
$uid = isset($vars[1]) ? trim(strip_tags($vars[1])) : null;
$salt = isset($vars[2]) ? trim(strip_tags($vars[2])) : null;
$salt = is_null($salt) ? $salt : decrypt($salt);
// validation
if (is_null($uid) || is_null($salt)) {
$user = SiteUser::findById($uid);
if (is_null($user) || $salt != $user->getSalt()) {
    Message::register(new Message(Message::INFO, i18n(array('en' => 'This password reset link has expired', 'zh' => '本密码重置链接已失效')) . '<br /><small><a href="' . uri('users') . '">' . i18n(array('en' => 'go to login page', 'zh' => '前往登录页面')) . '</a></small>'));
// process submission
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    $password = isset($_POST['password']) ? trim(strip_tags($_POST['password'])) : null;
    $password_confirm = isset($_POST['password_confirm']) ? trim(strip_tags($_POST['password_confirm'])) : null;
    // validation
    if (is_null($password) || strlen($password) < 6) {
        Message::register(new Message(Message::DANGER, i18n(array('en' => 'Password needs to be more than 6 characters. Please try again', 'zh' => '密码至少需要6位。请重试'))));
    } else {
        if ($password != $password_confirm) {
            Message::register(new Message(Message::DANGER, i18n(array('en' => 'Password and confirmed password don\'t match. Please try again', 'zh' => '密码和确认密码不符。 请重试'))));
    // success
             $messages[] = new Message(Message::DANGER, i18n(array('en' => 'Your password and confirmed password don\'t match. Please try again', 'zh' => '确认密码和原密码不匹配,请重新输入')));
 // profile
 if (module_enabled('siteuser_profile')) {
     require MODULESROOT . '/siteuser_profile/controllers/fields_validation.php';
 // eorror handling
 if (sizeof($messages) > 0) {
     foreach ($messages as $message) {
     // if success
 } else {
     $user = empty($uid) ? new SiteUser() : SiteUser::findById($uid);
     if (isset($username)) {
     // if the updated user is current user, we need to update user session, so that he won't be kicked out
     if ($_SESSION['siteuser_id'] == $user->getId()) {
         $_SESSION['siteuser_password'] = $user->getPassword();
     if (isset($company_id) && $company_id) {
     if ($active !== false) {
         $user->setActive($active == "1" ? 1 : 0);