public function testRegenerate() { $firstId = session_id(); $this->object->regenerate(true); $secondId = session_id(); $this->assertThat($firstId, $this->logicalNot($this->equalTo($secondId))); }
private function initRegion(GeoIP $geoIP) { $storage = new SessionStorage(); // TODO use binding if (!$storage->has('region')) { $storage->set('region', $this->getRegionByIp($geoIP)); } $this->region = $storage->get('region'); }
/** * Constructor * * @access protected * @param string $storage * @param array $options optional parameters */ protected function __construct($store = 'none', $options = array()) { //Need to destroy any existing sessions started with session.auto_start if (session_id()) { session_unset(); session_destroy(); } //set default sessios save handler ini_set('session.save_handler', 'files'); //disable transparent sid support ini_set('session.use_trans_sid', '0'); //create handler if ($store != 'none' || $store != 'file') { require_once FRAMEWORK . '/session/SessionStorage.class.php'; $this->_store = SessionStorage::getInstance($store, $options); } //set options $this->_setOptions($options); //load the session $this->_start(); //initialise the session $this->_setCounter(); $this->_setTimers(); $this->_state = 'active'; // perform security checks $this->_validate(); }
static function logout() { SessionStorage::destroy(SJB_Session::getSessionId()); $forumPath = SJB_Settings::getSettingByName('forum_path'); if (empty($forumPath)) { return; } $url = SJB_System::getSystemSettings('SITE_URL') . $forumPath . '/'; $client = new Zend_Http_Client($url, array('useragent' => SJB_Request::getUserAgent())); $client->setCookie($_COOKIE); $client->setCookieJar(); try { $response = $client->request(); $matches = array(); if (preg_match('/\\.\\/ucp.php\\?mode=logout\\&sid=([\\w\\d]+)"/', $response->getBody(), $matches)) { $sid = $matches[1]; $client->setUri($url . 'ucp.php?mode=logout&sid=' . $sid); $response = $client->request(); foreach ($response->getHeaders() as $key => $header) { if ('set-cookie' == strtolower($key)) { if (is_array($header)) { foreach ($header as $val) { header("Set-Cookie: " . $val, false); } } else { header("Set-Cookie: " . $header, false); } } } } } catch (Exception $ex) { } }
public static function archive($name = false, $listFilesAndFolders, $export_files_dir, $export_files_dir_name, $backupName, $move = false, $identifier, $type) { if (empty($export_files_dir)) { return; } $dir_separator = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $backupName = 'backup' . $dir_separator . $backupName; $installFilePath = 'system' . $dir_separator . 'admin-scripts' . $dir_separator . 'miscellaneous' . $dir_separator; $dbSQLFilePath = 'backup' . $dir_separator; $old_path = getcwd(); chdir($export_files_dir); $tar = new Archive_Tar($backupName, 'gz'); if (SJB_System::getIfTrialModeIsOn()) { $tar->setIgnoreList(array('system/plugins/mobile', 'system/plugins/facebook_app', 'templates/mobile', 'templates/Facebook')); } SessionStorage::write('backup_' . $identifier, serialize(array('last_time' => time()))); switch ($type) { case 'full': $tar->addModify("{$installFilePath}install.php", '', $installFilePath); $tar->addModify($dbSQLFilePath . $name, '', $dbSQLFilePath); $tar->addModify($listFilesAndFolders, ''); SJB_Filesystem::delete($export_files_dir . $dbSQLFilePath . $name); break; case 'files': $tar->addModify("{$installFilePath}install.php", '', $installFilePath); $tar->addModify($listFilesAndFolders, ''); break; case 'database': $tar->addModify($dbSQLFilePath . $listFilesAndFolders, '', $dbSQLFilePath); SJB_Filesystem::delete($export_files_dir . $dbSQLFilePath . $listFilesAndFolders); break; } chdir($old_path); return true; }
public function regenerate($destroy = false) { if (!self::$regenerated) { session_regenerate_id($destroy); self::$regenerated = true; } }
public function init() { $this->_logger = Zend_Registry::get('logger'); $this->_storage = SessionStorage::getInstance(); $this->_user = new User(); $this->view->loggedIn = $this->_user->loggedIn; $this->view->active = $this->_storage->project; }
function __construct() { $this->_storage = SessionStorage::getInstance(); if (isset($this->_storage->path->fileName)) { $this->_pathname = $this->_storage->path->filePath; $this->_name = $this->_storage->path->fileName; } }
/** * Constructor recreates current directory array */ function __construct() { $this->_logger = Zend_Registry::get('logger'); $this->_storage = SessionStorage::getInstance(); $this->_pathBase = $this->_storage->getDataPath(); //$this->_logger->log($this->_pathBase, Zend_Log::INFO); $this->_dirArray = $this->_storage->getDirArray(); $this->_updatePath(); }
static function sread($id) { $sessionconn = self::get_sessionconn(); if (!$sessionconn) { return false; } $sql = "SELECT 1,`value` FROM `sessions` WHERE `sessionid` = '{$id}'"; $result = $sessionconn->query($sql); if (mysqli_error($sessionconn) || !$result || !mysqli_num_rows($result)) { return false; } self::$data = $result->fetch_assoc(); return stripslashes(self::$data['value']); }
/** * Constructor * * @access protected * @param array $options optional parameters */ public function __construct($options = array()) { parent::__construct($options); $params = $options; $this->_compress = isset($params['compression']) ? $params['compression'] : 0; $this->_persistent = isset($params['persistent']) ? $params['persistent'] : false; // This will be an array of loveliness if (array_key_exists('servers', $params)) { $this->_servers = $params['servers']; } if ($params['cache']) { $this->_db = $params['cache']; } }
/** * Initialize this Storage. * * @param Context A Context instance. * @param array An associative array of initialization parameters. * * @return bool true, if initialization completes successfully, otherwise * false. * * @throws <b>InitializationException</b> If an error occurs while * initializing this Storage. * * @author Sean Kerr ( * @since 3.0.0 */ public function initialize($context, $parameters = null) { // disable auto_start $this->setParameter('auto_start', false); // initialize the parent parent::initialize($context, $parameters); if (!$this->hasParameter('db_table')) { // missing required 'db_table' parameter $error = 'Factory configuration file is missing required ' . '"db_table" parameter for the Storage category'; throw new InitializationException($error); } // use this object as the session handler session_set_save_handler(array($this, 'sessionOpen'), array($this, 'sessionClose'), array($this, 'sessionRead'), array($this, 'sessionWrite'), array($this, 'sessionDestroy'), array($this, 'sessionGC')); // start our session session_start(); }
/** * @covers Cart\SessionStorage::exportToDB * @todo Implement testExportToDB(). */ public function testExportToDB() { /** Save to storage * */ $this->object->setData(NULL); /** Sproduct array * */ $data["SProducts_71_82"] = array('instance' => 'SProducts', 'id' => 82, 'quantity' => 5); /** ShopKit array * */ $data['ShopKit_16'] = array('instance' => 'ShopKit', 'id' => 16, 'quantity' => 5); /** Save to storage * */ $this->object->setData($data); /** Login **/ doLogin(); /** Clear database storage **/ $dbStorage = new \Cart\DBStorage(); $dbStorage->setData(NULL); $result = (bool) $this->object->exportToDB(); $this->assertTrue($result); }
private function makeFullBackup($identifier, $scriptPath, $dirSeparator) { SessionStorage::write('backup_' . $identifier, serialize(array('last_time' => time()))); $backupDir = $scriptPath; $name = 'db.sql'; SJB_Backup::dump($name, $scriptPath, $identifier); $d = dir($scriptPath); $contentDir = array(); $folders = array('.', '..', 'backup', '.svn', '.settings', '.cache', 'restore', $name); while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) { if (!in_array($entry, $folders)) { $contentDir[] = $entry; } } $listFilesAndFolders = !empty($contentDir) ? $contentDir : false; $backupName = 'full_backup_' . date('Y_m_d__H_i') . '.tar.gz'; $exportFilesDirName = '..' . $dirSeparator; if (SJB_Backup::archive($name, $listFilesAndFolders, $backupDir, $exportFilesDirName, $backupName, true, $identifier, 'full')) { SessionStorage::write('backup_' . $identifier, serialize(array('name' => $backupName))); } if (SJB_System::getSettingByName('ftp_backup')) { $this->sendBackupToFtp($scriptPath . 'backup' . $dirSeparator . $backupName, $backupName); } }
public function execute() { ini_set('max_execution_time', 0); $errors = array(); $tp = SJB_System::getTemplateProcessor(); $action = SJB_Request::getVar('action', false); $dir_separator = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $script_path = explode(SJB_System::getSystemSettings('SYSTEM_URL_BASE'), __FILE__); $script_path = array_shift($script_path); $identifier = SJB_Request::getVar('identifier', time()); $filename = SJB_Request::getVar('filename', false); $settings = array(); if ($filename) { SJB_Backup::sendArchiveFile($filename, $script_path . 'backup' . $dir_separator . $filename); } if (SJB_Request::getVar('action') == "save") { $expPeriod = SJB_Request::getVar('backup_expired_period'); if (!empty($expPeriod) && (!is_numeric($expPeriod) || $expPeriod < 0)) { $errors[] = 'EXP_PERIOD_NOT_VALID'; } $ftpValid = $this->isFTPDataValid(); if (SJB_Request::getVar('autobackup', false) && SJB_Request::getVar('ftp_backup', false) && !$ftpValid) { $errors[] = 'FTP_DETAILS_NOT_VALID'; } if (empty($errors)) { $backupSettings = $_REQUEST; foreach ($backupSettings as $setting => $value) { if (!SJB_Settings::saveSetting($setting, $value)) { $errors['SETTINGS_SAVED_WITH_PROBLEMS'] = "SETTINGS_SAVED_WITH_PROBLEMS"; } } if (empty($errors)) { $tp->assign('successSaveMessage', true); } } else { $settings = $_REQUEST; } } switch ($action) { case 'backup': if (SJB_System::getSystemSettings('isDemo')) { $i18N = SJB_I18N::getInstance(); $str = $i18N->gettext('Backend', 'Error: You don\'t have permissions for it. This is a Demo version of the software.'); SJB_Session::setValue('error', $str); break; } if (SJB_System::getIfTrialModeIsOn() && $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] != "") { $i18N = SJB_I18N::getInstance(); $str = $i18N->gettext('Backend', 'Error: You don\'t have permissions for it. This is a Trial version of the software.'); SJB_Session::setValue('error', $str); break; } SessionStorage::destroy('backup_' . $identifier); SessionStorage::write('backup_' . $identifier, serialize(array('last_time' => time()))); SJB_Session::unsetValue('restore'); SJB_Session::unsetValue('error'); $backup_type = SJB_Request::getVar('backup_type'); $backupDir = $script_path . 'backup' . $dir_separator; try { $this->prepareBackupDir($backupDir); } catch (Exception $e) { SJB_Session::setValue('error', $e->getMessage()); exit; } switch ($backup_type) { case 'full': SessionStorage::write('backup_' . $identifier, serialize(array('last_time' => time()))); $backupDir = $script_path; $name = 'db.sql'; SJB_Backup::dump($name, $script_path, $identifier); $d = dir($script_path); $contentDir = array(); $folders = array('.', '..', 'backup', '.svn', '.settings', '.cache', 'restore', $name); while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) { if (!in_array($entry, $folders)) { $contentDir[] = $entry; } } $listFilesAndFolders = !empty($contentDir) ? $contentDir : false; $backupName = 'full_backup_' . date('Y_m_d__H_i') . '.tar.gz'; $export_files_dir_name = '..' . $dir_separator; if (SJB_Backup::archive($name, $listFilesAndFolders, $backupDir, $export_files_dir_name, $backupName, true, $identifier, 'full')) { SessionStorage::write('backup_' . $identifier, serialize(array('name' => $backupName))); } exit; break; case 'database': SessionStorage::write('backup_' . $identifier, serialize(array('last_time' => time()))); $name = 'db.sql'; $backupName = 'mysqldump_' . date('Y_m_d__H_i') . '.tar.gz'; $export_files_dir_name = '../backup' . $dir_separator; SJB_Backup::dump($name, $script_path, $identifier); if (SJB_Backup::archive(false, $name, $script_path, $export_files_dir_name, $backupName, false, $identifier, 'database')) { SessionStorage::write('backup_' . $identifier, serialize(array('name' => $backupName))); } exit; break; case 'files': SessionStorage::write('backup_' . $identifier, serialize(array('last_time' => time()))); $backupDir = $script_path; $d = dir($script_path); $contentDir = array(); $folders = array('.', '..', 'backup', '.svn', '.settings', '.cache', 'restore'); while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) { if (!in_array($entry, $folders)) { $contentDir[] = $entry; } } $listFilesAndFolders = !empty($contentDir) ? $contentDir : false; $backupName = 'backup_' . date('Y_m_d__H_i') . '.tar.gz'; $export_files_dir_name = '..' . $dir_separator; if (SJB_Backup::archive(false, $listFilesAndFolders, $backupDir, $export_files_dir_name, $backupName, true, $identifier, 'files')) { SessionStorage::write('backup_' . $identifier, serialize(array('name' => $backupName))); } exit; break; } break; case 'restore': if (SJB_System::getSystemSettings('isDemo')) { SJB_Session::setValue('error', 'Error: You don\'t have permissions for it. This is a Demo version of the software.'); exit; } if (SJB_System::getIfTrialModeIsOn()) { SJB_Session::setValue('error', 'Error: You don\'t have permissions for it. This is a Trial version of the software.'); exit; } SJB_Session::unsetValue('restore'); SJB_Session::unsetValue('error'); $error = false; $restoreDir = $script_path . 'restore' . $dir_separator; try { $fileName = $this->moveUploadedFile($restoreDir); $tar = new Archive_Tar($restoreDir . $fileName, 'gz'); $tar->_error_class = 'SJB_PEAR_Exception'; $tar->extractList('db.sql', $restoreDir); $tar->extract($script_path); if (is_file($restoreDir . 'db.sql')) { SJB_Backup::restore_base_tables($restoreDir . 'db.sql'); } SJB_Cache::getInstance()->clean(); } catch (Exception $ex) { $error = $ex->getMessage(); } SJB_Filesystem::delete($restoreDir); if (is_file($script_path . 'install.php')) { SJB_Filesystem::delete($script_path . 'install.php'); } if ($error) { SJB_Session::setValue('error', $error); } else { SJB_Session::setValue('restore', 1); } exit; break; case 'send_archive': $name = SJB_Request::getVar('name', false); $archive_file_path = SJB_Path::combine(SJB_BASE_DIR . 'backup' . $dir_separator, $name); if ($name) { SJB_Backup::sendArchiveFile($name, $archive_file_path); } break; case 'check': $sessionBackup = SessionStorage::read('backup_' . $identifier); $sessionBackup = $sessionBackup ? unserialize($sessionBackup) : array(); $sessionRestore = SJB_Session::getValue('restore'); $sessionError = SJB_Session::getValue('error'); if (!empty($sessionBackup['name'])) { $name = $sessionBackup['name']; SessionStorage::destroy('backup_' . $identifier); echo SJB_System::getSystemSettings('SITE_URL') . "/backup/?action=send_archive&name={$name}"; exit; } elseif (!empty($sessionRestore)) { SJB_Session::unsetValue('restore'); echo SJB_System::getSystemSettings('SITE_URL') . '/backup/#restore'; exit; } elseif (!empty($sessionError)) { echo 'Error'; if (SJB_System::getSystemSettings('isDemo')) { echo ': You don\'t have permissions for it. This is a Demo version of the software.'; } if (SJB_System::getIfTrialModeIsOn()) { echo ': You don\'t have permissions for it. This is a Trial version of the software.'; } exit; } elseif (!empty($sessionBackup['last_time'])) { $period = (time() - $sessionBackup['last_time']) / 60; if ($period < 5) { echo 1; } else { SJB_Session::setValue('error', 'The backup generation process was unexpectedly interrupted. Please try again.'); echo 'error'; } exit; } else { echo 1; } exit; break; case 'delete_backup': $name = SJB_Request::getVar('name', false); if ($name) { $backup = $script_path . 'backup' . $dir_separator . $name; if (is_file($backup)) { SJB_Filesystem::delete($backup); SJB_Autobackup::deleteFileFromFtp($name); } else { $errors['FILE_NOT_FOUND'] = 1; } } $tp->assign('errors', $errors); $tp->assign('delBackup', 1); case 'created_backups': $path = $script_path . 'backup' . $dir_separator; if (is_dir($path)) { $di = new DirectoryIterator($path); $backupsArr = array(); foreach ($di as $file) { $fileName = $file->getFilename(); if (!$file->isDir() && !$file->isLink() && $fileName != '.htaccess') { $cTime = $file->getCTime(); $backupsArr[$cTime]['name'] = $fileName; if (preg_match('/mysqldump/', $fileName)) { $backupsArr[$cTime]['type'] = 'Site database only'; } elseif (preg_match('/full_backup/', $fileName)) { $backupsArr[$cTime]['type'] = 'Full site backup'; } elseif (preg_match('/backup/', $fileName)) { $backupsArr[$cTime]['type'] = 'Site files only'; } else { $backupsArr[$cTime]['type'] = 'Unknown'; } $pattern = '/(\\w+)_(\\d+)_(\\d+)_(\\d+)__(\\d+)_(\\d+).tar.gz/i'; $replacement = '$2-$3-$4 $5:$6'; $backupsArr[$cTime]['date'] = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $fileName); } } krsort($backupsArr); $tp->assign('created_backups', $backupsArr); } $tp->display('created_backups.tpl'); exit; break; case 'error': $sessionError = SJB_Session::getValue('error'); if (!is_null($sessionError)) { echo '<p class="error">' . $sessionError . '</p>'; exit; } break; } if (empty($settings)) { $settings = SJB_Settings::getSettings(); } $tp->assign('errors', $errors); $tp->assign('settings', $settings); $tp->assign('identifier', $identifier); $tp->assign("uploadMaxFilesize", SJB_UploadFileManager::getIniUploadMaxFilesize()); $tp->display('backup.tpl'); }
function __construct() { $this->_db = Zend_Registry::get('dbAdapter'); $this->_storage = SessionStorage::getInstance(); $this->init(); }
public function cloneRepo($name, $email, $owner, $uid) { $ownerPath2 = substr($this->_worktree, 0, -strlen(strrchr($this->_worktree, '/'))); $ownerPath = substr($ownerPath2, 0, -strlen(strrchr($ownerPath2, '/'))) . '/' . $owner . '/'; $clonePath = SessionStorage::getInstance()->getGitClonePath(); $properPath = $this->_worktree; //worktree needs to be set up for ssh based git shells $this->_worktree = $clonePath; chdir($this->_worktree); $target = $uid; $this->_logger->log($clonePath, Zend_Log::INFO); $this->_logger->log($target, Zend_Log::INFO); $result = $this->_run(self::cloneRepo, array($ownerPath, $target)); //after running clone the proper user folder should exist now $this->_worktree = $properPath; chdir($this->_worktree); $this->_run(self::config_name, $name); $this->_run(self::config_email, $email); }
public function setData($name, $value) { if ($this->isStarted()) { $this->storage->setData($this->id, $name, $value); } }
/** * @return array|null */ public function fetchCurrentUser() { if (!$this->userLoggedIn()) { return null; } $username = SessionStorage::getValue('username'); return $this->_db->fetchOne('users', ['username' => $username]); }