Example #1

// create some quick books for testing
$books[0] = new stdClass();
$books[0]->title = "101 Fun Facts about Rocks";
$books[1] = new stdClass();
$books[1]->title = "Don't Touch that Button";
$books[2] = new stdClass();
$books[2]->title = "Coding for Dummies";
// instantiate shelf
require 'shelf.php';
$shelf = new Shelf();
// loop through book array
foreach ($books as $book) {
    // add to shelf
echo "<strong>Add All Books:</strong> ";
echo "<pre>" . print_r($shelf, 1) . "</pre>";
// take one from stack
$bookFromShelf = $shelf->removeFromTop();
echo "<strong>Grab Top Book:</strong> ";
echo "<pre>" . print_r($bookFromShelf, 1) . "</pre>";
echo "<strong>Remaining Books:</strong> ";
echo "<pre>" . print_r($shelf, 1) . "</pre>";