public function getATime()
     return $this->file->getATime();
Example #2
 public function testDecoratedMethods()
     $decorated = $this->getMockBuilder('hanneskod\\classtools\\Tests\\MockSplFileInfo')->setConstructorArgs([''])->getMock();
     $fileInfo = new SplFileInfo($decorated);
     (string) $fileInfo;
 public function getATime($format = false)
     if ($format) {
         return date($format, parent::getATime());
     return parent::getATime();
Example #4
  * Returns basic information about created file/object
  * @param string $entityName name of class
  * @param mixed $entityId id of entity
  * @return null|array basic information
 public function spy($entityName, $entityId)
     $file = sprintf('%s/%s/%s.json', $this->config->dir, $entityName, $entityId);
     if (file_exists($file)) {
         $file = new \SplFileInfo($file);
         $result = array();
         $result['last_modified_time'] = $file->getATime();
         $result['size'] = $file->getSize();
         return $result;
     } else {
         return null;
Example #5

function inRange($x, $a, $b)
    return $x >= $a && $x <= $b ? "YES" : "NO";
$file = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'touch_date');
// No args
$now = time();
$fileInfo = new SplFileInfo($file);
print inRange($fileInfo->getMTime(), $now, $now + 10) . "\n";
print inRange($fileInfo->getATime(), $now, $now + 10) . "\n";
// Mofification time only
touch($file, strtotime("@100200300"));
$fileInfo = new SplFileInfo($file);
print $fileInfo->getMTime() . "\n";
print $fileInfo->getATime() . "\n";
// Modification and access time
touch($file, strtotime("@100200300"), strtotime("@100400500"));
$fileInfo = new SplFileInfo($file);
print $fileInfo->getMTime() . "\n";
print $fileInfo->getATime() . "\n";
Example #6
  * @depends     testExist
  * @return      void
 public function testLastAccessed()
     $filePath = __DIR__ . '/example.txt';
     $fileObject = new File($filePath);
     $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual(0, $fileObject->getATime());
     $this->assertInstanceOf('DateTime', $fileObject->lastAccessed());
     $fileObject = new \SplFileInfo($filePath);
     $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual(0, $fileObject->getATime());
Example #7
 protected function getFileDetailsRawStatistic(\SplFileInfo $info, $fileGiven)
     return ['File is Dir' => $info->isDir(), 'File is Executable' => $info->isExecutable(), 'File is File' => $info->isFile(), 'File is Link' => $info->isLink(), 'File is Readable' => $info->isReadable(), 'File is Writable' => $info->isWritable(), 'File Permissions' => $this->explainPerms($info->getPerms()), 'Size' => $info->getSize(), 'Sha1' => sha1_file($fileGiven), 'Timestamp Accessed' => $this->getFileTimes($info->getATime()), 'Timestamp Changed' => $this->getFileTimes($info->getCTime()), 'Timestamp Modified' => $this->getFileTimes($info->getMTime())];
Example #8
 public function testSpy()
     $genClass = $this->container['config']->get('id_gen_strategy_class');
     $entity = new \stdClass();
     $entity->id = $genClass::generate();
     $entity->foo = "bar";
     $foundEntity = $this->container['em']->find('stdClass', $entity->id);
     $file = new \SplFileInfo(sprintf('%s/%s/%s.json', $this->container['config']->get('dir'), get_class($entity), $entity->id));
     $currentCheck = array();
     $currentCheck['last_modified_time'] = $file->getATime();
     $currentCheck['size'] = $file->getSize();
     $this->assertEquals($currentCheck, $this->container['em']->spy('stdClass', $entity->id));
     $this->assertNull($this->container['em']->spy('stdClass', uniqid()));
  * Checks if the given file can be removed.
  * @param \SplFileInfo $file
  * @return boolean
 private function isCollectibleFile(\SplFileInfo $file)
     if (false === $file->isFile()) {
         return false;
     $time = $file->getATime();
     if ($time > $this->minTime) {
         return false;
     $time = $file->getMTime();
     if ($time > $this->minTime) {
         return false;
     return true;