$a5 = new SortableArticleUniqueBy();
$a5->name = 'Fifth Article';
$a5->Category = $categories[1];
$t->info('Assert articles have the correct position');
$t->is($a1['position'], 1, 'First item saved has position of 1 (first in category 1)');
$t->is($a2['position'], 2, 'Second item saved has position of 2 (second in category 1)');
$t->is($a3['position'], 1, 'Third item saved has position of 1 (first in category 2)');
$t->is($a4['position'], 2, 'Fourth item saved has position of 2 (second in category 2)');
$t->is($a5['position'], 3, 'Fifth item saved has position of 3 (third in category 2)');
$t->info('Test Demote and Promote');
$t->is($a1['position'], 2, 'First item now has position of 2');
$t->is($a2['position'], 1, 'Second item now has position of 1');
$t->is($a3['position'], 2, 'Third item now has position of 2');
$t->is($a4['position'], 1, 'Fourth item now has position of 1');
$t->is($a5['position'], 3, 'Fifth item still has a position of 3');
$t->info('Test Removing an item - items after it should be promoted');
$t->is($a1['position'], 1, '"First item" has been promoted to "1" from "2"');
doctrine_refresh($a3, $a5);
$t->is($a3['position'], 1, '"Third item" has been promoted to "1" from "2"');
$t->is($a5['position'], 2, '"Fifth item" has been promoted to "2" from "3"');
$t->info('Test Moving an item to a different category with an item already at the same rank');
try {
    $a1->Category = $categories[1];

$t->info('Assert articles have the correct position');

    $t->is($a1['position'], 1, 'First item saved has position of 1 (first in category 1)');
    $t->is($a2['position'], 2, 'Second item saved has position of 2 (second in category 1)');
    $t->is($a3['position'], 1, 'Third item saved has position of 1 (first in category 2)');
    $t->is($a4['position'], 2, 'Third item saved has position of 2 (second in category 2)');

$t->info('Test Demote and Promote');

    $a1->demote(); doctrine_refresh($a2);
    $t->is($a1['position'], 2, 'First item now has position of 2');
    $t->is($a2['position'], 1, 'Second item now has position of 1');

    $a3->demote(); doctrine_refresh($a4);
    $t->is($a3['position'], 2, 'Third item now has position of 2');
    $t->is($a4['position'], 1, 'Fourth item now has position of 1');
$t->info('Test Removing an item - items after it should be promoted');

    $a2->delete(); doctrine_refresh($a1);
    $t->is($a1['position'], 1, '"First item" has been promoted to "1" from "2"');
    $a4->delete(); doctrine_refresh($a3);
    $t->is($a3['position'], 1, '"Third item" has been promoted to "1" from "2"');
$t->info('Test deleting a collection of sortable items');
    $d1 = new SortableArticleUniqueBy();
    $d1->name = 'ArticleUniqueBy To Delete 1';