/** Adds the user to a user group */
 public static function addToGroup($user_id, $grp_id)
     $q = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . self::$tbl_name . ' WHERE groupId = ? AND userId = ?';
     if (Sql::pSelectItem($q, 'ii', $grp_id, $user_id)) {
         return true;
     $q = 'INSERT INTO ' . self::$tbl_name . ' SET groupId = ?, userId = ?';
     Sql::pInsert($q, 'ii', $grp_id, $user_id);
     return true;
Example #2
 public function store()
     $q = 'SELECT id FROM ' . self::$tbl_name . ' WHERE owner = ? AND season = ? AND episode = ?';
     $this->id = Sql::pSelectItem($q, 'iii', $this->owner, $this->season, $this->episode);
     if ($this->id) {
         $q = 'UPDATE ' . self::$tbl_name . ' SET owner = ?, title = ?, date = ?, info = ?, season = ?, episode = ?, link = ? WHERE id = ?';
         Sql::pUpdate($q, 'isssiisi', $this->owner, $this->title, $this->date, $this->info, $this->season, $this->episode, $this->link, $this->id);
         return $this->id;
     $q = 'INSERT INTO ' . self::$tbl_name . ' SET owner = ?, title = ?, date = ?, info = ?, season = ?, episode = ?, link = ?';
     return Sql::pInsert($q, 'isssiis', $this->owner, $this->title, $this->date, $this->info, $this->season, $this->episode, $this->link);
Example #3
 public static function set($type, $owner, $name, $val)
     $q = 'SELECT id FROM ' . self::$tbl_name . ' WHERE owner = ? AND type = ? AND name = ?';
     if (Sql::pSelectItem($q, 'iis', $owner, $type, $name)) {
         $q = 'UPDATE ' . self::$tbl_name . ' SET time_saved = NOW(), value = ?' . ' WHERE owner = ? AND type = ? AND name = ?';
         Sql::pUpdate($q, 'siis', $val, $owner, $type, $name);
     } else {
         $q = 'INSERT INTO ' . self::$tbl_name . ' SET time_saved = NOW(),' . 'owner = ?, type = ?, name = ?, value = ?';
         Sql::pInsert($q, 'iiss', $owner, $type, $name, $val);
     return true;
Example #4
 /** Votes for a poll */
 static function addVote($type, $id, $value)
     $session = SessionHandler::getInstance();
     if (!$session->id) {
         return false;
     if (self::hasAnswered($type, $id)) {
         return false;
     $q = 'INSERT INTO ' . self::$tbl_name . ' SET type = ?, owner = ?, userId = ?, value = ?, timestamp = NOW()';
     Sql::pInsert($q, 'iiii', $type, $id, $session->id, $value);
     return true;
Example #5
 public static function add($user_id, $ip, $user_agent, $type = LOGIN_INTERNAL)
     $q = 'INSERT INTO ' . self::$tbl_name . ' SET timeCreated = NOW(), userId = ?, IP = ?, userAgent = ?, type = ?';
     return Sql::pInsert($q, 'issi', $user_id, $ip, $user_agent, $type);
Example #6
 static function create($name, $level)
     $session = SessionHandler::getInstance();
     $creator_id = $session->id ? $session->id : 0;
     $q = 'INSERT INTO tblUserGroups SET createdBy = ?, timeCreated = NOW(), name = ?, level = ?';
     return Sql::pInsert($q, 'isi', $creator_id, $name, $level);
Example #7
  * Creates a object in a database table
  * @return insert id
 public static function create($obj, $tblname)
     if (!is_alphanumeric($tblname)) {
         throw new \Exception('very bad');
     $reflect = self::reflectQuery($obj, '', false);
     if (!$reflect->cols) {
         throw new \Exception('no columns defined for ' . $tblname);
     $q = 'INSERT INTO ' . $tblname . ' SET ' . implode(', ', $reflect->cols);
     return Sql::pInsert($q, $reflect->str, $reflect->vals);
Example #8
 static function addPollExactPeriod($type, $owner, $text, $time_start, $time_end)
     $session = SessionHandler::getInstance();
     $q = 'INSERT INTO tblPolls SET type = ?, owner = ?,' . ' created_by = ?, text = ?, time_start = ?,' . ' time_end = ?, time_created = NOW()';
     return Sql::pInsert($q, 'iiisss', $type, $owner, $session->id, trim($text), sql_datetime($time_start), sql_datetime($time_end));