Example #1
  * Prints a form to the end user so that the users on the front-end can create 
  * posts (beware security!).
  * [cctm_post_form post_type="property" thank_you_url="" on_save="default-action-here"]
  * @param	array	$raw_args: parameters from the shortcode: name, filter
  * @param	string	$options (optional)
  * @return string (printed)	 
 public static function cctm_post_form($raw_args = array(), $options = null)
     $post_type = CCTM::get_value($raw_args, 'post_type');
     $output = array('content' => '', 'errors' => '');
     $defaults = array('post_type' => '', 'post_status' => 'draft', 'post_author' => CCTM::get_user_identifier(), 'post_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'post_date_gmt' => gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'post_modified' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'post_modified_gmt' => gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'), '_label_title' => __('Title'), '_label_content' => __('Content'), '_label_excerpt' => __('Excerpt'), '_callback_pre' => null, '_callback' => 'CCTM::post_form_handler', '_action' => get_permalink(), '_tpl' => '_default', '_id_prefix' => 'cctm_', '_name_prefix' => 'cctm_', '_css' => CCTM_URL . '/css/manager.css,' . CCTM_URL . '/css/validation.css', '_fields' => '', '_debug' => 0);
     $args = array_merge($defaults, $raw_args);
     // Call the _callback_pre function (if present).
     if ($args['_callback_pre']) {
         if (function_exists($args['_callback_pre'])) {
             $output['content'] .= call_user_func($args['_callback_pre'], $args);
         } else {
             return '_callback_pre function does not exist: ' . $args['_callback_pre'];
     // Load CSS
     $css = explode(',', $args['_css']);
     foreach ($css as $c) {
         $css_id = basename($c);
         wp_register_style($css_id, $c);
     // Hard error
     if (empty($post_type)) {
         return __('cctm_post_form shortcode requires the "post_type" parameter.', CCTM_TXTDOMAIN);
     } elseif (in_array($post_type, array('attachment', 'revision', 'nav_menu_item'))) {
         return sprintf(__('cctm_post_form shortcode does not support that post_type: %s', CCTM_TXTDOMAIN), $post_type);
     // WTF?
     if (!post_type_exists($post_type)) {
         return sprintf(__('cctm_post_form shortcode post_type not found: %s', CCTM_TXTDOMAIN), $post_type);
     // Process the form on submit
     $nonce = CCTM::get_value($_POST, '_cctm_nonce');
     if (!empty($_POST)) {
         // Bogus submission
         if (!wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'cctm_post_form_nonce')) {
             die('Your form could not be submitted.  Please reload the page and try again.');
         // Strip prefix from post keys: only collect those with the given prefix.
         // This should allow mulitiple forms on one page.
         $vals = array();
         foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) {
             if (preg_match('/^' . preg_quote($args['_name_prefix']) . '/', $k)) {
                 $k = preg_replace('/^' . preg_quote($args['_name_prefix']) . '/', '', $k);
                 $vals[$k] = wp_kses($v, array());
                 // TODO: options for this?
         // Validate fields
         StandardizedCustomFields::validate_fields($post_type, $vals);
         $vals = array_merge($vals, $args);
         if ($args['_debug']) {
             print '<div style="background-color:orange; padding:10px;"><h3>[cctm_post_form] DEBUG MODE</h3>' . '<h4>Posted Data</h4><pre>' . print_r($vals, true) . '</pre>' . '</div>';
         // Save data if it was properly submitted
         if (empty(CCTM::$post_validation_errors)) {
             return call_user_func($args['_callback'], $vals);
         } else {
             $error_item_tpl = CCTM::load_tpl(array('forms/_error_item.tpl'));
             $hash = array();
             $hash['errors'] = '';
             $hash['error_msg'] = __('This form has validation errors.', CCTM_TXTDOMAIN);
             $hash['cctm_url'] = CCTM_URL;
             foreach (CCTM::$post_validation_errors as $k => $v) {
                 $hash['errors'] .= CCTM::parse($error_item_tpl, array('error' => $v));
             $error_wrapper_tpl = CCTM::load_tpl(array('forms/_error_wrapper.tpl'));
             $output['errors'] = CCTM::parse($error_wrapper_tpl, $hash);
     // Generate the form.
     $output['_action'] = $args['_action'];
     // Custom fields
     $explicit_fields = false;
     $custom_fields = array();
     if ($args['_fields']) {
         $explicit_fields = true;
         $tmp = explode(',', $args['_fields']);
         foreach ($tmp as $t) {
             $custom_fields[] = trim($t);
         $args['_fields'] = $custom_fields;
     } elseif (isset(CCTM::$data['post_type_defs'][$post_type]['custom_fields'])) {
         $custom_fields = CCTM::$data['post_type_defs'][$post_type]['custom_fields'];
     // Post Title
     if (!$explicit_fields && post_type_supports($args['post_type'], 'title') && !isset($args['post_title']) || $explicit_fields && in_array('post_title', $custom_fields)) {
         $FieldObj = CCTM::load_object('text', 'fields');
         $post_title_def = array('label' => $args['_label_title'], 'name' => 'post_title', 'default_value' => wp_kses(CCTM::get_value($_POST, $args['_name_prefix'] . 'post_title'), array()), 'extra' => '', 'class' => '', 'description' => '', 'validator' => '', 'output_filter' => '', 'type' => 'text');
         $output_this_field = $FieldObj->get_create_field_instance();
         $output['post_title'] = $output_this_field;
         $output['content'] .= $output_this_field;
     // Post Content (editor)
     if (!$explicit_fields && post_type_supports($args['post_type'], 'editor') && !isset($args['post_content']) || $explicit_fields && in_array('post_content', $custom_fields)) {
         $FieldObj = CCTM::load_object('textarea', 'fields');
         // TODO: change to wysiwyg
         $post_title_def = array('label' => $args['_label_content'], 'name' => 'post_content', 'default_value' => wp_kses(CCTM::get_value($_POST, $args['_name_prefix'] . 'post_content'), array()), 'extra' => 'cols="80" rows="10"', 'class' => '', 'description' => '', 'validator' => '', 'output_filter' => '', 'type' => 'textarea');
         $output_this_field = $FieldObj->get_create_field_instance();
         $output['post_content'] = $output_this_field;
         $output['content'] .= $output_this_field;
     // Post Excerpt
     if (!$explicit_fields && post_type_supports($args['post_type'], 'excerpt') && !isset($args['post_excerpt']) || $explicit_fields && in_array('post_excerpt', $custom_fields)) {
         $FieldObj = CCTM::load_object('textarea', 'fields');
         $post_title_def = array('label' => $args['_label_excerpt'], 'name' => 'post_excerpt', 'default_value' => wp_kses(CCTM::get_value($_POST, $args['_name_prefix'] . 'post_excerpt'), array()), 'extra' => 'cols="80" rows="10"', 'class' => '', 'description' => '', 'validator' => '', 'output_filter' => '', 'type' => 'textarea');
         $output_this_field = $FieldObj->get_create_field_instance();
         $output['post_excerpt'] = $output_this_field;
         $output['content'] .= $output_this_field;
     foreach ($custom_fields as $cf) {
         // skip the field if its value is hard-coded
         if (!isset(CCTM::$data['custom_field_defs'][$cf]) || isset($args[$cf])) {
         $def = CCTM::$data['custom_field_defs'][$cf];
         if (isset($def['required']) && $def['required'] == 1) {
             $def['label'] = $def['label'] . '*';
             // Add asterisk
         // See https://code.google.com/p/wordpress-custom-content-type-manager/wiki/cctm_post_form
         if ($def['type'] == 'wysiwyg') {
             $def['type'] = 'textarea';
         } elseif (in_array($def['type'], array('relation', 'image', 'media'))) {
             $output['errors'] .= ' ' . $def['type'] . ' fields not allowed.';
         $output_this_field = '';
         if (!($FieldObj = CCTM::load_object($def['type'], 'fields'))) {
         // Repopulate
         if (isset($_POST[$args['_name_prefix'] . $def['name']])) {
             $def['default_value'] = wp_kses($_POST[$args['_name_prefix'] . $def['name']], array());
         if (empty(CCTM::$post_validation_errors)) {
             $output_this_field = $FieldObj->get_create_field_instance();
         } else {
             $current_value = wp_kses(CCTM::get_value($_POST, $args['_name_prefix'] . $def['name']), array());
             if (isset(CCTM::$post_validation_errors[$def['name']])) {
                 $def['error_msg'] = sprintf('<span class="cctm_validation_error">%s</span>', CCTM::$post_validation_errors[$def['name']]);
                 if (isset($def['class'])) {
                     $def['class'] .= 'cctm_validation_error';
                 } else {
                     $def['class'] = 'cctm_validation_error';
             $output_this_field = $FieldObj->get_edit_field_instance($current_value);
         $output[$cf] = $output_this_field;
         $output['content'] .= $output_this_field;
     // Add Nonce
     $output['nonce'] = '<input type="hidden" name="_cctm_nonce" value="' . wp_create_nonce('cctm_post_form_nonce') . '" />';
     $output['content'] .= $output['nonce'];
     // Add Submit
     $output['submit'] = '<input type="submit" value="' . __('Submit', CCTM_TXTDOMAIN) . '" />';
     $output['content'] .= $output['submit'];
     $formtpl = CCTM::load_tpl(array('forms/' . $args['_tpl'] . '.tpl', 'forms/_' . $post_type . '.tpl', 'forms/_default.tpl'));
     if ($args['_debug']) {
         $formtpl = '<div style="background-color:orange; padding:10px;"><h3>[cctm_post_form] DEBUG MODE</h3>' . '<h4>Arguments</h4><pre>' . print_r($args, true) . '</pre>' . '</div>' . $formtpl;
     return CCTM::parse($formtpl, $output);