
require "../src/autoload.php";
$casper = new \Casper\Developer\CasperDeveloperAPI("api_key", "api_secret");
$snapchat = new \Snapchat\Snapchat($casper);
try {
    //Use a Proxy for API Requests
    //Proxy for Casper API
    //Proxy for Snapchat API
    //Use AuthToken instead of Username and Password
    $snapchat->initWithAuthToken("username", "auth_token");
    //Download a Snap by ID. You will need to know the File Extension
    $mediapath = $snapchat->downloadSnapById("1234567890123456r", "download/snaps/SavedSnap.jpg");
    //Download a Story by ID. You will need to know the Key/IV and File Extension
    $mediapath = $snapchat->downloadStoryById("1234567890123456r", "key", "iv", "download/stories/SavedStory.jpg");
    //Mark a Snap Viewed by Id (or Snap Object)
    //Mark a Story Viewed by Media Id (or Story Object)
    //Snaps and Chat Messages
    $conversations = $snapchat->getConversations();
    //Friends, Friend Requests
    $friendsResponse = $snapchat->getCachedFriendsResponse();
    //AuthToken, Score, Birthday, etc
    $updatesResponse = $snapchat->getAllUpdates();
    //Your Stories and Friends Stories
    $storiesResponse = $snapchat->getStories();
} catch (Exception $e) {
    //Something went wrong...