        // Ignore anything we will add in later
        if ($k != 'sloodleobjtype' && $k != 'sloodlecontrollerid') {
            $customsettings[$k] = $v;
        // Remove the setting so it doesn't appear later
// Figure out how many lines we need
$numlines = count($customsettings) + 6;
// The configuration text
echo '<textarea cols="60" rows="' . $numlines . '" readonly="true" onclick="">';
// Add the standard stuff in
echo "set:sloodleobjtype|{$sloodleobjtype}\n";
echo "set:sloodleserverroot|{$CFG->wwwroot}\n";
echo "set:sloodlecontrollerid|{$sloodlecontrollerid}\n";
echo "set:sloodlepwd|" . $sloodle_course->controller->get_password() . "\n";
echo "set:sloodlecoursename_short|" . $sloodle_course->get_short_name() . "\n";
echo "set:sloodlecoursename_full|" . $sloodle_course->get_full_name() . "\n";
// Go through each session parameter
foreach ($customsettings as $k => $v) {
    // Output the value
    echo "set:{$k}|{$v}\n";
echo '</textarea><br><br>';
echo "<a href=\"notecard_configuration_form.php?sloodlecontrollerid={$sloodlecontrollerid}&sloodleobjtype={$sloodleobjtype}\">&lt;&lt; " . get_string('objectconfig:backtoform', 'sloodle') . "</a>";
echo '</div>';