public function execute() { if (Tools::isConnectedUser()) { $teamid = Tools::getSecureGETIntValue('teamid'); $startTimestamp = Tools::getSecureGETStringValue('startT'); $endTimestamp = Tools::getSecureGETStringValue('endT'); $projectIds = Tools::getSecureGETIntValue('projects', 0); if (0 != $projectIds) { $projectIds = explode(':', $projectIds); if (self::$logger->isDebugEnabled()) { self::$logger->debug("team <{$teamid}> projects = <{$projectIds}>"); } } else { if (self::$logger->isDebugEnabled()) { self::$logger->debug("team <{$teamid}> display all projects"); } $projectIds = array(); } /* INFO: the following 1 line are MANDATORY and fix the following error: * “The image <name> cannot be displayed because it contains errors” * Can't call ob_end_clean() if zlib.output_compression is ON */ if (!ini_get('zlib.output_compression')) { ob_end_clean(); } $graph = $this->getGanttGraph($teamid, $startTimestamp, $endTimestamp, $projectIds); // display graph $graph->Stroke(); SqlWrapper::getInstance()->logStats(); } else { Tools::sendForbiddenAccess(); } }
/** * Compute monthly reports for the complete year * @return PeriodStats[] */ public function computeReport() { $now = time(); $startM = $this->start_month; $startD = $this->start_day; for ($y = $this->start_year; $y <= date('Y'); $y++) { for ($month = $startM; $month < 13; $month++) { $startTimestamp = mktime(0, 0, 1, $month, $startD, $y); $endTimestamp = mktime(0, 0, 1, $month + 1, $startD, $y); if ($startTimestamp > $now) { break; } $periodStats = new PeriodStats($startTimestamp, $endTimestamp); $projectList = array(); // only projects for specified team, except excluded projects $query = "SELECT project_id FROM `codev_team_project_table` " . "WHERE team_id = {$this->teamid} " . "AND codev_team_project_table.type <> " . Project::type_noStatsProject; $result = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_query($query); if (!$result) { echo "<span style='color:red'>ERROR: Query FAILED</span>"; exit; } while ($row = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_fetch_object($result)) { $projectList[] = $row->project_id; } $periodStats->projectList = $projectList; $periodStats->computeStats(); $this->periodStatsList[$startTimestamp] = $periodStats; $startD = 1; } $startM = 1; } return $this->periodStatsList; }
/** * Create a SQL connection * @static * @param string $server The MySQL server * @param string $username The username * @param string $password The password * @param string $database_name The name of the database that is to be selected. * @return SqlWrapper The SQLWrapper */ public static function createInstance($server, $username, $password, $database_name) { if (!isset(self::$instance)) { $c = __CLASS__; self::$instance = new $c($server, $username, $password, $database_name); } return self::$instance; }
function execQuery($query) { $result = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_query($query); if (!$result) { echo "<span style='color:red'>ERROR: Query FAILED {$query}</span>"; exit; } return $result; }
function login($user, $password) { $logger = Logger::getLogger('login'); // WARN: if logger is LoggerAppenderEcho, then logs will break the login Ajax call ! try { $appenders = $logger->getParent()->getAllAppenders(); $isLog = true; foreach ($appenders as $appender) { if ('LoggerAppenderEcho' === get_class($appender)) { $isLog = false; break; } } } catch (Exception $e) { // logs should never break application $isLog = false; } $password = md5($password); $formattedUser = SqlWrapper::sql_real_escape_string($user); $formattedPass = SqlWrapper::sql_real_escape_string($password); $query = "SELECT id, username, realname FROM `mantis_user_table` WHERE username = '******' AND password = '******' AND enabled = 1;"; $result = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_query($query); if ($result && SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_num_rows($result) == 1 && ($row_login = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_fetch_object($result))) { $_SESSION['userid'] = $row_login->id; $_SESSION['username'] = $row_login->username; $_SESSION['realname'] = $row_login->realname; try { $user = UserCache::getInstance()->getUser($row_login->id); $locale = $user->getDefaultLanguage(); if (NULL != $locale) { $_SESSION['locale'] = $locale; } $teamid = $user->getDefaultTeam(); if (0 != $teamid) { $_SESSION['teamid'] = $teamid; } $projid = $user->getDefaultProject(); if (0 != $projid) { $_SESSION['projectid'] = $projid; } } catch (Exception $e) { if ($isLog && self::$logger->isDebugEnabled()) { $logger->debug("could not load preferences for user {$row_login->id}"); } } if ($isLog) { $ua = Tools::getBrowser(); $browserStr = $ua['name'] . ' ' . $ua['version'] . ' (' . $ua['platform'] . ')'; $logger->info('user ' . $row_login->id . ' ' . $row_login->username . ' (' . $row_login->realname . '), Team ' . $user->getDefaultTeam() . ', ' . $browserStr); } return TRUE; } else { #$error = 'login failed !'; return FALSE; } }
public static function execSqlScript($sqlfile) { $sql_queries = self::getSqlQueries($sqlfile); $i = 1; foreach ($sql_queries as $query) { $result = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_query(trim($query)); if (!$result) { return -1; } ++$i; } return 0; }
public static function execSqlScript($sqlfile) { $sql_queries = self::getSqlQueries($sqlfile); $i = 1; foreach ($sql_queries as $query) { $result = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_query(trim($query)); if (!$result) { echo "<span style='color:red'>ERROR: Query {$i} FAILED</span>"; return -1; } ++$i; } return 0; }
public function getVersionDate() { if (NULL == $this->versionDate) { $query = "SELECT date_order " . "FROM `mantis_project_version_table` " . "WHERE project_id = {$this->projectId} " . "AND version = '{$this->name}';"; $result = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_query($query); if (!$result) { echo "<span style='color:red'>ERROR: Query FAILED</span>"; exit; } $this->versionDate = 0 != SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_num_rows($result) ? SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_result($result, 0) : "(none)"; if ($this->versionDate <= 1) { $this->versionDate = "(none)"; } } return $this->versionDate; }
/** * fiches analyzed dont BI non renseignes * fiches analyzed dont RAE non renseignes * @return ConsistencyError[] */ public function checkAnalyzed() { // CoDev FDJ custom, defined in Mantis $status_analyzed = Config::getVariableKeyFromValue(Config::id_statusNames, 'analyzed'); $status_accepted = Config::getVariableKeyFromValue(Config::id_statusNames, 'accepted'); $status_deferred = Config::getVariableKeyFromValue(Config::id_statusNames, 'deferred'); $FDJ_teamid = Config::getInstance()->getValue(Config::id_ClientTeamid); $cerrList = array(); // select all issues which current status is 'analyzed' $query = "SELECT * " . "FROM `mantis_bug_table` " . "WHERE status in ({$status_analyzed}, {$status_accepted}, " . Constants::$status_open . ", {$status_deferred}) "; if (0 != count($this->projectList)) { $formatedProjects = implode(', ', array_keys($this->projectList)); $query .= "AND project_id IN ({$formatedProjects}) "; } $query .= "ORDER BY last_updated DESC, bug_id DESC"; $result = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_query($query); if (!$result) { echo "<span style='color:red'>ERROR: Query FAILED</span>"; exit; } while ($row = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_fetch_object($result)) { $issue = IssueCache::getInstance()->getIssue($row->id, $row); if (NULL == $issue->getEffortEstim()) { $cerr = new ConsistencyError($row->id, $row->handler_id, $row->status, $row->last_updated, T_("BI not specified: BI = Time(Analysis + Dev + Tests)")); $cerr->severity = T_("Error"); $cerrList[] = $cerr; } if (is_null($issue->getBacklog())) { $cerr = new ConsistencyError($row->bug_id, $row->handler_id, $row->status, $row->last_updated, T_("Backlog not specified: Backlog = Time(BI - Analysis)")); $cerr->severity = T_("Error"); $cerrList[] = $cerr; } if ($status_analyzed == $row->status) { $user = UserCache::getInstance()->getUser($row->handler_id); if (!$user->isTeamMember($FDJ_teamid)) { $cerr = new ConsistencyError($row->bug_id, $row->handler_id, $row->status, $row->last_updated, T_("Once analysed, a Task must be assigned to 'FDJ' for validation")); $cerr->severity = T_("Error"); $cerrList[] = $cerr; } } } // check if fields correctly set return $cerrList; }
private function getResolvedIssues($teamid, $userid = 0, $projects = NULL) { $team = TeamCache::getInstance()->getTeam($teamid); if (is_null($projects)) { $projects = $team->getProjects(false, false, false); $formattedProjects = implode(',', array_keys($projects)); } else { $formattedProjects = implode(',', array_values($projects)); } $formattedUsers = 0 != $userid ? $userid : implode(',', array_keys($team->getActiveMembers())); $query = "SELECT id FROM `mantis_bug_table` " . "WHERE project_id IN ({$formattedProjects}) " . "AND handler_id IN ({$formattedUsers}) " . "AND status >= get_project_resolved_status_threshold(project_id) "; $result = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_query($query); echo "query = {$query}<br>"; if (!$result) { echo "<span style='color:red'>ERROR: Query FAILED</span>"; exit; } $isel = new IssueSelection('resolvedIssues'); while ($row = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_fetch_object($result)) { $isel->addIssue($row->id); } echo implode(',', array_keys($isel->getIssueList())); return $isel; }
/** * Returns all Issues resolved in the period, including re-opened and validated. * * @param array $formattedBugidList comma-separated list to be included in SQL request * @param int $startTimestamp * @param int $endTimestamp * @return array bugidList */ private function getResolved($formattedBugidList, $start, $end) { // all bugs which status changed to 'resolved' whthin the timestamp $query = "SELECT " . "FROM `mantis_bug_table` as bug, `mantis_bug_history_table` as history " . "WHERE IN ({$formattedBugidList}) " . "AND = history.bug_id " . "AND history.field_name='status' " . "AND history.date_modified >= {$start} AND history.date_modified < {$end} " . "AND history.new_value = get_project_resolved_status_threshold(project_id) "; $result = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_query($query); if (!$result) { echo "<span style='color:red'>ERROR: Query FAILED</span>"; exit; } $resolvedList = array(); while ($row = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_fetch_object($result)) { $resolvedList[] = $row->id; } // remove duplicated values $resolvedList = array_unique($resolvedList); return $resolvedList; }
/** * Get assigned jobs * @param array $plist The projects * @return mixed[int] The assigned jobs */ private function getAssignedJobTuples(array $plist) { $query = "SELECT as job_id, AS job_name,, project_job.project_id " . "FROM `codev_job_table` as job " . "JOIN `codev_project_job_table` as project_job ON = project_job.job_id " . "ORDER BY project_job.project_id;"; $result = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_query($query); if (!$result) { echo "<span style='color:red'>ERROR: Query FAILED</span>"; exit; } $projects = array(); while ($row = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_fetch_object($result)) { // if SuiviOp do not allow tu delete $desc = $row->job_name . " - " . $plist[$row->project_id]; $desc = str_replace("'", "\\'", $desc); $desc = str_replace('"', "\\'", $desc); $projects[$row->id] = array("desc" => $desc, "jobid" => $row->job_id, "jobname" => $row->job_name, "projectid" => $row->project_id, "project" => $plist[$row->project_id]); } return $projects; }
/** * copy plugin in mantis plugins directory * * @return bool true if success */ function installMantisPlugin($pluginName, $isReplace = true) { try { $mantisPluginDir = Constants::$mantisPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'plugins'; $srcDir = realpath("..") . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'mantis_plugin' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $pluginName; $destDir = $mantisPluginDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $pluginName; if (!is_writable($mantisPluginDir)) { echo "<span class='warn_font'>Path to mantis plugins directory '" . $mantisPluginDir . "' is NOT writable: {$pluginName} plugin must be installed manualy.</span><br/>"; return false; } // do not replace if already installed if (!$isReplace && is_dir($destDir)) { echo "<span class='success_font'>Mantis {$pluginName} plugin is already installed.</span><br/>"; return true; } // remove previous installed CodevTT plugin if (is_writable($destDir)) { Tools::deleteDir($destDir); } // copy CodevTT plugin if (is_dir($srcDir)) { $result = Tools::recurse_copy($srcDir, $destDir); } else { echo "<span class='error_font'>plugin directory '" . $srcDir . "' NOT found: {$pluginName} plugin must be installed manualy.</span><br/>"; return false; } if (!$result) { echo "<span class='error_font'>mantis plugin installation failed: {$pluginName} plugin must be installed manualy.</span><br/>"; } // activate plugin $query = "INSERT INTO mantis_plugin_table (basename, enabled, protected, priority)" . " SELECT * FROM (SELECT '{$pluginName}', '1', '0', '3') AS tmp" . " WHERE NOT EXISTS (" . " SELECT basename FROM mantis_plugin_table WHERE basename = '{$pluginName}') LIMIT 1;"; $result = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_query($query); if (!$result) { echo "<span class='warn_font'>mantis {$pluginName} plugin must be activated manualy.</span><br/>"; } } catch (Exception $e) { echo "<span class='error_font'>mantis plugin installation failed: " . $e->getMessage() . "</span><br/>"; echo "<span class='error_font'>{$pluginName} plugin must be installed manualy.</span><br/>"; $result = false; } return $result; }
function updateTeams() { echo "- Clean teams...<br>"; flush(); $mgrId = 37; $lbayleId = 2; $demoTeamId = 11; $stprojId = 24; execQuery("UPDATE `codev_team_table` SET `leader_id` = '{$lbayleId}' "); //execQuery("UPDATE `codev_team_user_table` SET access_level = 10 WHERE team_id <> $demoTeamId AND user_id = $mgrId"); execQuery("DELETE FROM `codev_team_user_table` WHERE team_id <> {$demoTeamId} AND user_id = {$mgrId}"); $resTeams = execQuery("SELECT * FROM `codev_team_table` WHERE id NOT IN (1, {$demoTeamId})"); while ($rowTeam = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_fetch_object($resTeams)) { execQuery("UPDATE `codev_team_table` SET `name` = 'Team" . $rowTeam->id . "' WHERE `id` ='{$rowTeam->id}' "); } // codev_admin team $query = "DELETE FROM `codev_team_user_table` WHERE `team_id` ='1' AND user_id NOT IN (1,{$lbayleId})"; // admin,lbayle execQuery($query); // demo team execQuery("UPDATE `codev_team_table` SET `name` = 'DEMO_Team' WHERE `id` ='{$demoTeamId}' "); execQuery("UPDATE `codev_team_table` SET `leader_id` = '{$mgrId}' WHERE `id` ='{$demoTeamId}' "); execQuery("UPDATE `codev_team_table` SET `description` = '' WHERE `id` ='{$demoTeamId}' "); execQuery("UPDATE `mantis_project_table` SET `name` = 'SideTasks DEMO_Team' WHERE `id` ='{$stprojId}' "); }
/** * return the posts submitted by a given user, * * @param int $user_id * * @return BlogPost[] */ public function getSubmittedPosts($user_id) { $query = "SELECT * FROM `codev_blog_table` where src_user_id = " . $user_id . ";"; $result = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_query($query); if (!$result) { echo "<span style='color:red'>ERROR: Query FAILED</span>"; exit; } $submittedPosts = array(); while ($row = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_fetch_object($result)) { $submittedPosts[$row->id] = BlogPostCache::getInstance()->getBlogPost($row->id, $row); } return $submittedPosts; }
/** * * @param int $value */ public function setDescription($value) { if ($this->description != $value) { $this->description = $value; $query = "UPDATE `codev_command_provision_table` SET description = '{$value}' WHERE id = " . $this->id . ";"; $result = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_query($query); if (!$result) { echo "<span style='color:red'>ERROR: Query FAILED</span>"; exit; } } }
/** * Return all plugins defined in DB * * @return array of plugin descriptions */ public function getPlugins() { if (NULL == $this->plugins) { $plugins = array(); $query = "SELECT * FROM `codev_plugin_table`;"; $result = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_query($query); if (!$result) { echo "<span style='color:red'>ERROR: Query FAILED</span>"; exit; } while ($row = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_fetch_object($result)) { $className = $row->name; $status = $row->status; // check that plugin files still exist // Note: class_exists() checks if present in classmap.ser but // will raise a 'PHP Fatal error' if found in cache but file removed from disk. $pluginClassFilename = self::$pluginsDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $row->name . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $row->name . '.class.php'; if (!is_file($pluginClassFilename)) { if (self::PLUGIN_STATUS_REMOVED != $row->status) { self::$logger->error("Plugin file '{$pluginClassFilename}' does not exist !"); $this->setPluginStatus($className, self::PLUGIN_STATUS_REMOVED); // update DB $status = self::PLUGIN_STATUS_REMOVED; } $displayedName = $className; } else { if (class_exists($className)) { $displayedName = $className::getName(); } else { // File exists, but classmap.ser needs an update. $displayedName = $className; $this->setPluginStatus($className, self::PLUGIN_STATUS_REMOVED); // update DB $status = self::PLUGIN_STATUS_REMOVED; } } $plugin = array('className' => $className, 'displayedName' => $displayedName, 'status' => intval($status), 'domains' => explode(',', $row->domains), 'categories' => explode(',', $row->categories), 'version' => $row->version, 'description' => $row->description); $plugins[$className] = $plugin; } ksort($plugins); $this->plugins = $plugins; } return $this->plugins; }
/** * * returns an array of [user][activity] * activity in (elapsed, sidetask, other, external, leave) * */ public function execute() { $team = TeamCache::getInstance()->getTeam($this->teamid); $members = $team->getActiveMembers($this->startTimestamp, $this->endTimestamp); $formatedUseridString = implode(', ', array_keys($members)); //$extProjId = Config::getInstance()->getValue(Config::id_externalTasksProject); $issueList = $this->inputIssueSel->getIssueList(); $formatedBugidString = implode(', ', array_keys($issueList)); $query = "SELECT ROUND(SUM(tt.duration), 2) as duration, as prjName\n FROM codev_timetracking_table as tt, mantis_project_table as prj, mantis_bug_table as bug \n WHERE tt.bugid =\n AND bug.project_id =\n AND IN ({$formatedBugidString})\n AND tt.userid IN ({$formatedUseridString}) "; if (isset($this->startTimestamp)) { $query .= " AND >= {$this->startTimestamp} "; } if (isset($this->endTimestamp)) { $query .= " AND <= {$this->endTimestamp} "; } $query .= " GROUP BY\n ORDER BY `prj`.`name` ASC"; $result = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_query($query); if (!$result) { echo "<span style='color:red'>ERROR: Query FAILED</span>"; exit; } $projectLoad = array(); while ($row = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_fetch_object($result)) { $projectLoad["{$row->prjName}"] = (double) $row->duration; } // --- $this->execData = $projectLoad; }
/** Compares the EffortEstim to the elapsed time. REM: an issue that has been reopened before endTimestamp will NOT be recorded. (For the bugs that where re-opened, the EffortEstim may not have been re-estimated, and thus the result is not reliable.) EffortEstimReliabilityRate = nbResolvedIssues * EffortEstim / elapsed @param projects: $prodProjectList or your own selection. */ public function getEffortEstimReliabilityRate($projects, $startTimestamp, $endTimestamp) { $resolvedList = array(); $EEReliability = array(); // {'MEE', 'EE'} $EEReliability['MEE'] = 0; $EEReliability['EE'] = 0; $totalElapsed = 0; $bugResolvedStatusThreshold = Config::getInstance()->getValue(Config::id_bugResolvedStatusThreshold); // -------- $formatedProjList = implode(', ', $projects); if ("" == $formatedProjList) { // TODO throw exception echo "<div style='color:red'>ERROR getEffortEstimReliabilityRate: no project defined for this team !<br/></div>"; return 0; } // all bugs which status changed to 'resolved' whthin the timestamp $query = "SELECT, " . "mantis_bug_history_table.new_value, " . "mantis_bug_history_table.old_value, " . "mantis_bug_history_table.date_modified " . "FROM `mantis_bug_table`, `mantis_bug_history_table` " . "WHERE = mantis_bug_history_table.bug_id " . "AND mantis_bug_table.project_id IN ({$formatedProjList}) " . "AND mantis_bug_history_table.field_name='status' " . "AND mantis_bug_history_table.date_modified >= {$startTimestamp} " . "AND mantis_bug_history_table.date_modified < {$endTimestamp} " . "AND mantis_bug_history_table.new_value = {$bugResolvedStatusThreshold} " . " ORDER BY DESC"; $result = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_query($query); if (!$result) { echo "<span style='color:red'>ERROR: Query FAILED</span>"; exit; } while ($row = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_fetch_object($result)) { // check if the bug has been reopened before endTimestamp $issue = IssueCache::getInstance()->getIssue($row->id); $latestStatus = $issue->getStatus($this->endTimestamp); if ($latestStatus >= $bugResolvedStatusThreshold) { // remove doubloons if (!in_array($row->id, $resolvedList)) { if (self::$logger->isDebugEnabled()) { self::$logger->debug("getEffortEstimReliabilityRate() Found : bugid = {$row->id}, old_status={$row->old_value}, new_status={$row->new_value}, mgrEE=" . $issue->getMgrEffortEstim() . " date_modified=" . date("d F Y", $row->date_modified) . ", effortEstim=" . $issue->getEffortEstim() . ", BS=" . $issue->getEffortAdd() . ", elapsed = " . $issue->getElapsed()); } $resolvedList[] = $row->id; $totalElapsed += $issue->getElapsed(); $EEReliability['MEE'] += $issue->getMgrEffortEstim(); $EEReliability['EE'] += $issue->getEffortEstim() + $issue->getEffortAdd(); if (self::$logger->isDebugEnabled()) { self::$logger->debug("getEffortEstimReliabilityRate(MEE) : " . $EEReliability['MEE'] . " + " . $issue->getMgrEffortEstim() . " = " . ($EEReliability['MEE'] + $issue->getMgrEffortEstim())); self::$logger->debug("getEffortEstimReliabilityRate(EE) : " . $EEReliability['EE'] . " + (" . $issue->getEffortEstim() . " + " . $issue->getEffortAdd() . ") = " . ($EEReliability['EE'] + $issue->getEffortEstim() + $issue->getEffortAdd())); } } } else { $statusName = Constants::$statusNames[$latestStatus]; if (self::$logger->isDebugEnabled()) { self::$logger->debug("getEffortEstimReliabilityRate REOPENED : bugid = {$row->id} status = " . $statusName); } } } // ------- if (self::$logger->isDebugEnabled()) { self::$logger->debug("getEffortEstimReliabilityRate: Reliability (MEE) = " . $EEReliability['MEE'] . " / {$totalElapsed}, nbBugs=" . count($resolvedList)); self::$logger->debug("getEffortEstimReliabilityRate: Reliability (EE) = " . $EEReliability['EE'] . " / {$totalElapsed}, nbBugs=" . count($resolvedList)); } if (0 != $totalElapsed) { $EEReliability['MEE'] /= $totalElapsed; $EEReliability['EE'] /= $totalElapsed; } else { $EEReliability['MEE'] = 0; $EEReliability['EE'] = 0; } return $EEReliability; }
/** * A command can be included in several ComandSet from different teams. * * This returns the list of CommandSets where this command is defined. * * @return CommandSet[] array[commandset_id] = commandsetName */ public function getCommandSetList() { if (NULL == $this->commandSetList) { $query = "SELECT commandset.* FROM `codev_commandset_table` as commandset " . "JOIN `codev_commandset_cmd_table` as commandset_cmd ON = commandset_cmd.commandset_id " . "WHERE commandset_cmd.command_id = {$this->id};"; $result = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_query($query); if (!$result) { echo "<span style='color:red'>ERROR: Query FAILED</span>"; exit; } // a Command can belong to more than one commandset $this->commandSetList = array(); while ($row = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_fetch_object($result)) { $cmdset = CommandSetCache::getInstance()->getCommandSet($row->id, $row); $this->commandSetList[$row->id] = $cmdset; if (self::$logger->isDebugEnabled()) { self::$logger->debug("Command {$this->id} is in commandset {$row->id} (" . $cmdset->getName() . ")"); } } } return $this->commandSetList; }
/** * get customField name from id * * @param int $customFieldId field id * @return string field name */ public static function getCustomFieldName($customFieldId) { if (is_null(self::$customFieldNames)) { $extIdField = Config::getInstance()->getValue(Config::id_customField_ExtId); $mgrEffortEstimField = Config::getInstance()->getValue(Config::id_customField_MgrEffortEstim); $effortEstimField = Config::getInstance()->getValue(Config::id_customField_effortEstim); $backlogField = Config::getInstance()->getValue(Config::id_customField_backlog); $addEffortField = Config::getInstance()->getValue(Config::id_customField_addEffort); $deadLineField = Config::getInstance()->getValue(Config::id_customField_deadLine); $deliveryDateField = Config::getInstance()->getValue(Config::id_customField_deliveryDate); #$deliveryIdField = Config::getInstance()->getValue(Config::id_customField_deliveryId); $customField_type = Config::getInstance()->getValue(Config::id_customField_type); self::$customFieldNames = array(); $query = "SELECT id, name FROM `mantis_custom_field_table` "; $result = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_query($query); if (!$result) { echo "<span style='color:red'>ERROR: Query FAILED</span>"; exit; } while ($row = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_fetch_object($result)) { $name = NULL; switch (intval($row->id)) { case $extIdField: $name = T_('External ID'); break; case $customField_type: $name = T_('Type'); break; case $backlogField: $name = T_('Backlog'); break; case $mgrEffortEstimField: $name = T_('MgrEffortEstim'); break; case $effortEstimField: $name = T_('EffortEstim'); break; case $backlogField: $name = T_('Backlog'); break; case $addEffortField: $name = T_('AddEffortEstim'); break; case $deadLineField: $name = T_('Deadline'); break; case $deliveryDateField: $name = T_('Delivery Date'); break; default: $name = $row->name; } self::$customFieldNames["{$row->id}"] = $name; } } return self::$customFieldNames["{$customFieldId}"]; }
/** * Add to email queue * @param EmailData $p_email_data Email Data structure. */ private function email_queue_add(EmailData $emailData) { # email cannot be blank if (Tools::is_blank($emailData->email)) { self::$logger->error('Recipient email is missing'); return FALSE; } # subject cannot be blank if (Tools::is_blank($emailData->subject)) { self::$logger->error('email subject is blank'); return FALSE; } # body cannot be blank if (Tools::is_blank($emailData->body)) { self::$logger->error('email body is blank'); return FALSE; } if (Tools::is_blank($emailData->submitted)) { $emailData->submitted = time(); } $sqlWrapper = SqlWrapper::getInstance(); $c_email = SqlWrapper::sql_real_escape_string($emailData->email); $c_subject = SqlWrapper::sql_real_escape_string($emailData->subject); $c_body = SqlWrapper::sql_real_escape_string($emailData->body); $c_metadata = serialize($emailData->metadata); $query = "INSERT INTO `mantis_email_table` (`email`, `subject`, `body`, `submitted`, `metadata`) " . "VALUES ('{$c_email}', '{$c_subject}', '{$c_body}', " . $emailData->submitted . ", '{$c_metadata}');"; #echo "queue email: $query<br>"; $result = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_query($query); if (!$result) { echo "<span style='color:red'>ERROR: Query FAILED</span>"; exit; } #self::$logger->error('email sent to '.$emailData->email); return TRUE; }
function updateProjects() { echo "- Clean projects...\n"; flush(); $stprojId = 24; // remove ALL files from ALL PROJECTS (OVH upload fails) execQuery("DELETE FROM `mantis_bug_file_table` "); execQuery("UPDATE `mantis_project_table` SET `description` = '' "); $resStProjects = execQuery("SELECT DISTINCT project_id FROM `codev_team_project_table` WHERE type = 1"); while ($rowStPrj = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_fetch_object($resStProjects)) { execQuery("UPDATE `mantis_project_table` SET `name` = 'SideTasks {$rowStPrj->project_id}' WHERE `id` ='{$rowStPrj->project_id}' "); } // rename project categories /* $result1 = execQuery("SELECT * from `mantis_category_table`"); while($row = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_fetch_object($result1)) { $query = "UPDATE `mantis_category_table` SET `name`='Category_".$row->project_id.$row->id."' WHERE `id`='$row->id' "; $result2 = execQuery($query); } */ // external tasks project execQuery("UPDATE `mantis_project_table` SET `name` = 'ExternalTasks' WHERE `id` ='1' "); // demo projects execQuery("UPDATE `mantis_project_table` SET `name` = 'SideTasks DEMO_Team' WHERE `id` ='{$stprojId}' "); }
public static function checkMantisDefaultProjectWorkflow() { $cerrList = array(); $query = "SELECT * FROM `mantis_config_table` " . "WHERE project_id = 0 " . "AND config_id = 'status_enum_workflow' "; $result = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_query($query); if (!$result) { echo "<span style='color:red'>ERROR: Query FAILED</span>"; exit; } if (0 == SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_num_rows($result)) { $cerr = new ConsistencyError2(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, T_("No default project workflow defined in mantis DB")); $cerr->severity = ConsistencyError2::severity_error; $cerrList[] = $cerr; } return $cerrList; }
/** * check if the user has enough privileges to create tables & procedures * * TODO: if 'CREATE' not set but 'CREATE ROUTINE' set, * then this method will not see that 'CREATE' is missing ! * * Note: this is not enough on Windows, you need 'SUPER privilege' * see * * @return NULL if OK, or an error message starting with 'ERROR' . */ function checkDBprivileges($db_mantis_database = 'bugtracker') { global $logger; $mandatoryPriv = array('SELECT', 'INSERT', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE', 'CREATE', 'DROP', 'EXECUTE', 'CREATE ROUTINE', 'ALTER ROUTINE'); $errStr = NULL; #$query = "SHOW GRANTS FOR '$db_mantis_user'@'$db_mantis_host'"; $query = "SHOW GRANTS FOR CURRENT_USER"; $result = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_query($query); if (!$result) { echo "<span style='color:red'>ERROR: Query FAILED</span>"; exit; } while ($row = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_fetch_array($result)) { if (FALSE != strstr($row[0], "`{$db_mantis_database}`")) { if ($logger->isDebugEnabled()) { $logger->debug("Privileges: " . $row[0]); } // all privileges should be ok ! if (FALSE != strstr($row[0], "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES")) { break; // found, get out } foreach ($mandatoryPriv as $priv) { if (!strstr($row[0], $priv)) { $errStr .= "ERROR: user has no {$priv} privileges on {$db_mantis_database}<br>"; } } break; // found, get out } } if (NULL != $errStr) { $allPriv = implode(', ', $mandatoryPriv); $errStr .= "Please add the following privileges: {$allPriv}"; throw new Exception($errStr); } }
/** * copy plugin in mantis plugins directory * info: same functyion exists in install_step3.php * @return NULL or error string */ function installMantisPlugin($pluginName, $isReplace = true) { try { $mantisPluginDir = Constants::$mantisPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'plugins'; // --- check mantis version (config files have been moved in v1.3) if (is_dir(Constants::$mantisPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config')) { // mantis v1.3 or higher $srcDir = Constants::$codevRootDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'mantis_plugin' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'mantis_1_3' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $pluginName; } else { // mantis 1.2 $srcDir = Constants::$codevRootDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'mantis_plugin' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'mantis_1_2' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $pluginName; } $destDir = $mantisPluginDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $pluginName; if (!is_writable($mantisPluginDir)) { return "ERROR Path to mantis plugins directory '" . $mantisPluginDir . "' is NOT writable: {$pluginName} plugin must be installed manualy."; } if (!is_dir($srcDir)) { return "ERROR mantis plugin directory '" . $srcDir . "' NOT found !"; } // do not replace if already installed if (!$isReplace && is_dir($destDir)) { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\"INFO Mantis {$pluginName} plugin is already installed\");</script>"; return NULL; } // remove previous installed plugin if (is_writable($destDir)) { Tools::deleteDir($destDir); } // copy plugin if (is_dir($srcDir)) { $result = Tools::recurse_copy($srcDir, $destDir); } else { return "ERROR: plugin directory '" . $srcDir . "' NOT found: {$pluginName} plugin must be installed manualy"; } if (!$result) { return "ERROR: mantis plugin installation failed: {$pluginName} plugin must be installed manualy"; } // activate plugin $query = "INSERT INTO mantis_plugin_table (basename, enabled, protected, priority)" . " SELECT * FROM (SELECT '{$pluginName}', '1', '0', '3') AS tmp" . " WHERE NOT EXISTS (" . " SELECT basename FROM mantis_plugin_table WHERE basename = '{$pluginName}') LIMIT 1;"; $result = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_query($query); if (!$result) { return "WARNING: mantis {$pluginName} plugin must be activated manualy"; } } catch (Exception $e) { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">console.error(\"ERROR mantis plugin installation failed: " . $e->getMessage() . "\");</script>"; return "ERROR: mantis {$pluginName} plugin installation failed: " . $e->getMessage(); } return NULL; }
/** * * @param type $projectid * @param String $categories imploded category_id list * @param String $reporteridList imploded userid list * @param String $handleridList imploded userid list */ private function getIssueSelection($projectid, $categories = NULL, $formattedReporters = NULL, $formattedHandlers = NULL, $formattedStatuses = false) { $query = "SELECT id from `mantis_bug_table` WHERE project_id = {$projectid} "; if (!empty($categories)) { $query .= "AND category_id IN ({$categories}) "; } if (!empty($formattedReporters)) { $query .= "AND reporter_id IN ({$formattedReporters}) "; } if (!empty($formattedHandlers)) { $query .= "AND handler_id IN ({$formattedHandlers}) "; } if (!empty($formattedStatuses)) { $query .= "AND status IN ({$formattedStatuses}) "; } #if (!$withResolved) { # $query .= "AND status < get_project_resolved_status_threshold(project_id) "; #} $result = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_query($query); if (!$result) { echo "<span style='color:red'>ERROR: Query FAILED</span>"; exit; } $iSel = new IssueSelection('exportODT'); while ($row = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_fetch_object($result)) { $iSel->addIssue($row->id); } #$iSel->addIssue(694); #echo implode(',', array_keys($iSel->getIssueList())).'<br>'; return $iSel; }
} if (1 == Constants::$emailSettings['enable_email_notification']) { if (count($argv) > 1) { if (is_numeric($argv[1])) { $team_id = intval($argv[1]); } else { echo 'cmd line arg "' . $argv[1] . '" is not a team_id !' . "\n"; $logger->error('cmd line arg "' . $argv[1] . '" is not a team_id !'); exit(2); } } //$startT = strtotime("first day of last month"); //$endT = strtotime("-1 days", time()); $endT = time(); $endT = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m', $endT), date('d', $endT), date('Y', $endT)); if (is_null($team_id)) { $query = "SELECT id FROM `codev_team_table` WHERE enabled = 1;"; $result = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_query($query); if (!$result) { echo "<span style='color:red'>ERROR: Query FAILED</span>"; exit; } while ($row = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_fetch_object($result)) { $team = TeamCache::getInstance()->getTeam($row->id); $team->sendTimesheetEmails($startT, $endT); } } else { $team = TeamCache::getInstance()->getTeam($team_id); $team->sendTimesheetEmails($startT, $endT); } }
/** * update 0.99.21 to 0.99.22 (DB v11 to DB v12) * */ function update_v11_to_v12() { $sqlScriptFilename = '../install/codevtt_update_v11_v12.sql'; if (!file_exists($sqlScriptFilename)) { echo "ERROR: SQL script not found:{$sqlScriptFilename}<br>"; exit; } // execute the SQL script echo "- Execute SQL script:{$sqlScriptFilename}<br>"; $retCode = Tools::execSQLscript2($sqlScriptFilename); if (0 != $retCode) { echo "<span class='error_font'>Could not execSQLscript: {$sqlScriptFilename}</span><br/>"; exit; } // --- create new categories for ExternalTasksProject $extTasksProjId = Config::getInstance()->getValue(Config::id_externalTasksProject); // create leave category $query = "INSERT INTO `mantis_category_table` (`project_id`, `user_id`, `name`, `status`) " . "VALUES ('{$extTasksProjId}','0','Leave', '0');"; $result = execQuery($query); $catLeaveId = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_insert_id(); // create otherInternal category $query = "INSERT INTO `mantis_category_table` (`project_id`, `user_id`, `name`, `status`) " . "VALUES ('{$extTasksProjId}','0','Other activity', '0');"; $result = execQuery($query); $catOtherInternalId = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_insert_id(); // update codev_config_table Config::getInstance()->setValue(Config::id_externalTasksCat_leave, $catLeaveId, Config::configType_int); Config::getInstance()->setValue(Config::id_externalTasksCat_otherInternal, $catOtherInternalId, Config::configType_int); // update existing issues $leaveTaskId = Config::getInstance()->getValue(Config::id_externalTask_leave); $query = "UPDATE `mantis_bug_table` SET `category_id`='{$catLeaveId}' WHERE `id`='{$leaveTaskId}';"; $result = execQuery($query); $query = "UPDATE `mantis_bug_table` SET `category_id`='{$catOtherInternalId}' " . "WHERE `project_id`='{$extTasksProjId}' " . "AND `id` <> '{$leaveTaskId}';"; $result = execQuery($query); #echo "<br>SUCCESS: Update 0.99.21 to 0.99.22 (DB v11 to DB v12)<br>"; return TRUE; }
/** * get all unassigned tasks found in team projects * * Note: sideTasks and nostatsProjects excluded, resolved tasks excluded. * * @return Issue[] : issueList (id => Issue) */ public function getUnassignedTasks() { $issueList = array(); $query_projects = "SELECT " . "FROM `mantis_project_table` as project " . "JOIN `codev_team_project_table` as team_project ON = team_project.project_id " . "WHERE team_project.team_id = {$this->id} " . "AND team_project.type NOT IN (" . Project::type_noStatsProject . ', ' . Project::type_sideTaskProject . ') '; $query = "SELECT * " . "FROM `mantis_bug_table` " . "WHERE project_id IN ({$query_projects}) " . "AND handler_id = '0' " . "AND status < get_project_resolved_status_threshold(project_id) " . "ORDER BY project_id ASC, id ASC"; $result = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_query($query); if (!$result) { echo "<span style='color:red'>ERROR: Query FAILED</span>"; exit; } while ($row = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_fetch_object($result)) { $issueList[$row->id] = IssueCache::getInstance()->getIssue($row->id, $row); } if (self::$logger->isDebugEnabled()) { self::$logger->debug("getUnassignedTasks(teamid={$this->id}) nbIssues=" . count($issueList)); } return $issueList; }