Example #1
  * Initialize Simple Tags client
  * @return SimpleTags
 public function __construct()
     // Load translation
     add_action('init', array(__CLASS__, 'init_translation'));
     // Add pages in WP_Query
     if ((int) SimpleTags_Plugin::get_option_value('use_tag_pages') == 1) {
         add_action('init', array(__CLASS__, 'init'), 11);
         add_action('parse_query', array(__CLASS__, 'parse_query'));
     // Call autolinks ?
     if ((int) SimpleTags_Plugin::get_option_value('auto_link_tags') == 1) {
         require STAGS_DIR . '/inc/class.client.autolinks.php';
         new SimpleTags_Client_Autolinks();
     // Call related posts ?
     if ((int) SimpleTags_Plugin::get_option_value('active_related_posts') == 1) {
         require STAGS_DIR . '/inc/class.client.related_posts.php';
         new SimpleTags_Client_RelatedPosts();
     // Call auto terms ?
     require STAGS_DIR . '/inc/class.client.autoterms.php';
     new SimpleTags_Client_Autoterms();
     // Call post tags ?
     require STAGS_DIR . '/inc/class.client.post_tags.php';
     new SimpleTags_Client_PostTags();
     return true;
 public function __construct()
     // Embedded tag cloud
     if ((int) SimpleTags_Plugin::get_option_value('allow_embed_tcloud') == 1) {
         add_shortcode('st_tag_cloud', array(__CLASS__, 'shortcode'));
         add_shortcode('st-tag-cloud', array(__CLASS__, 'shortcode'));
  * Build HTML of form
  * @param object $post
  * @return void
  * @author Amaury Balmer
 public static function metabox($post)
     // Get auto options
     $auto_options = get_option(STAGS_OPTIONS_NAME_AUTO);
     // Auto terms for this CPT ?
     if ((int) SimpleTags_Plugin::get_option_value('active_autotags') == 1 && isset($auto_options[$post->post_type]) && !empty($auto_options[$post->post_type])) {
         $meta_value = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_exclude_autotags', true);
         echo '<p>' . "\n";
         echo '<label><input type="checkbox" name="exclude_autotags" value="true" ' . checked($meta_value, true, false) . ' /> ' . __('Disable auto tags ?', 'simpletags') . '</label><br />' . "\n";
         echo '</p>' . "\n";
         echo '<input type="hidden" name="_meta_autotags" value="true" />';
     $taxonomies = get_object_taxonomies($post->post_type);
     if ((int) SimpleTags_Plugin::get_option_value('auto_link_tags') == 1 && in_array('post_tag', $taxonomies)) {
         $meta_value = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_exclude_autolinks', true);
         echo '<p>' . "\n";
         echo '<label><input type="checkbox" name="exclude_autolinks" value="true" ' . checked($meta_value, true, false) . ' /> ' . __('Disable auto links ?', 'simpletags') . '</label><br />' . "\n";
         echo '</p>' . "\n";
         echo '<input type="hidden" name="_meta_autolink" value="true" />';
  * Auto add current tags post to post content
  * @param string $content
  * @return string
 public static function the_content($content = '')
     // Get option
     $tt_embedded = SimpleTags_Plugin::get_option_value('tt_embedded');
     $marker = false;
     if (is_feed()) {
         if ((int) SimpleTags_Plugin::get_option_value('tt_feed') == 1) {
             $marker = true;
     } elseif (!empty($tt_embedded)) {
         switch ($tt_embedded) {
             case 'blogonly':
                 $marker = is_feed() ? false : true;
             case 'homeonly':
                 $marker = is_home() ? true : false;
             case 'singularonly':
                 $marker = is_singular() ? true : false;
             case 'singleonly':
                 $marker = is_single() ? true : false;
             case 'pageonly':
                 $marker = is_page() ? true : false;
             case 'all':
                 $marker = true;
             case 'no':
                 $marker = false;
     if ($marker === true) {
         return $content . self::extendedPostTags('', false);
     return $content;
Example #5
  * Initialize Admin
  * @return void
  * @author Amaury Balmer
 public function __construct()
     // DB Upgrade ?
     // Which taxo ?
     // Admin menu
     add_action('admin_menu', array(__CLASS__, 'admin_menu'));
     // Load JavaScript and CSS
     add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', array(__CLASS__, 'admin_enqueue_scripts'));
     // Load custom part of plugin depending option
     if ((int) SimpleTags_Plugin::get_option_value('use_suggested_tags') == 1) {
         require STAGS_DIR . '/inc/class.admin.suggest.php';
         new SimpleTags_Admin_Suggest();
     if ((int) SimpleTags_Plugin::get_option_value('use_click_tags') == 1) {
         require STAGS_DIR . '/inc/class.admin.clickterms.php';
         new SimpleTags_Admin_ClickTags();
     if ((int) SimpleTags_Plugin::get_option_value('use_autocompletion') == 1) {
         require STAGS_DIR . '/inc/class.admin.autocomplete.php';
         new SimpleTags_Admin_Autocomplete();
     if ((int) SimpleTags_Plugin::get_option_value('active_mass_edit') == 1) {
         require STAGS_DIR . '/inc/class.admin.mass.php';
         new SimpleTags_Admin_Mass();
     if ((int) SimpleTags_Plugin::get_option_value('active_manage') == 1) {
         require STAGS_DIR . '/inc/class.admin.manage.php';
         new SimpleTags_Admin_Manage();
     if ((int) SimpleTags_Plugin::get_option_value('active_autotags') == 1) {
         require STAGS_DIR . '/inc/class.admin.autoterms.php';
         new SimpleTags_Admin_AutoTags();
     if ((int) SimpleTags_Plugin::get_option_value('active_autotags') == 1 || (int) SimpleTags_Plugin::get_option_value('auto_link_tags') == 1) {
         require STAGS_DIR . '/inc/class.admin.post.php';
         new SimpleTags_Admin_Post_Settings();
     * public static function called on mass terms page
     * @param string $taxonomy 
     * @return void
     * @author Amaury Balmer
    public static function mass_terms_js($taxonomy = '')
        // Get option
        $autocomplete_min = (int) SimpleTags_Plugin::get_option_value('autocomplete_min');
		<script type="text/javascript">
			st_init_autocomplete( '.autocomplete-input', "<?php 
        echo admin_url('admin-ajax.php?action=simpletags&st_action=helper_js_collection&taxonomy=' . $taxonomy);
", <?php 
        echo $autocomplete_min;
  * Suggest tags from Tag4Site
 public static function ajax_tag4site()
     header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=" . get_bloginfo('charset'));
     // API Key ?
     if (SimpleTags_Plugin::get_option_value('tag4site_key') == '') {
         echo '<p>' . __('Tag4Site need an API key to work. You can register on service website to obtain a key and set it on Simple Tags options.', 'simpletags') . '</p>';
     // Get data
     $content = stripslashes($_POST['content']) . ' ' . stripslashes($_POST['title']);
     $content = trim($content);
     if (empty($content)) {
         echo '<p>' . __('No text was sent.', 'simpletags') . '</p>';
     // Build params
     $response = wp_remote_post('http://api.tag4site.ru/', array('timeout' => 30, 'body' => array('api_key' => SimpleTags_Plugin::get_option_value('tag4site_key'), 'text' => $content, 'format' => 'json')));
     if (!is_wp_error($response) && $response != null) {
         if (wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($response) == 200) {
             $data = wp_remote_retrieve_body($response);
     $data = json_decode($data);
     $code = $data->code;
     if ($code > 0) {
         $err = $data->error;
         echo '<p>' . __('Tag4Site API error #' . $code . ': ' . $err, 'simpletags') . '</p>';
     $data = $data->tags;
     if (empty($data)) {
         echo '<p>' . __('No data from Tag4Site API. Try again later.', 'simpletags') . '</p>';
     foreach ((array) $data as $term) {
         echo '<span class="local">' . esc_html($term->name) . '</span>' . "\n";
     echo '<div class="clear"></div>';
  * Suggest tags from Zemanta
 public static function ajax_zemanta()
     header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=" . get_bloginfo('charset'));
     // API Key ?
     if (SimpleTags_Plugin::get_option_value('zemanta_key') == '') {
         echo '<p>' . __('Zemanta need an API key to work. You can register on service website to obtain a key and set it on Simple Tags options.', 'simpletags') . '</p>';
     // Get data
     $content = stripslashes($_POST['content']) . ' ' . stripslashes($_POST['title']);
     $content = trim($content);
     if (empty($content)) {
         echo '<p>' . __('No text was sent.', 'simpletags') . '</p>';
     // Build params
     $response = wp_remote_post('http://api.zemanta.com/services/rest/0.0/', array('body' => array('method' => 'zemanta.suggest', 'api_key' => SimpleTags_Plugin::get_option_value('zemanta_key'), 'text' => $content, 'format' => 'json', 'return_rdf_links' => 0, 'return_images' => 0)));
     if (!is_wp_error($response) && $response != null) {
         if (wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($response) == 200) {
             $data = wp_remote_retrieve_body($response);
     $data = json_decode($data);
     $data = $data->keywords;
     if (empty($data)) {
         echo '<p>' . __('No results from Zemanta API.', 'simpletags') . '</p>';
     foreach ((array) $data as $term) {
         echo '<span class="local">' . esc_html($term->name) . '</span>' . "\n";
     echo '<div class="clear"></div>';
  * Display a span list for click tags
  * @return void
  * @author Amaury Balmer
 public static function ajax_click_tags()
     // Send good header HTTP
     header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=" . get_bloginfo('charset'));
     if ((int) wp_count_terms('post_tag', 'ignore_empty=false') == 0) {
         // No tags to suggest
         echo '<p>' . __('No terms in your WordPress database.', 'simpletags') . '</p>';
     // Prepare search
     $search = isset($_GET['q']) ? trim(stripslashes($_GET['q'])) : '';
     $post_id = isset($_GET['post_id']) ? intval($_GET['post_id']) : 0;
     // Order tags before selection (count-asc/count-desc/name-asc/name-desc/random)
     $order_click_tags = strtolower(SimpleTags_Plugin::get_option_value('order_click_tags'));
     $order_by = $order = '';
     switch ($order_click_tags) {
         case 'count-asc':
             $order_by = 'tt.count';
             $order = 'ASC';
         case 'random':
             $order_by = 'RAND()';
             $order = '';
         case 'count-desc':
             $order_by = 'tt.count';
             $order = 'DESC';
         case 'name-desc':
             $order_by = 't.name';
             $order = 'DESC';
             // name-asc
             $order_by = 't.name';
             $order = 'ASC';
     // Get all terms, or filter with search
     $terms = SimpleTags_Admin::getTermsForAjax('post_tag', $search, $order_by, $order);
     if (empty($terms) || $terms == false) {
         echo '<p>' . __('No results from your WordPress database.', 'simpletags') . '</p>';
     // Get terms for current post
     $post_terms = array();
     if ($post_id > 0) {
         $post_terms = wp_get_post_terms($post_id, 'post_tag', array('fields' => 'ids'));
     foreach ((array) $terms as $term) {
         $class_current = in_array($term->term_id, $post_terms) ? 'used_term' : '';
         echo '<span class="local ' . $class_current . '">' . esc_html(stripslashes($term->name)) . '</span>' . "\n";
     echo '<div class="clear"></div>';
  * Replace text by link, except HTML tag, and already text into link, use PregEXP.
  * @param string $content
  * @param string $search
  * @param string $replace
  * @param string $case
  * @param string $rel
 private static function _replace_by_links_regexp(&$content, $search = '', $replace = '', $case = '', $rel = '')
     $must_tokenize = true;
     // will perform basic tokenization
     $tokens = null;
     // two kinds of tokens: markup and text
     $j = 0;
     $filtered = '';
     // will filter text token by token
     $match = '/(\\PL|\\A)(' . preg_quote($search, "/") . ')(\\PL|\\Z)/u' . $case;
     $substitute = '$1<a href="' . $replace . '" class="st_tag internal_tag" ' . $rel . ' title="' . esc_attr(sprintf(SimpleTags_Plugin::get_option_value('auto_link_title'), $search)) . "\">\$2</a>\$3";
     //$match = "/\b" . preg_quote($search, "/") . "\b/".$case;
     //$substitute = '<a href="'.$replace.'" class="st_tag internal_tag" '.$rel.' title="'. esc_attr( sprintf( __('Posts tagged with %s', 'simpletags'), $search ) )."\">$0</a>";
     // for efficiency only tokenize if forced to do so
     if ($must_tokenize) {
         // this regexp is taken from PHP Markdown by Michel Fortin: http://www.michelf.com/projects/php-markdown/
         $comment = '(?s:<!(?:--.*?--\\s*)+>)|';
         $processing_instruction = '(?s:<\\?.*?\\?>)|';
         $tag = '(?:<[/!$]?[-a-zA-Z0-9:]+\\b(?>[^"\'>]+|"[^"]*"|\'[^\']*\')*>)';
         $markup = $comment . $processing_instruction . $tag;
         $flags = PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE;
         $tokens = preg_split("{({$markup})}", $content, -1, $flags);
         $must_tokenize = false;
     // there should always be at least one token, but check just in case
     $anchor_level = 0;
     if (isset($tokens) && is_array($tokens) && count($tokens) > 0) {
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($tokens as $token) {
             if (++$i % 2 && $token != '') {
                 // this token is (non-markup) text
                 if ($anchor_level == 0) {
                     // linkify if not inside anchor tags
                     if (preg_match($match, $token)) {
                         // use preg_match for compatibility with PHP 4
                         if ($j <= SimpleTags_Plugin::get_option_value('auto_link_max_by_tag') || SimpleTags_Plugin::get_option_value('auto_link_max_by_tag') == 0) {
                             // Limit replacement at 1 by default, or options value !
                             $token = preg_replace($match, $substitute, $token);
                             // only PHP 5 supports calling preg_replace with 5 arguments
                         $must_tokenize = true;
                         // re-tokenize next time around
             } else {
                 // this token is markup
                 if (preg_match("#<\\s*a\\s+[^>]*>#i", $token)) {
                     // found <a ...>
                 } elseif (preg_match("#<\\s*/\\s*a\\s*>#i", $token)) {
                     // found </a>
             $filtered .= $token;
             // this token has now been filtered
         $content = $filtered;
         // filtering completed for this link
  * Suggest tags from ProxemAPI
 public static function ajax_proxem_api()
     header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=" . get_bloginfo('charset'));
     // API Key ?
     if (SimpleTags_Plugin::get_option_value('proxem_key') == '') {
         echo '<p>' . __('Proxem API need an API key to work. You can register on service website to obtain a key and set it on Simple Tags options.', 'simpletags') . '</p>';
     // Get data
     $content = stripslashes($_POST['content']) . ' ' . stripslashes($_POST['title']);
     $content = trim($content);
     if (empty($content)) {
         echo '<p>' . __('No text was sent.', 'simpletags') . '</p>';
     // Build params
     $response = wp_remote_post('https://proxem-thematization.p.mashape.com/api/wikiAnnotator/GetCategories?nbtopcat=10', array('headers' => array('X-Mashape-Key' => SimpleTags_Plugin::get_option_value('proxem_key'), 'Accept' => "application/json", 'Content-Type' => "text/plain"), 'body' => $content, 'timeout' => 15));
     if (!is_wp_error($response) && $response != null) {
         if (wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($response) == 200) {
             $data = wp_remote_retrieve_body($response);
     $data = json_decode($data);
     if ($data == false || !isset($data->categories)) {
         return false;
     if (empty($data->categories)) {
         echo '<p>' . __('No results from Proxem API.', 'simpletags') . '</p>';
     foreach ((array) $data->categories as $term) {
         echo '<span class="local">' . esc_html($term->name) . '</span>' . "\n";
     echo '<div class="clear"></div>';