Example #1
  * Parse the correct messages into the template
 protected function parse()
     // grab the error-type from the parameters
     $errorType = $this->getParameter('type');
     // set correct headers
     switch ($errorType) {
         case 'module-not-allowed':
         case 'action-not-allowed':
         case 'not-found':
     // querystring provided?
     if ($this->getParameter('querystring') !== null) {
         // split into file and parameters
         $chunks = explode('?', $this->getParameter('querystring'));
         // get extension
         $extension = SpoonFile::getExtension($chunks[0]);
         // if the file has an extension it is a non-existing-file
         if ($extension != '' && $extension != $chunks[0]) {
             // set correct headers
             // give a nice error, so we can detect which file is missing
             echo 'Requested file (' . htmlspecialchars($this->getParameter('querystring')) . ') not found.';
             // stop script execution
     // assign the correct message into the template
     $this->tpl->assign('message', BL::err(SpoonFilter::toCamelCase(htmlspecialchars($errorType), '-')));
Example #2
  * You have to specify the action and module so we know what to do with this instance
  * @param string $action The action to load.
  * @param string $module The module to load.
 public function __construct($action, $module)
     $allowed = false;
     // is this an allowed action
     if (BackendAuthentication::isAllowedAction($action, $this->getModule())) {
         $allowed = true;
     // is this an allowed AJAX-action?
     if (!$allowed) {
         // set correct headers
         // output
         $fakeAction = new BackendBaseAJAXAction('', '');
         $fakeAction->output(BackendBaseAJAXAction::FORBIDDEN, null, 'Not logged in.');
Example #3
  * Set the module
  * We can't rely on the parent setModule function, because a cronjob requires no login
  * @param string $module The module to load.
 public function setModule($module)
     // does this module exist?
     $modules = SpoonDirectory::getList(BACKEND_MODULES_PATH);
     $modules[] = 'core';
     if (!in_array($module, $modules)) {
         // set correct headers
         // throw exception
         throw new BackendException('Module not allowed.');
     // set property
     $this->module = $module;
Example #4
  * Set the module
  * We can't rely on the parent setModule function, because a cronjob requires no login
  * @param string $module The module to load.
 public function setModule($module)
     // does this module exist?
     $modules = BackendModel::getModulesOnFilesystem();
     if (!in_array($module, $modules)) {
         // set correct headers
         // throw exception
         throw new Exception('Module not allowed.');
     // set property
     $this->module = $module;
Example #5
  * Output as XML
  * @return	void
  * @param	int $statusCode			The status code.
  * @param	array[optional] $data	The data to return.
 private static function outputXML($statusCode, array $data = null)
     // redefine
     $statusCode = (int) $statusCode;
     // init vars
     $pathChunks = explode('/', trim(dirname(__FILE__), '/'));
     $version = $pathChunks[count($pathChunks) - 2];
     // init XML
     $XML = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
     // set some properties
     $XML->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
     $XML->formatOutput = true;
     // create root element
     $root = $XML->createElement('fork');
     // add attributes
     $root->setAttribute('status_code', $statusCode);
     $root->setAttribute('status', $statusCode == 200 ? 'ok' : 'error');
     $root->setAttribute('version', FORK_VERSION);
     $root->setAttribute('endpoint', SITE_URL . '/api/' . $version);
     // append
     // build XML
     array_walk($data, array('API', 'arrayToXML'), $root);
     // set correct headers
     SpoonHTTP::setHeaders('content-type: text/xml;charset=utf-8');
     // output XML
     echo $XML->saveXML();
     // stop script execution
Example #6
  * Output an answer to the browser
  * @return	void
  * @param	int $statusCode				The status code for the response, use the available constants. (self::OK, self::BAD_REQUEST, self::FORBIDDEN, self::ERROR).
  * @param	mixed[optional] $data		The data to output.
  * @param	string[optional] $message	The text-message to send.
 public function output($statusCode, $data = null, $message = null)
     // redefine
     $statusCode = (int) $statusCode;
     if ($message !== null) {
         $message = (string) $message;
     // create response array
     $response = array('code' => $statusCode, 'data' => $data, 'message' => $message);
     // set correct headers
     SpoonHTTP::setHeaders('content-type: application/json');
     // output JSON to the browser
     echo json_encode($response);
     // stop script execution
Example #7
  * Set module
  * @param string $value The module to use.
 private function setModule($value)
     // set property
     $this->module = (string) $value;
     // core is a module that contains general stuff, so it has to be allowed
     if ($this->module !== 'core') {
         // is this module allowed?
         if (!BackendAuthentication::isAllowedModule($this->module)) {
             // set correct headers
             // stop script execution
     // create URL instance, the templatemodifiers need this object
     $URL = new BackendURL();
     // set the module
Example #8
  * Display the page
 public function display()
     // parse header
     // parse breadcrumb
     // parse languages
     // parse footer
     // assign the id so we can use it as an option
     $this->tpl->assign('isPage' . $this->pageId, true);
     // fetch variables from main template
     $mainVariables = $this->tpl->getAssignedVariables();
     // loop all positions
     foreach ($this->record['positions'] as $position => &$blocks) {
         // loop all blocks in this position
         foreach ($blocks as &$block) {
             // check for extra's that need to be reparsed
             if (isset($block['extra'])) {
                 // fetch extra-specific variables
                 $extraVariables = $block['extra']->getTemplate()->getAssignedVariables();
                 // assign all main variables
                 // overwrite with all specific variables
                 // parse extra
                 $block = array('blockIsHTML' => false, 'blockContent' => $block['extra']->getContent());
         // assign position to template
         $this->tpl->assign('position' . SpoonFilter::ucfirst($position), $blocks);
     // assign empty positions
     $unusedPositions = array_diff($this->record['template_data']['names'], array_keys($this->record['positions']));
     foreach ($unusedPositions as $position) {
         $this->tpl->assign('position' . SpoonFilter::ucfirst($position), array());
     // only overwrite when status code is 404
     if ($this->statusCode == 404) {
     // output
     $this->tpl->display($this->templatePath, false, true);
Example #9
  * Display the page
 public function display()
     // parse header
     // parse breadcrumb
     // parse languages
     // parse footer
     // assign the id so we can use it as an option
     $this->tpl->assign('isPage' . $this->pageId, true);
     // the the positions to the template
     // assign empty positions
     $unusedPositions = array_diff($this->record['template_data']['names'], array_keys($this->record['positions']));
     foreach ($unusedPositions as $position) {
         $this->tpl->assign('position' . SpoonFilter::ucfirst($position), array());
     // only overwrite when status code is 404
     if ($this->statusCode == 404) {
     // output
     $this->tpl->display($this->templatePath, false, true);
Example #10
  * Do authentication stuff
  * This method could end the script by throwing an exception
  * @return	void
 private function validateLogin()
     // check if the user is logged on, if not he shouldn't load any JS-file
     if (!BackendAuthentication::isLoggedIn()) {
         // set the correct header
         // output
         $fakeAction = new BackendBaseAJAXAction('', '');
         $fakeAction->output(BackendBaseAJAXAction::FORBIDDEN, null, 'Not logged in.');
     // set interface language
Example #11
  * Execute the action
  * We will build the classname, require the class and call the execute method.
  * @return	void
 public function execute()
     // build action-class-name
     $actionClassName = 'Backend' . SpoonFilter::toCamelCase($this->getModule() . '_cronjob_' . $this->getAction());
     if ($this->getModule() == 'core') {
         // check if the file is present? If it isn't present there is a huge problem, so we will stop our code by throwing an error
         if (!SpoonFile::exists(BACKEND_CORE_PATH . '/cronjobs/' . $this->getAction() . '.php')) {
             // set correct headers
             // throw exception
             throw new BackendException('The cronjobfile for the module (' . $this->getAction() . '.php) can\'t be found.');
         // require the config file, we know it is there because we validated it before (possible actions are defined by existance of the file).
         require_once BACKEND_CORE_PATH . '/cronjobs/' . $this->getAction() . '.php';
     } else {
         // check if the file is present? If it isn't present there is a huge problem, so we will stop our code by throwing an error
         if (!SpoonFile::exists(BACKEND_MODULES_PATH . '/' . $this->getModule() . '/cronjobs/' . $this->getAction() . '.php')) {
             // set correct headers
             // throw exception
             throw new BackendException('The cronjobfile for the module (' . $this->getAction() . '.php) can\'t be found.');
         // require the config file, we know it is there because we validated it before (possible actions are defined by existance of the file).
         require_once BACKEND_MODULES_PATH . '/' . $this->getModule() . '/cronjobs/' . $this->getAction() . '.php';
     // validate if class exists (aka has correct name)
     if (!class_exists($actionClassName)) {
         // set correct headers
         // throw exception
         throw new BackendException('The cronjobfile is present, but the classname should be: ' . $actionClassName . '.');
     // create action-object
     $object = new $actionClassName($this->getAction(), $this->getModule());
     // call the execute method of the real action (defined in the module)
Example #12
  * Set file
  * @param string $value The file to load.
 private function setFile($value)
     // set property
     $this->filename = (string) $value;
     // validate
     if (substr_count($this->filename, '../') > 0) {
         // set correct headers
         // when debug is on throw an exception
         if (SPOON_DEBUG) {
             throw new FrontendException('Invalid file.');
         } else {
     // init var
     $valid = true;
     // core is a special module
     if ($this->module == 'core') {
         // build path
         $path = realpath(FRONTEND_CORE_PATH . '/js/' . $this->filename);
         // validate if path is allowed
         if (substr($path, 0, strlen(realpath(FRONTEND_CORE_PATH . '/js/'))) != realpath(FRONTEND_CORE_PATH . '/js/')) {
             $valid = false;
     } else {
         // build path
         $path = realpath(FRONTEND_MODULES_PATH . '/' . $this->getModule() . '/js/' . $this->filename);
         // validate if path is allowed
         if (substr($path, 0, strlen(realpath(FRONTEND_MODULES_PATH . '/' . $this->getModule() . '/js/'))) != realpath(FRONTEND_MODULES_PATH . '/' . $this->getModule() . '/js/')) {
             $valid = false;
     // invalid file?
     if (!$valid) {
         // set correct headers
         // when debug is on throw an exception
         if (SPOON_DEBUG) {
             throw new FrontendException('Invalid file.');
         } else {
     // check if the path exists, if not whe should given an error
     if (!SpoonFile::exists($path)) {
         // set correct headers
         // when debug is on throw an exception
         if (SPOON_DEBUG) {
             throw new FrontendException('File not present.');
         } else {
Example #13
  * Display the page
  * @return	void
 public function display()
     // parse header
     // parse breadcrumb
     // parse languages
     // parse footer
     // assign the id so we can use it as an option
     $this->tpl->assign('page' . $this->pageId, true);
     // fetch variables from main template
     $mainVariables = $this->tpl->getAssignedVariables();
     // loop all extras
     foreach ((array) $this->extras as $templateVariable => $extra) {
         // fetch extra-specific variables
         $extraVariables = $extra->getTemplate()->getAssignedVariables();
         // assign all main variables
         // overwrite with all specific variables
         // parse extra and assign to main template
         $this->tpl->assign($templateVariable, $extra->getContent());
     // only overwrite when status code is 404
     if ($this->statusCode == 404) {
     // output
     $this->tpl->display($this->templatePath, false, true);
Example #14
  * Set the module
  * @param string $module The module to load.
  * @throws Exception If module is not allowed
 public function setModule($module)
     // is this module allowed?
     if (!Authentication::isAllowedModule($module)) {
         // set correct headers
         // throw exception
         throw new Exception('Module not allowed.');
     // set property
     $this->module = $module;
Example #15
  * Output as XML
  * @param int   $statusCode The status code.
  * @param array $data       The data to return.
 private static function outputXML($statusCode, array $data = null)
     // redefine
     $statusCode = (int) $statusCode;
     // init vars
     $charset = BackendModel::getContainer()->getParameter('kernel.charset');
     $pathChunks = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, trim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR));
     $version = $pathChunks[count($pathChunks) - 2];
     $version = strtolower($version);
     // init XML
     $XML = new \DOMDocument('1.0', $charset);
     // set some properties
     $XML->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
     $XML->formatOutput = true;
     // create root element
     $root = $XML->createElement('fork');
     // add attributes
     $root->setAttribute('status_code', $statusCode);
     $root->setAttribute('status', $statusCode == 200 ? 'ok' : 'error');
     $root->setAttribute('version', FORK_VERSION);
     $root->setAttribute('endpoint', SITE_URL . '/api/' . $version);
     // append
     // build XML
     array_walk($data, array(__CLASS__, 'arrayToXML'), $root);
     // set correct headers
     \SpoonHTTP::setHeaders('content-type: text/xml;charset=' . $charset);
     // output XML
     self::$content = $XML->saveXML();