$userFollowing->fb_uid = 1; } array_push($following, get_object_vars($userFollowing)); } $tpl->assign('oFollowing', true); $tpl->assign('iFollowing', $following); } else { $tpl->assign('oNoFollowing', true); } if ($user->GetFollowers() != null) { $values = $user->GetFollowers(); $followers = array(); foreach ($values as $value) { $userFollower = new User($value['user_id']); if ($userFollower->fb_uid == null) { $userFollower->fb_uid = 1; } array_push($followers, get_object_vars($userFollower)); } $tpl->assign('oFollowers', true); $tpl->assign('iFollowers', $followers); } else { $tpl->assign('oNoFollowers', true); } } else { //GTFO!!! SpoonHTTP::redirect('index.php'); } // show the output $tpl->assign('content', $tpl->getContent('templates/dashboardFriends.tpl')); $tpl->display('templates/layout.tpl');
usort($recentDrinks, 'compare_time'); $test = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) { if ($recentDrinks[$i] !== null) { $test[] = $recentDrinks[$i]; } } $recentDrinks = $test; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($recentDrinks); $i++) { $recentDrinks[$i]['timestamp'] = SpoonDate::getTimeAgo(strtotime($recentDrinks[$i]['timestamp'])); //check if the user has a fb account authenticated if (!$recentDrinks[$i]['fb_uid']) { //else, use standard fb icon $recentDrinks[$i]['fb_uid'] = 1; } } if ($recent !== null) { //$tpl->assign('oRecent', true); $tpl->assign('iRecent', $recent); $tpl->assign('iRecentt', $recentDrinks); } //else //$tpl->assign('oNoRecent', true); /*end code max*/ } else { //GTFO!!! SpoonHTTP::redirect('index.php'); } // show the output $tpl->assign('content', $tpl->getContent('templates/dashboardHistory.tpl')); $tpl->display('templates/layout.tpl');
<?php /* * search page for public * * @author Jeroen Maes * @author Maxime Jonckheere * @author Jeroen Neyt * */ date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Berlin'); // set include path ini_set("include_path", ".:../library/"); // required classes require_once 'spoon/spoon.php'; require_once 'publicApp/publicApp.php'; $tpl = new SpoonTemplate(); $tpl->setForceCompile(true); $tpl->setCompileDirectory('./compiled_templates'); // get search query from url $query = SpoonFilter::getGetValue('q', null, ''); $tpl->assign('query', $query); // show the output $tpl->assign('content', $tpl->getContent('templates/search.tpl')); $tpl->display('templates/layout.tpl');
/** * @return Response */ public function display() { $content = $this->tpl->getContent(__DIR__ . '/../Client/Layout/Templates/Index.tpl'); return new Response($content, 200); }
//spoon::dump($user); //$tpl->assign('gender', $user['gender']); //$tpl->assign('weight', $user['weight']); // $tpl->assign('birth', $user['birth_date']); //$tpl->assign('password', $user['password']); if ($user['fb_publish_stream']) { $tpl->assign('fbstatus', '<span style="color:green;" class="authd">Authenticated</span>'); //$tpl->assign('facebook', 'Access token: ' . $user['fb_access_token']); //$tpl->assign('facebook', '<a href="ajax/fbpost.php" class="button">Update status</a>'); $tpl->assign('facebook', ' <input type="checkbox" id="twitterPublish" value="doPublish" checked/> Publish my check-ins to Facebook'); } else { $tpl->assign('fbstatus', '<span style="color:red;">Not authenticated</span>'); //$tpl->assign('facebook', '<input value="Connect" type="button" onclick="window.location.href=\'facebookconnect.php\'; " >'); $tpl->assign('facebook', '<a href="facebookconnect.php" class="button">Connect</a>'); } if ($user['twitter_uid']) { $tpl->assign('twitterstatus', '<span style="color:green;" class="authd"">Authenticated</span>'); $tpl->assign('twitter', ' <input type="checkbox" id="facebookPublish" value="doPublish" checked/> Share my check-ins on Twitter'); //$tpl->assign('twitter', '<a href="ajax/twitterpost.php" class="button">Tweet</a>'); } else { $tpl->assign('twitterstatus', '<span style="color:red;">Not authenticated</span>'); //$tpl->assign('twitter', '<input value="Connect" type="button" onclick="window.location.href=\'twitterconnect.php\'; " >'); $tpl->assign('twitter', '<a href="twitterconnect.php" class="button">Connect</a>'); } } else { //GTFO!!! SpoonHTTP::redirect('index.php'); } // show the output $tpl->assign('content', $tpl->getContent('templates/dashboardSettings.tpl')); $tpl->display('templates/layout.tpl');
SpoonHTTP::redirect('index.php'); } $recent = CheckIn::getCheckinsByPubId($pub->pub_id); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($recent); $i++) { $recent[$i]['timestamp'] = SpoonDate::getTimeAgo(strtotime($recent[$i]['timestamp'])); //check if the user has a fb account authenticated if (!$recent[$i]['fb_uid']) { //else, use standard fb icon $recent[$i]['fb_uid'] = 1; } } if ($recent !== null) { $tpl->assign('oRecent', true); $tpl->assign('iRecent', $recent); } else { $tpl->assign('oNoRecent', true); } if (CheckIn::getTopCheckinsByPubId($pub->pub_id) !== null) { $tpl->assign('oTopCheckins', true); $tpl->assign('iTopCheckins', CheckIn::getTopCheckinsByPubId($pub->pub_id)); } else { $tpl->assign('oNoTopCheckins', true); } $tpl->assign('name', $pub->name); $tpl->assign('longitude', $pub->longitude); $tpl->assign('latitude', $pub->latitude); $tpl->assign('people', $pub->getNumberPeople()); $tpl->assign('checkins', $pub->getNumberCheckins()); // show the output $tpl->assign('content', $tpl->getContent('templates/pubDetail.tpl')); $tpl->display('templates/layout.tpl');
$tpl->assign('people', $latestCheckIn->pub->getNumberPeople()); $tpl->assign('checkins', $latestCheckIn->pub->getNumberCheckins()); $tabs = $latestCheckIn->getTabs(); if ($tabs[0] !== null) { $tpl->assign('iTabs', $tabs); $tpl->assign('oTabs', true); } else { $tpl->assign('iTabs', array()); $tpl->assign('oNoTabs', true); } //}else{ // $tpl->assign('oNoCheckIn', true); //} $user = new User(SpoonSession::exists('id')); if ($user->weight !== null && $user->gender !== null) { if ($daysAgo > 0) { $timeAgo = $daysAgo * 12 - $timeAgo; } $drinks = $latestCheckIn->getNumberTabs(); $isLegal = $user->isLegalToDrive((int) $drinks["count"], $timeAgo); if ($isLegal) { $tpl->assign('oLegalToDrive', true); } else { $tpl->assign('oNotLegalToDrive', true); } } else { $tpl->assign('oNotAbleLegalToDrive', true); } // show the output $tpl->assign('content', $tpl->getContent('templates/checkin.tpl')); $tpl->display('templates/template.tpl');
<?php date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Berlin'); // set include path ini_set("include_path", ".:../library/"); // required classes require_once 'spoon/spoon.php'; require_once 'publicApp/publicApp.php'; $tpl = new SpoonTemplate(); $tpl->setForceCompile(true); $tpl->setCompileDirectory('./compiled_templates'); //Content layout if (SpoonSession::exists('public_uid')) { //show logout $tpl->assign('oLogout', true); } // show the output $tpl->assign('content', $tpl->getContent('templates/drinks.tpl')); $tpl->display('templates/layout.tpl');
SpoonSession::start(); //Content layout if (SpoonSession::exists('id') === false) { SpoonHTTP::redirect('index.php'); } $lat = SpoonFilter::getGetValue('lat', null, ''); $long = SpoonFilter::getGetValue('long', null, ''); $tpl->assign('formaction', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?lat=' . $lat . '&long=' . $long); $msgFault = ''; $pubname = SpoonFilter::getPostValue('pubname', null, ''); if (SpoonFilter::getPostValue('btnAdd', null, '')) { if ($pubname === "") { $msgFault = "Please fill in the name of the pub."; } else { if ($lat !== "" && $long !== "") { $pub = new Pub(''); $pub->name = $pubname; $pub->latitude = $lat; $pub->longitude = $long; $id = $pub->Add(); SpoonHTTP::redirect('pubDetail.php?id=' . $id); } } } $tpl->assign('pubname', $pubname); $tpl->assign('msgFault', $msgFault); $tpl->assign('latitude', $lat); $tpl->assign('longitude', $long); // show the output $tpl->assign('content', $tpl->getContent('templates/addPub.tpl')); $tpl->display('templates/template.tpl');
error_log($e); } } // facebook javascript $tpl->assign('appid', $facebook->getAppId()); $tpl->assign('session', json_encode($session)); // facebook buttons if (!$me) { $tpl->assign('fbcbutton', '<fb:login-button perms="email"></fb:login-button>'); } else { $tpl->assign('fbcbutton', '<p class="connected"><img src="img/check.png">Connected to Facebook<p>'); } // fill in form if ($me) { //Spoon::dump($me); $tpl->assign('fname', $me['first_name']); $tpl->assign('lname', $me['last_name']); $tpl->assign('email', $me['email']); $tpl->assign('fb_uid', $uid); } // reeds ingelogd if (SpoonSession::exists('public_uid')) { SpoonHTTP::redirect('dashboard.php'); } /* * End the register magic * @joenmaes */ // show the output $tpl->assign('content', $tpl->getContent('templates/register.tpl')); $tpl->display('templates/layout.tpl');
/** * Returns the parsed content of a given template with optional variables. * * @return string * @param string $template The path to (including the filename for) the template. * @param array[optional] $variables The variables to parse into $template. */ private function getTemplateContent($template, array $variables = null) { // check if compile directory is set if (empty($this->compileDirectory)) { throw new SpoonEmailException('Compile directory is not set. Use setTemplateCompileDirectory.'); } // declare template $tpl = new SpoonTemplate(); $tpl->setCompileDirectory($this->compileDirectory); $tpl->setForceCompile(true); // parse variables in the template if any are found if (!empty($variables)) { $tpl->assign($variables); } // return template content return $tpl->getContent($template); }
/** * Builds & returns the pagination * * @param string $URL * @param int $offset * @param string $order The name of the column to sort on. * @param string $sort The sorting method, possible values are: asc, desc. * @param int $numResults * @param int $numPerPage The items per page. * @param bool[optional] $debug * @param string[optional] $compileDirectory * @return string */ public static function getContent($URL, $offset, $order, $sort, $numResults, $numPerPage, $debug = true, $compileDirectory = null) { // if there is just one page we don't need paging if ($numResults < $numPerPage) { return ''; } // load template $tpl = new SpoonTemplate(); // compile directory if ($compileDirectory !== null) { $tpl->setCompileDirectory($compileDirectory); } else { $tpl->setCompileDirectory(dirname(__FILE__)); } // force compiling $tpl->setForceCompile((bool) $debug); // init vars $pagination = null; $showFirstPages = false; $showLastPages = false; // current page $currentPage = ceil($offset / $numPerPage) + 1; // number of pages $numPages = ceil($numResults / $numPerPage); // populate count fields $pagination['num_pages'] = $numPages; $pagination['current_page'] = $currentPage; // as long as we are below page 7 we should show all pages starting from 1 if ($currentPage < 8) { // init vars $pagesStart = 1; $pagesEnd = $numPages >= 7 ? 7 : $numPages; // show last pages if ($numPages > 8) { $showLastPages = true; } } elseif ($currentPage > $numPages - 7) { // init vars $pagesStart = $numPages == 9 ? $numPages - 6 : $numPages - 7; $pagesEnd = $numPages; // show first pages $showFirstPages = true; } else { // init vars $pagesStart = $currentPage - 2; $pagesEnd = $currentPage + 2; $showFirstPages = true; $showLastPages = true; } // show previous if ($currentPage > 1) { // set $pagination['show_previous'] = true; $pagination['previous_url'] = str_replace(array('[offset]', '[order]', '[sort]'), array($offset - $numPerPage, $order, $sort), $URL); } // show first pages? if ($showFirstPages) { // init var $pagesFirstStart = 1; $pagesFirstEnd = 2; // loop pages for ($i = $pagesFirstStart; $i <= $pagesFirstEnd; $i++) { // add $pagination['first'][] = array('url' => str_replace(array('[offset]', '[order]', '[sort]'), array($numPerPage * $i - $numPerPage, $order, $sort), $URL), 'label' => $i); } } // build array for ($i = $pagesStart; $i <= $pagesEnd; $i++) { // init var $current = $i == $currentPage; // add $pagination['pages'][] = array('url' => str_replace(array('[offset]', '[order]', '[sort]'), array($numPerPage * $i - $numPerPage, $order, $sort), $URL), 'label' => $i, 'current' => $current); } // show last pages? if ($showLastPages) { // init var $pagesLastStart = $numPages - 1; $pagesLastEnd = $numPages; // loop pages for ($i = $pagesLastStart; $i <= $pagesLastEnd; $i++) { // add $pagination['last'][] = array('url' => str_replace(array('[offset]', '[order]', '[sort]'), array($numPerPage * $i - $numPerPage, $order, $sort), $URL), 'label' => $i); } } // show next if ($currentPage < $numPages) { // set $pagination['show_next'] = true; $pagination['next_url'] = str_replace(array('[offset]', '[order]', '[sort]'), array($offset + $numPerPage, $order, $sort), $URL); } // multiple pages $pagination['multiple_pages'] = $numPages == 1 ? false : true; // assign pagination $tpl->assign('pagination', $pagination); // assign labels $tpl->assign('previousLabel', BL::lbl('PreviousPage')); $tpl->assign('nextLabel', BL::lbl('NextPage')); $tpl->assign('goToLabel', BL::lbl('GoToPage')); return $tpl->getContent(BACKEND_CORE_PATH . '/layout/templates/datagrid_paging.tpl'); }
$recentCheckins = PublicApp::getRecentCheckins(); $recent = array_merge($recentDrinks, $recentCheckins); function compare_time($a, $b) { return strnatcmp($b['timestamp'], $a['timestamp']); } usort($recent, 'compare_time'); $test = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { if ($recent[$i] !== null) { $test[] = $recent[$i]; } } $recent = $test; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($recent); $i++) { $recent[$i]['timestamp'] = SpoonDate::getTimeAgo(strtotime($recent[$i]['timestamp'])); //check if the user has a fb account authenticated if (!$recent[$i]['fb_uid']) { //else, use standard fb icon $recent[$i]['fb_uid'] = 1; } } if ($recent !== null) { $tpl->assign('oRecent', true); $tpl->assign('iRecent', $recent); } else { $tpl->assign('oNoRecent', true); } // show the output $tpl->assign('content', $tpl->getContent('templates/index.tpl')); $tpl->display('templates/layout.tpl');
/** * Builds & returns the pagination * * @param string $url * @param int $offset * @param string $order The name of the column to sort on. * @param string $sort The sorting method, possible values are: asc, desc. * @param int $numResults * @param int $numPerPage The items per page. * @param bool $debug * @param string $compileDirectory * * @return string */ public static function getContent($url, $offset, $order, $sort, $numResults, $numPerPage, $debug = true, $compileDirectory = null) { // if there is just one page we don't need paging if ($numResults < $numPerPage) { return ''; } // load template $tpl = new \SpoonTemplate(); // compile directory if ($compileDirectory !== null) { $tpl->setCompileDirectory($compileDirectory); } else { $tpl->setCompileDirectory(__DIR__); } // force compiling $tpl->setForceCompile((bool) $debug); // init vars $pagination = null; $showFirstPages = false; $showLastPages = false; // current page $currentPage = ceil($offset / $numPerPage) + 1; // number of pages $numPages = ceil($numResults / $numPerPage); // populate count fields $pagination['num_pages'] = $numPages; $pagination['current_page'] = $currentPage; // as long as we have more then 5 pages and are 5 pages from the end we should show all pages till the end if ($currentPage > 5 && $currentPage >= $numPages - 4) { // init vars $pagesStart = $numPages > 7 ? $numPages - 5 : $numPages - 6; $pagesEnd = $numPages; // fix for page 6 if ($numPages == 6) { $pagesStart = 1; } // show first pages if ($numPages > 7) { $showFirstPages = true; } } elseif ($currentPage <= 5) { // as long as we are below page 5 and below 5 from the end we should show all pages starting from 1 $pagesStart = 1; $pagesEnd = 6; if ($numPages == 7) { // when we have 7 pages, show 7 as end $pagesEnd = 7; } elseif ($numPages <= 6) { // when we have less then 6 pages, show the maximum page $pagesEnd = $numPages; } // show last pages if ($numPages > 7) { $showLastPages = true; } } else { // page 6 $pagesStart = $currentPage - 2; $pagesEnd = $currentPage + 2; $showFirstPages = true; $showLastPages = true; } // show previous if ($currentPage > 1) { // set $pagination['show_previous'] = true; $pagination['previous_url'] = str_replace(array('[offset]', '[order]', '[sort]'), array($offset - $numPerPage, $order, $sort), $url); } // show first pages? if ($showFirstPages) { // init var $pagesFirstStart = 1; $pagesFirstEnd = 2; // loop pages for ($i = $pagesFirstStart; $i <= $pagesFirstEnd; ++$i) { // add $pagination['first'][] = array('url' => str_replace(array('[offset]', '[order]', '[sort]'), array($numPerPage * $i - $numPerPage, $order, $sort), $url), 'label' => $i); } } // build array for ($i = $pagesStart; $i <= $pagesEnd; ++$i) { // init var $current = $i == $currentPage; // add $pagination['pages'][] = array('url' => str_replace(array('[offset]', '[order]', '[sort]'), array($numPerPage * $i - $numPerPage, $order, $sort), $url), 'label' => $i, 'current' => $current); } // show last pages? if ($showLastPages) { // init var $pagesLastStart = $numPages - 1; $pagesLastEnd = $numPages; // loop pages for ($i = $pagesLastStart; $i <= $pagesLastEnd; ++$i) { // add $pagination['last'][] = array('url' => str_replace(array('[offset]', '[order]', '[sort]'), array($numPerPage * $i - $numPerPage, $order, $sort), $url), 'label' => $i); } } // show next if ($currentPage < $numPages) { // set $pagination['show_next'] = true; $pagination['next_url'] = str_replace(array('[offset]', '[order]', '[sort]'), array($offset + $numPerPage, $order, $sort), $url); } // multiple pages $pagination['multiple_pages'] = $numPages == 1 ? false : true; // assign pagination $tpl->assign('pagination', $pagination); // assign labels $tpl->assign('previousLabel', BackendLanguage::lbl('PreviousPage')); $tpl->assign('nextLabel', BackendLanguage::lbl('NextPage')); $tpl->assign('goToLabel', BackendLanguage::lbl('GoToPage')); return $tpl->getContent(BACKEND_CORE_PATH . '/Layout/Templates/DatagridPaging.tpl'); }