public function logout() { $auth = Staple_Auth::get(); $auth->clearAuth(); header('Location: ' . $this->_link(array('account', 'index'))); exit(0); }
function getStaffIds($inactive = null) { $auth = Staple_Auth::get(); $user = new userModel($auth->getAuthId()); $userId = $user->getId(); $authLevel = $user->getAuthLevel(); $data = array(); if ($authLevel >= 900) { if ($inactive == 1) { $sql = "\n SELECT id, firstName, lastName FROM accounts WHERE status = 0 ORDER BY lastName ASC\n "; } else { $sql = "\n SELECT id, firstName, lastName FROM accounts WHERE status = 1 ORDER BY lastName ASC\n "; } } else { if ($inactive == 1) { $sql = "\n SELECT id, firstName, lastName FROM accounts WHERE status = 0 AND supervisorId = '" . $this->db->real_escape_string($userId) . "' ORDER BY lastName ASC\n "; } else { $sql = "\n SELECT id, firstName, lastName FROM accounts WHERE status = 1 AND supervisorId = '" . $this->db->real_escape_string($userId) . "' ORDER BY lastName ASC\n "; } } $query = $this->db->query($sql); while ($result = $query->fetch_assoc()) { $data[$result['id']] = $result['lastName'] . ", " . $result['firstName']; } return $data; }
public function _start() { $auth = Staple_Auth::get(); $this->authLevel = $auth->getAuthLevel(); if ($this->authLevel < 500) { header("location:" . $this->_link(array('index', 'index')) . ""); } }
function allCodes() { $auth = Staple_Auth::get(); $uid = $auth->getAuthId(); $user = new userModel(); $user->userInfo($uid); $type = $user->getType(); if ($type == 'part') { $sql = "SELECT id, name FROM timeCodes WHERE type = 'part' ORDER BY listOrder ASC"; } else { $sql = "SELECT id, name FROM timeCodes WHERE 1 ORDER BY listOrder ASC"; } if ($this->db->query($sql)->fetch_row() > 0) { $query = $this->db->query($sql); while ($result = $query->fetch_assoc()) { $data[$result['id']] = $result['name']; } return $data; } }
public function _start() { $auth = Staple_Auth::get(); $user = new userModel(); $user->userInfo($auth->getAuthId()); $this->accountLevel = $user->getAuthLevel(); $this->setLayout('insertFormLayout'); $this->setName('insertTimeForm')->setAction($this->link(array('timesheet'))); $date = new Staple_Form_FoundationTextElement('date', 'Date'); $date->setRequired()->addValidator(new Staple_Form_Validate_Date())->addAttrib('placeholder', 'mm/dd/yyyy'); $inTime = new Staple_Form_FoundationTextElement('inTime', 'Time In'); $inTime->setRequired()->addFilter(new Staple_Form_Filter_Trim())->addValidator(new Staple_Form_Validate_Regex('/^(0|[0-9]|1[012]):[0-5][0-9] ?((a|p)m|(A|P)M)$/', 'Invalid time format. Expected format: h:mm am/pm.'))->addAttrib('placeholder', 'h:mm am/pm'); $outTime = new Staple_Form_FoundationTextElement('outTime', 'Time Out'); $outTime->setRequired()->addFilter(new Staple_Form_Filter_Trim())->addValidator(new Staple_Form_Validate_Regex('/^(0|[0-9]|1[012]):[0-5][0-9] ?((a|p)m|(A|P)M)$/', 'Invalid time format. Expected format: h:mm am/pm.'))->addAttrib('placeholder', 'h:mm am/pm'); $lessTime = new Staple_Form_FoundationSelectElement('lessTime', 'Less Time'); $lessTime->setRequired()->addOptionsArray(array("0" => "None", "60" => "1 Hour", "30" => "30 Minutes"))->addValidator(new Staple_Form_Validate_InArray(array('0', '60', '30'))); $timeCodes = new codeModel(); $code = new Staple_Form_FoundationSelectElement('code', 'Code'); $code->setRequired()->addOption("x", "Select an option")->addOptionsArray($timeCodes->allCodes())->addValidator(new Staple_Form_Validate_InArray(array_keys($timeCodes->allCodes()))); $code->setValue($timeCodes->getIdFor('Normal')['id']); $submit = new Staple_Form_FoundationSubmitElement('submit', 'Submit'); $submit->addClass('button expand radius'); $this->addField($date, $inTime, $outTime, $lessTime, $code, $submit); }
function validated($id, $uid = null) { if ($uid == null) { $auth = Staple_Auth::get(); $user = new userModel($auth->getAuthId()); $userId = $user->getId(); $batchId = $user->getBatchId(); } else { $user = new userModel(); $info = $user->userInfo($uid); $userId = $info['id']; $batchId = $info['batchId']; } $sql = "SELECT id FROM timeEntries WHERE userId = '" . $this->db->real_escape_string($userId) . "' AND batchId = '" . $this->db->real_escape_string($batchId) . "' AND id = '" . $this->db->real_escape_string($id) . "'"; if ($this->db->query($sql)->num_rows > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } }
function __construct() { $this->db = Staple_DB::get(); $auth = Staple_Auth::get(); $username = $auth->getAuthId(); $sql = "SELECT id, username, firstName, lastName, authLevel, batchId, supervisorId, type FROM accounts WHERE username = '******'"; if ($this->db->query($sql)->fetch_row() > 0) { $query = $this->db->query($sql); $result = $query->fetch_assoc(); $this->setid($result['id']); $this->setUsername($result['username']); $this->setFirstName($result['firstName']); $this->setLastName($result['lastName']); $this->setAuthLevel($result['authLevel']); $this->setBatchId($result['batchId']); $this->setSupervisorId($result['supervisorId']); $this->setType($result['type']); } else { return false; } }
public function validate($year, $month) { $timesheet = new timesheetModel($year, $month); //Get Current Batch ID $auth = Staple_Auth::get(); $user = new userModel($auth->getAuthId()); $batchId = $user->getBatchId(); //Check for unvalidated entries within the current pay period. $i = 0; foreach ($timesheet->getEntries() as $entry) { if ($entry->inTimeRaw >= $timesheet->getStartDateTimeString() && $entry->inTimeRaw <= $timesheet->getEndDateTimeString()) { if ($entry->batchId == $timesheet->getBatch()) { $i++; } } } if ($i > 0) { $this->view->timesheet = $timesheet; $form = new validateTimeSheetForm(); $form->setAction($this->_link(array('timesheet', 'validate', $timesheet->getCurrentYear(), $timesheet->getCurrentMonth()))); if ($form->wasSubmitted()) { if ($entry->inTimeRaw >= $timesheet->getStartDateTimeString() && $entry->inTimeRaw <= $timesheet->getEndDateTimeString()) { $timesheet->validate($batchId); header("location:" . $this->_link(array('timesheet')) . ""); } } else { $this->view->form = $form; $this->view->needsValidation = false; } } else { $this->view->needsValidation = false; $this->view->timesheet = array(); } }
public function unlockid($id) { $auth = Staple_Auth::get(); $this->authLevel = $auth->getAuthLevel(); if ($this->authLevel < 900) { header("location:" . $this->_link(array('index', 'index')) . ""); } else { $unlock = new unlockModel(); if ($unlock->unlock($id)) { $this->view->message = "<i class='fa fa-check'></i> Time entry unlocked."; } else { $this->view->message = "<i class='fa fa-close'></i> ERROR: Unable to unlock your own time entries."; } } }
/** * Returns a boolean true or false whether the method requires authentication * before being dispatched from the front controller. * @param string $method * @return bool */ public function _auth($method) { $method = (string) $method; if (!ctype_alnum($method)) { throw new Exception('Authentication Validation Error', Staple_Error::AUTH_ERROR); } else { if (method_exists($this, $method)) { //Is the controller completely open? if ($this->open === true) { return true; } elseif (array_search($method, $this->openMethods) !== FALSE) { return true; } elseif (Staple_Auth::get()->isAuthed() && Staple_Auth::get()->getAuthLevel() >= $this->_authLevel($method)) { return true; } } else { throw new Exception('Authentication Validation Error', Staple_Error::AUTH_ERROR); } } return false; }
/** * * Gets the singleton instance of the object. Checks the session to see if a current auth * object already exists. If not a new Auth object is created. * @return Staple_Auth */ public static function get() { if (!self::$instance instanceof Staple_Auth) { if (array_key_exists('Staple', $_SESSION)) { if (array_key_exists('auth', $_SESSION['Staple'])) { self::$instance = $_SESSION['Staple']['auth']; } } if (!self::$instance instanceof Staple_Auth) { self::$instance = new Staple_Auth(); } } return self::$instance; }
function __construct() { $this->db = Staple_DB::get(); $auth = Staple_Auth::get(); $this->username = $auth->getAuthId(); }