Example #1
 * Ask the user what are the settings for the data load
function DisplayStep1(SetupPage $oP)
    $sNextOperation = 'step2';
    $oP->add("<h1>iTop benchmarking</h1>\n");
    $oP->add("<form method=\"post\" onSubmit=\"return DoSubmit('Evaluating real plans...', 10)\">\n");
    $oP->add("<fieldset><legend>Data load configuration</legend>\n");
    $aForm = array();
    $aForm[] = array('label' => "Contacts:", 'input' => "<input id=\"from\" type=\"text\" name=\"plannedcontacts\" value=\"100\">", 'help' => '');
    $aForm[] = array('label' => "Contracts:", 'input' => "<input id=\"from\" type=\"text\" name=\"plannedcontracts\" value=\"10\">", 'help' => '');
    $oP->add("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"operation\" value=\"create_structure\">\n");
    $oP->add("<button type=\"submit\">Next >></button>\n");
    $oP->add("<form method=\"post\" onSubmit=\"return DoSubmit('Evaluating real plans...', 10)\">\n");
    $oP->add("<fieldset><legend>Data load configuration</legend>\n");
    $aForm = array();
    $aForm[] = array('label' => "Main CIs:", 'input' => "<input id=\"to\" type=\"text\" name=\"plannedcis\" value=\"70\">", 'help' => ' exclude interfaces, subnets or any other type of secondary CI');
    $oP->add("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"operation\" value=\"create_cis\">\n");
    $oP->add("<button type=\"submit\">Next >></button>\n");
    $oP->add("<form method=\"post\" onSubmit=\"return DoSubmit('Evaluating real plans...', 10)\">\n");
    $oP->add("<fieldset><legend>Data load configuration</legend>\n");
    $aForm = array();
    $aForm[] = array('label' => "Tickets:", 'input' => "<input id=\"to\" type=\"text\" name=\"plannedtickets\" value=\"200\">", 'help' => ' 50% incidents, 50% changes');
    $aForm[] = array('label' => "CIs for the big ticket:", 'input' => "<input id=\"to\" type=\"text\" name=\"plannedbigticketcis\" value=\"200\">", 'help' => 'Number of CI for the single big ticket');
    $oP->add("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"operation\" value=\"create_tickets\">\n");
    $oP->add("<button type=\"submit\">Next >></button>\n");