getAttributes() public method

Search a given DN for attributes, and return the resulting associative array.
See also:
public getAttributes ( string $dn, string | array $attributes = null, integer $maxsize = null ) : array
$dn string The DN of an element.
$attributes string | array The names of the attribute(s) to retrieve. Defaults to NULL; that is, all available attributes. Note that this is not very effective.
$maxsize integer The maximum size of any attribute's value(s). If exceeded, the attribute will not be returned.
return array The array of attributes and their values.
Example #1
 public function getAttributes($dn, $attributes = NULL)
     if ($attributes == NULL) {
         $attributes = $this->attributes;
     $ldap = new SimpleSAML_Auth_LDAP($this->hostname, $this->enableTLS, $this->debug, $this->timeout, $this->port, $this->referrals);
     /* Are privs needed to get the attributes? */
     if ($this->privRead) {
         /* Yes, rebind with privs */
         if (!$ldap->bind($this->privUsername, $this->privPassword)) {
             throw new Exception('Error authenticating using privileged DN & password.');
     return $ldap->getAttributes($dn, $attributes);
Example #2
 $ldapconfig = $ldapmulti[$_POST['org']];
 if ($ldapconfig['search.enable'] === TRUE) {
     if (!$ldap->bind($ldapconfig['search.username'], $ldapconfig['search.password'])) {
         throw new Exception('Error authenticating using search username & password.');
     $dn = $ldap->searchfordn($ldapconfig['search.base'], $ldapconfig['search.attributes'], $_POST['username']);
 } else {
     $dn = str_replace('%username%', $_POST['username'], $ldapconfig['dnpattern']);
 $pwd = $_POST['password'];
 $ldap = new SimpleSAML_Auth_LDAP($ldapconfig['hostname'], $ldapconfig['enable_tls']);
 if ($pwd == "" or !$ldap->bind($dn, $pwd)) {
     SimpleSAML_Logger::info('AUTH - ldap-multi: ' . $_POST['username'] . ' failed to authenticate. DN=' . $dn);
     throw new Exception('Wrong username or password');
 $attributes = $ldap->getAttributes($dn, $ldapconfig['attributes']);
 SimpleSAML_Logger::info('AUTH - ldap-multi: ' . $_POST['username'] . ' successfully authenticated');
 $session->setNameID(array('value' => SimpleSAML_Utilities::generateID(), 'Format' => 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient'));
  * Create a statistics log entry for every successfull login attempt.
  * Also log a specific attribute as set in the config: statistics.authlogattr
 $authlogattr = $config->getValue('statistics.authlogattr', null);
 if ($authlogattr && array_key_exists($authlogattr, $attributes)) {
     SimpleSAML_Logger::stats('AUTH-login-ldapmulti OK ' . $attributes[$authlogattr][0]);
 } else {
     SimpleSAML_Logger::stats('AUTH-login-ldapmulti OK');
 $returnto = $_REQUEST['RelayState'];
Example #3
 public function getAttributes($dn, $attributes = NULL)
     if ($attributes == NULL) {
         $attributes = $this->attributes;
     $ldap = new SimpleSAML_Auth_LDAP($this->hostname, $this->enableTLS, $this->debug, $this->timeout);
     return $ldap->getAttributes($dn, $attributes);
  * Attempt to log in using the given username and password.
  * Will throw a SimpleSAML_Error_Error('WRONGUSERPASS') if the username or password is wrong.
  * If there is a configuration problem, an Exception will be thrown.
  * @param string $username  The username the user wrote.
  * @param string $password  The password the user wrote.
  * @param arrray $sasl_args  Array of SASL options for LDAP bind.
  * @return array  Associative array with the users attributes.
 public function login($username, $password, array $sasl_args = NULL)
     if (empty($password)) {
         SimpleSAML_Logger::info($this->location . ': Login with empty password disallowed.');
         throw new SimpleSAML_Error_Error('WRONGUSERPASS');
     $ldap = new SimpleSAML_Auth_LDAP($this->hostname, $this->enableTLS, $this->debug, $this->timeout, $this->port, $this->referrals);
     if (!$this->searchEnable) {
         $ldapusername = addcslashes($username, ',+"\\<>;*');
         $dn = str_replace('%username%', $ldapusername, $this->dnPattern);
     } else {
         if ($this->searchUsername !== NULL) {
             if (!$ldap->bind($this->searchUsername, $this->searchPassword)) {
                 throw new Exception('Error authenticating using search username & password.');
         $dn = $ldap->searchfordn($this->searchBase, $this->searchAttributes, $username, TRUE);
         if ($dn === NULL) {
             /* User not found with search. */
             SimpleSAML_Logger::info($this->location . ': Unable to find users DN. username=\'' . $username . '\'');
             throw new SimpleSAML_Error_Error('WRONGUSERPASS');
     $qaLogin = SimpleSAML_Auth_Source::getById('auth2factor');
     if (!$ldap->bind($dn, $password, $sasl_args)) {
         SimpleSAML_Logger::info($this->location . ': ' . $username . ' failed to authenticate. DN=' . $dn);
         /* Account lockout feature */
         // we need mail attributes so that we can notify user of locked account
         $attributes = $ldap->getAttributes($dn, $this->searchAttributes);
         // TODO what if these attributes are not available for search or not set in config?
         $qaLogin->failedLoginAttempt($username, 'login_count', array('name' => $attributes['givenName'][0], 'mail' => $attributes['mail'][0], 'uid' => $attributes['uid'][0]));
         $failedAttempts = $qaLogin->getFailedAttempts($username);
         $loginCount = (int) (!empty($failedAttempts)) ? $failedAttempts[0]['login_count'] : 0;
         $answerCount = (int) (!empty($failedAttempts)) ? $failedAttempts[0]['answer_count'] : 0;
         $failCount = $loginCount + $answerCount;
         // TODO this is bad! what if maxFailLogin is not set (i.e 0) or less than 3? instant lock?
         $firstFailCount = $qaLogin->getmaxFailLogin() - 2;
         $secondFailCount = $qaLogin->getmaxFailLogin() - 1;
         if ($failCount == $firstFailCount) {
             throw new SimpleSAML_Error_Error('2FAILEDATTEMPTWARNING');
         if ($failCount == $secondFailCount) {
             throw new SimpleSAML_Error_Error('1FAILEDATTEMPTWARNING');
         if ($qaLogin->isLocked($username)) {
             throw new SimpleSAML_Error_Error('ACCOUNTLOCKED');
         throw new SimpleSAML_Error_Error('WRONGUSERPASS');
     /* In case of SASL bind, authenticated and authorized DN may differ */
     if (isset($sasl_args)) {
         $dn = $ldap->whoami($this->searchBase, $this->searchAttributes);
     /* Are privs needed to get the attributes? */
     if ($this->privRead) {
         /* Yes, rebind with privs */
         if (!$ldap->bind($this->privUsername, $this->privPassword)) {
             throw new Exception('Error authenticating using privileged DN & password.');
     // if we are here - we must have logged in successfully .. therefore reset login attempts
     $qaLogin->resetFailedLoginAttempts($username, 'login_count');
     return $ldap->getAttributes($dn, $this->attributes);
Example #5
  * Attempt to log in using the given username and password.
  * Will throw a SimpleSAML_Error_Error('WRONGUSERPASS') if the username or password is wrong.
  * If there is a configuration problem, an Exception will be thrown.
  * @param string $username  The username the user wrote.
  * @param string $password  The password the user wrote.
  * @param arrray $sasl_args  Array of SASL options for LDAP bind.
  * @return array  Associative array with the users attributes.
 public function login($username, $password, array $sasl_args = NULL)
     if (empty($password)) {
         SimpleSAML_Logger::info($this->location . ': Login with empty password disallowed.');
         throw new SimpleSAML_Error_Error('WRONGUSERPASS');
     $ldap = new SimpleSAML_Auth_LDAP($this->hostname, $this->enableTLS, $this->debug, $this->timeout);
     if (!$this->searchEnable) {
         $ldapusername = addcslashes($username, ',+"\\<>;*');
         $dn = str_replace('%username%', $ldapusername, $this->dnPattern);
     } else {
         if ($this->searchUsername !== NULL) {
             if (!$ldap->bind($this->searchUsername, $this->searchPassword)) {
                 throw new Exception('Error authenticating using search username & password.');
         $dn = $ldap->searchfordn($this->searchBase, $this->searchAttributes, $username, TRUE);
         if ($dn === NULL) {
             /* User not found with search. */
             SimpleSAML_Logger::info($this->location . ': Unable to find users DN. username=\'' . $username . '\'');
             throw new SimpleSAML_Error_Error('WRONGUSERPASS');
     if (!$ldap->bind($dn, $password, $sasl_args)) {
         SimpleSAML_Logger::info($this->location . ': ' . $username . ' failed to authenticate. DN=' . $dn);
         throw new SimpleSAML_Error_Error('WRONGUSERPASS');
     /* In case of SASL bind, authenticated and authorized DN may differ */
     if (isset($sasl_args)) {
         $dn = $ldap->whoami($this->searchBase, $this->searchAttributes);
     /* Are privs needed to get the attributes? */
     if ($this->privRead) {
         /* Yes, rebind with privs */
         if (!$ldap->bind($this->privUsername, $this->privPassword)) {
             throw new Exception('Error authenticating using privileged DN & password.');
     return $ldap->getAttributes($dn, $this->attributes);
Example #6
     /* We aren't configured to search for the dn. Insert the LDAP username into the pattern
      * configured in the 'auth.ldap.dnpattern' option.
     $dn = str_replace('%username%', $ldapusername, $ldapconfig->getValue('auth.ldap.dnpattern'));
  * Do LDAP bind using DN.
 if ($password == "" or !$ldap->bind($dn, $password)) {
     SimpleSAML_Logger::info('AUTH - ldap: ' . $username . ' failed to authenticate. DN=' . $dn);
     throw new Exception('error_wrongpassword');
  * Retrieve attributes from LDAP
 $attributes = $ldap->getAttributes($dn, $ldapconfig->getValue('auth.ldap.attributes', null));
 SimpleSAML_Logger::info('AUTH - ldap: ' . $ldapusername . ' successfully authenticated');
 $session->setNameID(array('value' => SimpleSAML_Utilities::generateID(), 'Format' => 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient'));
  * Create a statistics log entry for every successfull login attempt.
  * Also log a specific attribute as set in the config: statistics.authlogattr
 $authlogattr = $config->getValue('statistics.authlogattr', null);
 if ($authlogattr && array_key_exists($authlogattr, $attributes)) {
     SimpleSAML_Logger::stats('AUTH-login OK ' . $attributes[$authlogattr][0]);
 } else {
     SimpleSAML_Logger::stats('AUTH-login OK');
 $returnto = $_REQUEST['RelayState'];
Example #7
 if (isset($orgconfig['adminUser'])) {
     $ldap->bind($orgconfig['adminUser'], $orgconfig['adminPassword']);
 $eppn = $requestedUser . "@" . $requestedOrg;
 $dn = $ldap->searchfordn($orgconfig['searchbase'], 'eduPersonPrincipalName', $eppn);
  * Do LDAP bind using DN found from the search on ePPN.
 if (!$ldap->bind($dn, $password)) {
     SimpleSAML_Logger::info('AUTH - ldap-feide: ' . $requestedUser . ' failed to authenticate. DN=' . $dn);
     throw new Exception('Wrong username or password');
  * Retrieve attributes from LDAP
 $attributes = $ldap->getAttributes($dn, $orgconfig['attributes']);
  * Retrieve organizational attributes, if the eduPersonOrgDN attribute is set.
 if (isset($attributes['eduPersonOrgDN'])) {
     $orgdn = $attributes['eduPersonOrgDN'][0];
     $orgattributes = $ldap->getAttributes($orgdn);
     $orgattr = array_keys($orgattributes);
     foreach ($orgattr as $value) {
         $orgattributename = 'eduPersonOrgDN:' . $value;
         //SimpleSAML_Logger::debug('AUTH - ldap-feide: Orgattributename: '. $orgattributename);
         $attributes[$orgattributename] = $orgattributes[$value];
         //SimpleSAML_Logger::debug('AUTH - ldap-feide: Attribute added: '. $attributes[$orgattributename]);