Example #1
 function showResultSearch()
     global $mynodeshost, $db;
     /* AJAXTYPE FIX */
     if (!defined('AJAXTYPE')) {
         define('AJAXTYPE', "GET");
     include 'DataTable/Autoloader.php';
     spl_autoload_register(array('DataTable_Autoloader', 'autoload'));
     include 'DataTable/sip/SipDataTable.php';
     // instantiate the DataTable
     $datatable = new SipDataTable();
     // set the url to the ajax script
     $datatable->setAjaxDataUrl(APILOC . 'search/messages/all');
     $userparam = new stdclass();
     $callparam = new stdclass();
     $headerparam = new stdclass();
     $timeparam = new stdclass();
     $networkparam = new stdclass();
     $search['ruri_user'] = $userparam->ruri_user = getVar('ruri_user', NULL, $_REQUEST, 'string');
     $search['to_user'] = $userparam->to_user = getVar('to_user', NULL, $_REQUEST, 'string');
     $search['from_user'] = $userparam->from_user = getVar('from_user', NULL, $_REQUEST, 'string');
     $search['pid_user'] = $userparam->pid_user = getVar('pid_user', NULL, $_REQUEST, 'string');
     $search['contact_user'] = $userparam->contact_user = getVar('contact_user', NULL, $_REQUEST, 'string');
     $search['auth_user'] = $userparam->auth_user = getVar('auth_user', NULL, $_REQUEST, 'string');
     $search['logic_or'] = $dbic_or = getVar('logic_or', 0, $_REQUEST, 'int');
     $search['callid'] = $callparam->callid = getVar('callid', NULL, $_REQUEST, 'string');
     $search['b2b'] = $b2b = getVar('b2b', 0, $_REQUEST, 'int');
     $search['from_tag'] = $callparam->from_tag = getVar('from_tag', NULL, $_REQUEST, 'string');
     $search['to_tag'] = $callparam->to_tag = getVar('to_tag', NULL, $_REQUEST, 'string');
     $search['via_1_branch'] = $callparam->via_1_branch = getVar('via_1_branch', NULL, $_REQUEST, 'string');
     $search['method'] = $callparam->method = getVar('method', NULL, $_REQUEST, 'string');
     $search['reply_reason'] = $callparam->reply_reason = getVar('reply_reason', NULL, $_REQUEST, 'string');
     $search['ruri'] = $headerparam->ruri = getVar('ruri', NULL, $_REQUEST, 'string');
     $search['via_1'] = $headerparam->via_1 = getVar('via_1', NULL, $_REQUEST, 'string');
     $search['diversion'] = $headerparam->diversion = getVar('diversion', NULL, $_REQUEST, 'string');
     $search['cseq'] = $headerparam->cseq = getVar('cseq', NULL, $_REQUEST, 'string');
     $search['reason'] = $headerparam->reason = getVar('reason', NULL, $_REQUEST, 'string');
     $search['content_type'] = $headerparam->content_type = getVar('content_type', NULL, $_REQUEST, 'string');
     $search['authorization'] = $headerparam->authorization = getVar('authorization', NULL, $_REQUEST, 'string');
     $search['user_agent'] = $headerparam->user_agent = getVar('user_agent', NULL, $_REQUEST, 'string');
     $search['msg'] = $headerparam->msg = getVar('msg', NULL, $_REQUEST, 'msg');
     $search['location'] = $location = getVar('location', array(0), $_REQUEST, 'array');
     $search['from_date'] = $timeparam->from_date = getVar('from_date', '', $_REQUEST, 'string');
     $search['to_date'] = $timeparam->to_date = getVar('to_date', '', $_REQUEST, 'string');
     $search['from_time'] = $timeparam->from_time = getVar('from_time', NULL, $_REQUEST, 'string');
     $search['to_time'] = $timeparam->to_time = getVar('to_time', NULL, $_REQUEST, 'string');
     //$search['max_records'] = $timeparam->max_records = getVar('max_records', 100, $_REQUEST, 'int');
     $search['unique'] = $unique = getVar('unique', 0, $_REQUEST, 'int');
     $ft = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($timeparam->from_date . " " . $timeparam->from_time));
     $tt = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($timeparam->to_date . " " . $timeparam->to_time));
     $fhour = date("H", strtotime($timeparam->from_date . " " . $timeparam->from_time));
     $thour = date("H", strtotime($timeparam->to_date . " " . $timeparam->to_time));
     $search['source_ip'] = $networkparam->source_ip = getVar('source_ip', NULL, $_REQUEST, 'string');
     $search['source_port'] = $networkparam->source_port = getVar('source_port', 0, $_REQUEST, 'int');
     $search['destination_ip'] = $networkparam->destination_ip = getVar('destination_ip', NULL, $_REQUEST, 'string');
     $search['destination_port'] = $networkparam->destination_port = getVar('destination_port', 0, $_REQUEST, 'int');
     $search['contact_ip'] = $networkparam->contact_ip = getVar('contact_ip', NULL, $_REQUEST, 'string');
     $search['contact_port'] = $networkparam->contact_port = getVar('contact_port', 0, $_REQUEST, 'int');
     $search['originator_ip'] = $networkparam->originator_ip = getVar('originator_ip', NULL, $_REQUEST, 'string');
     $search['originator_port'] = $networkparam->originator_port = getVar('originator_port', 0, $_REQUEST, 'int');
     /* Capture node ID. HEPv2 protocol */
     $search['node'] = $node = getVar('node', NULL, $_REQUEST, 'string');
     $search['limit'] = $limit = getVar('limit', 0, $_REQUEST, 'int');
     //Please change protocol
     //$search['proto'] = $proto = getVar('proto', 2, $_REQUEST, 'int');
     //$search['family'] = $family = getVar('family', 2, $_REQUEST, 'int');
     $_SESSION['homersearch'] = json_encode($search);
     if (SEARCHLOG) {
         $query = $db->makeQuery("INSERT INTO homer_searchlog SET `useremail`='?', `date`=NOW(), `search`= '?';", $_SESSION['loggedin'], $_SESSION['homersearch']);
         $query = $db->makeQuery("DELETE FROM homer_searchlog WHERE `date` < (CURDATE() - INTERVAL " . SEARCHLOG . " DAY)");
     /* Since the search array is sent down to the page, and back as an ajax request
      * we must urlencode() any of our search parameters which may contain special (url) chars.
      * Take note that this encoding must be AFTER storing the search data to the session, or the
      * users session data may become corrupt with multiple levels of encoding as they browse around the site.
      * Travis Hegner
     $search['ruri_user'] = urlencode($search['ruri_user']);
     $search['to_user'] = urlencode($search['to_user']);
     $search['from_user'] = urlencode($search['from_user']);
     $search['pid_user'] = urlencode($search['pid_user']);
     $search['contact_user'] = urlencode($search['contact_user']);
     $columns = $datatable->getColumns();
     foreach ($columns as $key => $column) {
         $visible = $column->isVisible();
         $title = $column->getTitle();
         $showColumns[$key] = array("title" => $title, "visible" => $visible);
     if (get_magic_quotes_gpc() == true && isset($_COOKIE['homerdata_SIPTable_index_php'])) {
         $cookie = stripslashes($_COOKIE['homerdata_SIPTable_index_php']);
         $allcokie = json_decode($cookie);
         $abvis = $allcokie->abVisCols;
         foreach ($abvis as $key => $value) {
             $showColumns[$key]["visible"] = $value;
     HTML_search::displayResultSearch($datatable, $ft, $tt, $search, $showColumns);