Example #1

 * The simple table editor for the table menu. Menu is one of the tables that support
 * the simple table editor.
 * @package prafda2
 * @author Pieter van den Hombergh
 * $Id: student_admin.php 1102 2012-02-22 21:44:36Z hom $
require_once "ste.php";
$page = new PageContainer("Student work placement address " . $PHP_SELF . " on DB " . $db_name);
$ste = new SimpleTableEditor($dbConn, $page, hasCap(CAP_ALTER_STUDENT));
$ste->setFormAction($PHP_SELF)->setRelation('wp_address')->setMenuName('wp_address')->setKeyColumns(array('wp_address_id'))->setFormTemplate('templates/wp_address.html')->setListRowTemplate(array('snummer', 'wp_type', 'company'))->setNameExpression("snummer||': '||wp_type||', start '||start_date||' at '||company")->show();

Example #2

 * The simple table editor for the table menu. Menu is one of the tables that support
 * the simple table editor.
 * @package prafda2
 * @author Pieter van den Hombergh
 * $Id: menu_items.php 1723 2014-01-03 08:34:59Z hom $
require_once "ste.php";
$page = new PageContainer("Peerweb testscript " . $PHP_SELF . " on DB " . $db_name);
$ste = new SimpleTableEditor($dbConn, $page);
$ste->setFormAction($PHP_SELF)->setRelation('menu_item')->setMenuName('menu_item')->setKeyColumns(array('menu_name', 'column_name'))->setListRowTemplate(array('menu_name', 'column_name', 'edit_type', 'item_length', 'regex_name', 'placeholder', 'id'))->setNameExpression("rtrim(menu_name,' ')||', '||rtrim(column_name,' ')")->setOrderList(array('menu_name', 'column_name'))->setFormTemplate('templates/menu_item.html')->show();

Example #3

 * The simple table editor for the table menu. Menu is one of the tables that support
 * the simple table editor.
 * @package prafda2
 * @author Pieter van den Hombergh
 * $Id: student_admin.php 1769 2014-08-01 10:04:30Z hom $
include_once "ste.php";
$page = new PageContainer("Student adminstration page " . $PHP_SELF . " on DB " . $db_name);
$ste = new SimpleTableEditor($dbConn, $page, hasCap(CAP_ALTER_STUDENT));
$ste->setFormAction($PHP_SELF)->setShowQuery(true)->setRelation('student_email')->setMenuName('student_admin')->setKeyColumns(array('snummer'))->setRawNames(array('snummer', 'class_id'))->setNameExpression("st_.snummer||' '||rtrim(achternaam,' ')||', '||rtrim(roepnaam,' ')||coalesce(' '||trim(voorvoegsel),'')")->setOrderList(array('achternaam', 'roepnaam'))->setFormTemplate('templates/student_admin.html')->setListRowTemplate(array('st_.snummer', 'minifoto', 'email1', 'pcn', 'hoofdgrp', 'sclass', 'cohort', 'gebdat', 'slb', 'studieplan', 'phone_gsm'))->setListQueryExtension(' join minifoto fo on(st_.snummer=fo.snummer) left join student_class scn using (class_id) ')->show();

Example #4

 * The simple table editor for the tutor
 * @author Pieter van den Hombergh
 * $Id: bigface_settings.php 1723 2014-01-03 08:34:59Z hom $
include_once "ste.php";
$page = new PageContainer();
$page->setTitle("Bigface settings  on DB " . $db_name);
$ste = new SimpleTableEditor($dbConn, $page);
$ste->setFormAction($PHP_SELF)->setRelation('bigface_settings')->setMenuName('bigface_settings')->setKeyColumns(array('bfkey'))->setNameExpression("rtrim(bfkey)")->setListRowTemplate(array('bfkey', 'bfvalue', 'comment'))->setOrderList(array('bfkey'))->setFormTemplate('templates/bigface_settings.html')->show();
Example #5

 * The simple table editor for the tutor
 * @author Pieter van den Hombergh
 * $Id: meelopen.php 1723 2014-01-03 08:34:59Z hom $
require_once "ste.php";
$navTitle = "Meelopen " . $PHP_SELF . " on DB " . $db_name;
$page = new PageContainer();
$ste = new SimpleTableEditor($dbConn, $page);
$ste->setFormAction($PHP_SELF)->setRelation('meelopen')->setMenuName('meelopen')->setKeyColumns(array('meelopen_id'))->setListRowTemplate(array('email', 'taal', 'straat', 'huisnr', 'postcode', 'plaats', 'land', 'telefoon', 'participation', 'invitation', 'confirmed', 'vooropleiding'))->setOrderList(array('achternaam', 'roepnaam'))->setNameExpression("rtrim(achternaam||', '||roepnaam||coalesce(', '||tussenvoegsel,''))")->setFormTemplate('templates/meelopen.html')->show();
Example #6

 * The simple table editor for the table menu. Menu is one of the tables that support
 * the simple table editor.
 * @package prafda2
 * @author Pieter van den Hombergh
 * $Id: known_courses2.php 1723 2014-01-03 08:34:59Z hom $
include_once "peerutils.inc";
include_once 'navigation2.inc';
include_once "utils.inc";
include_once "ste.php";
$page = new PageContainer("Fontys courses in peerweb on DB " . $db_name);
$ste = new SimpleTableEditor($dbConn, $page);
$ste->setMenuName('fontys_course')->setKeyColumns(array('course'))->setNameExpression("course||' :'||course_short||', '||rtrim(course_description)")->setOrderList(array('course', 'course_description', 'fo.faculty_id'))->setListRowTemplate(array('course', 'course_short', 'course_description', 'fo.faculty_id', 'faculty_short'))->setSubRel('faculty')->setSubRelJoinColumns(array('faculty_id' => 'faculty_id'))->setFormTemplate('templates/known_courses2.html')->show();
Example #7

 * The simple table editor for the table menu. Menu is one of the tables that support
 * the simple table editor.
 * @package prafda2
 * @author Pieter van den Hombergh
 * $Id: defproject2.php 1723 2014-01-03 08:34:59Z hom $
require_once "ste.php";
$pdj_id = 1;
$milestone = 1;
$page = new PageContainer("Define project " . $PHP_SELF . " on DB " . $db_name);
$ste = new SimpleTableEditor($dbConn, $page);
$ste->setFormAction($PHP_SELF)->setRelation('project')->setMenuName('project')->setKeyColumns(array('prj_id'))->setNameExpression("rtrim(afko)||'-'||year||': '||rtrim(description)")->setOrderList(array('year desc', 'afko', 'description'))->setListRowTemplate(array('year', 'owner_id', 'afko', 'description', 'valid_until', 'owner_id', 'comment'))->setFormTemplate('templates/project.html')->show();
Example #8

 * The simple table editor for the table menu. Menu is one of the tables that support
 * the simple table editor.
 * @package prafda2
 * @author Pieter van den Hombergh
 * $Id: potential.php 1723 2014-01-03 08:34:59Z hom $
include_once "peerutils.inc";
include_once "ste.php";
$page = new PageContainer($navTitle = "Register a potential student on DB " . $db_name);
$ste = new SimpleTableEditor($dbConn, $page);
$ste->setFormAction($PHP_SELF)->setRelation('potentials')->setMenuName('potentials')->setKeyColumns(array('pot_id'))->setFormTemplate('templates/potential.html')->setNameExpression("rtrim(achternaam,' ')||', '||rtrim(roepnaam,' ')||'('||trim(coalesce(email,'no email'))||')'")->setOrderList(array('achternaam', 'roepnaam'))->show();


 * @package prafda2
 * @author Pieter van den Hombergh
 * $Id: menu_option_queries.php 1723 2014-01-03 08:34:59Z hom $
 * The simple table editor for the table menu_option_queries. Menu_option_querie is
 * one of the tables that support the simple table editor. It is used to define queries to
 * get option lists in forms. Examples are: manager in medewerkers, edit_type (in menu_item)
require_once "ste.php";
$page = new PageContainer("Peerweb Menu option queries on DB " . $db_name);
$ste = new SimpleTableEditor($dbConn, $page);
$ste->setFormAction($PHP_SELF)->setRelation('menu_option_queries')->setMenuName('option_queries')->setKeyColumns(array('menu_name', 'column_name'))->setNameExpression("rtrim(menu_name,' ')||', '||rtrim(column_name,' ')")->setOrderList(array('menu_name', 'column_name'))->setListRowTemplate(array('column_name', 'query'))->setFormTemplate('templates/menu_option_queries.html')->show();

Example #10

 * The simple table editor for the table menu. Menu is one of the tables that support
 * the simple table editor.
 * @package prafda2
 * @author Pieter van den Hombergh
 * $Id: enumeraties.php 1723 2014-01-03 08:34:59Z hom $
require_once "ste.php";
$page = new PageContainer("Set enumerations in menus " . $PHP_SELF . " on DB " . $db_name);
$ste = new SimpleTableEditor($dbConn, $page, hasCap(CAP_SYSTEM));
$ste->setFormAction($PHP_SELF)->setRelation('enumeraties')->setMenuName('enumeraties')->setKeyColumns(array('id'))->setFormTemplate('templates/enumeraties.html')->setListRowTemplate(array('id', 'menu_name', 'column_name', 'name', 'value', 'sort_order', 'is_default'))->setNameExpression("menu_name||', '||column_name")->show();

Example #11

 * The simple table editor for the table menu. Menu is one of the tables that support
 * the simple table editor.
 * @package prafda2
 * @author Pieter van den Hombergh
 * $Id: defactivity.php 1723 2014-01-03 08:34:59Z hom $
require_once "ste.php";
$pdj_id = 1;
$milestone = 1;
$page = new PageContainer("Define activity " . $PHP_SELF . " on DB " . $db_name);
$ste = new SimpleTableEditor($dbConn, $page);
$ste->setFormAction($PHP_SELF)->setRelation('activity')->setMenuName('activity')->setKeyColumns(array('act_id'))->setNameExpression("rtrim(short)||'*'||part||': '||rtrim(description)")->setOrderList(array('datum desc', 'start_time', 'short'))->setListRowTemplate(array('datum', 'start_time', 'act_type', 'part'))->setFormTemplate('templates/activity.html')->show();
Example #12

 * The simple table editor for the table menu. Menu is one of the tables that support
 * the simple table editor.
 * @package prafda2
 * @author Pieter van den Hombergh
 * $Id: deftask.php 1723 2014-01-03 08:34:59Z hom $
include_once "peerutils.inc";
include_once 'navigation2.inc';
include_once "utils.inc";
include_once "ste.php";
$pdj_id = 1;
$milestone = 1;
$page = new PageContainer("Peerweb testscript " . $PHP_SELF . " on DB " . $db_name);
$ste = new SimpleTableEditor($dbConn, $page);
$ste->setFormAction($PHP_SELF)->setRelation('project_task')->setMenuName('project_task')->setKeyColumns(array('task_id'))->setNameExpression('name')->setOrderList(array('task_id', 'name', 'description'))->setListRowTemplate(array('description', 'prj_id'))->setFormTemplate('templates/tasks.html')->show();
Example #13

 * The simple table editor for the table menu. Menu is one of the tables that support
 * the simple table editor.
 * @package prafda2
 * @author Pieter van den Hombergh
 * $Id: base_criteria.php 1724 2014-01-03 09:06:02Z hom $
include_once "ste.php";
$page = new PageContainer("Base peerweb grading criteria on DB " . $db_name);
$ste = new SimpleTableEditor($dbConn, $page);
$ste->setFormAction($PHP_SELF)->setRelation('base_criteria')->setMenuName('base_criteria')->setKeyColumns(array('criterium_id'))->setNameExpression("nl_short")->setOrderList(array('criterium_id'))->setFormTemplate('templates/base_criteria.html')->setListRowTemplate(array('criterium_id', 'author', 'nl_short', 'nl', 'de_short', 'de', 'en_short', 'en'))->show();

Example #14

 * The simple table editor for the table menu. Menu is one of the tables that support
 * the simple table editor.
 * @package prafda2
 * @author Pieter van den Hombergh
 * $Id: validator_map.php 1570 2013-08-09 19:51:30Z hom $
include_once "ste.php";
$page = new PageContainer("Validator Regex Editor on DB " . $db_name);
$ste = new SimpleTableEditor($dbConn, $page);
$ste->setFormAction($PHP_SELF)->setRelation('validator_map')->setMenuName('validator_map')->setKeyColumns(array('input_name'))->setNameExpression("rtrim(input_name,' ')||', '||rtrim(regex_name,' ')")->setOrderList(array('input_name'))->setFormTemplate('templates/validator_map.html')->show();

Example #15

 * The simple table editor for the table menu. Menu is one of the tables that support
 * the simple table editor.
 * @package prafda2
 * @author Pieter van den Hombergh
 * $Id: defstudent_class.php 1723 2014-01-03 08:34:59Z hom $
require_once "peerutils.inc";
include_once "ste.php";
$page = new PageContainer("Class adminstration page  on DB " . $db_name);
$ste = new SimpleTableEditor($dbConn, $page);
$ste->setFormAction($PHP_SELF)->setRelation('student_class')->setMenuName('student_class')->setKeyColumns(array('class_id'))->setListRowTemplate(array('class_id', 'sclass', 'sort1', 'sort2', 'faculty_id', 'class_cluster', 'owner', 'comment'))->setNameExpression("class_id||' name '||sclass")->setOrderList(array('sort1', 'sort2', 'sclass'))->setFormTemplate('templates/class_admin.html')->show();