Example #1
 public function user_form($form_id, $post_id = null, $preview = false, $force_form_count = false, $specific_post_id = null)
     $bypass_form = apply_filters('cred_bypass_process_form_' . $form_id, false, $form_id, $post_id, $preview);
     $bypass_form = apply_filters('cred_bypass_process_form', $bypass_form, $form_id, $post_id, $preview);
     require_once 'FormData.php';
     $this->_formData = new FormData($form_id, CRED_USER_FORMS_CUSTOM_POST_NAME, $preview);
     $form =& $this->_formData;
     $formHelper = $this->_formHelper;
     // reference to the form submission method
     global ${'_' . StaticClass::METHOD};
     $method =& ${'_' . StaticClass::METHOD};
     // if some error happened, display a message instead
     $parse = $this->parseUserInputs($form_id, $post_id, $preview, $force_form_count, $specific_post_id);
     if ($formHelper->isError($parse)) {
         return $formHelper->getError($parse);
     $zebraForm = $this->_zebraForm;
     $zebraForm->extra_parameters = $this->_formData->getExtra();
     $form_id = $form->getForm()->ID;
     $_fields = $form->getFields();
     $form_type = $_fields['form_settings']->form['type'];
     $user_role = $_fields['form_settings']->form['user_role'];
     if (empty($user_role)) {
         $user_role = array('subscriber');
     $prg_id = $this->out_['prg_id'];
     $form_count = $this->out_['count'];
     $post_type = $this->_postType;
     //Removed this because we made it in parseInputs
     //Fixing: https://icanlocalize.basecamphq.com/projects/7393061-toolset/todo_items/190656261/comments#295538767
     // define global $post from $post_id
     global $post;
     if (is_int($post_id) && $post_id > 0) {
         if (!isset($post->ID) || isset($post->ID) && $post->ID != $post_id) {
             $post = get_post($post_id);
     //TODO: get user ???
     // show display message from previous submit of same create form (P-R-G pattern)
     if (!$zebraForm->preview && isset($_GET['_success_message']) && $_GET['_success_message'] == $prg_id && 'message' == $_fields['form_settings']->form['action']) {
         $zebraForm->is_submit_success = true;
         return $formHelper->displayMessage($form);
     } else {
         $zebraForm->is_submit_success = $this->isSubmitted();
     // no message to display if not submitted
     $message = false;
     // add notification message from previous submit of same create form (P-R-G pattern)
     /* if (($n_data=$formHelper->readCookie('_cred_cred_notifications'.$prg_id)))
        if (isset($n_data['sent']))
        foreach ((array)$n_data['sent'] as $ii)
        $zebraForm->add_form_message('notification_'.$ii, $formHelper->getLocalisedMessage('notification_was_sent'));
        if (isset($n_data['failed']))
        foreach ((array)$n_data['failed'] as $ii)
        $zebraForm->add_form_message('notification_'.$ii, $formHelper->getLocalisedMessage('notification_failed'));
        } */
     $thisform = array('id' => $form_id, 'post_type' => $post_type, 'form_type' => $form_type);
     //Check dates
     foreach ($_POST as $name => &$value) {
         if ($name == StaticClass::NONCE) {
         if (is_array($value) && isset($value['datepicker'])) {
             if (!function_exists('adodb_date')) {
                 require_once WPTOOLSET_FORMS_ABSPATH . '/lib/adodb-time.inc.php';
             $date_format = get_option('date_format');
             $date = $value['datepicker'];
             $value['datetime'] = adodb_date("Y-m-d", $date);
             $value['hour'] = isset($value['hour']) ? $value['hour'] : "00";
             $value['minute'] = isset($value['hour']) ? $value['minute'] : "00";
             $value['timestamp'] = strtotime($value['datetime'] . " " . $value['hour'] . ":" . $value['minute'] . ":00");
     //Centralized the mime types
     $mime_types = wp_get_mime_types();
     StaticClass::$_allowed_mime_types = array_merge($mime_types, array('xml' => 'text/xml'));
     StaticClass::$_allowed_mime_types = apply_filters('upload_mimes', StaticClass::$_allowed_mime_types);
      * sanitize input data
     if (!array_key_exists('post_fields', $this->out_['fields'])) {
         $this->out_['fields']['post_fields'] = array();
     //fixed Server side error messages should appear next to the field with the problem
     $formHelper->checkFilePost($zebraForm, $this->out_['fields']['post_fields']);
     if (isset($this->out_['fields']['post_fields']) && isset($this->out_['form_fields_info'])) {
         $formHelper->checkFilesType($this->out_['fields']['post_fields'], $this->out_['form_fields_info'], $zebraForm, $error_files);
     //if (!$bypass_form && $_zebraForm->validate($post_id, $_zebraForm->form_properties['fields']))
     if (!$bypass_form && $this->validate($error_files)) {
         if (!$zebraForm->preview) {
             // save post data
             $bypass_save_form_data = apply_filters('cred_bypass_save_data_' . $form_id, false, $form_id, $post_id, $thisform);
             $bypass_save_form_data = apply_filters('cred_bypass_save_data', $bypass_save_form_data, $form_id, $post_id, $thisform);
             if (!$bypass_save_form_data) {
                 $model = CRED_Loader::get('MODEL/UserForms');
                 $attachedData = $model->getAttachedData($post_id);
                 $user_id = $this->CRED_user_save($user_role, $post_id);
             if (is_wp_error($user_id)) {
                 $zebraForm->add_field_message($user_id->get_error_message(), 'User Name');
             } else {
                 if (is_int($user_id) && $user_id > 0) {
                     // set global $post
                     $post = get_post($post_id);
                     // send notifications
                     //list($n_sent, $n_failed)=$this->notify($post_id);
                     // enable notifications and notification events if any
                     $this->notify($user_id, $attachedData);
                     // save results for later messages if PRG
                     //$formHelper->setCookie('_cred_cred_notifications'.$prg_id, array('sent'=>$n_sent, 'failed'=>$n_failed));
                     // do custom action here
                     // user can redirect, display messages, overwrite page etc..
                     $bypass_credaction = apply_filters('cred_bypass_credaction_' . $form_id, false, $form_id, $post_id, $thisform);
                     $bypass_credaction = apply_filters('cred_bypass_credaction', $bypass_credaction, $form_id, $post_id, $thisform);
                     /* Add cred_submit_complete_form_ hook in CRED 1.3 */
                     $form_slug = $form->getForm()->post_name;
                     do_action('cred_submit_complete_form_' . $form_slug, $post_id, $thisform);
                     do_action('cred_submit_complete_' . $form_id, $post_id, $thisform);
                     do_action('cred_submit_complete', $post_id, $thisform);
                     // no redirect url
                     $url = false;
                     // do success action
                     if ($bypass_credaction) {
                         $credaction = 'form';
                     } else {
                         $credaction = $_fields['form_settings']->form['action'];
                     // do default or custom actions
                     switch ($credaction) {
                         case 'post':
                             //$url = get_edit_user_link($user_id); // $formHelper->getLocalisedPermalink($post_id, $_fields['form_settings']->post['post_type']); //get_permalink($post_id);
                             $url = get_author_posts_url($user_id);
                         case 'page':
                             $url = !empty($_fields['form_settings']->form['action_page']) ? $formHelper->getLocalisedPermalink($_fields['form_settings']->form['action_page'], 'page') : false;
                         case 'message':
                         case 'form':
                             // custom 3rd-party action
                         // custom 3rd-party action
                             if ('form' != $credaction && 'message' != $credaction) {
                                 // add hooks here, to do custom action when custom cred action has been selected
                                 do_action('cred_custom_success_action_' . $form_id, $credaction, $post_id, $thisform);
                                 do_action('cred_custom_success_action', $credaction, $post_id, $thisform);
                             // if previous did not do anything, default to display form
                             if ('form' != $credaction && 'message' != $credaction) {
                                 $credaction = 'form';
                             // no redirect url
                             $url = false;
                             // PRG (POST-REDIRECT-GET) pattern,
                             // to avoid resubmit on browser refresh issue, and also keep defaults on new form !! :)
                             if ('message' == $credaction) {
                                 $url = $formHelper->currentURI(array('_tt' => time(), '_success_message' => $prg_id, '_target' => $post_id));
                             } else {
                                 $url = $formHelper->currentURI(array('_tt' => time(), '_success' => $prg_id));
                             $url = $url . '#cred_form_' . $prg_id;
                             // do PRG, redirect now
                             $formHelper->redirect($url, array("HTTP/1.1 303 See Other"));
                             // just in case
                     // do redirect action here
                     if (false !== $url) {
                         if ('form' != $credaction && 'message' != $credaction) {
                             $url = apply_filters('cred_success_redirect_form_' . $form_slug, $url, $post_id, $thisform);
                             $url = apply_filters('cred_success_redirect_' . $form_id, $url, $post_id, $thisform);
                             $url = apply_filters('cred_success_redirect', $url, $post_id, $thisform);
                         if (false !== $url) {
                             $redirect_delay = $_fields['form_settings']->form['redirect_delay'];
                             if ($redirect_delay <= 0) {
                             } else {
                                 $formHelper->redirectDelayed($url, $redirect_delay);
                     $saved_message = $formHelper->getLocalisedMessage('post_saved');
                     $saved_message = apply_filters('cred_data_saved_message_' . $form_id, $saved_message, $form_id, $post_id, $preview);
                     $saved_message = apply_filters('cred_data_saved_message', $saved_message, $form_id, $post_id, $preview);
                     // add success message
                     //$zebraForm->add_form_message('data-saved', $formHelper->getLocalisedMessage('post_saved'));
                 } else {
                     if (isset($_FILES) && count($_FILES) > 0) {
                         // TODO check if this wp_list_pluck works with repetitive files... maybe in_array( array(1), $errors_on_files ) does the trick...
                         $errors_on_files = $food_names = wp_list_pluck($_FILES, 'error');
                         if (in_array(1, $errors_on_files) || in_array(2, $errors_on_files)) {
                             //$zebraForm->add_form_message('data-saved', $formHelper->getLocalisedMessage('no_data_submitted'));
                         } else {
                             // else just show the form again, another error happening here
                             //$zebraForm->add_form_message('data-saved', $formHelper->getLocalisedMessage('post_not_saved'));
                             //                                    $form_name = $formHelper->createFormID($form_id, $form_count);
                             //                                    $field_messages = $zebraForm->field_messages[$form_name];
                             //                                    if ( count($field_messages) == 1){
                             //                                        $not_saved_message=$formHelper->getLocalisedMessage('post_not_saved_singular');
                             //                                    }else{
                             //                                        $not_saved_message=$formHelper->getLocalisedMessage('post_not_saved_plural');
                             //                                    }
                             //                                    $error_list = '<ul>';
                             //                                    foreach ($field_messages as $id_field=>$text) {
                             //                                            $error_list .= '<li>'. $text .'</li>';
                             //                                    }
                             //                                    $error_list .= '</ul>';
                             //                                    $not_saved_message = str_replace( array('%PROBLEMS_UL_LIST','%NN'), array($error_list, count($field_messages)), $not_saved_message);
                             //                                    $zebraForm->add_field_message($not_saved_message);
                     } else {
                         // else just show the form again
                         //$zebraForm->add_form_message('data-saved', $formHelper->getLocalisedMessage('post_not_saved'));
         } else {
             //$zebraForm->add_form_message('preview-form',__('Preview Form submitted','wp-cred'));
             $zebraForm->add_field_message(__('Preview Form submitted', 'wp-cred'));
     } else {
         if ($this->isSubmitted()) {
             $form_name = $formHelper->createFormID($form_id, $form_count);
             $top_messages = isset($zebraForm->top_messages[$form_name]) ? $zebraForm->top_messages[$form_name] : array();
             if (empty($method)) {
                 $not_saved_message = $formHelper->getLocalisedMessage('no_data_submitted');
             } else {
                 //$not_saved_message=$formHelper->getLocalisedMessage('post_not_saved'); // Replaced to new custom error message by Gen
                 if (count($top_messages) == 1) {
                     $tmpmsg = str_replace("<br />%PROBLEMS_UL_LIST", "", $formHelper->getLocalisedMessage('post_not_saved_singular'));
                     $not_saved_message = $tmpmsg . "<br />%PROBLEMS_UL_LIST";
                 } else {
                     $tmpmsg = str_replace("<br />%PROBLEMS_UL_LIST", "", $formHelper->getLocalisedMessage('post_not_saved_plural'));
                     $not_saved_message = $tmpmsg . "<br />%PROBLEMS_UL_LIST";
                 $error_list = '<ul>';
                 foreach ($top_messages as $id_field => $text) {
                     $error_list .= '<li>' . $text . '</li>';
                 $error_list .= '</ul>';
                 $not_saved_message = str_replace(array('%PROBLEMS_UL_LIST', '%NN'), array($error_list, count($top_messages)), $not_saved_message);
             $not_saved_message = apply_filters('cred_data_not_saved_message_' . $form_id, $not_saved_message, $form_id, $post_id, $preview);
             $not_saved_message = apply_filters('cred_data_not_saved_message', $not_saved_message, $form_id, $post_id, $preview);
             //$zebraForm->add_form_message('data-saved', $not_saved_message);
             //            if ( !empty( $zebraForm->form_errors ) ) {
             //                foreach( $zebraForm->form_errors as $error_element_id => $error_message ) {
             //                    $zebraForm->add_form_message('data-saved', $error_message );
             //                }
             //            }
         } else {
             if (isset($_GET['_success']) && $_GET['_success'] == $prg_id) {
                 // add success message from previous submit of same any form (P-R-G pattern)
                 $saved_message = $formHelper->getLocalisedMessage('post_saved');
                 $saved_message = apply_filters('cred_data_saved_message_' . $form_id, $saved_message, $form_id, $post_id, $preview);
                 $saved_message = apply_filters('cred_data_saved_message', $saved_message, $form_id, $post_id, $preview);
                 //$zebraForm->add_form_message('data-saved', $saved_message);
     //        $msgs = "";
     //        $msg_block = "data-saved";
     //        if (isset($zebraForm->form_messages[$msg_block])&&count($zebraForm->form_messages[$msg_block])>0) {
     //           foreach ($zebraForm->form_messages[$msg_block] as $text) {
     //               $msgs .= "<label class=\"wpt-form-error\">$text</label><div style='clear:both;'></div>";
     //           }
     //        }
     $msgs = $zebraForm->getFieldsSuccessMessages();
     $msgs .= $zebraForm->getFieldsErrorMessages();
     $js = $zebraForm->getFieldsErrorMessagesJs();
     if (false !== $message) {
         $output = $message;
     } else {
         $output = $this->CRED_render($msgs, $js);
     return $output;
Example #2
 public static function cred__add_custom_mime_types($mimes)
     return StaticClass::$_allowed_mime_types = array_merge($mimes, StaticClass::$_allowed_mime_types);
  * Check if a file has a expected filetype
  * @param type $filetype
  * @param type $expected_filetypes
  * @return type
 private function is_correct_filetype($filename, $filetype, $expected_filetypes)
     $filetypes = array();
     $filetypes['audio'] = array('mp3|m4a|m4b' => 'audio/mpeg', 'ra|ram' => 'audio/x-realaudio', 'wav' => 'audio/wav', 'ogg|oga' => 'audio/ogg', 'mid|midi' => 'audio/midi', 'wma' => 'audio/x-ms-wma', 'wax' => 'audio/x-ms-wax', 'mka' => 'audio/x-matroska');
     $filetypes['audio'] = apply_filters('audio_upload_mimes', $filetypes['audio']);
     $filetypes['video'] = array('asf|asx' => 'video/x-ms-asf', 'wmv' => 'video/x-ms-wmv', 'wmx' => 'video/x-ms-wmx', 'wm' => 'video/x-ms-wm', 'avi' => 'video/avi', 'divx' => 'video/divx', 'flv' => 'video/x-flv', 'mov|qt' => 'video/quicktime', 'mpeg|mpg|mpe' => 'video/mpeg', 'mp4|m4v' => 'video/mp4', 'ogv' => 'video/ogg', 'webm' => 'video/webm', 'mkv' => 'video/x-matroska', '3gp|3gpp' => 'video/3gpp', '3g2|3gp2' => 'video/3gpp2');
     $filetypes['video'] = apply_filters('video_upload_mimes', $filetypes['video']);
     $filetypes['image'] = array('jpg|jpeg|jpe' => 'image/jpeg', 'gif' => 'image/gif', 'png' => 'image/png', 'bmp' => 'image/bmp', 'tif|tiff' => 'image/tiff', 'ico' => 'image/x-icon');
     $filetypes['image'] = apply_filters('image_upload_mimes', $filetypes['image']);
     $filetypes['file'] = array();
     $filetypes['file'] = StaticClass::$_allowed_mime_types;
     $filetypes['file'] = apply_filters('file_upload_mimes', $filetypes['file']);
     StaticClass::$_allowed_mime_types = $filetypes['file'];
     add_filter('upload_mimes', array('StaticClass', 'cred__add_custom_mime_types'));
     $ret = wp_check_filetype($filename, StaticClass::$_allowed_mime_types);
     return !empty($ret['ext']);
     //        $arr_filetypes_types = array_values($filetypes[$expected_filetypes]);
     //        $arr_filetypes_exts = array_keys($filetypes[$expected_filetypes]);
     //        $arr = @explode("/", $filetype);
     //        $isok = (isset($arr) && count($arr) >= 2) ? (in_array($arr[1], $arr_filetypes_exts) || in_array($filetype, $arr_filetypes_types)) : false;
     //        return $isok;