When writing an adapter, you need to override these abstract methods: {{code: php abstract protected function _fetchTableList(); abstract protected function _fetchTableCols($table); abstract protected function _createSequence($name, $start = 1); abstract protected function _dropSequence($name); abstract protected function _nextSequence($name); abstract protected function _dropIndex($table, $name); abstract protected function _modAutoincPrimary(&$coldef, $autoinc, $primary); }} If the backend needs identifier deconfliction (e.g., PostgreSQL), you will want to override _modIndexName() and _modSequenceName(). Most times this will not be necessary. If the backend does not have explicit "LIMIT ... OFFSET" support, you will want to override _modSelect($stmt, $parts) to rewrite the query in order to emulate limit/select behavior. This is particularly necessary for Microsoft SQL and Oracle.
Author: Paul M. Jones (pmjones@solarphp.com)
Inheritance: extends Solar_Base
Example #1
  * Updates an existing session-data row in the database.
  * @param string $id The session ID.
  * @param string $data The serialized session data.
  * @return bool
  * @todo Should we log caught exceptions?
 protected function _update($id, $data)
     $cols = array($this->_config['updated_col'] => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $this->_config['data_col'] => $data);
     $where = array("{$this->_config['id_col']} = ?" => $id);
     try {
         $this->_sql->update($this->_config['table'], $cols, $where);
         return true;
     } catch (Solar_Sql_Exception $e) {
         // @todo log this somehow?
         return false;
Example #2
  * Creates the table and indexes in the database using $this->_table_cols
  * and $this->_index.
  * @return void
 protected function _createTableAndIndexes()
      * Create the table.
     $this->_sql->createTable($this->_table_name, $this->_table_cols);
      * Create the indexes.
     foreach ($this->_index as $name => $info) {
         try {
             // create this index
             $this->_sql->createIndex($this->_table_name, $info['name'], $info['type'] == 'unique', $info['cols']);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // cancel the whole deal.
             throw $e;
Example #3
  * Extend base adapter function to add stringify to the calls.
  * After connection, set various connection attributes.
  * @return void
 protected function _postConnect()
     $this->_pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_STRINGIFY_FETCHES, true);
Example #4
  * Builds a CREATE TABLE command string.
  * @param string $name The table name to create.
  * @param string $cols The column definitions.
  * @return string A CREATE TABLE command string.
 protected function _sqlCreateTable($name, $cols)
     $stmt = parent::_sqlCreateTable($name, $cols);
     $stmt .= " TYPE=InnoDB";
     // for transactions
     $stmt .= " DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_bin";
     // for UTF8
     return $stmt;
Example #5
  * Safely quotes a value for an SQL statement; unlike the main adapter,
  * the SQLite adapter **does not** quote numeric values.
  * If an array is passed as the value, the array values are quoted
  * and then returned as a comma-separated string; this is useful 
  * for generating IN() lists.
  * {{code: php
  *     $sql = Solar::factory('Solar_Sql');
  *     $safe = $sql->quote('foo"bar"');
  *     // $safe == "'foo\"bar\"'"
  *     $safe = $sql->quote(array('one', 'two', 'three'));
  *     // $safe == "'one', 'two', 'three'"
  * }}
  * @param mixed $val The value to quote.
  * @return string An SQL-safe quoted value (or a string of 
  * separated-and-quoted values).
 public function quote($val)
     if (is_numeric($val)) {
         return $val;
     } else {
         return parent::quote($val);