Example #1
echo "\n\nUsername: "******"\nPassword: "******"\nEmail: ";
$email = trim(fgets(STDIN));
echo "\nBirthday (yyyy-mm-dd): ";
$birthday = trim(fgets(STDIN));
echo "\nGmail address: ";
$gMail = trim(fgets(STDIN));
echo "\nGmail password: "******"\nYou should have a file called '{$id}' in your snap api folder, unzip it.\n";
echo "9 images. If there is a ghost in a image means 1, if not 0\n";
echo "The result should be like the following one: 110000101\n";
echo "After completion, the zip file will be deleted automatically.\n\n";
echo "\nResult: ";
$result = trim(fgets(STDIN));
$result = $snapchat->sendCaptcha($result, $id);
unlink(__DIR__ . "{$id}");
if ($result == null) {
    echo "Account successfully created\n";
    echo "\nUsername: {$username}\n";
    echo "Password: {$password}\n";
    echo "Email: {$email}\n";
} else {
    echo "There was an error registering your account\n";
    echo "Error code: " . $result['code'];