.', 'users_id' => $userId, 'categories_id' => $catId]);
$I->seeInTitle('Discussions - Phalcon Framework');
$I->seeElement('.post-positive td');
$I->see('Binding Parameters', '.post-positive td');
$I->click('Binding Parameters');
$I->see('Binding Parameters', 'h1');