static function render($params, $tag, \GO\Site\Model\Content $content) { $html = '<a'; if (empty($params['slug']) && empty($params['path'])) { return "Error: slug or path must be set in link tag!"; } if (isset($params['slug'])) { $params['slug'] = explode('#', $params['slug']); $model = Content::model()->findBySlug($params['slug'][0], $content->site_id); if (!$model) { return "Broken link to slug: '" . $params['slug'][0] . "'"; } $params['href'] = $model->getUrl(); if (isset($params['slug'][1])) { $params['href'] .= '#' . $params['slug'][1]; } } else { $params['href'] = \Site::file($params['path'], false); } unset($params['anchor'], $params['slug'], $params['path']); foreach ($params as $key => $value) { $html .= ' ' . $key . '="' . $value . '"'; } $html .= '>' . $tag['innerText'] . '</a>'; return $html; }
<?php \Site::scripts()->registerCssFile(\Site::file('css/ticket.css')); ?> <div class="external-ticket-page ticket"> <div class="wrapper"> <?php if (\GO::user()) { ?> << <a id="back-to-overview-button" href="<?php echo \Site::urlManager()->createUrl('tickets/externalpage/ticketlist'); ?> "><?php echo \GO::t('ticketBackToList', 'defaultsite'); ?> </a> <?php } ?> <h2><?php echo \GO::t('ticket', 'defaultsite') . ' ' . $ticket->ticket_number; ?> </h2> <!-- <h3><?php echo \GO::t('ticketContactInfo', 'defaultsite'); ?> </h3>
static function render($params, $tag, \GO\Site\Model\Content $content) { $html = ''; if (empty($params['path'])) { return "Error: path attribute must be set in img tag!"; } //Change Tickets.png into public/site/1/files/Tickets.png $folder = new \GO\Base\Fs\Folder(Site::model()->getPublicPath()); $fullRelPath = $folder->stripFileStoragePath() . '/files/' . $params['path']; // var_dump($p); $thumbParams = $params; unset($thumbParams['path'], $thumbParams['lightbox'], $thumbParams['alt'], $thumbParams['class'], $thumbParams['style'], $thumbParams['astyle'], $thumbParams['caption'], $thumbParams['aclass']); if (!isset($thumbParams['lw']) && !isset($thumbParams['w'])) { $thumbParams['lw'] = 300; } if (!isset($thumbParams['ph']) && !isset($thumbParams['ph'])) { $thumbParams['ph'] = 300; } $thumb = Site::thumb($fullRelPath, $thumbParams); if (!isset($params['caption'])) { $file = new \GO\Base\Fs\File($fullRelPath); $params['caption'] = $file->nameWithoutExtension(); } if (!isset($params['alt'])) { $params['alt'] = isset($params['caption']) ? $params['caption'] : basename($tag['params']['path']); } $html .= '<img src="' . $thumb . '" alt="' . $params['alt'] . '"'; $html .= 'class="thumb-img"'; $html .= ' />'; if (!isset($params['lightbox'])) { $params['lightbox'] = "thumb"; } if (!empty($params['lightbox'])) { $a = '<a'; if (isset($params['caption'])) { $a .= ' title="' . $params['caption'] . '"'; } if (!isset($params['aclass'])) { $params['aclass'] = 'thumb-a'; } $a .= ' class="' . $params['aclass'] . '"'; if (isset($params['astyle'])) { $a .= ' style="' . $params['astyle'] . '"'; } $a .= ' data-lightbox="' . $params['lightbox'] . '" href="' . \Site::file($params['path'], false) . '">' . $html . '</a>'; // Create an url to the original image $html = $a; } if (isset($params['caption'])) { $html .= '<div class="thumb-caption">' . $params['caption'] . '</div>'; } if (!isset($params['class'])) { $params['class'] = 'thumb-wrap'; } $wrap = '<div class="' . $params['class'] . '"'; if (isset($params['style'])) { $wrap .= 'style="' . $params['style'] . '"'; } $wrap .= '>'; $html = $wrap . $html . '</div>'; return $html; }
', '<?php echo $domain; ?> '); ga('send', 'pageview'); </script> <?php } ?> <div class="container" id="header"> <div class="page-header"> <h1><img src="<?php echo Site::file('images/groupoffice.gif'); ?> " alt="Group-Office" /> <small>manual for administrators</small></h1> </div> <?php echo $content; ?> <div id="footer"> Copyright Intermesh BV.<br /><a href=""></a> </div> </div>
echo \Site::controller()->getPageTitle(); ?> </title> <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="<?php echo \Site::template()->getUrl(); ?> favicon.ico"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo \Site::template()->getUrl(); ?> css/site.css"> <?php if (\Site::fileExists('style.css', false)) { ?> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo \Site::file('style.css', false); ?> "> <?php } ?> </head> <body> <?php echo $content; ?> </body> </html>