public function load($chatId, $editorialId = null, $portal = null) { $sql = 'CALL `admin_editorial_fetch`(:chatId, :editorialId, :portalId)'; $stmt = Zend_Registry::get('dbh')->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindParam(':chatId', $chatId, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->bindParam(':editorialId', $editorialId, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->bindParam(':portalId', $portal->id, PDO::PARAM_INT); try { $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->fetchAll(Zend_Db::FETCH_OBJ); $stmt->closeCursor(); $editorials = array(); foreach ($result as $row) { $editorial = new Showcase_Content_Editorial(); $editorial->unlock(Showcase_Admin::getInstance()); $editorial->id = $row->editorial; $editorial->chatId = $row->chat; $editorial->headline = $row->headline; $editorial->alias = $row->alias; $editorial->sponsor = Showcase_Sponsor::factory($row->sponsorId, $row->sponsorName, $row->sponsorUrl); $editorial->channel = Showcase_Channel::factory($portal, $row->channel); $editorial->lock(); $editorials[$editorial->id] = $editorial; } return $editorials; } catch (Zend_Db_Statement_Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } }
public function __construct() { // check that the Admin object exists. This is the thing with all the save power so it's pretty uber if (!Showcase_Admin::getInstance()) { die("You cannot instantiate an admin helper without the appropriate permissions. Which you don't have!"); } }
public function save($editorialId, array $post = array()) { $user = $this->getRequest()->getParam('User'); if ($articleId = Showcase_Admin::saveArticle($user, $editorialId, $post)) { return true; } }
public function save($chatId, array $post = array()) { $user = $this->getRequest()->getParam('User'); if ($showId = Showcase_Admin::saveShow($user, $chatId, $post)) { $this->getRequest()->setParam('showId', $showId); return $showId; } }
public static function fetchCache() { if (!self::$_cache instanceof Zend_Cache) { $cacheSettings = Zend_Registry::get('site_cache_settings'); self::$_cache = Zend_Cache::factory('Core', $cacheSettings['BACKEND']['TYPE'], $cacheSettings['FRONTEND']['OPTIONS'], $cacheSettings['BACKEND']['OPTIONS']); } return self::$_cache; }
public function init() { $mainMenu = new Showcase_Admin_Menus(); $this->view->assign('mainMenu', $mainMenu->mainMenu); $this->_contentId = $this->_getParam('contentId'); $this->_status = Showcase_Admin::getStatus(); $this->_categories = Showcase_Admin::getCategories(); $this->_types = Showcase_Admin::getTypes(); }
public function save($chatId, array $post = array()) { // first, parse out the sections into different areas $user = $this->getRequest()->getParam('User'); if ($chatId = Showcase_Admin::saveChat($user, $chatId, $post)) { $this->getRequest()->setParam('chatId', $chatId); return $chatId; } }
public function newAction() { $this->view->assign('requestUri', $this->getRequest()->getRequestUri()); $this->view->assign('jobId', $this->_jobId); $this->view->assign('title', 'Add a phase'); //fetch all the status available in the db $this->view->assign('status', $this->_status); //if save is submitted if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) { if ($post = $this->getRequest()->getPost('addContent')) { //put the files into the main post if ($_FILES['image']) { $post['image'] = $_FILES['image']; $post['image']['description'] = $post['description']; unset($post['imageAlt']); } // jobId and clientId in the post $post['jobId'] = $this->_jobId; $post['clientId'] = $this->_clientId; //Turn client into an array with id and name $clientName = Showcase_Admin::seekName($this->_clients, $post['clientId']); $post['client'] = array('name' => $clientName, 'id' => $post['clientId']); unset($post['clientId']); //specify the operation type $post['operationType'] = 'save'; //validate, upload and saveDB $oContent = new Showcase_Admin_Content($post); $return = $oContent->processContent(); //print errors if (isset($return['Error'])) { $this->view->assign('errorMessages', $return['Error']); $this->view->assign('posted', $return['post']); return false; } //if successful $this->_redirect('/admin/content/success'); } $this->view->assign('errorMessage', 'There was a problem with your form, please submit again.'); } }
public function deleteJob() { //prepare the files for db insertion (add paths(full and db), identifier ...) $this->_prepareFilesForDb($this->_post['media']); //Delete the files //TODO: move to bin and if errors put'em back foreach ($this->_post['media'] as $aFiles) { $this->_deleteFiles($aFiles); } //delete job in db $oJob = new Showcase_Controller_Action_Helper_Admin_Job(); $return = $oJob->deleteJob($this->_post['jobId']); if ($return == true) { //flush cache Showcase_Admin::flushCache(); return true; } else { return false; } }
public function editAction() { $title = 'Edit a Job'; $this->view->assign('title', $title); //populate the list of clients $this->view->assign('clients', $this->_clients); // if the form has come back... if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) { //After selecting the client if ($client = $this->getRequest()->getPost('selectClient')) { // if the user sets an empty user if ($client == '') { $this->view->assign('errorMessages', array('Please select a client.')); return false; } //set the action and error $this->view->assign('requestUri', $this->getRequest()->getRequestUri()); $this->view->assign('errorMessages', array()); //Turn client into an array with id and name $clientName = Showcase_Admin::seekName($this->_clients, $client['client']); $posted = array('client' => array('name' => $clientName, 'id' => $client['client'])); //keeping the selected client open correctly $this->view->assign('posted', $client); //then load and update the jobNumber list $jobNumbers = $this->_helper->Job->getJobsNumbers($posted['client']['id']); //open the second select in the form and populate with jobs $this->view->assign('selectJob', 1); $this->view->assign('errorMessages', array()); $this->view->assign('jobNumbers', $jobNumbers); } // after selecting a job number if ($posted = $this->getRequest()->getPost('selectJob')) { //print_r($posted); die; //Turn client into an array with id and name $clientName = Showcase_Admin::seekName($this->_clients, $posted['client']); $posted['client'] = array('name' => $clientName, 'id' => $posted['client']); //load and update the jobNumber list $this->_jobNumbers = $this->_helper->Job->getJobsNumbers($posted['client']['id']); $this->view->assign('jobNumbers', $this->_jobNumbers); //fetch all the status available in the db $this->view->assign('status', $this->_status); //keep the job number selection form open $this->view->assign('selectJob', 1); //open the 3rd and last form $this->view->assign('jobChosen', $posted['jobId']); //get job using a already built frontend helper with a twist //that we pass the name for a similar proc without the status requirement $dbJob = new Showcase_Controller_Action_Helper_Jobs(); $posted['job'] = $dbJob->loadJob($posted['client']['id'], $posted['jobId'], 'NULL', 'get_job_all_status'); //instantiate the job object $oJob = new Showcase_Admin_Job($posted); //strip the old frontend object for admin $posted = $oJob->prepareObject($posted); //populate the form $this->view->assign('posted', $posted); //print_r($posted); die; } //if it was SUBMITTED for update if ($posted = $this->getRequest()->getPost('editJob')) { //print_r($posted); die; //Turn client into an array with id and name $clientName = Showcase_Admin::seekName($this->_clients, $posted['client']); $posted['client'] = array('name' => $clientName, 'id' => $posted['client']); if (!empty($_FILES['image']['name']) || !empty($_FILES['thumb']['name'])) { //put the files into the main post $this->getFilesIntoPost('image', $posted, 'images', 'imageAlt'); $this->getFilesIntoPost('thumb', $posted, 'thumbs', 'thumbAlt'); } if (!empty($_FILES['document']['name'])) { $this->getFilesIntoPost('document', $posted, 'documents', 'docdescription'); } //go! $oJob = new Showcase_Admin_Job($posted); $return = $oJob->updateJob(); //print the errors returned with the sanitized post if (isset($return['Error'])) { //keep the job number selection form open $this->view->assign('selectJob', 1); //open the 3rd and last form $this->view->assign('jobChosen', $posted['jobId']); // TODO: should be an array of messages $this->view->assign('errorMessages', $return['Error']); $this->view->assign('posted', $return['post']); return false; } $this->_redirect('/admin/job/success'); } } }