Example #1
 public function execute()
     global $gvPath, $gvPhoneCodeLength;
     if ($this->redirect) {
         return $this->redirect;
     $this->message = '';
     $phone = gfPostVar('phone');
     if (!$phone) {
         $this->message = 'Il campo è obbligatorio.';
         return true;
     // Check only digits have been typed
     if (!preg_match('/^[0-9]{5,}$/', $phone)) {
         $this->message = 'Il valore inserito non è valido.';
         return true;
     // Remove international prefix if present
     $phone = preg_replace('/^(00|\\+)?39/', '', $phone);
     $phone = '39' . $phone;
     // Check no ticket is reserved with this phone number
     $ticket = Ticket::fromDatabaseBySourceId($phone);
     if ($ticket) {
         $this->message = 'Hai già prenotato un ticket con questo numero.';
         return true;
     // Check phone number is not banned
     if (Ban::isBanned($phone)) {
         $this->message = 'Questo numero di telefono è stato bloccato.';
         return true;
     $hashRandom = (string) mt_rand(0, 100000);
     $hashRandom .= (string) mt_rand(0, 100000);
     $hashRandom = strtoupper(sha1($hashRandom));
     $positionRandom = mt_rand(0, 40 - $gvPhoneCodeLength);
     $phone_code = substr($hashRandom, $positionRandom, $gvPhoneCodeLength);
     $_SESSION['phone_code'] = $phone_code;
     $_SESSION['phone'] = $phone;
     // Send SMS
     $sender = new SmsSender($phone);
     if (!$sender->sendVerificationCode($phone_code)) {
         $this->message = 'Errore nell\'invio del messaggio. Verificare che il numero di telefono sia corretto.';
         return true;
     $_SESSION['step'] = 2;
     $redirect = new RedirectOutput("{$gvPath}/web/checkPhone");
     return $redirect;
 public function getVCode()
     if (!IS_POST) {
         return 1;
         // err
     $token = $_POST['token'];
     $wecha_id = $_POST['wecha_id'];
     $telno = $_POST['telno'];
     $func = $_POST['func'];
     // 获得公司名字, 作为短信落款
     $merchant = M('wxuser')->where(array('token' => $token, 'status' => 1))->field('company')->find();
     if (empty($merchant['company'])) {
         $company = "领众科技";
     } else {
         $company = $merchant['company'];
     $result['errcode'] = 0;
     $result['msg'] = '';
     $Cache = Cache::getInstance('File', array('expire' => '610'));
     $code = $Cache->get('vcode_' . $token . $telno);
     if (empty($code)) {
         $code = sprintf("%0" . strlen($max) . "d", mt_rand(100000, 999999));
         $Cache->set('vcode_' . $token . $telno, $code);
         //$truth_code = $Cache->get('vcode_'.$token.$telno);
     Log::record('truthcode:' . 'vcode_' . $token . $telno . ':' . $code);
     include LIB_PATH . 'Action/SmsSender.class.php';
     $smsSender = new SmsSender();
     $vcode_tmpl = C('vcode');
     if (isset($vcode_tmpl)) {
         $smsContent = str_replace("#merchant#", $company, $vcode_tmpl);
         $smsContent = str_replace("#code#", $code, $smsContent);
         $res = $smsSender->notify($token, $func, $smsContent, $telno);
         if ($res !== 0) {
             $result['errcode'] = 1;
     } else {
         $result['errcode'] = 1;
     $this->ajaxReturn($result, 'json');
Example #3
 public function execute()
     global $gvPath, $gvPhoneCodeLength;
     if ($this->redirect) {
         return $this->redirect;
     $this->message = '';
     $phone_code = gfPostVar('phone_code', '');
     $phone_code = strtoupper($phone_code);
     if (!$phone_code) {
         $this->message = 'Il campo è obbligatorio.';
         return true;
     if ($phone_code != $this->phone_code) {
         $this->message = 'Il codice inserito non è corretto.';
         return true;
     // check td existence and activation
     $td_code = gfSessionVar('td_code', '');
     $td = TopicalDomain::fromDatabaseByCode($td_code);
     if (!$td || !$td->getActive()) {
         // This is very improbable in this
         // case start again the wizard
         $_SESSION['step'] = 0;
         return true;
     $ticket = Ticket::nextNewTicket($td_code, 'web', gfSessionVar('phone'));
     $sender = new SmsSender(gfSessionVar('phone'));
     if (!$sender->sendNewTicket($ticket)) {
         // False means error while sending
         $this->message = "Errore nella prenotazione. Assicurarsi di aver inserito il numero corretto.";
         return true;
     $_SESSION['step'] = 3;
     $_SESSION['ticket'] = $ticket;
     $redirect = new RedirectOutput("{$gvPath}/web/complete");
     return $redirect;
Example #4
logFile("[ content={$content}, address={$address}, requestId={$requestId}, applicationId={$applicationId}, encoding={$encoding}, version={$version} ]");
//your logic goes here......
$split = explode(' ', $content);
$split_number = explode(':', $address);
//split address
$tag = "{$split['2']} {$split['3']}";
// set tag name
$responseMsg = $split[1];
$time_to_stop = $split[4];
$user_iD = $split_number[1];
$contentarray = $split[0];
$store_data = $split[1];
//echo $responseMsg;
// $responseMsg = $user_iD;
$update_time = time() + $time_to_stop * 60 * 60;
$con1 = mysqli_connect("localhost", "billz", "asdasd", "notification");
mysqli_query($con1, "UPDATE priority_taglist SET autho='{$responseMsg}', timetostop= '{$update_time}' WHERE user_id='{$user_iD}' AND tag_name ='{$tag}' ");
$sender = new SmsSender("https://localhost:7443/sms/send");
//sending a one message
$applicationId = $applicationId;
$encoding = "0";
$version = "1.0";
$password = "******";
$sourceAddress = "77160";
$deliveryStatusRequest = "1";
$charging_amount = ":15.75";
$destinationAddresses = $address;
$binary_header = "";
$res = $sender->sms($responseMsg, $destinationAddresses, $password, $applicationId, $sourceAddress, $deliveryStatusRequest, $charging_amount, $encoding, $version, $binary_header);
 public function getcode()
     $token = $this->_get('token');
     $wecha_id = $this->_get('wecha_id');
     $tel = $this->_post('tel');
     $cardnum = $this->_post('cardnum');
     $where = array('token' => $token, 'tel' => $tel, 'cardnum' => $cardnum);
     $userinfo = M("physical_member")->where($where)->find();
     if (!$userinfo) {
         echo '{"success":0,"msg":"没有找到您的会员卡信息,请联系商家导入。"}';
     } elseif ($userinfo['binded']) {
         echo '{"success":0,"msg":"此手机号已被绑定."}';
     } elseif ($userinfo['cardnum'] != $cardnum) {
         echo '{"success":0,"msg":"您输入的手机号与卡号不匹配,请重新输入。"}';
     $Cache = Cache::getInstance('File', array('expire' => '310'));
     $scode = $Cache->get($token . $tel);
     if (!empty($scode)) {
         // 避免多次发送
         echo '{"success":0,"msg":"验证码已发送,请稍侯。"}';
     $code = $this->rand_number(100000, 999999);
     $Cache->set($token . $tel, $code);
     Log::record("Send code : " . $code . " at " . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "\r\n", Log::DEBUG);
     include LIB_PATH . 'Action/SmsSender.class.php';
     $smsSender = new SmsSender();
     $binding_tmpl = C('card_binding');
     $smsContent = '';
     if (isset($binding_tmpl)) {
         $smsContent = str_replace("#merchant#", '领众科技', $binding_tmpl);
         $smsContent = str_replace("#code#", $code, $smsContent);
     if ($smsContent != '') {
         $re = $smsSender->notify($this->_get('token'), "huiyuan", $smsContent, $tel);
         if ($re == 0) {
             $Cache->set($token . $tel, $code);
             echo '{"success":1,"msg":"验证码已发送,请输入收到的短信验证码!"}';
         } else {
             echo '{"success":0,"msg":"验证码发送失败,请稍侯再试。"}';
     } else {
         echo '{"success":0,"msg":"验证码发送失败,请稍侯再试。"}';
Example #6
$production = false;
if ($production == false) {
    $CASS_SERVER_URL = "http://localhost:7000/caas/direct/debit";
    $SMS_SERVER_URL = "http://localhost:7000/sms/send";
} else {
    $CASS_SERVER_URL = 'https://api.dialog.lk/caas/direct/debit';
    $SMS_SERVER_URL = "https://api.dialog.lk/sms/send";
$logger = new Logger();
try {
    $receiver = new SMSReceiver();
    $message = $receiver->getMessage();
    // Get the message sent to the app
    $address = $receiver->getAddress();
    // Get the phone no from which the message was sent
    list($keyword, $amount) = explode(" ", $message);
    // Setting up CAAS
    $cass = new DirectDebitSender($CASS_SERVER_URL, $APP_ID, $PASSWORD);
    $sender = new SmsSender($SMS_SERVER_URL, $APP_ID, $PASSWORD);
    try {
        if (isset($amount)) {
            $cass->cass($EXTERNAL_TRX_ID, $address, $amount);
            $sender->sms("Thank you for your generosity, You Have made a donation for " . $amount . " Rupees", $address);
    } catch (CassException $ex) {
        $sender->sms("You do not have sufficient credit to make this donation", $address);
} catch (Exception $e) {
 public function getcode()
     $code = $this->rand_number(100000, 999999);
     include_once 'HttpClient.class.php';
     $Client = new HttpClient("mssms.cn:8000");
     $url = "";
     $mobile = $this->_post('mobile');
     $params = array('username' => "JSMB260705", 'scode' => "095169", 'mobile' => $mobile, 'content' => "@1@={$code}", 'tempid' => "MB-2013102300");
     $pageContents = HttpClient::quickPost($url, $params);
     echo "提交返回=" . $pageContents;
     $token = '540e6acfz71';
     $wecha_id = $this->_get('wecha_id');
     $tel = '15678456321';
     $cardnum = 'LZ948820080012';
     $where = array('token' => $token, 'tel' => $tel, 'cardnum' => $cardnum);
     $userinfo = M("physical_member")->where($where)->find();
     if (!$userinfo) {
         echo '{"success":0,"msg":"没有找到您的会员卡信息,请联系商家导入。"}';
     } elseif ($userinfo['binded']) {
         echo '{"success":0,"msg":"此手机号已被绑定."}';
     } elseif ($userinfo['cardnum'] != $cardnum) {
         echo '{"success":0,"msg":"您输入的手机号与卡号不匹配,请重新输入。"}';
     $Cache = Cache::getInstance('File', array('expire' => '310'));
     $scode = $Cache->get($token . $tel);
     if (!empty($scode)) {
         // 避免多次发送
         echo '{"success":0,"msg":"验证码已发送,请稍侯。"}';
     $code = $this->rand_number(100000, 999999);
     $Cache->set($token . $tel, $code);
     Log::record("Send code : " . $code . " at " . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "\r\n", Log::DEBUG);
     include LIB_PATH . 'Action/SmsSender.class.php';
     $smsSender = new SmsSender();
     $binding_tmpl = C('card_binding');
     $smsContent = '';
     if (isset($binding_tmpl)) {
         $smsContent = str_replace("#merchant#", '领众科技', $binding_tmpl);
         $smsContent = str_replace("#code#", $code, $smsContent);
     if ($smsContent != '') {
         $re = $smsSender->notify($this->_get('token'), "huiyuan", $smsContent, $tel);
         if ($re == 0) {
             $Cache->set($token . $tel, $code);
             echo '{"success":1,"msg":"验证码已发送,请输入收到的短信验证码!"}';
         } else {
             echo '{"success":0,"msg":"验证码发送失败,请稍侯再试。"}';
     } else {
         echo '{"success":0,"msg":"验证码发送失败,请稍侯再试。"}';
    // put cellphone number into session, in case user use an different number to register.
$last_time = $sessionController->getVerifyTime();
if (!empty($last_time)) {
    $this_time = time();
    $interval = $this_time - $last_time;
    if ($interval < 120) {
        echo "时间间隔太短!";
$user = $userDao->getByPhone($phone);
if ($user) {
    echo "手机号已被注册";
// Generate a 6-digits random number
$random = rand(100000, 999999);
// Send to user's cellphone
$sms = new SmsSender();
if ($sms->sendVerifyCode($phone, $random)) {
    echo "{\"msg\":\"success\"}";
    // put it in the session
} else {
    echo "\n短信服务失败!";
// temporary return to page
// echo $random;
 public function book()
     // 检查是否需要短信验证码
     $token = $this->token;
     $enable_vcode = 0;
     $smsset = M('sms_set')->where(array('token' => $token))->find();
     if (!empty($smsset)) {
         if (strpos($smsset['function'], 'vccanyin') !== FALSE) {
             $enable_vcode = 1;
     $tel = $this->_post('tel');
     $smsvcode = $this->_post('smsvcode');
     if ($enable_vcode) {
         if (!SmsvcodeAction::verifyVCode($token, $tel, $smsvcode)) {
             // 验证码不匹配
             $this->ajaxReturn("请输入正确的短信验证码!", "ERROR", 0);
     $menus = $this->_post('menus');
     $cart_id = $this->_post('cart_id');
     $username = $this->_post('username');
     $guestnum = $this->_post('guestnum');
     $note = $this->_post('note');
     $dinetime = $this->_post('dinetime');
     $where['id'] = $cart_id;
     $order_info = M('dine_order')->join('tp_dine_rest on tp_dine_order.rest_id = tp_dine_rest.id')->where(array('tp_dine_order.id' => $cart_id))->field('tp_dine_rest.token,tp_dine_order.sn')->order('createtime desc')->find();
     $menus = htmlspecialchars_decode($menus);
     $menus = htmlspecialchars_decode($menus);
     $jmenus = json_decode($menus, true);
     $price = 0;
     $dishnum = count($jmenus);
     $dishname = '';
     for ($j = 0; $j < count($jmenus); $j++) {
         $price += (double) $jmenus[$j]['price'] * (int) $jmenus[$j]['nums'];
         $dishname .= $jmenus[$j]['name'] . ' ';
     $data['price'] = $price;
     $data['tel'] = $tel;
     $data['username'] = $username;
     $data['menus'] = $menus;
     $data['status'] = 2;
     $data['submittime'] = time();
     $data['guestnum'] = $guestnum;
     $data['note'] = $note;
     $data['dinetime'] = $dinetime;
     $data['dishnum'] = $dishnum;
     $data['table'] = $this->_post('table');
     $order = M('dine_order')->where($where)->save($data);
     if ($order) {
         include LIB_PATH . 'Action/SmsSender.class.php';
         // 获得公司名字, 作为短信落款
         $company = '';
         $merchant = M('wxuser')->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'status' => 1))->field('company')->find();
         if (empty($merchant['company'])) {
             $company = "领众科技";
         } else {
             $company = $merchant['company'];
         $smsSender = new SmsSender();
         $notify_tmpl = C('dine_notify');
         if (isset($notify_tmpl)) {
             $smsContent = str_replace("#merchant#", $company, $notify_tmpl);
             $smsContent = str_replace("#username#", $data['username'], $smsContent);
             $smsContent = str_replace("#tel#", $data['tel'], $smsContent);
             $smsContent = str_replace("#dinetime#", $data['dinetime'], $smsContent);
             $smsContent = str_replace("#guestnum#", $data['guestnum'], $smsContent);
             $smsContent = str_replace("#dishnum#", $data['dishnum'], $smsContent);
             $smsContent = str_replace("#sn#", $order_info['sn'], $smsContent);
             $smsContent = str_replace("#menus#", $dishname, $smsContent);
             if ($data['table']) {
                 $table_info = $data['table'] . "号桌";
                 $smsContent = str_replace("#table#", $table_info, $smsContent);
             } else {
                 $smsContent = str_replace("#table#", '桌号无', $smsContent);
             $res = $smsSender->notify($order_info['token'], "canyin_order", $smsContent);
             $this->ajaxReturn($order, "OK", 1);
     } else {
         $this->ajaxReturn("服务器繁忙,订单生成失败,请稍后再试!", "ERROR", 0);
Example #10
function sendReply($reply, $mask, $url, $info)
    $responder = new SmsSender($url);
    $responder->sms($reply, $mask, $info['password'], $info['appId'], $info['srcAddr'], $info['deliveryStatus'], $info['chrgAmnt'], $info['encoding'], $info['ver'], $info['binaryHeader']);
 public function book()
     if ($_POST) {
         $token = $this->_get('token');
         // 检查是否需要短信验证码
         $enable_vcode = 0;
         $smsset = M('sms_set')->where(array('token' => $token))->find();
         if (!empty($smsset)) {
             if (strpos($smsset['function'], 'vchotel') !== FALSE) {
                 $enable_vcode = 1;
         $tel = $this->_post('tel');
         $smsvcode = $this->_post('smsvcode');
         if ($enable_vcode) {
             if (!SmsvcodeAction::verifyVCode($token, $tel, $smsvcode)) {
                 // 验证码不匹配
                 echo '{"success":0,"msg":"请输入正确的短信验证码。"}';
         $data['wecha_id'] = $this->_post('wecha_id');
         $data['book_people'] = $this->_post('truename');
         $data['remarks'] = $this->_post('remarks');
         $data['tel'] = $this->_post('tel');
         $data['book_num'] = $this->_post('nums');
         $data['book_time'] = strtotime($this->_post('dateline'));
         $data['book_lefttime'] = strtotime($this->_post('leftdateline'));
         $id = $this->_post('id');
         $data['room_type'] = $this->_post('roomtype');
         $data['order_status'] = 3;
         $data['hid'] = $this->_get('hid');
         $data['token'] = $this->_get('token');
         $data['submit_time'] = time();
         $data['sn'] = $this->get_order_sn();
         $data['room_id'] = $_POST['room_id'];
         // $data['payment']        = $_POST['payment'];
         $price = M('Hotel_room')->where(array('id' => $id, 'token' => $data['token'], 'hid' => $data['hid'], 'status' => 1))->find();
         if ($price['open_inventory'] == 1 && $price['inventory'] < $data['book_num']) {
             echo '{"success":0,"msg":"库存不足,请联系商家!"}';
         $day = round(($data['leftbook_time'] - $data['book_time']) / 3600 / 24);
         if ($day <= 0) {
             $day = 1;
         $data['price'] = $day * $price['yhprice'] * $data['book_num'];
         // $data['prepayment'] = $day* $price['sale_price'] * $data['book_num'];
         $data['text_cols'] = serialize($this->_post('text_cols'));
         $data['select_cols'] = serialize($this->_post('select_cols'));
         $order = M('Hotel_order')->data($data)->add();
         if ($order) {
             $booking['inventory'] = $price['inventory'] - $data['book_num'];
             M('Hotel_room')->where(array('id' => $id, 'token' => $data['token']))->data($booking)->save();
         if ($order) {
             include LIB_PATH . 'Action/SmsSender.class.php';
             $smsSender = new SmsSender();
             $re = $smsSender->notify($this->_get('token'), "dingdan", "您有一个新的微预订:来自" . $data['book_people'] . ",预订商品:" . $data['room_type'] . ",预订时间:" . $this->_post('dateline'));
             echo '{"success":1,"msg":"恭喜,预定成功。"}';
         } else {
             echo '{"success":0,"msg":"请从新预定。"}';
 public function book()
     if ($_POST['action'] == 'book') {
         $token = $this->_get('token');
         // 检查是否需要短信验证码
         $enable_vcode = 0;
         $smsset = M('sms_set')->where(array('token' => $token))->find();
         if (!empty($smsset)) {
             if (strpos($smsset['function'], 'vcdindan') !== FALSE) {
                 $enable_vcode = 1;
         $tel = $this->_post('tel');
         $smsvcode = $this->_post('smsvcode');
         if ($enable_vcode) {
             if (!SmsvcodeAction::verifyVCode($token, $tel, $smsvcode)) {
                 // 验证码不匹配
                 echo '{"success":0,"msg":"请输入正确的短信验证码。"}';
         $data['wecha_id'] = $this->_post('wecha_id');
         $data['book_people'] = $this->_post('truename');
         $data['remarks'] = $this->_post('remarks');
         $data['tel'] = $this->_post('tel');
         $data['book_num'] = $this->_post('nums');
         $data['book_time'] = strtotime($this->_post('dateline'));
         $id = $this->_post('id');
         $data['room_type'] = $this->_post('roomtype');
         $data['order_status'] = 3;
         $data['hid'] = $this->_get('hid');
         $data['booking_id'] = $this->_post('id');
         $data['token'] = $this->_get('token');
         $data['submit_time'] = time();
         $data['sn'] = $this->get_order_sn();
         $price = M('Host_list_add')->where(array('id' => $id, 'token' => $data['token'], 'hid' => $data['hid'], 'status' => 1))->find();
         if ($price['open_inventory'] == 1 && $price['inventory'] < $data['book_num']) {
             echo '{"success":0,"msg":"库存不足,请联系商家!"}';
         $data['price'] = $price['yhprice'] * $data['book_num'];
         $data['text_cols'] = serialize($this->_post('text_cols'));
         $data['select_cols'] = serialize($this->_post('select_cols'));
         $order = M('Host_order')->data($data)->add();
         if ($price['open_inventory'] == 1 && $order) {
             $booking['inventory'] = $price['inventory'] - $data['book_num'];
             M('host_list_add')->where(array('id' => $id, 'token' => $data['token']))->data($booking)->save();
         if ($order) {
             include LIB_PATH . 'Action/SmsSender.class.php';
             $smsSender = new SmsSender();
             $notify_tmpl = C('host_notify');
             $smsContent = '';
             if (isset($notify_tmpl)) {
                 $smsContent = str_replace("#merchant#", '领众科技', $notify_tmpl);
                 $smsContent = str_replace("#book_people#", $data['book_people'], $smsContent);
                 $smsContent = str_replace("#tel#", $data['tel'], $smsContent);
                 $smsContent = str_replace("#room_type#", $data['room_type'], $smsContent);
                 $smsContent = str_replace("#book_num#", $data['book_num'], $smsContent);
                 $smsContent = str_replace("#dateline#", $this->_post('dateline'), $smsContent);
                 $smsContent = str_replace("#price#", $data['price'], $smsContent);
                 $smsContent = str_replace("#sn#", $data['sn'], $smsContent);
             if ($smsContent != '') {
                 $re = $smsSender->notify($this->_get('token'), "dingdan", $smsContent);
             echo '{"success":1,"msg":"恭喜,预定成功。"}';
         } else {
             echo '{"success":0,"msg":"系统忙,请稍后预定。"}';
Example #13
  * @covers \SmsZilla\SmsSender::__construct
 public function testConstructorParams()
     $reference = new \SmsZilla\Adapter\FileAdapter(['store_path' => __DIR__]);
     $result = new SmsSender(new \SmsZilla\Adapter\FileAdapter(), ['store_path' => __DIR__]);
     $this->assertEquals($reference, $result->getAdapter());
Example #14
    $address = $receiver->getAddress();
    // get the sender's address
    $requestId = $receiver->getRequestID();
    // get the request ID
    $applicationId = $receiver->getApplicationId();
    // get application ID
    $encoding = $receiver->getEncoding();
    // get the encoding value
    $version = $receiver->getVersion();
    // get the version
    logFile("[ content={$content}, address={$address}, requestId={$requestId}, applicationId={$applicationId}, encoding={$encoding}, version={$version} ]");
    //your logic goes here......
    $responseMsg = "You are not in the disaster area.You are in uva wellassa";
    // Create the sender object server url
    $sender = new SmsSender("https://api.dialog.lk/sms/send");
    //sending a one message
    $applicationId = "APP_018053";
    $encoding = "0";
    $version = "1.0";
    $password = "******";
    $destinationAddresses = array($address);
    $res = $sender->sms($responseMsg, $destinationAddresses, $password, $applicationId, $encoding, $version);
} catch (SmsException $ex) {
    //throws when failed sending or receiving the sms
    error_log("ERROR: {$ex->getStatusCode()} | {$ex->getStatusMessage()}");
    BMI logic function
function bmiLogicHere($split)