SmartyWrap::assign('def', $def); SmartyWrap::assign('lexemIds', $lexemIds); SmartyWrap::assign('user', userCache_get($def->userId)); SmartyWrap::displayWithoutSkin('xml/update3Definitions.tpl'); } print "</Definitions>\n"; } else { if ($export == 'lexems') { $lexemDbResult = db_execute("select * from Lexem where modDate >= '{$timestamp}' order by modDate, id"); print "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"; print "<Lexems>\n"; print "<NumResults>" . $lexemDbResult->rowCount() . "</NumResults>\n"; foreach ($lexemDbResult as $dbRow) { $lexem = Model::factory('Lexem')->create($dbRow); SmartyWrap::assign('lexem', $lexem); SmartyWrap::displayWithoutSkin('xml/update3Lexems.tpl'); } print "</Lexems>\n"; } } } } } /****************************************************************************/ function userCache_init() { $GLOBALS['USER'] = array(); } function userCache_get($key) { if (array_key_exists($key, $GLOBALS['USER'])) {
<?php require_once '../../phplib/util.php'; //util_assertModerator(PRIV_ADMIN); $rows = CrawledPage::getListOfDomains(); $options = array('all', 'most recent domain'); $last = end($rows); $values = array('all', $last->domain); foreach ($rows as $obj) { array_push($options, $obj->domain); array_push($values, $obj->domain); } //var_dump($options); SmartyWrap::assign('page_title', 'Romanian Crawler Log'); SmartyWrap::assign('values', $values); SmartyWrap::assign('options', $options); //SmartyWrap::smartyDisplay('crawler/crawler.ihtml'); SmartyWrap::assign('jqueryLibPath', '../js/jquery-1.8.3.min.js'); SmartyWrap::displayWithoutSkin('crawler/crawler.ihtml');
<?php require_once "../phplib/util.php"; $type = util_getRequestParameter('t'); if ($type == 'rss') { $articles = WikiArticle::getRss(); $results = array(); foreach ($articles as $a) { $results[] = array('title' => $a->title, 'description' => $a->htmlContents, 'pubDate' => date('D, d M Y H:i:s', $a->modDate) . ' EEST', 'link' => sprintf("http://%s/articol/%s", $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], $a->getUrlTitle())); } header("Content-type: application/rss+xml"); SmartyWrap::assign('rss_title', 'Articole lingvistice - dexonline'); SmartyWrap::assign('rss_link', 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/rss/articole/'); SmartyWrap::assign('rss_description', 'Articole pe teme lingvistice de la dexonline'); SmartyWrap::assign('rss_pubDate', date('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' EEST'); SmartyWrap::assign('results', $results); SmartyWrap::displayWithoutSkin('xml/rss.tpl'); exit; } SmartyWrap::assign('wikiTitles', WikiArticle::loadAllTitles()); SmartyWrap::display('articole.tpl');
SmartyWrap::assign('def', $def); SmartyWrap::assign('lexemIds', $lexemIds); SmartyWrap::assign('user', userCache_get($def->userId)); SmartyWrap::displayWithoutSkin('update3Definitions.ihtml'); } print "</Definitions>\n"; } else { if ($export == 'lexems') { $lexemDbResult = db_execute("select * from Lexem where modDate >= '{$timestamp}' order by modDate, id"); print "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"; print "<Lexems>\n"; print "<NumResults>" . $lexemDbResult->rowCount() . "</NumResults>\n"; foreach ($lexemDbResult as $dbRow) { $lexem = Model::factory('Lexem')->create($dbRow); SmartyWrap::assign('lexem', $lexem); SmartyWrap::displayWithoutSkin('update3Lexems.ihtml'); } print "</Lexems>\n"; } } } } } /****************************************************************************/ function userCache_init() { $GLOBALS['USER'] = array(); } function userCache_get($key) { if (array_key_exists($key, $GLOBALS['USER'])) {
$pageDescription .= " din dicționarele: " . implode(", ", $sourceList); } SmartyWrap::assign('pageDescription', $pageDescription); } // Ads AdsModule::runAllModules(empty($lexems) ? null : $lexems, empty($definitions) ? null : $definitions); SmartyWrap::assign('text', $text); SmartyWrap::assign('searchType', $searchType); SmartyWrap::assign('showParadigm', $showParadigm); SmartyWrap::assign('locParadigm', session_user_prefers(Preferences::LOC_PARADIGM)); SmartyWrap::assign('paradigmLink', $paradigmLink); SmartyWrap::assign('advancedSearch', $text || $sourceId); /* Gallery */ $images = empty($lexems) ? array() : Visual::loadAllForLexems($lexems); SmartyWrap::assign('images', $images); if (count($images)) { SmartyWrap::addCss('gallery'); SmartyWrap::addJs('gallery'); } if (!$xml) { SmartyWrap::addCss('paradigm'); SmartyWrap::display('search.tpl'); } else { header('Content-type: text/xml'); SmartyWrap::displayWithoutSkin('xml/search.tpl'); } if (Config::get('global.logSearch')) { $logDefinitions = isset($definitions) ? $definitions : array(); $log = new Log($cuv, $redirectFrom, $searchType, $redirect, $logDefinitions); $log->logData(); }
require_once "../phplib/util.php"; $date = util_getRequestParameter('d'); $type = util_getRequestParameter('t'); $today = date('Y-m-01', time()); // Always use the first of the month $timestamp = $date ? strtotime($date) : time(); $mysqlDate = date("Y-m-01", $timestamp); if ($mysqlDate < WOTM_BIG_BANG || $mysqlDate > $today && !util_isModerator(PRIV_ADMIN)) { util_redirect(util_getWwwRoot() . 'cuvantul-lunii'); } $wotm = WordOfTheMonth::getWotM($mysqlDate); $def = Definition::get_by_id($wotm->definitionId); if ($type == 'url') { SmartyWrap::assign('today', $today); SmartyWrap::assign('title', $def->lexicon); SmartyWrap::displayWithoutSkin('bits/wotmurl.tpl'); exit; } $searchResults = SearchResult::mapDefinitionArray(array($def)); $cYear = date('Y', $timestamp); $cMonth = date('n', $timestamp); $nextTS = mktime(0, 0, 0, $cMonth + 1, 1, $cYear); $prevTS = mktime(0, 0, 0, $cMonth - 1, 1, $cYear); if ($mysqlDate > WOTM_BIG_BANG) { SmartyWrap::assign('prevmon', date('Y/m', $prevTS)); } if ($mysqlDate < $today || util_isModerator(PRIV_ADMIN)) { SmartyWrap::assign('nextmon', date('Y/m', $nextTS)); } SmartyWrap::assign('imageUrl', $wotm->getImageUrl()); SmartyWrap::assign('artist', $wotm->getArtist());
$showSource = (int) util_getRequestParameter('s'); if (!is_int($showSource) || $showSource != 1) { $showSource = DEFAULT_SHOW_LIST; } $noSkin = (int) util_getRequestParameter('k'); if (!is_int($noSkin) || $noSkin != 1) { $noSkin = DEFAULT_SHOW_LIST; } /* $query = sprintf('select id from Lexem order by rand() limit %d', $listLength); $ids = db_getArray($query); $query = sprintf(RANDOM_WORDS_QUERY, $showSource?SOURCE_PART_RANDOM_WORDS:'', implode(",",$ids)); $forms = db_getArrayOfRows($query); */ $wotd = ''; if (is_null($wListLength)) { $query = sprintf(RANDOM_WORDS_QUERY, $showSource ? SOURCE_PART_RANDOM_WORDS : '', $listLength); } else { $query = sprintf(RANDOM_WOTD_QUERY, $wListLength); $wotd = ' ale zilei'; } $forms = db_getArrayOfRows($query); $cnt = count($forms); SmartyWrap::assign('forms', $forms); SmartyWrap::assign('wotd', $wotd); if ($noSkin) { SmartyWrap::displayWithoutSkin('bits/randomWordListSimple.tpl'); } else { SmartyWrap::display('randomWordList.tpl'); }
<?php require_once "../phplib/util.php"; define('NO_OF_WOTD_IN_LIST', 4); $year = util_getRequestIntParameterWithDefault('y', date('Y')); $month = util_getRequestIntParameterWithDefault('m', date('m')); $day = util_getRequestIntParameterWithDefault('d', date('d')); $timestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year); $prevWotds = WordOfTheDay::getPreviousYearsWotds($month, $day); $wotds = []; foreach ($prevWotds as $w) { $currentYear = substr($w->displayDate, 0, 4); if (count($wotds) >= NO_OF_WOTD_IN_LIST) { break; } if ($currentYear != $year) { $defId = WordOfTheDayRel::getRefId($w->id); $def = Model::factory('Definition')->where('id', $defId)->where('status', Definition::ST_ACTIVE)->find_one(); $entry = []; $entry['year'] = $currentYear; $entry['href'] = "/cuvantul-zilei/{$currentYear}/{$month}/{$day}"; $entry['img'] = $w->getThumbUrl(); $entry['word'] = $def->lexicon; $entry['tip'] = $w->description; $wotds[] = $entry; } } SmartyWrap::assign('timestamp', $timestamp); SmartyWrap::assign('wotds', $wotds); SmartyWrap::displayWithoutSkin('bits/wotdPreviousYears.tpl');
// Force loading a lexem on the next comparison. print "<!DOCTYPE dict [\n"; print " <!ENTITY diams \"♦\">\n"; print " <!ENTITY loz \"◊\">\n"; print " <!ENTITY rsquo \"’\">\n"; print "]>\n"; print "<Dictionary>\n"; print " <Timestamp>" . time() . "</Timestamp>\n"; if ($version == '1.0') { print " <NumResults>" . $defDbResult->rowCount() . "</NumResults>\n"; } foreach ($defDbResult as $row) { fetchNextRow($row); SmartyWrap::assign('version', $version); SmartyWrap::assign('includeNameWithDiacritics', hasFlag('a')); SmartyWrap::displayWithoutSkin('update.ihtml'); } print "</Dictionary>\n"; return; function createSourceMap() { $sourceMap = array(); $sources = Model::factory('Source')->find_many(); foreach ($sources as $source) { $sourceMap[$source->id] = $source; } return $sourceMap; } function userCache_init() { $GLOBALS['USER'] = array();
$weeks = array(); while (count($calendar)) { $weeks[] = array_splice($calendar, 0, 7); } return $weeks; } SmartyWrap::assign('month', strftime("%B", strtotime("{$year}-{$month}-01"))); SmartyWrap::assign('year', $year); $showPrev = $year > 2011 || $year == 2011 && $month > 5 ? 1 : 0; $showNext = util_isModerator(PRIV_ADMIN) || time() >= mktime(0, 0, 0, $month + 1, 1, $year); SmartyWrap::assign('showPrev', $showPrev); SmartyWrap::assign('showNext', $showNext); $prefix = 'arhiva/cuvantul-zilei'; if ($month == '01') { $prevMonth = $prefix . '/' . ($year - 1) . '/12'; } else { $m = sprintf("%02d", (int) $month - 1); $prevMonth = "{$prefix}/{$year}/{$m}"; } if ($month == '12') { $nextMonth = $prefix . '/' . ($year + 1) . '/01'; } else { $m = sprintf("%02d", (int) $month + 1); $nextMonth = "{$prefix}/{$year}/{$m}"; } SmartyWrap::assign('prevMonth', $prevMonth); SmartyWrap::assign('nextMonth', $nextMonth); $words = createCalendar($year, $month); SmartyWrap::assign('words', $words); SmartyWrap::displayWithoutSkin('wotdArchive.ihtml');
<?php require_once "../../phplib/util.php"; util_assertNotMirror(); // Parse or initialize the GET/POST arguments $text = util_getRequestParameter('text'); $definitionId = util_getRequestIntParameter('definitionId'); $submit = util_getRequestIntParameter('submit'); if ($submit) { if ($text && $definitionId) { $typo = Model::factory('Typo')->create(); $typo->definitionId = $definitionId; $typo->problem = $text; $typo->save(); } SmartyWrap::displayWithoutSkin('bits/typoConfirmation.tpl'); } else { SmartyWrap::assign('definitionId', $definitionId); SmartyWrap::displayWithoutSkin('bits/typoForm.tpl'); }
$weeks = array(); while (count($calendar)) { $weeks[] = array_splice($calendar, 0, 7); } return $weeks; } SmartyWrap::assign('month', strftime("%B", strtotime("{$year}-{$month}-01"))); SmartyWrap::assign('year', $year); $showPrev = $year > 2011 || $year == 2011 && $month > 5 ? 1 : 0; $showNext = util_isModerator(PRIV_ADMIN) || time() >= mktime(0, 0, 0, $month + 1, 1, $year); SmartyWrap::assign('showPrev', $showPrev); SmartyWrap::assign('showNext', $showNext); $prefix = 'arhiva/cuvantul-zilei'; if ($month == '01') { $prevMonth = $prefix . '/' . ($year - 1) . '/12'; } else { $m = sprintf("%02d", (int) $month - 1); $prevMonth = "{$prefix}/{$year}/{$m}"; } if ($month == '12') { $nextMonth = $prefix . '/' . ($year + 1) . '/01'; } else { $m = sprintf("%02d", (int) $month + 1); $nextMonth = "{$prefix}/{$year}/{$m}"; } SmartyWrap::assign('prevMonth', $prevMonth); SmartyWrap::assign('nextMonth', $nextMonth); $words = createCalendar($year, $month); SmartyWrap::assign('words', $words); SmartyWrap::displayWithoutSkin('bits/wotdArchive.tpl');
} } else { // asume plain OpenID $isOpenidConnect = false; } } if (!FlashMessage::getMessage()) { if ($isOpenidConnect) { try { $oidc->authenticate($oidcId, $oidcSecret); } catch (OpenIDException $e) { FlashMessage::add($e->getMessage()); } } else { $authResult = OpenID::beginAuth($openid, null); if ($authResult != null) { SmartyWrap::displayWithoutSkin('auth/beginAuth.ihtml'); exit; } } } } if ($devel) { SmartyWrap::assign('allowFakeUsers', true); SmartyWrap::assign('privilegeNames', $PRIV_NAMES); SmartyWrap::assign('fakeUserNick', 'test' . rand(10000, 99999)); } SmartyWrap::assign('openid', $openid); SmartyWrap::assign('page_title', 'Autentificare cu OpenID'); SmartyWrap::assign('suggestHiddenSearchForm', true); SmartyWrap::display('auth/login.ihtml');
WordOfTheDay::updateTodaysWord(); $wotd = WordOfTheDay::get_by_displayDate($mysqlDate); } $reason = ''; if ($wotd) { $reason = $wotd->description; if (util_isModerator(PRIV_ADMIN) || $mysqlDate >= WOTD_REASON_BIG_BANG && $date && strtotime($date) < time() - WOTD_REASON_DISPLAY_DELAY * ONE_DAY_IN_SECS) { SmartyWrap::assign('reason', $reason); } } $defId = WordOfTheDayRel::getRefId($wotd->id); $def = Definition::get_by_id($defId); if ($type == 'url') { SmartyWrap::assign('today', $today); SmartyWrap::assign('title', $def->lexicon); SmartyWrap::displayWithoutSkin('bits/wotdurl.ihtml'); exit; } $searchResults = SearchResult::mapDefinitionArray(array($def)); $roDate = strftime("%e %B %Y", $timestamp); $pageTitle = sprintf("Cuvântul zilei (%s): %s", $roDate, $def->lexicon); $pageDesc = sprintf("Cuvântul zilei de la dexonline. Azi, %s: %s", $roDate, $def->lexicon); if ($mysqlDate > WOTD_BIG_BANG) { SmartyWrap::assign('prevday', date('Y/m/d', $timestamp - ONE_DAY_IN_SECS)); } if ($mysqlDate < $today || util_isModerator(PRIV_ADMIN)) { SmartyWrap::assign('nextday', date('Y/m/d', $timestamp + ONE_DAY_IN_SECS)); } SmartyWrap::assign('imageUrl', $wotd->getImageUrl()); SmartyWrap::assign('imageCredits', $wotd->getImageCredits()); SmartyWrap::assign('timestamp', $timestamp);
<?php require_once "../../phplib/util.php"; $lexemId = util_getRequestParameter('lexemId'); $defs = Definition::loadByLexemId($lexemId); $results = array(); foreach ($defs as $def) { $htmlRep = str_replace("\n", ' ', $def->htmlRep); $source = Source::get_by_id($def->sourceId); $results[] = array('id' => $def->id, 'shortName' => $source->shortName, 'status' => $def->getStatusName(), 'htmlRep' => $htmlRep); } SmartyWrap::assign('results', $results); SmartyWrap::displayWithoutSkin('ajax/getDefinitionsForLexem.tpl');
SmartyWrap::assign('page_title', "{$cuv} - definitie{$page_title}"); SmartyWrap::assign('page_keywords', $page_keywords); SmartyWrap::assign('page_description', $page_description); } // Ads AdsModule::runAllModules(empty($lexems) ? null : $lexems, empty($definitions) ? null : $definitions); SmartyWrap::assign('text', $text); SmartyWrap::assign('searchType', $searchType); SmartyWrap::assign('showParadigm', $showParadigm); SmartyWrap::assign('locParadigm', session_user_prefers(Preferences::LOC_PARADIGM)); SmartyWrap::assign('paradigmLink', $paradigmLink); SmartyWrap::assign('advancedSearch', $text || $sourceId); /* Gallery */ $images = empty($lexems) ? array() : Visual::loadAllForLexems($lexems); SmartyWrap::assign('images', $images); if (count($images)) { SmartyWrap::addCss('gallery'); SmartyWrap::addJs('gallery'); } if (!$xml) { SmartyWrap::addCss('paradigm'); SmartyWrap::display('search.ihtml'); } else { header('Content-type: text/xml'); SmartyWrap::displayWithoutSkin('searchXML.ihtml'); } if (Config::get('global.logSearch')) { $logDefinitions = isset($definitions) ? $definitions : array(); $log = new Log($cuv, $redirectFrom, $searchType, $redirect, $logDefinitions); $log->logData(); }
<?php require_once "../phplib/util.php"; $type = util_getRequestParameter('t'); if ($type == 'rss') { $articles = WikiArticle::getRss(); $results = array(); foreach ($articles as $a) { $results[] = array('title' => $a->title, 'description' => $a->htmlContents, 'pubDate' => date('D, d M Y H:i:s', $a->modDate) . ' EEST', 'link' => sprintf("http://%s/articol/%s", $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], $a->getUrlTitle())); } header("Content-type: application/rss+xml"); SmartyWrap::assign('rss_title', 'Articole lingvistice - DEX online'); SmartyWrap::assign('rss_link', 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/rss/articole/'); SmartyWrap::assign('rss_description', 'Articole pe teme lingvistice de la DEX online'); SmartyWrap::assign('rss_pubDate', date('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' EEST'); SmartyWrap::assign('results', $results); SmartyWrap::displayWithoutSkin('rss.ixml'); exit; } SmartyWrap::assign('page_title', 'Articole lingvistice'); SmartyWrap::assign('wikiTitles', WikiArticle::loadAllTitles()); SmartyWrap::display('articole.ihtml');
if (!is_int($showSource) || $showSource != 1) { $showSource = DEFAULT_SHOW_LIST; } $noSkin = (int) util_getRequestParameter('k'); if (!is_int($noSkin) || $noSkin != 1) { $noSkin = DEFAULT_SHOW_LIST; } /* $query = sprintf('select id from Lexem order by rand() limit %d', $listLength); $ids = db_getArray($query); $query = sprintf(RANDOM_WORDS_QUERY, $showSource?SOURCE_PART_RANDOM_WORDS:'', implode(",",$ids)); $forms = db_getArrayOfRows($query); */ $wotd = ''; if (is_null($wListLength)) { $query = sprintf(RANDOM_WORDS_QUERY, $showSource ? SOURCE_PART_RANDOM_WORDS : '', $listLength); } else { $query = sprintf(RANDOM_WOTD_QUERY, $wListLength); $wotd = ' ale zilei'; } $forms = db_getArrayOfRows($query); $cnt = count($forms); if ($noSkin) { SmartyWrap::assign('forms', $forms); SmartyWrap::displayWithoutSkin('randomWordListSimple.ihtml'); } else { SmartyWrap::assign('forms', $forms); SmartyWrap::assign('page_title', "O listă de {$cnt} de cuvinte{$wotd} alese la întâmplare."); SmartyWrap::display('randomWordList.ihtml'); }
// Exercise the fields we'll need later in the view. // TODO: this code replicates code from search.php $hasUnrecommendedForms = false; foreach ($filtered_lexems as $l) { foreach ($l->getLexemModels() as $lm) { $lm->getModelType(); $lm->getSourceNames(); $map = $lm->loadInflectedFormMap(); $lm->addLocInfo(); foreach ($map as $ifs) { foreach ($ifs as $if) { $hasUnrecommendedForms |= !$if->recommended; } } } } SmartyWrap::assign('hasUnrecommendedForms', $hasUnrecommendedForms); SmartyWrap::assign('lexems', $filtered_lexems); SmartyWrap::assign('showParadigm', true); SmartyWrap::assign('locParadigm', session_user_prefers(Preferences::LOC_PARADIGM)); SmartyWrap::assign('onlyParadigm', !$ajax); } else { FlashMessage::add("Niciun rezultat pentru {$cuv}."); SmartyWrap::assign('page_title', "Eroare"); } if ($ajax) { SmartyWrap::displayWithoutSkin('bits/multiParadigm.ihtml'); } else { SmartyWrap::addCss('paradigm'); SmartyWrap::display('search.ihtml'); }
function util_assertNotMirror() { if (Config::get('global.mirror')) { SmartyWrap::displayWithoutSkin('mirror_message.ihtml'); exit; } }