Example #1
 function render()
     # Make sure the result is set to 'not comitted' per default
     $result = new Dto_FormResult('notsubmitted');
     # Validate proper permissions
     $this->_spotSec->fatalPermCheck(SpotSecurity::spotsec_post_comment, '');
     $spotParseUtil = new Services_Format_Util();
     $spotSigning = Services_Signing_Base::factory();
     $svcUserRecord = new Services_User_Record($this->_daoFactory, $this->_settings);
      * Make sure we have the template for the comment form
      * so our view can always render properties
     $comment = array('body' => '', 'rating' => 0, 'inreplyto' => $this->_inReplyTo, 'newmessageid' => '', 'randomstr' => '');
     # set the page title
     $this->_pageTitle = "spot: post comment";
      * bring the forms' action into the local scope for 
      * easier access
     $formAction = $this->_commentForm['action'];
     if ($formAction == 'post') {
         # Make sure we use valid forms
         $comment = array_merge($comment, $this->_commentForm);
         # validate whether we can post comments, if so, do this
         $svcPostComment = new Services_Posting_Comment($this->_daoFactory, $this->_settings);
         $result = $svcPostComment->postComment($svcUserRecord, $this->_currentSession['user'], $comment);
         if ($result->isSuccess()) {
             /* Format the body so we can have smilies and stuff be shown in the template */
             $tmpBody = $this->_tplHelper->formatContent($comment['body']);
             /* Try to create the avatar */
             if (!empty($this->_currentSession['user']['avatar'])) {
                 $comment['user-avatar'] = $this->_currentSession['user']['avatar'];
             } else {
                 $comment['user-key'] = $spotSigning->getPublicKey($this->_currentSession['user']['publickey']);
             # else
             $commentImage = $this->_tplHelper->makeCommenterImageUrl($comment);
             /* and return the result to the system */
             $result->addData('user', $this->_currentSession['user']['username']);
             $result->addData('spotterid', $spotParseUtil->calculateSpotterId($comment['user-key']['modulo']));
             $result->addData('rating', $comment['rating']);
             $result->addData('body', $tmpBody);
             $result->addData('commentimage', $commentImage);
         # if
     # if
     #- display stuff -#
     $this->template('postcomment', array('postcommentform' => $comment, 'result' => $result));
Example #2
 function render()
     # Make sure the result is set to 'not comited' per default
     $result = new Dto_FormResult('notsubmitted');
     # Validate proper permissions
     $this->_spotSec->fatalPermCheck(SpotSecurity::spotsec_post_spot, '');
     # Sportparser is nodig voor het escapen van de random string
     $spotParseUtil = new Services_Format_Util();
     # we need the spotuser system
     $svcUserRecord = new Services_User_Record($this->_daoFactory, $this->_settings);
      * Create a default form so we can be sure to always be able
      * to render the form without notices or whatever
     $spot = array('title' => '', 'body' => '', 'category' => 0, 'subcata' => '', 'subcatb' => array(), 'subcatc' => array(), 'subcatd' => array(), 'subcatz' => '', 'tag' => '', 'website' => '', 'newmessageid' => '', 'randomstr' => '');
      * bring the forms' action into the local scope for 
      * easier access
     $formAction = $this->_spotForm['action'];
     # set the page title
     $this->_pageTitle = "spot: post";
     # Make sure all variables are merged with the default form
     $spot = array_merge($spot, $this->_spotForm);
     # If user tried to submit, validate the file uploads
     $nzbFilename = '';
     $imgFilename = '';
     if ($formAction == 'post') {
         # Make sure an NZB file was provided
         $uploadHandler = new Services_Providers_FileUpload('newspotform', 'nzbfile');
         if (!$uploadHandler->isUploaded()) {
             $result->addError(_('Please select NZB file'));
         } elseif (!$uploadHandler->success()) {
             $result->addError(_('Invalid NZB file') . ' (' . $uploadHandler->errorText() . ')');
         } else {
             $nzbFilename = $uploadHandler->getTempName();
         # if
         # Make sure an picture was provided
         $uploadHandler = new Services_Providers_FileUpload('newspotform', 'imagefile');
         if (!$uploadHandler->isUploaded()) {
             $result->addError(_('Please select a picture'));
         } elseif (!$uploadHandler->success()) {
             $result->addError(_('Invalid picture') . ' (' . $uploadHandler->errorText() . ')');
         } else {
             $imgFilename = $uploadHandler->getTempName();
         # if
     # if
     if ($formAction == 'post' && $result->isSuccess()) {
         # Initialize notificatiesystem
         $spotsNotifications = new SpotNotifications($this->_daoFactory, $this->_settings, $this->_currentSession);
         # Make sure we can post this spot, if so, make it happen
         $svcPostSpot = new Services_Posting_Spot($this->_daoFactory, $this->_settings);
         $result = $svcPostSpot->postSpot($svcUserRecord, $this->_currentSession['user'], $spot, $imgFilename, $nzbFilename);
         if ($result->isSuccess()) {
             $result->addData('user', $this->_currentSession['user']['username']);
             $result->addData('spotterid', $spotParseUtil->calculateSpotterId($this->_currentSession['user']['publickey']['modulo']));
             # en send a notification
         # if
     # if
     #- display stuff -#
     $this->template('newspot', array('postspotform' => $spot, 'result' => $result));