Example #1
$settings = SpotSettings::singleton($db, $settings);
# Controleer eerst of de settings versie nog wel geldig zijn
if (!$settings->settingsValid()) {
    die("Globale settings zijn gewijzigd, draai upgrade-db.php aub" . PHP_EOL);
# if
$req = new SpotReq();
# We willen alleen uitgevoerd worden door een user die dat mag als
# we via de browser aangeroepen worden. Via console halen we altijd
# het admin-account op
$spotUserSystem = new SpotUserSystem($db, $settings);
if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'])) {
    # Vraag de API key op die de gebruiker opgegeven heeft
    $apiKey = $req->getDef('apikey', '');
    $userSession = $spotUserSystem->verifyApi($apiKey);
    if ($userSession == false || !$userSession['security']->allowed(SpotSecurity::spotsec_retrieve_spots, '')) {
        die("Access denied");
    # if
} else {
    $userSession['user'] = $db->getUser(SPOTWEB_ADMIN_USERID);
    $userSession['security'] = new SpotSecurity($db, $settings, $userSession['user']);
# if
if ($req->getDef('output', '') == 'xml') {
    echo "<xml>";
# if
# We vragen de nntp_hdr settings alvast op
$settings_nntp_hdr = $settings->get('nntp_hdr');
Example #2
  * We try to check if any output has been submitted, and if so, we refuse
  * to continue to prevent all sorts of confusing bug reports
 if (headers_sent() || (int) ob_get_length() > 0) {
     throw new OwnsettingsCreatedOutputException();
 # if
 # helper functions for passed variables
 $req = new SpotReq();
 $page = $req->getDef('page', 'index');
 # Retrieve the users object of the user which is logged on
 $spotUserSystem = new SpotUserSystem($db, $settings);
 if ($req->doesExist('apikey')) {
     $currentSession = $spotUserSystem->verifyApi($req->getDef('apikey', ''));
 } else {
     $currentSession = $spotUserSystem->useOrStartSession(false);
 # if
  * If three is no user object, we don't have a security system
  * either. Without a security system we cannot boot, so fatal
 if ($currentSession === false) {
     if ($req->doesExist('apikey')) {
         $currentSession = $spotUserSystem->useOrStartSession(true);
         throw new PermissionDeniedException(SpotSecurity::spotsec_consume_api, 'invalid API key');
     } else {
         throw new SqlErrorException("Unable to create session");