function __construct(Dao_Factory $daoFactory, Services_Settings_Container $settings)
     $this->_daoFactory = $daoFactory;
     $this->_settings = $settings;
     $this->_nntp_post = new Services_Nntp_SpotPosting(Services_Nntp_EnginePool::pool($settings, 'post'));
     $this->_nntp_hdr = new Services_Nntp_SpotReading(Services_Nntp_EnginePool::pool($settings, 'hdr'));
Example #2
 function render()
     # Check users' permissions
     $this->_spotSec->fatalPermCheck(SpotSecurity::spotsec_view_spotimage, '');
     $settings_nntp_hdr = $this->_settings->get('nntp_hdr');
     # Did the user request an SpeedDial image?
     if (isset($this->_image['type']) && $this->_image['type'] == 'speeddial') {
         $svcActn_SpeedDial = new Services_Actions_SpeedDial($this->_daoFactory, $this->_spotSec, $this->_tplHelper);
         $data = $svcActn_SpeedDial->createSpeedDialImage($this->_currentSession['user']['userid'], $settings_nntp_hdr['host']);
     } elseif (isset($this->_image['type']) && $this->_image['type'] == 'statistics') {
         /* Check whether the user has view statistics permissions */
         $this->_spotSec->fatalPermCheck(SpotSecurity::spotsec_view_statistics, '');
         $graph = isset($this->_image['graph']) ? $this->_image['graph'] : false;
         $limit = isset($this->_image['limit']) ? $this->_image['limit'] : false;
         # init
         $svcPrv_Stats = new Services_Providers_Statistics($this->_daoFactory->getSpotDao(), $this->_daoFactory->getCacheDao(), $this->_daoFactory->getUsenetStateDao()->getLastUpdate(Dao_UsenetState::State_Spots));
         $data = $svcPrv_Stats->renderStatImage($graph, $limit);
     } elseif (isset($this->_image['type']) && $this->_image['type'] == 'avatar') {
         # Check users' permissions
         $this->_spotSec->fatalPermCheck(SpotSecurity::spotsec_view_spotimage, 'avatar');
         $providerSpotImage = new Services_Providers_CommentImage(new Services_Providers_Http($this->_daoFactory->getCacheDao()));
         $data = $providerSpotImage->fetchGravatarImage($this->_image);
     } else {
         $svc_nntpnzb_engine = Services_Nntp_EnginePool::pool($this->_settings, 'bin');
          * Retrieve the full spot, we need it to be able to retrieve the image
         $svcActn_GetSpot = new Services_Actions_GetSpot($this->_settings, $this->_daoFactory, $this->_spotSec);
         $fullSpot = $svcActn_GetSpot->getFullSpot($this->_currentSession, $this->_messageid, false);
          * Actually retrieve the image 
         $providerSpotImage = new Services_Providers_SpotImage(new Services_Providers_Http($this->_daoFactory->getCacheDao()), new Services_Nntp_SpotReading($svc_nntpnzb_engine), $this->_daoFactory->getCacheDao());
         $data = $providerSpotImage->fetchSpotImage($fullSpot);
     # else
     # Images are allowed to be cached on the client unless the provider explicitly told us not to
     if (isset($data['ttl']) && $data['ttl'] > 0) {
     } else {
     # else
     header("Content-Type: " . image_type_to_mime_type($data['metadata']['imagetype']));
     header("Content-Length: " . strlen($data['content']));
     echo $data['content'];
Example #3
 function render()
     # Check the users' basic rights
     $this->_spotSec->fatalPermCheck(SpotSecurity::spotsec_retrieve_nzb, '');
      * If the user has configured download integration, make sure the user has
      * permission for this specific download integration
     if ($this->_action != 'display') {
         $this->_spotSec->fatalPermCheck(SpotSecurity::spotsec_download_integration, $this->_action);
     # if
      * Create the different NNTP components
     $svcBinSpotReading = new Services_Nntp_SpotReading(Services_Nntp_EnginePool::pool($this->_settings, 'bin'));
     $svcTextSpotReading = new Services_Nntp_SpotReading(Services_Nntp_EnginePool::pool($this->_settings, 'hdr'));
     $svcProvNzb = new Services_Providers_Nzb($this->_daoFactory->getCacheDao(), $svcBinSpotReading);
     $svcProvSpot = new Services_Providers_FullSpot($this->_daoFactory, $svcTextSpotReading);
     # We do not want NZB files to be cached on the client
     try {
         if ($this->_action == 'display') {
         # if
         $svcActnNzb = new Services_Actions_DownloadNzb($this->_settings, $this->_daoFactory);
         $svcActnNzb->handleNzbAction($this->_messageid, $this->_currentSession, $this->_action, $svcProvSpot, $svcProvNzb);
         if ($this->_action != 'display') {
             $result = new Dto_FormResult('success');
             $this->template('jsonresult', array('result' => $result));
         # if
     } catch (Exception $x) {
         $result = new Dto_FormResult('notsubmitted');
         $this->template('jsonresult', array('result' => $result));
     # catch
 function __construct(Dao_Factory $daoFactory, Services_Settings_Container $settings, $force, $retro)
     $this->_daoFactory = $daoFactory;
     $this->_settings = $settings;
     $this->_retro = $retro;
     $this->_force = $force;
     $this->_textServer = $settings->get('nntp_hdr');
     $this->_binServer = $settings->get('nntp_nzb');
      * Create the specific DAO objects
     $this->_usenetStateDao = $daoFactory->getUsenetStateDao();
      * Create the service objects for both the NNTP binary group and the
      * textnews group. We only create a basic NNTP_Engine object, but we 
      * don't create any higher level objects
     $this->_svcNntpText = Services_Nntp_EnginePool::pool($this->_settings, 'hdr');
     $this->_svcNntpBin = Services_Nntp_EnginePool::pool($this->_settings, 'bin');
 function getFullSpot(array $currentSession, $msgId, $markAsRead)
     # Make sure user has access to the spot
     $this->_spotSec->fatalPermCheck(SpotSecurity::spotsec_view_spotdetail, '');
     $svcNntpSpotReading = new Services_Nntp_SpotReading(Services_Nntp_EnginePool::pool($this->_settings, 'hdr'));
     $svcProvFullSpot = new Services_Providers_FullSpot($this->_daoFactory->getSpotDao(), $svcNntpSpotReading);
     $fullSpot = $svcProvFullSpot->fetchFullSpot($msgId, $currentSession['user']['userid']);
     # seen list
     if ($markAsRead) {
         if ($this->_spotSec->allowed(SpotSecurity::spotsec_keep_own_seenlist, '')) {
             if ($currentSession['user']['prefs']['keep_seenlist']) {
                  * Always update the seen stamp, this is used for viewing new comments
                  * and the likes
                 $this->_daoFactory->getSpotStateListDao()->addtoSeenList($msgId, $currentSession['user']['userid']);
             # if
         # if allowed
     # if
     return $fullSpot;
Example #6
 $cacheDao = $daoFactory->getCacheDao();
 if (!is_dir('./cache')) {
     mkdir('./cache', 0777);
 # if
  * Now try to get all current cache items
 $dbConnection = $daoFactory->getConnection();
  * Initialize the NZB retrieval provider
 $svcFullSpot = new Services_Providers_FullSpot($daoFactory->getSpotDao(), new Services_Nntp_SpotReading(Services_Nntp_EnginePool::pool($settings, 'hdr')));
 $svcNzb = new Services_Providers_Nzb($cacheDao, new Services_Nntp_SpotReading(Services_Nntp_EnginePool::pool($settings, 'bin')));
 $svcPrvHttp = new Services_Providers_Http($cacheDao);
 $svcImage = new Services_Providers_SpotImage($svcPrvHttp, new Services_Nntp_SpotReading(Services_Nntp_EnginePool::pool($settings, 'bin')), $cacheDao);
 $counter = 0;
 while (true) {
     echo "Validating cache content, items " . ($counter - 1) * 1000 . ' to ' . $counter * 1000;
     $results = $dbConnection->arrayQuery("SELECT * FROM cache LIMIT 1001 OFFSET " . ($counter - 1) * 1000);
     foreach ($results as $cacheItem) {
         $cacheItem['metadata'] = unserialize($cacheItem['metadata']);
         try {
             $cacheDao->getCacheContent($cacheItem['id'], $cacheItem['cachetype'], $cacheItem['metadata']);
         } catch (CacheIsCorruptException $x) {
             echo PHP_EOL . '  Trying to fetch #' . $cacheItem['id'] . ' for ' . $cacheItem['resourceid'] . ' again, ';
             switch ($cacheItem['cachetype']) {
                 case Dao_Cache::SpotNzb:
                     try {
                         $fullSpot = $svcFullSpot->fetchFullSpot($cacheItem['resourceid'], 1);
 public function getSpotComments($msgId, $userId, $start, $length, $language)
     # Check users' permissions
     $this->_spotSec->fatalPermCheck(SpotSecurity::spotsec_view_comments, '');
     $svcNntpSpotReading = new Services_Nntp_SpotReading(Services_Nntp_EnginePool::pool($this->_settings, 'hdr'));
     $svcProvComments = new Services_Providers_Comments($this->_daoFactory->getCommentDao(), $svcNntpSpotReading);
     $tryTranslate = Services_Actions_GetComments::nativeLanguage !== $language;
      * Basically we are retrieving the comments from the database, for them to be translated
      * if necessary
     $comments = $svcProvComments->fetchSpotComments($msgId, $userId, $start, $length);
     if (!$tryTranslate) {
         return $comments;
     # if
      * In our cache, we store an key => value pair with the original string and
      * the translation, so we can do very quick lookups.
     $toBeTranslated = array();
     $translated = $this->_cacheDao->getCachedTranslatedComments($msgId, $language);
     if ($translated === false) {
         $translated = array();
     # if
     foreach ($comments as &$comment) {
         $tmpBody = $comment['body'];
         if (isset($translated[$tmpBody])) {
             $comment['body_translated'] = $translated[$tmpBody];
         } else {
             $toBeTranslated[] = $comment;
         # else
     # foreach
      * Actually translate our list of comments, and merge
      * them with the actual comments
     if (!empty($toBeTranslated)) {
         $svcTranslate = new Services_Translation_Microsoft($this->_settings, $this->_cacheDao);
         if (!$svcTranslate->isAvailable()) {
             return $comments;
         # if
         $translations = $svcTranslate->translateMultiple($language, $toBeTranslated, 'body');
          * copy the translations into the cache
         if (!empty($translations)) {
             foreach ($translations as $v) {
                 $tmpBody = $v['body'];
                 $translated[$tmpBody] = $v['body_translated'];
             # foreach
              * Convert the comments once again
             foreach ($comments as &$comment) {
                 $tmpBody = $comment['body'];
                 if (isset($translated[$tmpBody])) {
                     $comment['body_translated'] = $translated[$tmpBody];
                 # else
             # foreach
         # if
          * and save the translated bodies into the cache
         $this->_cacheDao->saveTranslatedCommentCache($msgId, $language, $translated);
     # if
     return $comments;