Example #1
        array_unshift($send, $lib->getTimeAdjusted());
        $datafil->setLine(67, implode("::", $send));
        //Create the statsite
        require_once "lib/StatSite.php";
        require_once "lib/LegacyMapper.php";
        require_once "lib/SiteContext.php";
        require_once "lib/Localizer.php";
        //Maps old to new parameters
        $statSiteMapper = new StatSiteLegacyMapper();
        $mappedInd = $statSiteMapper->applyMapping(array_merge($varsForStatSite, $ind));
        //Creates a new site context for the stat site.
        $siteContext = new SiteContext($lib, $stier, $mappedInd, 'da');
        //Creates the statsite
        $statSite = new StatSite($siteContext, 'text');
        //Disable bandwidth limitation
        //Generates the html for the statsite.
        $side = $statSite->generateSite();
        @mail($datafil->getLine(2), "Statistikker fra ZIP Stat", $side, "From: zipstat_mailstats@zip.dk\nReply-to: zipstat_mailstats@zip.dk\nX-abuse: postmaster@zip.dk\nX-Mailer: ZIP Stat mailstats\nContent-Type: text/plain");
        //Stat site end
        //Log the sending of the mail
        $fp = fopen("mailsSend.txt", "a");
        fwrite($fp, "Mail send " . date('r') . " " . $ind['brugernavn'] . ", adress: " . $datafil->getLine(2) . "\n");
    } else {
} else {