  * This function loads portal config vars from db and sets them for the view
  * @see SugarView::display() for more info
 function display()
     global $current_user, $app_strings;
     $smarty = new Sugar_Smarty();
     $smarty->assign('mod', $GLOBALS['mod_strings']);
     $smarty->assign("token", session_id());
     $smarty->assign("siteURL", $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['site_url']);
     //Loading label
     $smarty->assign('LBL_LOADING', $app_strings['LBL_ALERT_TITLE_LOADING']);
     $theme = new SidecarTheme();
     $smarty->assign("css_url", $theme->getCSSURL());
     $ajax = new AjaxCompose();
     $ajax->addCrumb(translate('LBL_SUGARPORTAL', 'ModuleBuilder'), 'ModuleBuilder.main("sugarportal")');
     $ajax->addCrumb(ucwords(translate('LBL_PORTAL_THEME')), '');
     $ajax->addSection('center', translate('LBL_SUGARPORTAL', 'ModuleBuilder'), $smarty->fetch('modules/ModuleBuilder/tpls/portaltheme.tpl'));
     echo $ajax->getJavascript();
Example #2
  * This method checks to see if the configuration file exists and, if not, creates one by default
 public function preDisplay()
     global $app_strings;
     //Rebuild config file if it doesn't exist
     if (!file_exists($this->configFile)) {
     $this->ss->assign("configFile", $this->configFile);
     $config = ModuleInstaller::getBaseConfig();
     $this->ss->assign('configHash', md5(serialize($config)));
     $sugarSidecarPath = ensureJSCacheFilesExist();
     $this->ss->assign("sugarSidecarPath", $sugarSidecarPath);
     // TODO: come up with a better way to deal with the various JS files
     // littered in sidecar.tpl.
     $voodooFile = 'custom/include/javascript/voodoo.js';
     if (SugarAutoLoader::fileExists($voodooFile)) {
         $this->ss->assign('voodooFile', $voodooFile);
     //Load sidecar theme css
     $theme = new SidecarTheme();
     $this->ss->assign("css_url", $theme->getCSSURL());
     $this->ss->assign("developerMode", inDeveloperMode());
     //Loading label
     $this->ss->assign('LBL_LOADING', $app_strings['LBL_ALERT_TITLE_LOADING']);
     $this->ss->assign('LBL_ENABLE_JAVASCRIPT', $app_strings['LBL_ENABLE_JAVASCRIPT']);
     $slFunctionsPath = inDeveloperMode() ? "cache/Expressions/functions_cache_debug.js" : "cache/Expressions/functions_cache.js";
     if (!is_file($slFunctionsPath)) {
         $GLOBALS['updateSilent'] = true;
         include "include/Expressions/updatecache.php";
     $this->ss->assign("SLFunctionsPath", $slFunctionsPath);
     if (!empty($this->authorization)) {
         $this->ss->assign('appPrefix', $config['env'] . ":" . $config['appId'] . ":");
         $this->ss->assign('authorization', $this->authorization);
Example #3
 * Your installation or use of this SugarCRM file is subject to the applicable
 * terms available at
 * http://support.sugarcrm.com/06_Customer_Center/10_Master_Subscription_Agreements/.
 * If you do not agree to all of the applicable terms or do not have the
 * authority to bind the entity as an authorized representative, then do not
 * install or use this SugarCRM file.
 * Copyright (C) SugarCRM Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file is here to provide a HTML template for the rest help api.
$theme = new SidecarTheme();
$bootstrap_css = $theme->getCSSURL();
// Fixes pathing for help requests ending in '/'
$base_path = '../../../';
$link_path = '../';
if (substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], -1) == '/') {
    $base_path .= '../';
    $link_path .= '../';


        <title>SugarCRM Auto Generated API Exceptions Documentation</title>
Example #4
  * Updates variables.less with the values given in the request.
  * @param ServiceBase $api
  * @param array $args
  * @return array Locations of CSS files
  * @throws SugarApiExceptionNotAuthorized
  * @throws SugarApiExceptionMissingParameter
 public function updateCustomTheme(ServiceBase $api, array $args)
     if (!$api->user->isAdmin()) {
         throw new SugarApiExceptionNotAuthorized();
     if (empty($args)) {
         throw new SugarApiExceptionMissingParameter('Missing colors');
     // Validating arguments
     $platform = isset($args['platform']) ? $args['platform'] : 'base';
     $themeName = isset($args['themeName']) ? $args['themeName'] : null;
     $theme = new SidecarTheme($platform, $themeName);
     // if reset=true is passed
     if (!empty($args['reset'])) {
     } else {
         // else
         // Override the custom variables.less with the given vars
         $variables = array_diff_key($args, array('platform' => 0, 'themeName' => 0, 'reset' => 0));
     // saves the bootstrap.css URL in the portal settings
     $urls = $theme->getCSSURL();
     foreach ($urls as $key => $url) {
         $urls[$key] = $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['site_url'] . '/' . $url;
     $GLOBALS['system_config']->saveSetting($platform, 'css', json_encode($urls));
     return $urls;
Example #5
  * Retrieve CSS files from cache for this theme
  * Compile missing files if the theme has metadata definition
  * Compile default theme otherwise
  * @return array Locations of CSS files for this theme
 public function getCSSURL()
     $filesInCache = $this->retrieveCssFilesInCache();
     // Remove the custom css file if the less file does not exist anymore
     if (isset($filesInCache['custom']) && !in_array('custom', $this->lessFilesToCompile)) {
         unlink($this->getCssFileLocation('custom', $filesInCache['custom']));
     //If we found css files in cache we can return css urls
     if (count($filesInCache) === count($this->lessFilesToCompile)) {
         return $this->returnFileLocations($filesInCache);
     //Since we did not find css files in cache we have to compile the theme.
     //First check if the theme has metadata, otherwise compile the default theme instead
     if ($this->myTheme !== 'default' && !$this->isDefined()) {
         $clientDefaultTheme = new SidecarTheme($this->myClient, 'default');
         return $clientDefaultTheme->getCSSURL();
     //Arrived here we are going to compile missing css files
     $missingFiles = array_diff($this->lessFilesToCompile, array_keys($filesInCache));
     foreach ($missingFiles as $lessFile) {
         $filesInCache[$lessFile] = $this->compileFile($lessFile);
     return $this->returnFileLocations($filesInCache);