Example #1
  * Translate array sequence of tokens from infix to 
  * Reverse Polish notation (RPN) which representing mathematical expression.
  * @param array $tokens Collection of Token intances
  * @return array Collection of Token intances
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 public function translate(array $tokens)
     $this->operatorStack = new SplStack();
     $this->outputQueue = new SplQueue();
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($tokens); $i++) {
         $token = $tokens[$i];
         switch ($token->getType()) {
             case Token::T_OPERAND:
             case Token::T_OPERATOR:
             case Token::T_FUNCTION:
                 $o1 = $token;
                 $isUnary = $this->isPreviousTokenOperator($tokens, $i) || $this->isPreviousTokenLeftParenthesis($tokens, $i) || $this->hasPreviousToken($i) === false;
                 if ($isUnary) {
                     if ($o1->getValue() === '-' || $o1->getValue() === '+') {
                         $o1 = new Operator($o1->getValue() . 'u', 3, Operator::O_NONE_ASSOCIATIVE);
                     } else {
                         if (!$o1 instanceof FunctionToken) {
                             throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Syntax error: operator '" . $o1->getValue() . "' cannot be used as a unary operator or with an operator as an operand.");
                 } else {
                     while ($this->hasOperatorInStack() && ($o2 = $this->operatorStack->top()) && $o1->hasLowerPriority($o2)) {
             case Token::T_LEFT_BRACKET:
             case Token::T_RIGHT_BRACKET:
                 if ($this->isPreviousTokenOperator($tokens, $i)) {
                     throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Syntax error: an operator cannot be followed by a right parenthesis.');
                 } elseif ($this->isPreviousTokenLeftParenthesis($tokens, $i)) {
                     throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Syntax error: empty parenthesis.');
                 while (!$this->operatorStack->isEmpty() && Token::T_LEFT_BRACKET != $this->operatorStack->top()->getType()) {
                 if ($this->operatorStack->isEmpty()) {
                     throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Syntax error: mismatched parentheses.');
                 throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid token detected: %s.', $token));
     while ($this->hasOperatorInStack()) {
     if (!$this->operatorStack->isEmpty()) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('Syntax error: mismatched parentheses or misplaced number.');
     return iterator_to_array($this->outputQueue);
Example #2
function bfs_path($graph, $start, $end)
    $queue = new SplQueue();
    # Enqueue the path
    $visited = [$start];
    while ($queue->count() > 0) {
        $path = $queue->dequeue();
        # Get the last node on the path
        # so we can check if we're at the end
        $node = $path[sizeof($path) - 1];
        if ($node === $end) {
            return $path;
        foreach ($graph[$node] as $neighbour) {
            if (!in_array($neighbour, $visited)) {
                $visited[] = $neighbour;
                # Build new path appending the neighbour then and enqueue it
                $new_path = $path;
                $new_path[] = $neighbour;
    return false;
Example #3
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function enqueue(Task $task) : \Generator
     if (!$this->context->isRunning()) {
         throw new StatusError('The worker has not been started.');
     if ($this->shutdown) {
         throw new StatusError('The worker has been shut down.');
     // If the worker is currently busy, store the task in a busy queue.
     if (null !== $this->active) {
         $delayed = new Delayed();
         (yield $delayed);
     $this->active = new Coroutine($this->send($task));
     try {
         $result = (yield $this->active);
     } catch (\Throwable $exception) {
         throw new WorkerException('Sending the task to the worker failed.', $exception);
     } finally {
         $this->active = null;
     // We're no longer busy at the moment, so dequeue a waiting task.
     if (!$this->busyQueue->isEmpty()) {
     if ($result instanceof TaskFailure) {
         throw $result->getException();
     return $result;
  * @param $type
  * @param $message
  * @param null $data
 public function log($type, $message, $data = null)
     if (!$this->traitErrorLog) {
         $this->traitErrorLog = new \SplQueue();
     $this->traitErrorLog->enqueue(['type' => $type, 'message' => $message, 'data' => $data]);
Example #5
  * @return string[] names of any dependencies involved in dependency cycle[s] (or that depend
  *     upon those in the cycle)
 public function list_dependency_cycles()
     $dep_counts = $this->dependency_counts();
     $depends_on = $this->reverse_graph();
     $deps_met_queue = new \SplQueue();
     foreach ($dep_counts as $dependency => $count) {
         if ($count === 0) {
     // Iteratively resolve dependencies
     $num_removed = 0;
     while (!$deps_met_queue->isEmpty()) {
         $name = $deps_met_queue->dequeue();
         if (!array_key_exists($name, $depends_on)) {
         foreach ($depends_on[$name] as $dependant) {
             if ($dep_counts[$dependant] === 0) {
     // Find the dependencies that couldn't be resolved
     $depends_on_cycle = [];
     foreach ($dep_counts as $dependency => $count) {
         if ($count > 0) {
             $depends_on_cycle[] = $dependency;
     return $depends_on_cycle;
Example #6
  * @param EventInterface $event
  * @param bool           $asynchronously
 public function dispatch(EventInterface $event, $asynchronously = false)
     if (!$asynchronously) {
         $this->scope->emit($event->getName(), [$event]);
     } else {
Example #7
  * Adds an element to the queue
  * @param mixed $value
 public function enqueue($value)
     $hash = $this->generateHash($value);
     if (!$this->hashes->in($hash)) {
  * @return \React\Promise\PromiseInterface
 public function open()
     if ($this->current < $this->limit) {
         return new FulfilledPromise();
     $deferred = new Deferred();
     return $deferred->promise();
 protected function shouldShutDownMessenger(Messenger $messenger)
     if ($this->callQueue->count() == 0 && $this->pool->count() > $this->options['min_size']) {
Example #10
 public static function push($msg, $code = self::GENERIC_ERROR, $severity = self::SEVERITY_ERROR)
     self::$errors->enqueue(new Error($msg, $code, $severity));
     if ($severity == self::SEVERITY_ERROR) {
     } else {
Example #11
  * Adds a route to the router
  * @param $callable
  * @param $conditions
  * @author Tim Perry
 public function addRoute($callable, $conditions)
     $route = clone $this->routePrototype;
     if (!is_array($conditions)) {
         $conditions = array($conditions);
Example #12
  * @inheritDoc
 public function getQuery(Driver $driver, $link)
     if (!$this->pool->contains($link)) {
         throw new \OutOfBoundsException(sprintf('Undefined %s in the pooling controller.', $driver->info($link)));
     if (!$this->waiting->isEmpty()) {
         return $this->waiting->dequeue();
  * Once a connection has finished being used...
  * @param Connection $connection
 public function releaseConnection(Connection $connection)
     // If we have any promises waiting for the connection, pass it along.
     if ($this->waiting->count() > 0) {
         $cb = $this->waiting->dequeue();
     // Otherwise, move it to the idle queue.
 public function run(TestRequest $test)
     if (!$this->process->isRunning()) {
     $this->debug("Added " . $test->encode());
     $this->testErr = '';
Example #15
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function start()
     if (isset($this->deferred)) {
         throw new \RuntimeException('Tasks is already started');
     $this->deferred = new Deferred();
     $this->process->start(function () {
     return $this->deferred->promise();
Example #16
  * Adds conditions to the route from the given array
  * @param array $conditions - an array of conditions
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
  * @author Tim Perry
 public function addConditionsFromArray(array $conditions)
     foreach ($conditions as $condition) {
         if (!is_callable($condition)) {
             $message = "One or more of the conditions you provided are not callable, ";
             $message .= "please pass an array of callable functions.";
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException($message);
Example #17
 private function nextTick()
     while ($this->future->valid() && ($task = $this->future->current())) {
         if (!$task->isBlocked() || !$task->isStarted()) {
Example #18
  * @param string $function
  * @param array $args
  * @param int $errorResultCode
  * @return \React\Promise\PromiseInterface
 public function invokeCall($function, $args, $errorResultCode = -1)
     $this->callQueueActive = true;
     $deferred = new Deferred();
     $this->callQueue->enqueue(new QueuedCall($deferred, $function, $args, $errorResultCode));
     if (!$this->callQueue->isEmpty() && $this->runningOperations < $this->maxSimultaneousOperations) {
     return $deferred->promise()->then(function ($data) {
         return $this->adapter->callFilesystem($data['function'], $data['args'], $data['errorResultCode'])->then($this->filesystemResultHandler('React\\Promise\\resolve'), $this->filesystemResultHandler('React\\Promise\\reject'));
Example #19
 protected function addRulesForPackage(PackageInterface $package)
     $workQueue = new \SplQueue();
     while (!$workQueue->isEmpty()) {
         $package = $workQueue->dequeue();
         if (isset($this->addedMap[$package->getId()])) {
         $this->addedMap[$package->getId()] = true;
         foreach ($package->getRequires() as $link) {
             $possibleRequires = $this->pool->whatProvides($link->getTarget(), $link->getConstraint());
             $this->addRule(RuleSet::TYPE_PACKAGE, $rule = $this->createRequireRule($package, $possibleRequires, Rule::RULE_PACKAGE_REQUIRES, $link));
             foreach ($possibleRequires as $require) {
         foreach ($package->getConflicts() as $link) {
             $possibleConflicts = $this->pool->whatProvides($link->getTarget(), $link->getConstraint());
             foreach ($possibleConflicts as $conflict) {
                 $this->addRule(RuleSet::TYPE_PACKAGE, $this->createConflictRule($package, $conflict, Rule::RULE_PACKAGE_CONFLICT, $link));
         $isInstalled = isset($this->installedMap[$package->getId()]);
         foreach ($package->getReplaces() as $link) {
             $obsoleteProviders = $this->pool->whatProvides($link->getTarget(), $link->getConstraint());
             foreach ($obsoleteProviders as $provider) {
                 if ($provider === $package) {
                 if (!$this->obsoleteImpossibleForAlias($package, $provider)) {
                     $reason = $isInstalled ? Rule::RULE_INSTALLED_PACKAGE_OBSOLETES : Rule::RULE_PACKAGE_OBSOLETES;
                     $this->addRule(RuleSet::TYPE_PACKAGE, $this->createConflictRule($package, $provider, $reason, $link));
         $obsoleteProviders = $this->pool->whatProvides($package->getName(), null);
         foreach ($obsoleteProviders as $provider) {
             if ($provider === $package) {
             if ($package instanceof AliasPackage && $package->getAliasOf() === $provider) {
                 $this->addRule(RuleSet::TYPE_PACKAGE, $rule = $this->createRequireRule($package, array($provider), Rule::RULE_PACKAGE_ALIAS, $package));
             } elseif (!$this->obsoleteImpossibleForAlias($package, $provider)) {
                 $reason = $package->getName() == $provider->getName() ? Rule::RULE_PACKAGE_SAME_NAME : Rule::RULE_PACKAGE_IMPLICIT_OBSOLETES;
                 $this->addRule(RuleSet::TYPE_PACKAGE, $rule = $this->createConflictRule($package, $provider, $reason, $package));
Example #20
  * run main loop
  * @param null $limit
 public function run($limit = null)
     do {
         $start = microtime(true);
         foreach ($this->getDequeuedWatcher() as $watcher) {
             switch ($watcher->getState()) {
                 case $watcher::STATE_ACTIVE:
                     if ($watcher::STATE_FINISHED !== $watcher()) {
                 case $watcher::STATE_STOPPED:
         if (0 > ($sleep = $this->min - (microtime(true) - $start) * 1000000)) {
             $sleep = abs($sleep) % $this->min;
         if ($this->ticks % 100) {
         if (!is_null($limit) && $limit <= $this->ticks) {
     } while ($this->hasActiveWatchers() && $this->stop === false);
Example #21
  * Add middleware to the pipe-line. Please note that middleware's will
  * be called in the order they are added.
  * A middleware CAN implement the Middleware Interface, but MUST be
  * callable. A middleware WILL be called with three parameters:
  * Request, Response and Next.
  * @throws \RuntimeException when adding middleware to the stack to late
  * @param callable $middleware
 public function pipe(callable $middleware)
     // Check if the pipeline is locked
     if ($this->locked) {
         throw new \RuntimeException('Middleware can’t be added once the stack is dequeuing');
     // Inject the dependency injection container
     if (method_exists($middleware, 'setContainer') && $this->container !== null) {
     // Force serializers to register mime types
     if ($middleware instanceof SerializerMiddleware) {
     // Add the middleware to the queue
     // Check if middleware should be added to the error queue
     if (!$this->errorQueueLocked) {
         // Check if we should lock the error queue
         if ($middleware instanceof ErrorMiddleware) {
             $this->errorQueueLocked = true;
Example #22
  * @throws Response\Exception
  * @return Response\Response
 protected function _getResponse()
     $version = unpack('C', $this->_node->read(1))[1];
     switch ($version) {
         case 0x83:
             $header = unpack('Cflags/nstream/Copcode/Nlength', $this->_node->read(8));
             $body = $header['length'] === 0 ? '' : $this->_node->read($header['length']);
             static $responseClassMap = [Frame::OPCODE_ERROR => 'Cassandra\\Response\\Error', Frame::OPCODE_READY => 'Cassandra\\Response\\Ready', Frame::OPCODE_AUTHENTICATE => 'Cassandra\\Response\\Authenticate', Frame::OPCODE_SUPPORTED => 'Cassandra\\Response\\Supported', Frame::OPCODE_RESULT => 'Cassandra\\Response\\Result', Frame::OPCODE_EVENT => 'Cassandra\\Response\\Event', Frame::OPCODE_AUTH_SUCCESS => 'Cassandra\\Response\\AuthSuccess'];
             if (!isset($responseClassMap[$header['opcode']])) {
                 throw new Response\Exception('Unknown response');
             $responseClass = $responseClassMap[$header['opcode']];
             $response = new $responseClass($header, new Response\StreamReader($body));
             if ($header['stream'] !== 0) {
                 if (isset($this->_statements[$header['stream']])) {
                 } elseif ($response instanceof Response\Event) {
             return $response;
             throw new Exception('php-cassandra supports CQL binary protocol v3 only, please upgrade your Cassandra to 2.1 or later.');
Example #23
  * Process the given queue of template files and
  * returns the generated output.
  * @param string $file
  * @return string
  * @throws RendererException
 public function render(string $file) : string
     if ($this->rendering) {
         throw new RendererException("Cannot call render() inside templates.");
     $this->rendering = true;
     while (!$this->queue->isEmpty()) {
         $file = $this->engine->path($this->queue->dequeue());
         if (!file_exists($file)) {
             throw new \RuntimeException("Cannot find file: {$file}");
         require $file;
         $this->sections()->populate('content', ob_get_contents(), 'replace');
         if ($this->extended) {
             $this->extended = false;
     $this->rendering = false;
     return $this->sections()->fetch('content');
Example #24
  * Receive a value from the channel.
  * Be careful when you may receive null values: you need to change the EOF param accordingly!
  * @param mixed $eof The EOF value, a channel will return this value if it has been closed without an error.
  * @return mixed The received value.
  * @throws \Throwable Fails if the channel has been closed with an error.
 public function receive($eof = null) : Awaitable
     if (!$this->buffer) {
         while ($this->senders && !$this->senders->isEmpty()) {
             $subscription = $this->senders->dequeue();
             if ($subscription->active) {
                 return new Success($subscription->data);
     } elseif (!$this->buffer->isEmpty()) {
         while ($this->senders && !$this->senders->isEmpty()) {
             $subscription = $this->senders->dequeue();
             if ($subscription->active) {
         return new Success($this->buffer->dequeue());
     if ($this->closed instanceof \Throwable) {
         return new Failure($this->closed);
     } elseif ($this->closed) {
         return new Success($eof);
     if (!$this->receivers) {
         $this->receivers = new \SplQueue();
     $this->receivers->enqueue($subscription = new ChannelSubscription($eof));
     return $subscription;
Example #25
 protected function enqueueBlock(Block $block)
     if (!$this->blocks->contains($block)) {
         $this->blocks[$block] = count($this->blocks) + 1;
Example #26
  * Implements the when() method of the Promise interface.
  * @param callable $onResolved
 public function when(callable $onResolved)
     switch ($this->state) {
         case Awaitable::RESOLVED:
             try {
                 $onResolved(null, ...$this->result);
             } catch (\Throwable $ex) {
                 Loop::defer(function () use($ex) {
                     throw $ex;
         case Awaitable::FAILED:
             try {
             } catch (\Throwable $ex) {
                 Loop::defer(function () use($ex) {
                     throw $ex;
             if (!$this->callbacks) {
                 $this->callbacks = new \SplQueue();
                 $this->callbacks->setIteratorMode(\SplQueue::IT_MODE_FIFO | \SplQueue::IT_MODE_DELETE);
  * Re-order token stream into reverse polish notation.
  * @param array $tokenList
  * @return array of ComparatorVersions and logical operator tokens
 private function shuntingYard(array $tokenList)
     $operatorStack = new \SplStack();
     $output = new \SplQueue();
     foreach ($tokenList as $token) {
         // Accumulate Versions & Comparators
         if ($token instanceof VersionRangeInterface) {
             // Handle operators
         } elseif ($token instanceof Token) {
             // Loop while the current token has higher precedence then the stack token
             $operator1 = $token;
             while ($this->hasOperator($operatorStack) && ($operator2 = $operatorStack->top()) && $this->hasLowerPrecedence($operator1, $operator2)) {
         } else {
             throw new \RuntimeException('Invalid version number');
     // Merge remaining operators onto output list
     while ($this->hasOperator($operatorStack)) {
     return iterator_to_array($output);
 /** @internal */
 private function initReadable()
     $this->readBuffer = new \SplQueue();
     $this->on('__listenersChanged', function () {
         $this->hasDataListeners = 0 != count($this->listeners('data'));
         if (!$this->paused) {
     $this->registerPersistentEvents('end', 'error');
     $this->pushFn = function ($object, callable $onFlush = null) : bool {
         if (null === $object) {
             return false;
         $readBufferEmpty = $this->readBuffer->isEmpty();
         if ($this->paused || !$this->hasDataListeners) {
             $this->readBuffer->enqueue([$object, $onFlush]);
             if ($readBufferEmpty) {
         } elseif (!$readBufferEmpty) {
             // not paused but buffer has items - must be within resume()
             $this->readBuffer->enqueue([$object, $onFlush]);
         } else {
             $this->emitData($object, $onFlush);
         return $this->readBuffer->count() < $this->highWaterMark;
Example #29
  * @throws Response\Exception
  * @return Response\Response
 protected function _getResponse()
     $header = unpack('Cversion/Cflags/nstream/Copcode/Nlength', $this->fetchData(9));
     if ($header['length']) {
         $body = $this->fetchData($header['length']);
     } else {
         $body = '';
     static $responseClassMap = array(Frame::OPCODE_ERROR => 'Cassandra\\Response\\Error', Frame::OPCODE_READY => 'Cassandra\\Response\\Ready', Frame::OPCODE_AUTHENTICATE => 'Cassandra\\Response\\Authenticate', Frame::OPCODE_SUPPORTED => 'Cassandra\\Response\\Supported', Frame::OPCODE_RESULT => 'Cassandra\\Response\\Result', Frame::OPCODE_EVENT => 'Cassandra\\Response\\Event', Frame::OPCODE_AUTH_SUCCESS => 'Cassandra\\Response\\AuthSuccess');
     if (!isset($responseClassMap[$header['opcode']])) {
         throw new Response\Exception('Unknown response');
     $responseClass = $responseClassMap[$header['opcode']];
     $response = new $responseClass($header, $body);
     if ($header['stream'] !== 0) {
         if (isset($this->_statements[$header['stream']])) {
         } elseif ($response instanceof Response\Event) {
     return $response;
Example #30
  * @param TaskListPosition $taskListPosition
  * @param WorkflowMessage|LogMessage $lastAnswer
  * @throws \RuntimeException If process cannot be found
  * @throws \Exception If error occurs during processing
 private function continueProcessAt(TaskListPosition $taskListPosition, $lastAnswer)
     $process = $this->processRepository->get($taskListPosition->taskListId()->processId());
     if (is_null($process)) {
         throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf("Last received message %s (%s) contains unknown processId. A process with id %s cannot be found!", $lastAnswer->getMessageName(), $lastAnswer->uuid()->toString(), $taskListPosition->taskListId()->processId()->toString()));
     try {
         $process->receiveMessage($lastAnswer, $this->workflowEngine);
     } catch (\Exception $ex) {
         throw $ex;
     if ($process->isFinished()) {
         $this->processorEventQueue->enqueue($this->events()->getNewActionEvent('process_did_finish', $this, ['process_id' => $process->processId()->toString(), 'finished_at' => $lastAnswer->createdAt()->format(\DateTime::ISO8601), 'succeed' => $process->isSuccessfulDone()]));
     if ($process->isSubProcess() && $process->isFinished()) {
         if ($process->isSuccessfulDone()) {
             $this->informParentProcessAboutSubProcess($process, true, $lastAnswer);
         } else {
             if (!$lastAnswer instanceof LogMessage) {
                 $lastAnswer = LogMessage::logException(new \RuntimeException("Sub process failed but last message was not a LogMessage"), $process->parentTaskListPosition());
             if (!$lastAnswer->isError()) {
                 $lastAnswer = LogMessage::logErrorMsg($lastAnswer->technicalMsg(), $lastAnswer);
             $this->informParentProcessAboutSubProcess($process, false, $lastAnswer);