function srz_yt_albums_edit() { if (isset($_GET['id'])) { echo '<div id="icon-edit-pages" class="icon32 icon32-posts-page"><br></div><h2>Edit Album</h2>'; $value_arr = SrizonYTDB::GetAlbum($_GET['id']); } else { echo '<div id="icon-edit-pages" class="icon32 icon32-posts-page"><br></div><h2>Add New Album</h2>'; $value_arr = array('title' => '', 'username' => '', 'playlist' => '', 'source' => 'userupload', 'updatefeed' => '600', 'totalvid' => '20', 'liststyle' => 'fullpage', 'tpltheme' => 'white', 'paginatenum' => '18', 'largerow' => '3', 'smallrow' => '1', 'thumbpadding' => '5', 'showtitle' => 'yes', 'titleboxheight' => '30', 'conrnerrounding' => '7', 'thumbshadow' => '5l', 'iconoverlay' => 'yes', 'tdratio' => '2575', 'conrnerroundingd' => '7', 'thumbshadowd' => '5l', 'iconoverlayd' => 'yes', 'trimdesc' => '200', 'respslidespeed' => '500', 'respslidestart' => '0', 'targetheight' => '200', 'api_key' => 'AIzaSyBbRXlCqwT1TmkWZoh_OyuzgJHoTdoZffY'); } SrizonYTUI::OptionWrapperStart(); SrizonYTUI::RightColStart(); SrizonYTUI::BoxHeader('box1', "Youtube Album"); echo '<div>Fill up the video source and other parameters properly. Save to get the shortcode. Use the shortcode on your post or page</div>'; SrizonYTUI::BoxFooter(); SrizonYTUI::RightColEnd(); SrizonYTUI::LeftColStart(); include 'srizon-yt-album-option-form.php'; SrizonYTUI::LeftColEnd(); SrizonYTUI::OptionWrapperEnd(); }
echo ' checked="checked"'; } ?> /><span>Hide </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Trim Description after # characters</td> <td><input type="text" size="4" name="options[trimdesc]" value="<?php echo $value_arr['trimdesc']; ?> "/></td> </tr> </table> <?php SrizonYTUI::BoxFooter(); ?> <div> <span class="label"><?php wp_nonce_field('srz_yt_albums', 'srjyt_submit'); ?> </span> <?php if (isset($value_arr['id'])) { echo '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . $value_arr['id'] . '" />'; } ?> <input type="submit" class="button-primary" name="submit" value="Save Album"/> </div> </form>