Example #1
  * The Index method of the VWP setting page.
  * @param SettingsController $sender
 public function Controller_Index($sender)
     // Set required permission.
     // Set up the configuration module.
     $configModule = new ConfigurationModule($sender);
     $configModule->initialize(array('VWP.Database.User' => array('LabelCode' => 'WordPress Database User', 'Control' => 'TextBox'), 'VWP.Database.Password' => array('LabelCode' => 'WordPress Database Password', 'Control' => 'TextBox'), 'VWP.Database.Name' => array('LabelCode' => 'WordPress Database Name', 'Control' => 'TextBox'), 'VWP.Database.Prefix' => array('LabelCode' => 'WordPress Database Prefix', 'Control' => 'TextBox')));
     $sender->ConfigurationModule = $configModule;
     $sender->title(T('VWP Settings'));
     $sender->View = $sender->fetchViewLocation('vwp', 'settings', 'vwp');
  * @param SettingsController $sender
  * @param array $Args
 protected function settings_addEdit($sender, $Args)
     $client_id = $sender->Request->Get('client_id');
     Gdn::Locale()->SetTranslation('AuthenticationKey', 'Client ID');
     Gdn::Locale()->SetTranslation('AssociationSecret', 'Secret');
     Gdn::Locale()->SetTranslation('AuthenticateUrl', 'Authentication Url');
     /* @var Gdn_Form $form */
     $form = $sender->Form;
     $model = new Gdn_AuthenticationProviderModel();
     if ($form->authenticatedPostBack()) {
         if ($form->getFormValue('Generate') || $sender->Request->post('Generate')) {
             $form->setFormValue('AuthenticationKey', mt_rand());
             $form->setFormValue('AssociationSecret', md5(mt_rand()));
         } else {
             $form->validateRule('AuthenticationKey', 'ValidateRequired');
             $form->validateRule('AuthenticationKey', 'regex:`^[a-z0-9_-]+$`i', T('The client id must contain only letters, numbers and dashes.'));
             $form->validateRule('AssociationSecret', 'ValidateRequired');
             $form->validateRule('AuthenticateUrl', 'ValidateRequired');
             $form->setFormValue('AuthenticationSchemeAlias', 'jsconnect');
             if ($form->save(['ID' => $client_id])) {
                 $sender->RedirectUrl = url('/settings/jsconnect');
     } else {
         if ($client_id) {
             $provider = self::getProvider($client_id);
             touchValue('Trusted', $provider, 1);
         } else {
             $provider = array();
     // Set up the form controls for editing the connection.
     $hashTypes = hash_algos();
     $hashTypes = array_combine($hashTypes, $hashTypes);
     $controls = ['AuthenticationKey' => ['LabelCode' => 'Client ID', 'Description' => T('The client ID uniquely identifies the site.', 'The client ID uniquely identifies the site. You can generate a new ID with the button at the bottom of this page.')], 'AssociationSecret' => ['LabelCode' => 'Secret', 'Description' => T('The secret secures the sign in process.', 'The secret secures the sign in process. Do <b>NOT</b> give the secret out to anyone.')], 'Name' => ['LabelCode' => 'Site Name', 'Description' => T('Enter a short name for the site.', 'Enter a short name for the site. This is displayed on the signin buttons.')], 'AuthenticateUrl' => ['LabelCode' => 'Authentication URL', 'Description' => T('The location of the JSONP formatted authentication data.'), 'Options' => ['class' => 'InputBox BigInput']], 'SignInUrl' => ['LabelCode' => 'Sign In URL', 'Description' => T('The url that users use to sign in.') . ' ' . T('Use {target} to specify a redirect.'), 'Options' => ['class' => 'InputBox BigInput']], 'RegisterUrl' => ['LabelCode' => 'Registration URL', 'Description' => T('The url that users use to register for a new account.'), 'Options' => ['class' => 'InputBox BigInput']], 'SignOutUrl' => ['LabelCode' => 'Sign Out URL', 'Description' => T('The url that users use to sign out of your site.'), 'Options' => ['class' => 'InputBox BigInput']], 'Trusted' => ['Control' => 'checkbox', 'LabelCode' => 'This is trusted connection and can sync roles & permissions.'], 'IsDefault' => ['Control' => 'checkbox', 'LabelCode' => 'Make this connection your default signin method.'], 'Advanced' => ['Control' => 'callback', 'Callback' => function ($form) {
         return '<h2>' . T('Advanced') . '</h2>';
     }], 'HashType' => ['Control' => 'dropdown', 'LabelCode' => 'Hash Algorithm', 'Items' => $hashTypes, 'Description' => T('Choose md5 if you\'re not sure what to choose.', "You can select a custom hash algorithm to sign your requests. The hash algorithm must also be used in your client library. Choose md5 if you're not sure what to choose."), 'Options' => ['Default' => 'md5']], 'TestMode' => ['Control' => 'checkbox', 'LabelCode' => 'This connection is in test-mode.']];
     $sender->setData('_Controls', $controls);
     $sender->setData('Title', sprintf(T($client_id ? 'Edit %s' : 'Add %s'), T('Connection')));
     // Throw a render event as this plugin so that handlers can call our methods.
     Gdn::pluginManager()->callEventHandlers($this, __CLASS__, 'addedit', 'render');
     $sender->render('Settings_AddEdit', '', 'plugins/jsconnect');
  * List all tags and allow searching
  * @param SettingsController $Sender
 public function settingsController_tagging_create($Sender, $Search = null, $Type = null, $Page = null)
     $Sender->addJSFile('tagadmin.js', 'plugins/Tagging');
     $SQL = Gdn::sql();
     // Get all tag types
     $TagModel = TagModel::instance();
     $TagTypes = $TagModel->getTagTypes();
     $Sender->Form->Method = 'get';
     $Sender->Form->InputPrefix = '';
     list($Offset, $Limit) = offsetLimit($Page, 100);
     $Sender->setData('_Limit', $Limit);
     if ($Search) {
         $SQL->like('FullName', $Search, 'right');
     // This type doesn't actually exist, but it will represent the
     // blank types in the column.
     if (strtolower($Type) == 'tags') {
         $Type = '';
     if (!$Search) {
         if ($Type !== null) {
             if ($Type === 'null') {
                 $Type = null;
             $SQL->where('Type', $Type);
         } elseif ($Type == '') {
             $SQL->where('Type', '');
     } else {
         $Type = 'Search Results';
         // This is made up, and exists so search results can be placed in
         // their own tab.
         $TagTypes[$Type] = array('key' => $Type);
     $TagTypes = array_change_key_case($TagTypes, CASE_LOWER);
     // Store type for view
     $TagType = !empty($Type) ? $Type : 'Tags';
     $Sender->setData('_TagType', $TagType);
     // Store tag types
     $Sender->setData('_TagTypes', $TagTypes);
     // Determine if new tags can be added for the current type.
     $CanAddTags = !empty($TagTypes[$Type]['addtag']) && $TagTypes[$Type]['addtag'] ? 1 : 0;
     $CanAddTags &= CheckPermission('Plugins.Tagging.Add');
     $Sender->setData('_CanAddTags', $CanAddTags);
     $Data = $SQL->select('t.*')->from('Tag t')->orderBy('t.FullName', 'asc')->orderBy('t.CountDiscussions', 'desc')->limit($Limit, $Offset)->get()->resultArray();
     $Sender->setData('Tags', $Data);
     if ($Search) {
         $SQL->like('Name', $Search, 'right');
     // Make sure search uses its own search type, so results appear
     // in their own tab.
     $Sender->Form->Action = url('/settings/tagging/?type=' . $TagType);
     // Search results pagination will mess up a bit, so don't provide a type
     // in the count.
     $RecordCountWhere = array('Type' => $Type);
     if ($Type == '') {
         $RecordCountWhere = array('Type' => '');
     if ($Search) {
         $RecordCountWhere = array();
     $Sender->setData('RecordCount', $SQL->getCount('Tag', $RecordCountWhere));
     $Sender->render('tagging', '', 'plugins/Tagging');
Example #4
  * AgeGate settings page.
  * @param SettingsController $sender
 public function settingsController_ageGate_create($sender)
     $sender->setData('Title', T('Age Gate Settings'));
     if ($sender->Form->authenticatedPostBack()) {
         $minimumAge = $sender->Form->getValue('MinimumAge');
         $addConfirmation = $sender->Form->getValue('AddConfirmation');
         if (!is_numeric($minimumAge)) {
             $sender->Form->addError('Please enter a valid number.');
         if ($sender->Form->errorCount() == 0) {
             saveToConfig('Plugins.AgeGate.MinimumAge', $minimumAge);
             saveToConfig('Plugins.AgeGate.AddConfirmation', $addConfirmation);
     } else {
         $sender->Form->setData(array('MinimumAge' => C('Plugins.AgeGate.MinimumAge'), 'AddConfirmation' => C('Plugins.AgeGate.AddConfirmation')));
     $sender->render($sender->fetchViewLocation('settings', '', 'plugins/AgeGate'));
  * Override the index of the dashboard's settings controller in the to render new statistics.
  * @param SettingsController $sender Instance of the dashboard's settings controller.
 public function settingsController_home_create($sender)
     $statsUrl = $this->AnalyticsServer;
     if (!stringBeginsWith($statsUrl, 'http:') && !stringBeginsWith($statsUrl, 'https:')) {
         $statsUrl = Gdn::request()->scheme() . "://{$statsUrl}";
     $sender->setData('IsWidePage', true);
     // Tell the page where to find the Vanilla Analytics provider
     $sender->addDefinition('VanillaStatsUrl', $statsUrl);
     $sender->setData('VanillaStatsUrl', $statsUrl);
     // Load javascript & css, check permissions, and load side menu for this page.
     $sender->RequiredAdminPermissions = ['Garden.Settings.View', 'Garden.Settings.Manage', 'Garden.Community.Manage'];
     $sender->permission($sender->RequiredAdminPermissions, '', false);
     if (!Gdn_Statistics::checkIsEnabled() && Gdn_Statistics::checkIsLocalhost()) {
         $sender->render('dashboardlocalhost', '', 'plugins/VanillaStats');
     } else {
         $sender->addCssFile('picker.css', 'plugins/VanillaStats');
         $sender->addCssFile('vendors/c3.min.css', 'plugins/VanillaStats');
         $sender->addJsFile('vanillastats.js', 'plugins/VanillaStats');
         $sender->addJsFile('picker.js', 'plugins/VanillaStats');
         $sender->addDefinition('VanillaID', Gdn::installationID());
         $sender->addDefinition('AuthToken', Gdn_Statistics::generateToken());
         $sender->addDefinition('ExpandText', t('more'));
         $sender->addDefinition('CollapseText', t('less'));
         // Render the custom dashboard view
         $sender->render('dashboard', '', 'plugins/VanillaStats');
  * @param SettingsController $Sender
  * @param type $Args
 public function settingsController_disqus_create($Sender, $Args)
     if ($Sender->Form->authenticatedPostBack()) {
         $Model = new Gdn_AuthenticationProviderModel();
         $Sender->Form->setFormValue(Gdn_AuthenticationProviderModel::COLUMN_ALIAS, 'disqus');
         $Sender->Form->setFormValue(Gdn_AuthenticationProviderModel::COLUMN_NAME, 'Disqus');
         if ($Sender->Form->save(array('PK' => Gdn_AuthenticationProviderModel::COLUMN_ALIAS))) {
             $Sender->informMessage(t("Your settings have been saved."));
     } else {
         $Provider = (array) $this->provider();
     $Sender->setData('Title', sprintf(t('%s Settings'), 'Disqus'));
     $Sender->render('Settings', '', 'plugins/Disqus');
Example #7
  * Render the settings menu in the dashboard
  * This function sets up and renders a settings page where the API
  * configuration can be changed.
  * @since  0.1.0
  * @access public
  * @param  SettingsController $sender
  * @return void
 public function SettingsController_API_create($sender)
     $form = $sender->Form;
     if ($form->authenticatedPostBack()) {
         $secret = c("API.Secret");
         $regen = $form->buttonExists(t("API.Settings.Refresh.Label"));
         if ($regen) {
             $secret = APIAuth::generateUniqueID();
         $save = [];
         $save["API.Secret"] = $secret;
         if ($form->errorCount() == 0) {
             if ($regen) {
                 $icon = "<span class=\"InformSprite Refresh\"></span>";
                 $text = t("API.Settings.Refresh.Notification");
                 $class = "Dismissable HasSprite";
                 $sender->informMessage($icon . $text, $class);
     } else {
         $data = [];
         $data["Secret"] = c("API.Secret");
     $sender->setData("Title", t("API.Settings.Title"));
     $sender->render("API", "settings", "api");