public function execute($parameters, $db) { $p = array(); $p["limit"] = 5; $p["pastSeconds"] = 3 * 86400; $p["kills"] = true; Storage::store("Top3dayChars", json_encode(Info::doMakeCommon("Top Characters - Last 3 Days", "characterID", Stats::getTopPilots($p)))); Storage::store("Top3dayCorps", json_encode(Info::doMakeCommon("Top Corporations - Last 3 Days", "corporationID", Stats::getTopCorps($p)))); Storage::store("Top3dayAlli", json_encode(Info::doMakeCommon("Top Alliances - Last 3 Days", "allianceID", Stats::getTopAllis($p)))); Storage::store("TopIsk", json_encode(Stats::getTopIsk(array("pastSeconds" => 3 * 86400, "limit" => 5)))); Storage::store("TopPods", json_encode(Stats::getTopIsk(array("groupID" => 29, "pastSeconds" => 3 * 86400, "limit" => 5)))); Storage::store("TopPoints", json_encode(Stats::getTopPoints("killID", array("losses" => true, "pastSeconds" => 3 * 86400, "limit" => 5)))); Storage::store("KillCount", $db->queryField("select count(*) count from zz_killmails", "count")); Storage::store("ActualKillCount", $db->queryField("select count(*) count from zz_killmails where processed = 1", "count")); }
$numDays = 7; $p = Subdomains::getSubdomainParameters($serverName); $page = max(1, min(25, $page)); $p['page'] = $page; $columnName = key($p); $id = (int) reset($p); if (sizeof($p) <= 1) { $app->redirect($fullAddr, 302); } $topPoints = array(); $topPods = array(); $p['kills'] = true; $p['pastSeconds'] = $numDays * 86400; $top = array(); $top[] = Info::doMakeCommon('Top Characters', 'characterID', Stats::getTopPilots($p)); $top[] = $columnName != 'corporationID' ? Info::doMakeCommon('Top Corporations', 'corporationID', Stats::getTopCorps($p)) : array(); $top[] = $columnName != 'corporationID' && $columnName != 'allianceID' ? Info::doMakeCommon('Top Alliances', 'allianceID', Stats::getTopAllis($p)) : array(); $top[] = Info::doMakeCommon('Top Ships', 'shipTypeID', Stats::getTopShips($p)); $top[] = Info::doMakeCommon('Top Systems', 'solarSystemID', Stats::getTopSystems($p)); $requestUriPager = str_replace('ID', '', $columnName) . "/{$id}/"; $p['limit'] = 5; $topIsk = Stats::getTopIsk($p); unset($p['pastSeconds']); unset($p['kills']); // get latest kills $killsLimit = 50; $p['limit'] = $killsLimit; $kills = Kills::getKills($p); $kills = Kills::mergeKillArrays($kills, array(), $killsLimit, $columnName, $id); Info::addInfo($p); $pageTitle = array();
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ $parameters = array("limit" => 10, "kills" => true, "pastSeconds" => 3600, "cacheTime" => 30); $alltime = false; $topKillers[] = array("type" => "character", "data" => Stats::getTopPilots($parameters, $alltime)); $topKillers[] = array("type" => "corporation", "data" => Stats::getTopCorps($parameters, $alltime)); $topKillers[] = array("type" => "alliance", "data" => Stats::getTopAllis($parameters, $alltime)); $topKillers[] = array("type" => "faction", "data" => Stats::getTopFactions($parameters, $alltime)); $topKillers[] = array("type" => "system", "data" => Stats::getTopSystems($parameters, $alltime)); $topKillers[] = array("type" => "region", "data" => Stats::getTopRegions($parameters, $alltime)); $topKillers[] = array("type" => "ship", "data" => Stats::getTopShips($parameters, $alltime)); $topKillers[] = array("type" => "group", "data" => Stats::getTopGroups($parameters, $alltime)); $topKillers[] = array("type" => "weapon", "data" => Stats::getTopWeapons($parameters, $alltime)); unset($parameters["kills"]); $parameters["losses"] = true; $topLosers[] = array("type" => "character", "ranked" => "Losses", "data" => Stats::getTopPilots($parameters, $alltime)); $topLosers[] = array("type" => "corporation", "ranked" => "Losses", "data" => Stats::getTopCorps($parameters, $alltime)); $topLosers[] = array("type" => "alliance", "ranked" => "Losses", "data" => Stats::getTopAllis($parameters, $alltime)); $topLosers[] = array("type" => "faction", "ranked" => "Losses", "data" => Stats::getTopFactions($parameters, $alltime)); $topLosers[] = array("type" => "ship", "ranked" => "Losses", "data" => Stats::getTopShips($parameters, $alltime)); $topLosers[] = array("type" => "group", "ranked" => "Losses", "data" => Stats::getTopGroups($parameters, $alltime)); $app->render("lasthour.html", array("topKillers" => $topKillers, "topLosers" => $topLosers, "time" => date("H:i")));
$parameters['month'] = date('n'); break; case 'weekly': $parameters['year'] = date('Y'); $parameters['week'] = date('W'); break; default: die('Not supported yet.'); } $topLists = array(); if ($type == 'kills') { $topLists[] = array('type' => 'character', 'data' => Stats::getTopPilots($parameters, $alltime)); $topLists[] = array('type' => 'corporation', 'data' => Stats::getTopCorps($parameters, $alltime)); $topLists[] = array('type' => 'alliance', 'data' => Stats::getTopAllis($parameters, $alltime)); $topLists[] = array('type' => 'ship', 'data' => Stats::getTopShips($parameters, $alltime)); $topLists[] = array('type' => 'system', 'data' => Stats::getTopSystems($parameters, $alltime)); //$topLists[] = array("type" => "weapon", "data" => Stats::getTopWeapons($parameters, $alltime)); $parameters['!factionID'] = 0; $topLists[] = array('name' => 'Top Faction Characters', 'type' => 'character', 'data' => Stats::getTopPilots($parameters, $alltime)); $topLists[] = array('name' => 'Top Faction Corporations', 'type' => 'corporation', 'data' => Stats::getTopCorps($parameters, $alltime)); $topLists[] = array('name' => 'Top Faction Alliances', 'type' => 'alliance', 'data' => Stats::getTopAllis($parameters, $alltime)); } elseif ($type == 'points') { $topLists[] = array('name' => 'Top Character Points', 'ranked' => 'Points', 'type' => 'character', 'data' => Stats::getTopPointsPilot($parameters)); $topLists[] = array('name' => 'Top Corporation Points', 'ranked' => 'Points', 'type' => 'corporation', 'data' => Stats::getTopPointsCorp($parameters)); $topLists[] = array('name' => 'Top Alliance Points', 'ranked' => 'Points', 'type' => 'alliance', 'data' => Stats::getTopPointsAlli($parameters)); $parameters['!factionID'] = 0; $topLists[] = array('name' => 'Top Faction Character Points', 'ranked' => 'Points', 'type' => 'character', 'data' => Stats::getTopPointsPilot($parameters)); $topLists[] = array('name' => 'Top Faction Corporation Points', 'ranked' => 'Points', 'type' => 'corporation', 'data' => Stats::getTopPointsCorp($parameters)); $topLists[] = array('name' => 'Top Faction Alliance Points', 'ranked' => 'Points', 'type' => 'alliance', 'data' => Stats::getTopPointsAlli($parameters)); } $app->render('top.html', array('topLists' => $topLists, 'page' => $page, 'type' => $type));
<?php $numDays = 7; $campaign = Db::queryRow('select * from zz_campaigns where uri = :uri', array(':uri' => $uri), 1); if ($campaign == null) { $app->redirect('/', 302); } $title = 'Campaign: ' . $campaign['title']; $subTitle = $campaign['subTitle']; $p = json_decode($campaign['definition'], true); $summary = Summary::getSummary('system', 'solarSystemID', $p, 30000142, $p, true); $topPoints = array(); $topPods = array(); $top = array(); $top[] = Info::doMakeCommon('Top Characters', 'characterID', Stats::getTopPilots($p, true)); $top[] = Info::doMakeCommon('Top Corporations', 'corporationID', Stats::getTopCorps($p, true)); $top[] = Info::doMakeCommon('Top Alliances', 'allianceID', Stats::getTopAllis($p, true)); $top[] = Info::doMakeCommon('Top Ships', 'shipTypeID', Stats::getTopShips($p, true)); $top[] = Info::doMakeCommon('Top Systems', 'solarSystemID', Stats::getTopSystems($p, true)); $p['pastSeconds'] = $numDays * 86400; $p['limit'] = 5; $topIsk = Stats::getTopIsk($p, true); $topIsk['title'] = 'Most Valuable Kills'; unset($p['pastSeconds']); // get latest kills $killsLimit = 50; $p['limit'] = $killsLimit; if (isset($page) && $page > 0 && $page < 100) { $p['page'] = $page; } else { $page = 1;
$topParameters["month"] = date("m"); } } if (!array_key_exists("kills", $topParameters) && !array_key_exists("losses", $topParameters)) { $topParameters["kills"] = true; } $topLists[] = array("type" => "character", "data" => Stats::getTopPilots($topParameters, true)); $topLists[] = array("type" => "corporation", "data" => Stats::getTopCorps($topParameters, true)); $topLists[] = array("type" => "alliance", "data" => Stats::getTopAllis($topParameters, true)); $topLists[] = array("type" => "ship", "data" => Stats::getTopShips($topParameters, true)); $topLists[] = array("type" => "system", "data" => Stats::getTopSystems($topParameters, true)); $topLists[] = array("type" => "weapon", "data" => Stats::getTopWeapons($topParameters, true)); if (isset($detail["factionID"]) && $detail["factionID"] != 0 && $key != "faction") { $topParameters["!factionID"] = 0; $topLists[] = array("name" => "Top Faction Characters", "type" => "character", "data" => Stats::getTopPilots($topParameters, true)); $topLists[] = array("name" => "Top Faction Corporations", "type" => "corporation", "data" => Stats::getTopCorps($topParameters, true)); $topLists[] = array("name" => "Top Faction Allianes", "type" => "alliance", "data" => Stats::getTopAllis($topParameters, true)); } } $corpList = array(); if ($pageType == "api") { $corpList = Info::getCorps($id); } $corpStats = array(); if ($pageType == "corpstats") { $corpStats = Info::getCorpStats($id, $parameters); } $onlyHistory = array("character", "corporation", "alliance"); if ($pageType == "history" && in_array($key, $onlyHistory)) { $detail["history"] = Summary::getMonthlyHistory($columnName, $id); } else {
<?php $parameters = array('limit' => 10, 'kills' => true, 'pastSeconds' => 3600, 'cacheTime' => 30); $alltime = false; $topKillers[] = array('type' => 'character', 'data' => Stats::getTopPilots($parameters, $alltime)); $topKillers[] = array('type' => 'corporation', 'data' => Stats::getTopCorps($parameters, $alltime)); $topKillers[] = array('type' => 'alliance', 'data' => Stats::getTopAllis($parameters, $alltime)); $topKillers[] = array('type' => 'faction', 'data' => Stats::getTopFactions($parameters, $alltime)); $topKillers[] = array('type' => 'system', 'data' => Stats::getTopSystems($parameters, $alltime)); $topKillers[] = array('type' => 'region', 'data' => Stats::getTopRegions($parameters, $alltime)); $topKillers[] = array('type' => 'ship', 'data' => Stats::getTopShips($parameters, $alltime)); $topKillers[] = array('type' => 'group', 'data' => Stats::getTopGroups($parameters, $alltime)); //$topKillers[] = array("type" => "weapon", "data" => Stats::getTopWeapons($parameters, $alltime)); unset($parameters['kills']); $parameters['losses'] = true; $topLosers[] = array('type' => 'character', 'ranked' => 'Losses', 'data' => Stats::getTopPilots($parameters, $alltime)); $topLosers[] = array('type' => 'corporation', 'ranked' => 'Losses', 'data' => Stats::getTopCorps($parameters, $alltime)); $topLosers[] = array('type' => 'alliance', 'ranked' => 'Losses', 'data' => Stats::getTopAllis($parameters, $alltime)); $topLosers[] = array('type' => 'faction', 'ranked' => 'Losses', 'data' => Stats::getTopFactions($parameters, $alltime)); $topLosers[] = array('type' => 'ship', 'ranked' => 'Losses', 'data' => Stats::getTopShips($parameters, $alltime)); $topLosers[] = array('type' => 'group', 'ranked' => 'Losses', 'data' => Stats::getTopGroups($parameters, $alltime)); $app->render('lasthour.html', array('topKillers' => $topKillers, 'topLosers' => $topLosers, 'time' => date('H:i')));
$topParameters['!factionID'] = 0; $topLists[] = array('name' => 'Top Faction Characters', 'type' => 'character', 'data' => Stats::getTopPilots($topParameters, true)); $topLists[] = array('name' => 'Top Faction Corporations', 'type' => 'corporation', 'data' => Stats::getTopCorps($topParameters, true)); $topLists[] = array('name' => 'Top Faction Alliances', 'type' => 'alliance', 'data' => Stats::getTopAllis($topParameters, true)); } } } else { $p = $parameters; $numDays = 7; $p['limit'] = 10; $p['pastSeconds'] = $numDays * 86400; $p['kills'] = $pageType != 'losses'; if ($key != 'character') { $topLists[] = Info::doMakeCommon('Top Characters', 'characterID', Stats::getTopPilots($p)); if ($key != 'corporation') { $topLists[] = Info::doMakeCommon('Top Corporations', 'corporationID', Stats::getTopCorps($p)); if ($key != 'alliance') { $topLists[] = Info::doMakeCommon('Top Alliances', 'allianceID', Stats::getTopAllis($p)); } } } if ($key != 'ship') { $topLists[] = Info::doMakeCommon('Top Ships', 'shipTypeID', Stats::getTopShips($p)); } if ($key != 'system') { $topLists[] = Info::doMakeCommon('Top Systems', 'solarSystemID', Stats::getTopSystems($p)); } $p['limit'] = 5; $topKills = Stats::getTopIsk($p); } $corpList = array();
$warFinished = @$warData['finished'] === true; $p = array('warID' => $warID); $kills = Kills::getKills($p); $topPods = array(); $topIsk = array(); $topPoints = array(); $topKillers = array(); $page = 1; $pageTitle = "War {$warID}"; $p['kills'] = true; if (!$warFinished) { $p['pastSeconds'] = 7 * 86400; } $top = array(); $top[] = Info::doMakeCommon('Top Characters', 'characterID', Stats::getTopPilots($p, $warFinished)); $top[] = Info::doMakeCommon('Top Corporations', 'corporationID', Stats::getTopCorps($p, $warFinished)); $top[] = Info::doMakeCommon('Top Alliances', 'allianceID', Stats::getTopAllis($p, $warFinished)); $top[] = Info::doMakeCommon('Top Ships', 'shipTypeID', Stats::getTopShips($p, $warFinished)); $top[] = Info::doMakeCommon('Top Systems', 'solarSystemID', Stats::getTopSystems($p, $warFinished)); $p['limit'] = 5; $topIsk = array(); //Stats::getTopIsk($p); unset($p['pastSeconds']); unset($p['kills']); // get latest kills $killsLimit = 50; $p['limit'] = $killsLimit; $preKills = Kills::getKills($p); $kills = array(); $agrID = $warData['aggressor']['id']; $dfdID = $warData['defender']['id'];