dump() public static method

Essentially, this is an alias to the Solar_Debug_Var::dump() method, which buffers the [[php::var_dump | ]] for a variable, applies some simple formatting for readability, [[php::echo | ]]s it, and prints with an optional label. Use this for debugging variables to see exactly what they contain.
public static dump ( mixed $var, string $label = null ) : void
$var mixed The variable to dump.
$label string A label for the dumped output.
return void
Example #1
  * Sets cache entry data.
  * @param string $key The entry ID.
  * @param mixed $data The data to write into the entry.
  * @param int $life A custom lifespan, in seconds, for the entry; if null,
  * uses the default lifespan for the adapter instance.
  * @return bool True on success, false on failure.
 public function save($key, $data, $life = null)
     if (!$this->_active) {
     // modify the key to add the prefix
     $key = $this->entry($key);
     // life value
     if ($life === null) {
         $life = $this->_life;
     Solar::dump($life, 'life');
     // save to apc
     return apc_store($key, $data, $life);
Example #2

require_once 'Solar.php';
$select = Solar::object('Solar_Sql_Select');
$select->from('sc_bookmarks', '*');
$result = $select->fetch('all');
$bookmarks = Solar::object('Solar_Cell_Bookmarks');
foreach ($result as $row) {
    $data = array('created' => $row['ts_new'], 'updated' => $row['ts_mod'], 'owner_handle' => $row['user_id'], 'editor_handle' => $row['user_id'], 'uri' => $row['uri'], 'subj' => $row['title'], 'summ' => $row['descr'], 'tags' => $row['tags'], 'rank' => $row['rank']);
    $result = $bookmarks->insert($data);