Example #1
 public function import()
     $path = $this->args[0];
     $recursive = $this->param('recursive');
     //$verbose = $this->param('verbose');
     if (Cache::read('import')) {
         $this->out("<warning>[WARN]</warning> The import process is already running via another client or the CLI");
     $found = array();
     if (is_dir($path)) {
         $path = new Folder($path);
         $this->out("<info>[INFO]</info> Scan {$path->path}...");
         if ($recursive) {
             $found = $path->findRecursive('^.*\\.(mp3|ogg|flac|aac)$');
         } else {
             $found = $path->find('^.*\\.(mp3|ogg|flac|aac)$');
             // The Folder::find() method does not return the absolute path of each file, we need to add it:
             $found = preg_filter('/^/', $path->path, $found);
     } elseif (file_exists($path)) {
         $found = array($path);
     } else {
         $this->error('Invalid path');
     $already_imported = $this->Song->find('list', array('fields' => array('Song.id', 'Song.source_path')));
     $to_import = array_merge(array_diff($found, $already_imported));
     $to_import_count = count($to_import);
     $found_count = count($found);
     if ($to_import_count == 1) {
         $selection = $this->in("[INFO] You asked to import {$to_import['0']}. Continue?", array('yes', 'no'), 'yes');
     } elseif ($to_import_count > 1) {
         $diff = $found_count - $to_import_count;
         $selection = $this->in("[INFO] Found {$to_import_count} audio files ({$diff} already in the database). Continue?", array('yes', 'no'), 'yes');
     } elseif ($found_count > 0 && $to_import_count == 0) {
         $this->out("<info>[INFO]</info> {$found_count} file(s) found, but already in the database.");
     } else {
         $this->out('<info>[INFO]</info> Nothing to do.');
     if ($selection == 'no') {
         $this->out('<info>[INFO]</info> Ok, bye.');
     $this->out('<info>[INFO]</info> Run import', 0);
     // Write lock to avoid multiple import processes in the same time
     if (Cache::read('import')) {
         $this->out("<warning>[WARN]</warning> The import process is already running via another client or the CLI");
     } else {
         Cache::write('import', true);
         // Catch SIGINT
         pcntl_signal(SIGINT, function () {
         $i = 1;
         foreach ($to_import as $file) {
             $song_manager = new SongManager($file);
             $parse_result = $song_manager->parseMetadata();
             if ($parse_result['status'] != 'OK') {
                 if ($parse_result['status'] == 'WARN') {
                     $this->overwrite("<warning>[WARN]</warning>[{$file}] - " . $parse_result['message']);
                 } elseif ($parse_result['status'] == 'ERR') {
                     $this->overwrite("<error>[ERR]</error>[{$file}] - " . $parse_result['message']);
             if (!$this->Song->save($parse_result['data'])) {
                 $this->overwrite("<error>[ERR]</error>[{$file}] - Unable to save the song metadata to the database");
             // Progressbar
             $percent_done = 100 * $i / $to_import_count;
             $hashtags_quantity = round(45 * $percent_done / 100);
             $remaining_spaces = 45 - $hashtags_quantity;
             if ($i < $to_import_count) {
                 $this->overwrite('<info>[INFO]</info> Run import: [' . round($percent_done) . '%] [' . str_repeat('#', $hashtags_quantity) . str_repeat(' ', $remaining_spaces) . ']', 0);
             } else {
                 $this->overwrite('<info>[INFO]</info> Run import: [' . round($percent_done) . '%] [' . str_repeat('#', $hashtags_quantity) . str_repeat(' ', $remaining_spaces) . ']');
         // Delete lock
Example #2
  * The import view function.
  * The function does the following action:
  *      - Check the root path,
  *      - Search every media files (mp3, ogg, flac, aac) to load them in an array
  *      - Compare this array with the list of existing songs to keep only new tracks
  *      - Pass this array to the view.
  * @see SongsController::_importSong
 public function import()
     App::uses('Folder', 'Utility');
     App::uses('SongManager', 'SongManager');
     $settings = $this->Setting->find('first');
     if ($this->request->is('get')) {
         if ($settings) {
             $paths = $settings['Rootpath'];
         } else {
             $this->Flash->error(__('Please define a root path.'));
             $this->redirect(array('controller' => 'settings', 'action' => 'index'));
         // The files found via Folder->findRecursive()
         $found = array();
         foreach ($paths as $path) {
             $dir = new Folder($path['rootpath']);
             $found = array_merge($found, $dir->findRecursive('^.*\\.(mp3|ogg|flac|aac)$'));
         // The files already imported
         $already_imported = $this->Song->find('list', array('fields' => array('Song.id', 'Song.source_path')));
         // The difference between $found and $already_imported
         $to_import = array_merge(array_diff($found, $already_imported));
         $to_import_count = count($to_import);
         $found_count = count($found);
         $diff_count = $found_count - $to_import_count;
         $this->Session->write('to_import', $to_import);
         $this->set(compact('to_import_count', 'diff_count'));
     } elseif ($this->request->is('post')) {
         $this->viewClass = 'Json';
         $import_result = array();
         if (Cache::read('import')) {
             // Read lock to avoid multiple import processes in the same time
             $import_result[0]['status'] = 'ERR';
             $import_result[0]['message'] = __('The import process is already running via another client or the CLI.');
             $this->set('_serialize', array('import_result'));
         } else {
             // Write lock
             Cache::write('import', true);
             $to_import = $this->Session->read('to_import');
             $imported = array();
             $i = 0;
             foreach ($to_import as $file) {
                 $song_manager = new SongManager($file);
                 $parse_result = $song_manager->parseMetadata();
                 if (!$this->Song->save($parse_result['data'])) {
                     $import_result[$file]['status'] = 'ERR';
                     $import_result[$file]['message'] = __('Unable to save the song metadata to the database');
                 } else {
                     $import_result[$i]['file'] = $file;
                     $import_result[$i]['status'] = $parse_result['status'];
                     $import_result[$i]['message'] = $parse_result['message'];
                 if ($i >= 100) {
                 $imported[] = $file;
             if ($i) {
                 $settings['Setting']['sync_token'] = time();
             // Delete lock
             $sync_token = $settings['Setting']['sync_token'];
             $diff = array_diff($to_import, $imported);
             $this->Session->write('to_import', $diff);
             $this->set(compact('sync_token', 'import_result'));
             $this->set('_serialize', array('sync_token', 'import_result'));