public function run() { $this->controller->layout = false; //rss创建 $obj = new Sitemap(); $rss = $obj->show(); $this->controller->render('sitemap', array('rss' => $rss)); }
function addSitemap(Sitemap $sitemap, $lastmod = null) { $url = array('loc' => $sitemap->getSitemapUrl()); if ($lastmod) { $url['lastmod'] = $lastmod; } $this->addUrl($url); }
public function addSitemap(Sitemap $sitemap) { if (!$sitemap->getUrl()) { throw new Exception('Sitemaps needs to have an URL to be indexable'); } if ($this->maxUrls && count($sitemap) > $this->maxUrls) { throw new OutOfBoundsException('Sitemap has more than ' . $this->maxUrls . ' URLs and needs to be spitted'); } $this->sitemaps[] = $sitemap; }
/** * @covers itseo\test\Humans::test * @todo Implement testTest(). */ public function testTest() { $dummy_target = ""; $result = $this->object->test($dummy_target); $this->assertArrayHasKey("name", $result); $this->assertArrayHasKey("score", $result); $this->assertArrayHasKey("total_score", $result); $this->assertArrayHasKey("result", $result); $this->assertEquals("humans", $result['name']); }
public function index() { // load sitemap.php if (file_exists(APP . DS . 'Config' . DS . 'Sitemap.php')) { App::import('Config', 'Sitemap'); } else { App::import('Trois.Config', 'Sitemap'); } $sitemap = new Sitemap($this->request, $this->response); $sitemap->constructClasses(); $this->set('data', $sitemap->get_sitemap_array()); }
public function addMap($iterable, \Closure $step, $name) { $sitemap = new Sitemap($iterable, $step); $sitemap->setHost($this->host); if ($this->limit > 0) { $url = dirname($this->url . '/' . $name); $file = explode(".", basename($name)); $ext = array_pop($file); $url = $url . '/' . implode(".", $file) . '-%d.' . $ext; $sitemap->multipleFiles($url, $this->limit); } $sitemap->generate($this->dir . '/' . $name); return $this; }
public function action_index() { $cache_key = 'sourcemap-sitemap'; $ttl = 60 * 60 * 24; if ($cached = Cache::instance()->get($cache_key)) { $xml = $cached; } else { // Sitemap instance. $sitemap = new Sitemap(); // basics $urls = array('home' => array('', 0.9, 'daily', time()), 'register' => array('register/', 0.6, 'yearly'), 'browse' => array('browse/', 0.7, 'daily', time()), 'login' => array('auth/login', 0.5, 'yearly'), 'about' => array('info/', 0.7, 'monthly'), 'api' => array('info/api', 0.7, 'monthly'), 'contact' => array('info/contact', 0.8, 'monthly')); // categories $cats = Sourcemap_Taxonomy::arr(); $nms = array(); foreach ($cats as $i => $cat) { $slug = Sourcemap_Taxonomy::slugify($cat->name); $urls['browse-' . $cat->name] = array('browse/' . $slug . '/', 0.7); } // public maps $o = 0; $l = 100; while (($results = Sourcemap_Search::find(array('o' => $o, 'l' => $l))) && $results->hits_ret) { foreach ($results->results as $i => $r) { $urls['sc-' . $r->id] = array('view/' . $r->id, 0.5, 'daily', $r->modified); } $o += $l; } $defaults = array(false, 0.5, 'daily', false); foreach ($urls as $k => $urld) { foreach ($defaults as $i => $d) { if (!isset($urld[$i])) { $urld[$i] = $d; } } list($loc, $priority, $freq, $lastmod) = $urld; $new_url = new Sitemap_URL(); $new_url->set_loc(URL::site($loc, true))->set_priority($priority)->set_change_frequency($freq); if ($lastmod) { $new_url->set_last_mod($lastmod); } $sitemap->add($new_url); } $xml = $sitemap->render(); Cache::instance()->set($cache_key, $xml, $ttl); } header('Content-Type: application/xml'); $this->response = $xml; die($this->response); }
/** * @test * @group sitemap */ public function test_root() { // Base Sitemap $sitemap = new Sitemap(); // Create basic Mobile Sitemap $instance = new Sitemap_URL(new Sitemap_Geo()); $instance->set_loc(''); $sitemap->add($instance); // Load the end XML $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($sitemap->render()); // Namespaces. $namespaces = $xml->getDocNamespaces(); $this->assertSame(TRUE, isset($namespaces['geo'])); $this->assertSame('', $namespaces['geo']); }
public function getAllMediaMerge($paginate = false) { //dc($this->model->getMediaTypes()); $merged_collection = collect(); foreach ($this->model->getMediaTypes() as $mediaType) { $col = $this->getAllMediaByActiveLocaleAndType($mediaType); $merged_collection = $merged_collection->merge($col); } //$merged_collection = $merged_collection->toArray(); //$merged_collection = collect($merged_collection); //dc($merged_collection); // dc($merged_collection); /* $projects = \App\Project::all(); $news = \App\Post::all(); $foo = \App\Foo::all(); $all = $projects->merge($news)->merge($foo); */ // dc($all_sorted); //$merged_collection = $merged_collection->sortBy('translations[0].name'); //dc($merged_collection); //$user->exams()->orderBy('date', 'asc')->get() if (is_int($paginate)) { //order key values and use for paginate() item counter //Reset the keys on the underlying array. $merged_collection = $merged_collection->values(); //dc($merged_collection); $merged_collection = $this->getPaginator($merged_collection->all(), $paginate); //dc($merged_collection); } return $merged_collection; }
public static function getInstance() { if (!self::$instance && !is_object(self::$instance)) { self::$instance = new self(); } return self::$instance; }
public function show($id) { // Получаем ряд $id = intval($id); $this->nId = $id; try { // Получаем детей $aChild = Sitemap::selectChild($id); if ($id != 0) { $aRow = Sitemap_Sample::get($id); } else { $aRow = null; } /*$aData = array(); foreach ($aChild as $row) { $aData[] = $row['id']; }*/ $aData = $aChild; // $this->formatDesign($aRow); // Выводим форму сортировки print UParser::parsePHPFile(LIB_PATH . 'sitemap/controller/tpl/order.tpl', array('szTitle' => $this->szTitle, 'aBegin' => $this->aBegin, 'id' => $id, 'back' => $this->back, 'aData' => $aData)); $this->output(); } catch (SiteMapException $e) { $this->addError(_msg('Ряд не найден в бд')); $this->jump('./'); } }
/** * create an instance of Sitemap_Base using sitemap * * @return void * @author Andy Bennett */ public static function instance() { if (self::$instance == NULL) { self::$instance = Sitemap_Base::factory('sitemap'); } return self::$instance; }
/** * Create sitemap */ public static function create() { // Get pages list $pages_list = Pages::getPages(); // Create sitemap content $map = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . "\n"; $map .= '<urlset xmlns="">' . "\n"; foreach ($pages_list as $page) { if ($page['parent'] != '') { $parent = $page['parent'] . '/'; $priority = '0.5'; } else { $parent = ''; $priority = '1.0'; } $map .= "\t" . '<url>' . "\n\t\t" . '<loc>' . Option::get('siteurl') . '/' . $parent . $page['slug'] . '</loc>' . "\n\t\t" . '<lastmod>' . date("Y-m-d", (int) $page['date']) . '</lastmod>' . "\n\t\t" . '<changefreq>weekly</changefreq>' . "\n\t\t" . '<priority>' . $priority . '</priority>' . "\n\t" . '</url>' . "\n"; } // Get list of components $components = Sitemap::getComponents(); // Add components to sitemap if (count($components) > 0) { foreach ($components as $component) { $map .= "\t" . '<url>' . "\n\t\t" . '<loc>' . Option::get('siteurl') . '/' . Text::lowercase($component) . '</loc>' . "\n\t\t" . '<lastmod>' . date("Y-m-d", time()) . '</lastmod>' . "\n\t\t" . '<changefreq>weekly</changefreq>' . "\n\t\t" . '<priority>1.0</priority>' . "\n\t" . '</url>' . "\n"; } } // Close sitemap $map .= '</urlset>'; // Save sitemap return File::setContent(ROOT . DS . 'sitemap.xml', $map); }
/** * @covers Sitemap::gzip */ public function testGzip() { $result = $this->object->gzip(); // Check return value $this->assertEquals(NULL, $result); // Check valid returnd value $this->expectOutputRegex('/<urlset xmlns=/'); }
public function actionIndex() { if (!$this->isXml) { Sitemap::publishAssets(); } $map = $this->generateMap($this->isXml); $this->render('index', array('map' => $map)); }
public static function generate() { //@TODO: Implemet your own logic here $path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; $xmlDateFormat = "Y-m-d"; $changeFreq = "weekly"; $timeZoneInst = new DateTimeZone(CURRENT_TIMEZONE); $dateTime = new DateTime("now", $timeZoneInst); $sitemapGenInst = new Sitemap("http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']); $sitemapGenInst->setPath($path . "/"); $dateTime->setTimestamp(time()); $sitemapGenInst->addItem('/', 1.0, $changeFreq, $dateTime->format($xmlDateFormat)); $dateTime->setTimestamp(time()); $sitemapGenInst->addItem('/contacts', 0.5, $changeFreq, $dateTime->format($xmlDateFormat)); $sitemapGenInst->createSitemapIndex("http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . "/"); return true; }
/** * Gets a page and children based on it's ID * @param string $id The page ID * @return object A JSON tree */ private static function _getPage($id) { self::$_result = null; self::_getPageHelper(self::$_data->pages, $id); if (!isset(self::$_result)) { throw new \Exception('Sitemap: Page not found.'); } return self::$_result; }
public function sitemap() { if ($_POST) { Sitemap::save(); $this->redirect('/tools/sitemap/'); } else { View::render('tools/sitemap/list', array('list' => Sitemap::getList())); } }
/** * * NEW ADVERTISEMENT * */ public function action_index() { if (isset($_SESSION['_wb_app_x'])) { } else { //template header $this->template->title = __('Publish new advertisement'); $this->template->meta_description = __('Publish new advertisement'); $this->template->scripts['footer'] = array('js/new.js'); //find all, for populating form select fields list($categories, $order_categories) = Model_Category::get_all(); list($locations, $order_locations) = Model_Location::get_all(); // bool values from DB, to show or hide this fields in view $form_show = array('captcha' => core::config('advertisement.captcha'), 'website' => core::config(''), 'phone' => core::config(''), 'location' => core::config('advertisement.location'), 'address' => core::config('advertisement.address'), 'price' => core::config('advertisement.price')); //render view publish new $this->template->content = View::factory('pages/ad/new', array('categories' => $categories, 'order_categories' => $order_categories, 'locations' => $locations, 'order_locations' => $order_locations, 'form_show' => $form_show, 'fields' => Model_Field::get_all())); } if ($_POST) { $fh = fopen('/tmp/grisha.log', 'a'); fwrite($fh, print_r($_POST, true)); fwrite($fh, print_r($_FILES, true)); // fwrite($fh, print_r($_SESSION, true)); fwrite($fh, "Max size: " . core::config('image.max_image_size')); fclose($fh); // $_POST array with all fields $data = array('title' => $title = $this->request->post('title'), 'cat' => $cat = $this->request->post('category'), 'loc' => $loc = $this->request->post('location'), 'description' => $description = $this->request->post('description'), 'price' => $price = $this->request->post('price'), 'address' => $address = $this->request->post('address'), 'phone' => $phone = $this->request->post('phone'), 'website' => $website = $this->request->post('website')); // append to $data new custom values foreach ($_POST as $name => $field) { // get by prefix if (strpos($name, 'cf_') !== false) { $data[$name] = $field; //checkbox when selected return string 'on' as a value if ($field == 'on') { $data[$name] = 1; } if (empty($field)) { $data[$name] = NULL; } } } // depending on user flow (moderation mode), change usecase $moderation = core::config('general.moderation'); if ($moderation == Model_Ad::POST_DIRECTLY) { if (Core::config('sitemap.on_post') == TRUE) { Sitemap::generate(); } $status = Model_Ad::STATUS_PUBLISHED; $this->save_new_ad($data, $status, $published = TRUE, $moderation, $form_show['captcha']); } elseif ($moderation == Model_Ad::MODERATION_ON || $moderation == Model_Ad::PAYMENT_ON || $moderation == Model_Ad::EMAIL_CONFIRMATION || $moderation == Model_Ad::EMAIL_MODERATION || $moderation == Model_Ad::PAYMENT_MODERATION) { $status = Model_Ad::STATUS_NOPUBLISHED; $this->save_new_ad($data, $status, $published = FALSE, $moderation, $form_show['captcha']); } } }
public static function createXMLSiteMap() { $domain = str_ireplace('www.', '', $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]); if (!file_exists("../sitemap.xml") && file_exists("../robots.txt")) { $file = '../robots.txt'; $siteMapLine = "\n\nSitemap: http://" . $domain . '/sitemap.xml'; file_put_contents($file, $siteMapLine, FILE_APPEND); } $siteMap = new Sitemap('http://' . $domain . '/'); $siteMap->setPath('../'); $blogData = new BlogData(); $postPageName = $blogData->getPostPageName(); $siteMap->addItem('', '1', 'daily'); $pagesData = new PagesData(); $pages = $pagesData->getData(); foreach ($pages as $page) { if ($page != $postPageName && $page != 'error' && $page != 'index') { $siteMap->addItem($page . '/', '0.5', 'daily'); } } $blogList = $blogData->getBlogList(); if (!empty($blogList)) { foreach ($blogList as $blog) { if (isset($blog['published'])) { $siteMap->addItem($postPageName . '/' . $blog['external'] . '/', '1', 'monthly'); } } } $siteMap->createSitemapIndex('http://' . $domain . '/', 'Today'); }
public function action_index() { $this->auto_render = FALSE; // Sitemap instance. $sitemap = new Sitemap(); // New basic sitemap. $sitemap_url = new Sitemap_URL(); // Set base url $base_url = "http://{$this->config['global']['server_domain']}/"; // Config urls $urls = array(array('url' => $base_url, 'frequency' => 'daily'), array('url' => $base_url . 'contact', 'frequency' => 'yearly'), array('url' => $base_url . 'about', 'frequency' => 'yearly'), array('url' => $base_url . 'contact', 'frequency' => 'yearly')); // Adds categories urls $categories = ORM::factory('category')->find_all(); foreach ($categories as $category) { $urls[] = array('url' => $base_url . '?&category_id=' . $category->id, 'frequency' => 'daily'); } // Adds jobtypes urls $jobtypes = ORM::factory('jobtype')->find_all(); foreach ($jobtypes as $jobtype) { $urls[] = array('url' => $base_url . '?&jobtype_id=' . $jobtype->id, 'frequency' => 'daily'); } // Get all active ads $ads = ORM::factory('ad'); $ads = $ads->where('active', '=', 1)->limit(500)->offset(0)->order_by('id', 'DESC')->find_all()->as_array('id', 'title'); foreach ($ads as $id => $title) { $urls[] = array('url' => Helper_Utils::get_ad_url($title, $id), 'frequency' => 'yearly'); } // Adds each url to the sitemap xml structure foreach ($urls as $url) { $sitemap_url->set_loc($url['url'])->set_last_mod(time())->set_change_frequency($url['frequency'])->set_priority(1); $sitemap->add($sitemap_url); } // Render the output. $output = $sitemap->render(); // __toString is also supported. header('Content-Type: text/xml'); echo $sitemap; die; }
/** * Specific controller action for displaying a particular list of links * for a class */ public function sitemap($request) { $class = $this->request->param('Class'); $page_num = $this->request->param('PageNum'); $page_num = is_numeric($page_num) && $page_num > 0 ? $page_num : 1; $this->Items = Sitemap::get_items($class, $page_num); if (!$this->Items || $this->Items->Count() == 0) { return new SS_HTTPResponse('Page not found', 404); } $this->getResponse()->addHeader('Content-Type', 'application/xml; charset="utf-8"'); $this->getResponse()->addHeader('X-Robots-Tag', 'noindex'); return $this->renderWith('Sitemap'); }
/** * simple test to show navigation * * @return void * @author Andy Bennett */ public function index() { echo '<style type="text/css" media="screen"> ul { clear: left; background: #ccc; height: 30px; } li { list-style: none; float: left; line-height: 30px; height: 30px; } li.current { background: white; color: red; } li span { margin-top: 5px; display: block; border-right: 1px solid red; line-height: 16px; padding: 2px 1em; } li.last span { border-right: none; } li a { color: black; text-decoration: none; } li a:hover { text-decoration: underline; } </style>'; echo Sitemap::instance()->navigation(2, 0); }
/** * get a list of pages * * @return void * @author Andy Bennett */ public function get_pages() { $map = Sitemap::instance()->get_sitemap(); $pages = $map->xpath('/root//item'); $arr = array(); foreach ($pages as $page) { $tmp = new stdClass(); $tmp->id = (string) $page->name; $tmp->title = (string) $page->title; $arr[] = $tmp; } return $arr; }
public function xml() { $sitemap = new Sitemap(); //create new sitemap $www = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; $pages = ORM::factory('page')->where('status_id', 2)->find_all(); foreach ($pages as $page) { if ($page->seoURL == "") { $url = 'http://' . $www . "/"; } else { $url = 'http://' . $www . "/" . $page->seoURL . ".html"; } $sitemap->add_url($url, date('Y-m-d'), 'weekly', 1); //url, last modified, change frequency, priority } $sitemap->location = 'http://' . $www . '/sitemap.xml'; //not necessary really since this url is assumed echo $sitemap->render(); //will output the sitemap and add an xml header $sitemap->ping_google(); //tell Google about the sitemap $this->auto_render = false; }
protected function _execute(array $params) { $categories = ORM::factory('Category')->fetchActive(); $products = ORM::factory('Product')->fetchActive(); $pages = ORM::factory('Page')->fetchActive(); $sitemap = new Sitemap(); $url = new Sitemap_URL(); $page = ORM::factory('Page')->where('url', '=', '')->find(); $url->set_loc("")->set_last_mod(strtotime($page->updated_at))->set_priority(1); $sitemap->add($url); foreach ($pages as $page) { if ($page->url) { $url->set_loc("" . $page->url)->set_last_mod(strtotime($page->updated_at))->set_change_frequency('monthly')->set_priority(0.2); $sitemap->add($url); } } $PDO = ORM::factory('Brand')->PDO(); $brandsQuery = "SELECT, br.url FROM brand br\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN product pr ON pr.brand_id =\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE = 1\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tGROUP BY\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tHAVING COUNT( > 0"; $brands = $PDO->query($brandsQuery)->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); foreach ($brands as $brand) { $url->set_loc("" . $brand['url'])->set_change_frequency('monthly')->set_priority(0.5); $sitemap->add($url); } foreach ($brands as $brand) { $query = "SELECT line.url,, product.updated_at FROM categories\r\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN product ON product.category_id =\r\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN line ON = product.line_id\r\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE product.brand_id = {$brand['id']}\r\n\t\t\t\t\tAND = 1\r\n\t\t\t\t\tGROUP BY\r\n\t\t\t\t\tHAVING COUNT( > 0\r\n\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY ASC"; $brandCategories = $PDO->query($query)->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); foreach ($brandCategories as $category) { $url->set_loc("" . $brand['url'] . "/" . $category['url'])->set_last_mod(strtotime($category['updated_at']))->set_change_frequency('weekly'); $sitemap->add($url); } } foreach ($categories as $category) { $url->set_loc("" . $category->url)->set_last_mod(strtotime($category->updated_at))->set_change_frequency('weekly'); $sitemap->add($url); } foreach ($products as $product) { $url->set_loc("" . $product->getSiteUrl())->set_last_mod(strtotime($product->updated_at))->set_change_frequency('daily')->set_priority(1); $sitemap->add($url); } $response = $sitemap->render(); file_put_contents('sitemap.xml', $response); }
function getList() { $data = array(); $xml = Sitemap::getSitemapXML(); //$site=Control::getSite(Funcs::$siteDB); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM {{tree}} WHERE visible=1 ORDER BY mdate DESC, cdate DESC'; $list = DB::getAll($sql); foreach ($list as $item) { $info = Tree::getInfo($item['id']); if ($info['id2'] != 0 && $info['params'] != '') { $path = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . Tree::getPathToTree($item['id'], $info['params']); } else { $path = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . Tree::getPathToTree($item['id']); } $data[] = array('id' => $item['id'], 'name' => $item['name'], 'path' => $path, 'mdate' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime($item['mdate'])), 'changefreq' => $xml[str_replace('/', '_', $path)]['changefreq'], 'priority' => $xml[str_replace('/', '_', $path)]['priority'], 'checked' => is_array($xml[str_replace('/', '_', $path)]) ? 'checked' : ''); } return $data; }
/** * Осуществляет сортировку по определенному полю у конкретного документа */ public static function sortByField($nId, $szDocumentName, $szFieldName, $bAsc = true) { // $nId = IntegerHelper::toNatural($nId); $szDocumentName = \Faid\DB::escape($szDocumentName); $szFieldName = \Faid\DB::escape($szFieldName); $bAsc = intval($bAsc); // // Получаем всех детей элемента, которые имеют указанный документ в кач. имени // $szTable = call_user_func([$szDocumentName, 'getTableName']); $sql = <<<SQL \tSELECT `sitemap`.id,`sitemap`.document_id \tFROM `%s` as `sitemap` \tINNER JOIN `%s` as `document` \tON `sitemap`.`parent` = %d and `sitemap`.document_id = `document`.id and `sitemap`.document_name = "%s" \tORDER BY `document`.%s %s SQL; $sql = sprintf($sql, SITEMAP_TABLE, $szTable, $nId, $szDocumentName, $szFieldName, $bAsc ? ' ASC' : ' DESC'); $aDocumentsData = DB::query($sql); // Получаем всех остальных детей $sql = 'SELECT * FROM `%s` WHERE `parent`="%d" and STRCMP(`document_name`,"%s") <> 0 ORDER by `order`'; $sql = sprintf($sql, SITEMAP_TABLE, $nId, $szDocumentName); $aOtherData = DB::query($sql); // Выстраиваем детей совмещаем массивы, неотсортированные элементы остаются на своих местах $aResult = array(); $nOrder = 0; while (sizeof($aDocumentsData) > 0 || sizeof($aOtherData) > 0) { if (!empty($aOtherData) && $aOtherData[0]['order'] == $nOrder) { $aElement = array_shift($aOtherData); $aResult[] = $aElement['id']; } else { // $aElement = array_shift($aDocumentsData); $aResult[] = $aElement['id']; } $nOrder++; } // Sitemap::manualOrder($nId, $aResult); }
public function action_query($domain) { $domain = strtolower($domain); $index_alpha = Sitemap::get_filters(); Log::write('check', 'whois: ' . $domain); //Cache::forget('whois.'.$domain); $whois = Cache::remember('whois.' . $domain, function () use($domain) { return new Whois\Whois($domain); }, 60 * 24); $data = $whois->get_all_data(); if ($data === 0) { $valid = 0; } else { $valid = $data[0]->valid(); } if (!$valid) { return View::make('whois.index')->with('valid', 0)->with('type', 'whois')->with('title', 'WHOIS Search')->with('index_alpha', $index_alpha); } $data = $whois->email_mask($data); $available = $whois->available(); $domain = $data[sizeof($data) - 1]; $domain = $domain->get_query_domain(); $meta = array('title' => '', 'ip' => ''); if ($valid && !$available) { if (!Domain::where('name', '=', $domain)->first()) { @Domain::create(array('name' => $domain)); } $meta['title'] = Domain::get_domain_title($domain); $ip = gethostbyname($domain); if ($ip != $domain) { $meta['ip'] = $ip; } } $expires_on = $whois->expires_on(); $created_on = $whois->created_on(); $updated_on = $whois->updated_on(); if (is_numeric(end($data)->get_body())) { Cache::forget('whois.' . $domain); } return View::make('whois.query', array('i' => 1, 'data' => $data, 'meta' => $meta, 'type' => 'whois', 'valid' => $valid, 'domain' => $domain, 'available' => $available, 'expires_on' => $expires_on, 'created_on' => $created_on, 'updated_on' => $updated_on, 'index_alpha' => $index_alpha, 'title' => $domain . '\'s whois info')); }
function index() { $arrTmp = $this->product->findall(); $products = $arrTmp['rpta'] == true ? $arrTmp['array'] : array(); unlink(APPPATH . "../tmp/sitemap.xml"); unlink(APPPATH . "../tmp/sitemap-index.xml"); $sitemap = new Sitemap(""); $sitemap->setPath('tmp/'); $sitemap->setFilename('sitemap'); ///AGREGAR ITEMS AL XML CON LAS RUTAS DE LAS PAGINAS WEB $sitemap->addItem('/', '1.0', 'daily', 'Today'); $hoy = getdate(); $sitemap->addItem('/index.php/Petshop', '0.8', 'weekly', $hoy['month'] . " " . $hoy['mday']); foreach ($products as $key => $value) { $sitemap->addItem('/index.php/Petshop/detail/' . $value['url'], '0.8', 'weekly', $hoy['month'] . " " . $hoy['mday']); } /// SE CREA EL ARCHIVO $sitemap->createSitemapIndex('', 'Today'); }