$client = new SoapClient("http://example.com/MyWebService.wsdl"); $types = $client->__getTypes();This code creates a new SoapClient object and passes in the URL of the WSDL file. It then calls the __getTypes method and stores the result in the $types variable. Another example of using __getTypes might be to identify the package library being used by a web service. By examining the data types returned by __getTypes, you can often determine the package or library being used to implement the web service. For example, if the WSDL file defines data types like "tns:Person" or "tns:ArrayOfInt", this might indicate that the web service is using the XML schema definition (XSD) language to define its data types. Similarly, if you see data types like "SOAP-ENC:Array" or "SOAP-ENC:Struct", this might indicate that the web service is using the SOAP encoding style. Overall, the __getTypes method can be very useful for understanding the structure and implementation of a web service, particularly when combined with other SoapClient methods like __getLastRequest and __getLastResponse.