public function Controller_VerifyApi($Sender)
     $oasl = new SocialLogin();
     // Read arguments, plus some parsing.
     $api_subdomain = trim(strtolower(Gdn::request()->Post('api_subdomain', '')));
     $api_key = trim(Gdn::request()->Post('api_key', ''));
     $api_secret = trim(Gdn::request()->Post('api_secret', ''));
     $api_connection_handler = Gdn::request()->Post('api_connection_handler', '');
     $api_connection_use_https = Gdn::request()->Post('api_connection_use_https', '0') == '1' ? TRUE : FALSE;
     // Init status message.
     $status_message = null;
     // Check if all fields have been filled out.
     if (strlen($api_subdomain) == 0 || strlen($api_key) == 0 || strlen($api_secret) == 0) {
         $status_message = 'error_|' . T('OA_SOCIAL_LOGIN_API_CREDENTIALS_FILL_OUT');
     } else {
         // Check the handler
         $api_connection_handler = $api_connection_handler != 'fsockopen' ? 'curl' : 'fsockopen';
         // FSOCKOPEN
         if ($api_connection_handler == 'fsockopen') {
             if (!$oasl->check_fsockopen($api_connection_use_https)) {
                 $status_message = 'error|' . T('OA_SOCIAL_LOGIN_API_CREDENTIALS_USE_AUTO');
         } else {
             if (!$oasl->check_curl($api_connection_use_https)) {
                 $status_message = 'error|' . T('OA_SOCIAL_LOGIN_API_CREDENTIALS_USE_AUTO');
         // No errors until now.
         if (empty($status_message)) {
             // The full domain has been entered.
             if (preg_match("/([a-z0-9\\-]+)\\.api\\.oneall\\.com/i", $api_subdomain, $matches)) {
                 $api_subdomain = $matches[1];
             // Check format of the subdomain.
             if (!preg_match("/^[a-z0-9\\-]+\$/i", $api_subdomain)) {
                 $status_message = 'error|' . T('OA_SOCIAL_LOGIN_API_CREDENTIALS_SUBDOMAIN_WRONG');
             } else {
                 // Construct full API Domain.
                 $api_domain = $api_subdomain . '';
                 $api_resource_url = ($api_connection_use_https ? 'https' : 'http') . '://' . $api_domain . '/tools/ping.json';
                 // API Credentialls.
                 $api_credentials = array();
                 $api_credentials['api_key'] = $api_key;
                 $api_credentials['api_secret'] = $api_secret;
                 // Try to establish a connection.
                 $result = $oasl->do_api_request($api_connection_handler, $api_resource_url, $api_credentials);
                 // Parse result.
                 if (is_object($result) && property_exists($result, 'http_code') && property_exists($result, 'http_data')) {
                     switch ($result->http_code) {
                         // Connection successfull.
                         case 200:
                             $status_message = 'success|' . T('OA_SOCIAL_LOGIN_API_CREDENTIALS_OK');
                             // Authentication Error.
                         // Authentication Error.
                         case 401:
                             $status_message = 'error|' . T('OA_SOCIAL_LOGIN_API_CREDENTIALS_KEYS_WRONG');
                             // Wrong Subdomain.
                         // Wrong Subdomain.
                         case 404:
                             $status_message = 'error|' . T('OA_SOCIAL_LOGIN_API_CREDENTIALS_SUBDOMAIN_WRONG');
                             // Other error.
                         // Other error.
                             $status_message = 'error|' . T('OA_SOCIAL_LOGIN_API_CREDENTIALS_CHECK_COM');
                 } else {
                     $status_message = 'error|' . T('OA_SOCIAL_LOGIN_API_CREDENTIALS_CHECK_COM');
     // Output for Ajax.