function getDescriptionByRecordId() { global $configArray; //Load the record id that the user wants to search for $recordId = trim($_REQUEST['recordId']); // Setup Search Engine Connection $class = $configArray['Index']['engine']; $url = $configArray['Index']['url']; /** @var SearchObject_Solr db */ $this->db = new $class($url); //Search the database by title and author if ($recordId) { if (preg_match('/^b\\d{7}[\\dx]$/', $recordId)) { $recordId = '.' . $recordId; } $searchResults = $this->db->search("{$recordId}", 'Id'); } else { $results = array('result' => false, 'message' => 'Please enter the record Id to look for'); return $results; } if ($searchResults['response']['numFound'] == 0) { $results = array('result' => false, 'message' => 'Sorry, we could not find a description for that record id'); } else { $firstRecord = $searchResults['response']['docs'][0]; require_once ROOT_DIR . '/RecordDrivers/GroupedWorkDriver.php'; $groupedWork = new GroupedWorkDriver($firstRecord); $results = array('result' => true, 'message' => 'Found a summary for record ' . $firstRecord['title_display'] . ' by ' . $firstRecord['author_display'], 'recordsFound' => $searchResults['response']['numFound'], 'description' => $groupedWork->getDescription()); } return $results; }
function assessSimilarity($array, $strict = 1, $drift = 2) { foreach ($array as $key => $value) { $solr = new Solr(); $results = $solr->search($key, count($value) * $drift); $matches = 0; foreach ($results as $pid) { if (in_array($pid, $value)) { $matches++; } } $this->assertTrue($matches * $strict >= count($value), "Search for " . Helpers::search_link($key) . " returned " . $matches . " of it's expected results in the top " . count($value) * $drift); } }
function test_nzmaths_where_appropriate() { # Checks that first 10 results for nzmaths related keywords # return good proportion of MZMaths items. Ensures fix for # previous function doesn't work too well. $test_items = array('ALiM school stories nzmaths', 'Algebra information', 'Attribute Blocks: Exploring Shape', 'scuba'); foreach ($test_items as $value) { $solr = new Solr(); $pids = $solr->search($value, 50); $i = 0; foreach ($pids as $id) { if (preg_match('/nzmaths/', $id)) { $i++; } } $this->assertTrue($i > 0, "Search for " . Helpers::search_link($value) . " has insufficient nzmaths items"); } }
/** * @param string $sourceSolrId * @param string $issn * @param integer $numResourcesToLoad * @param Solr $db * @return null */ private static function getXISSN($sourceSolrId, $issn, $numResourcesToLoad, $db) { global $configArray; // Build URL $url = '' . urlencode(is_array($issn) ? $issn[0] : $issn) . '?method=getEditions&format=xml'; if (isset($configArray['WorldCat']['id'])) { $url .= '&ai=' . $configArray['WorldCat']['id']; } // Print Debug code if ($configArray['System']['debug']) { global $logger; $logger->log("<pre>XISSN: {$url}</pre>", PEAR_LOG_INFO); } // Fetch results $query = ''; $data = @file_get_contents($url); if (empty($data)) { return null; } $unxml = new XML_Unserializer(); $unxml->unserialize($data); $data = $unxml->getUnserializedData($data); if (!empty($data) && isset($data['group']['issn'])) { if (is_array($data['group']['issn'])) { foreach ($data['group']['issn'] as $issn) { if ($query != '') { $query .= ' OR issn:' . $issn; } else { $query = 'issn:' . $issn; } } } else { $query = 'issn:' . $data['group']['issn']; } } if ($query) { // Filter out current record $query .= ' NOT id:' . $sourceSolrId; $result = $db->search($query, null, null, 0, $numResourcesToLoad); if (!PEAR_Singleton::isError($result)) { if (isset($result['response']['docs']) && !empty($result['response']['docs'])) { return $result['response']['docs']; } else { return null; } } else { return $result; } } else { return null; } }
/** * Actually process and submit the search * * @access public * @param bool $returnIndexErrors Should we die inside the index code if * we encounter an error (false) or return * it for access via the getIndexError() * method (true)? * @param bool $recommendations Should we process recommendations along * with the search itself? * @return object solr result structure (for now) */ public function processSearch($returnIndexErrors = false, $recommendations = false) { global $timer; global $analytics; // Our search has already been processed in init() $search = $this->searchTerms; // Build a recommendations module appropriate to the current search: if ($recommendations) { $this->initRecommendations(); } $timer->logTime("initRecommendations"); // Tag searches need to be handled differently if (count($search) == 1 && isset($search[0]['index']) && $search[0]['index'] == 'tag') { // If we managed to find some tag matches, let's override the search // array. If we didn't find any tag matches, we should return an // empty record set. $newSearch = $this->processTagSearch($search[0]['lookfor']); $timer->logTime("process Tag search"); // Save search so it displays correctly on the "no hits" page: $this->publicQuery = $search[0]['lookfor']; if (empty($newSearch)) { return array('response' => array('numFound' => 0, 'docs' => array())); } else { $search = $newSearch; } } // Build Query $query = $this->indexEngine->buildQuery($search); $timer->logTime("build query"); if (PEAR_Singleton::isError($query)) { return $query; } // Only use the query we just built if there isn't an override in place. if ($this->query == null) { $this->query = $query; } // Define Filter Query $filterQuery = $this->hiddenFilters; //Remove any empty filters if we get them //(typically happens when a subdomain has a function disabled that is enabled in the main scope) foreach ($this->filterList as $field => $filter) { if (empty($field)) { unset($this->filterList[$field]); } } foreach ($this->filterList as $field => $filter) { foreach ($filter as $value) { $analytics->addEvent('Apply Facet', $field, $value); // Special case -- allow trailing wildcards: if (substr($value, -1) == '*') { $filterQuery[] = "{$field}:{$value}"; } elseif (preg_match('/\\A\\[.*?\\sTO\\s.*?]\\z/', $value)) { $filterQuery[] = "{$field}:{$value}"; } else { if (!empty($value)) { $filterQuery[] = "{$field}:\"{$value}\""; } } } } // If we are only searching one field use the DisMax handler // for that field. If left at null let solr take care of it if (count($search) == 1 && isset($search[0]['index'])) { $this->index = $search[0]['index']; } // Build a list of facets we want from the index $facetSet = array(); if (!empty($this->facetConfig)) { $facetSet['limit'] = $this->facetLimit; foreach ($this->facetConfig as $facetField => $facetName) { $facetSet['field'][] = $facetField; } if ($this->facetOffset != null) { $facetSet['offset'] = $this->facetOffset; } if ($this->facetPrefix != null) { $facetSet['prefix'] = $this->facetPrefix; } if ($this->facetSort != null) { $facetSet['sort'] = $this->facetSort; } } $timer->logTime("create facets"); // Build our spellcheck query if ($this->spellcheck) { if ($this->spellSimple) { $this->useBasicDictionary(); } $spellcheck = $this->buildSpellingQuery(); // If the spellcheck query is purely numeric, skip it if // the appropriate setting is turned on. if ($this->spellSkipNumeric && is_numeric($spellcheck)) { $spellcheck = ""; } } else { $spellcheck = ""; } $timer->logTime("create spell check"); // Get time before the query $this->startQueryTimer(); // The "relevance" sort option is a VuFind reserved word; we need to make // this null in order to achieve the desired effect with Solr: $finalSort = $this->sort == 'relevance' ? null : $this->sort; // The first record to retrieve: // (page - 1) * limit = start $recordStart = ($this->page - 1) * $this->limit; $this->indexResult = $this->indexEngine->search($this->query, $this->index, $filterQuery, $recordStart, $this->limit, $facetSet, $spellcheck, $this->dictionary, $finalSort, $this->fields, $this->method, $returnIndexErrors); $timer->logTime("run solr search"); // Get time after the query $this->stopQueryTimer(); // How many results were there? if (!isset($this->indexResult['response']['numFound'])) { //An error occurred $this->resultsTotal = 0; } else { $this->resultsTotal = $this->indexResult['response']['numFound']; } // Process spelling suggestions if no index error resulted from the query if ($this->spellcheck && !isset($this->indexResult['error'])) { // Shingle dictionary $this->processSpelling(); // Make sure we don't endlessly loop if ($this->dictionary == 'default') { // Expand against the basic dictionary $this->basicSpelling(); } } // If extra processing is needed for recommendations, do it now: if ($recommendations && is_array($this->recommend)) { foreach ($this->recommend as $currentSet) { foreach ($currentSet as $current) { $current->process(); } } } //Add debug information to the results if available if ($this->debug) { $explainInfo = $this->indexResult['debug']['explain']; foreach ($this->indexResult['response']['docs'] as $key => $result) { if (array_key_exists($result['id'], $explainInfo)) { $result['explain'] = $explainInfo[$result['id']]; $this->indexResult['response']['docs'][$key] = $result; } } } // Return the result set return $this->indexResult; }