Example #1
 public static function __getInstance()
     if (self::$instance == null) {
         self::$instance = new self();
     return self::$instance;
Example #2
  * list servers
  * @param resource the SQL result
  * @return string the rendered text
  * @see layouts/layout.php
 function layout($result)
     global $context;
     // empty list
     if (!SQL::count($result)) {
         $output = array();
         return $output;
     // we return an array of ($url => $attributes)
     $items = array();
     // process all items in the list
     while ($item = SQL::fetch($result)) {
         // initialize variables
         $prefix = $suffix = $icon = '';
         // the url to view this item
         $url = Servers::get_url($item['id']);
         // use the title as a label
         $label = Skin::strip($item['title'], 10);
         // list all components for this item
         $items[$url] = array($prefix, $label, $suffix, 'server', $icon);
     // end of processing
     return $items;
Example #3
  * Add or Remove an order item to/from a server
  * @param integer $orderItemID
  * @param integer $serverID
 private static function doAddRemove($orderItemID, $serverID, $action = '')
     $ret = false;
     if (is_numeric($orderItemID) && is_numeric($serverID) && ($action == 'add' || $action == 'remove')) {
         $serverID = intval($serverID);
         $itemID = intval($orderItemID);
         if ($action == 'remove') {
             $record = self::findByServerAndItem($serverID, $itemID);
             $ret = true;
         } else {
             $order = OrdersItems::find($orderItemID, 'order_id', true);
             if (!empty($order) && is_array($order) && count($order) > 0) {
                 $order = $order[0];
                 if (!isset($order['order_id']) || intval($order['order_id']) == 0) {
                     $ret = false;
                 $orderID = intval($order['order_id']);
                 $OrdersItemsServers = new self();
                 $OrdersItemsServers->server_id = $serverID;
                 $OrdersItemsServers->order_id = $orderID;
                 $OrdersItemsServers->orderitem_id = $itemID;
                 $ret = true;
         // Always update server stats
         $Server = Servers::find($serverID);
         $Server->services = OrdersItemsServers::countByServerId($serverID);
         return $ret;
     return false;
Example #4
 public function __construct($id)
     $server = Servers::model()->findByPK($id);
     $http = new http();
     $this->moment = new moment($http, array('server_ip' => $server->ip, 'server_port' => $server->s_port, 'web_port' => $server->w_port));
Example #5
  * Save all the data
  * @param array $params
 public static function saveAll(array $params)
     if (!empty($params['server_id']) && is_numeric($params['server_id'])) {
         $server = Doctrine::getTable('Servers')->find($params['server_id']);
     } else {
         $server = new Servers();
     $server->name = $params['name'];
     $server->ip = $params['ip'];
     $server->netmask = $params['netmask'];
     $server->host = $params['host'];
     $server->domain = $params['domain'];
     $server->description = $params['description'];
     $server->status_id = intval($params['status_id']);
     $server->isp_id = intval($params['isp_id']);
     $server->type_id = intval($params['type_id']);
     $server->panel_id = intval($params['panel_id']) ? intval($params['panel_id']) : null;
     $server->cost = isset($params['cost']) && is_numeric($params['cost']) ? $params['cost'] : 0;
     $server->max_services = isset($params['max_services']) ? intval($params['max_services']) : 0;
     $server->datacenter = isset($params['datacenter']) ? $params['datacenter'] : '';
     $server->is_default = isset($params['is_default']) ? intval($params['is_default']) : 0;
     $server->buy_date = Shineisp_Commons_Utilities::formatDateIn($params['buy_date']);
     // TODO: clear other default servers for the same group. Only one server can be default in the group
     return $server['server_id'];
Example #6
 public static function uptime($obj)
     if ($obj->attemps > 0) {
         Servers::pure(round($obj->success / $obj->attemps * 100, 3) . ' %');
     } else {
         echo 'Not checking yet';
Example #7
  * list servers
  * @param resource the SQL result
  * @return string the rendered text
  * @see layouts/layout.php
 function layout($result)
     global $context;
     // empty list
     if (!SQL::count($result)) {
         $output = array();
         return $output;
     // we return an array of ($url => $attributes)
     $items = array();
     // process all items in the list
     while ($item = SQL::fetch($result)) {
         // initialize variables
         $prefix = $suffix = $icon = '';
         // the url to view this item
         $url = Servers::get_url($item['id']);
         // use the title as a label
         $label = Skin::strip($item['title'], 10);
         // flag files uploaded recently
         if ($item['edit_date'] >= $context['fresh']) {
             $prefix = NEW_FLAG . $prefix;
         // description
         if ($item['description']) {
             $suffix .= ' ' . ucfirst(trim($item['description']));
         // the menu bar for associates and poster
         if (Surfer::is_empowered() || Surfer::is($item['edit_id'])) {
             $menu = array(Servers::get_url($item['id'], 'edit') => i18n::s('Edit'), Servers::get_url($item['id'], 'delete') => i18n::s('Delete'));
             $suffix .= ' ' . Skin::build_list($menu, 'menu');
         // add a separator
         if ($suffix) {
             $suffix = ' - ' . $suffix;
         // append details to the suffix
         $suffix .= BR . '<span class="details">';
         // details
         $details = array();
         // item poster
         if ($item['edit_name']) {
             $details[] = sprintf(i18n::s('edited by %s %s'), Users::get_link($item['edit_name'], $item['edit_address'], $item['edit_id']), Skin::build_date($item['edit_date']));
         // the edition date
         $details[] = Skin::build_date($item['edit_date']);
         // all details
         if (count($details)) {
             $suffix .= ucfirst(implode(', ', $details)) . "\n";
         // end of details
         $suffix .= '</span>';
         // list all components for this item
         $items[$url] = array($prefix, $label, $suffix, 'server', $icon);
     // end of processing
     return $items;
 public function actionDelete()
     if (Servers::model()->deleteByPk($_GET['id'])) {
         Yii::app()->user->setFlash('success', "Deleted!");
     } else {
         Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', "Error!");
 public function actionCreate()
     $data = $_POST;
     // clean input here
     $data['application_id'] = trim($data['application_id']);
     $data['server_id'] = trim($data['server_id']);
     $data['application_path'] = trim($data['application_path']);
     $data['application_log'] = trim($data['application_log']);
     if (!empty($data)) {
         $errors = array();
         // server is required
         if (strlen($data['server_id']) == 0) {
             array_push($errors, 'SERVER_ERROR: Please choose a server');
             // server chosen does not exist
         } else {
             if (!Servers::model()->exists('server_id=:server_id', array(':server_id' => $data['server_id']))) {
                 array_push($errors, 'SERVER_ERROR: Server does not exist');
                 // server is taken
             } else {
                 if (ApplicationServers::model()->findByPk(array('server_id' => $data['server_id'], 'application_id' => $data['application_id'])) != null) {
                     array_push($errors, 'SERVER_ERROR: The application is already in this server');
                     // check if application is already in a server of the same type
                 } else {
                     if ($data['check_duplicate'] == 'true') {
                         $duplicate_type = Servers::model()->findAll(array('join' => 'JOIN application_servers a ON t.server_id = a.server_id', 'condition' => 'a.application_id=:application_id AND t.server_type=:server_type', 'params' => array('application_id' => $data['application_id'], 'server_type' => $data['server_type'])));
                         if (count($duplicate_type) != 0) {
                             array_push($errors, 'DUPLICATE_ERROR: The application is already in a server of the same type.');
         //data is good
         if (count($errors) == 0) {
             $app_server = new ApplicationServers();
             $app_server->application_id = $data['application_id'];
             $app_server->server_id = $data['server_id'];
             $app_server->application_path = $data['application_path'];
             $app_server->application_log = $data['application_log'];
             $app_server->date_created = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
             $app_server->date_updated = '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
             $app_server->created_by = Yii::app()->user->name;
             echo CJSON::encode(array('type' => 'success', 'data' => ''));
         } else {
             echo CJSON::encode(array('type' => 'error', 'data' => implode(',', $errors)));
     } else {
         echo CJSON::encode(array('type' => 'error', 'data' => 'CSRF_ERROR: CSRF Token did not match'));
Example #10
 public function init()
     // Set the custom decorator
     $this->addElementPrefixPath('Shineisp_Decorator', 'Shineisp/Decorator/', 'decorator');
     $translate = Shineisp_Registry::get('Zend_Translate');
     $this->addElement('text', 'name', array('filters' => array('StringTrim'), 'required' => true, 'label' => $translate->_('Group name'), 'decorators' => array('Bootstrap'), 'class' => 'form-control'));
     $this->addElement('select', 'fill_type', array('label' => $translate->_('Fill type'), 'decorators' => array('Bootstrap'), 'class' => "form-control"));
     $this->getElement('fill_type')->setAllowEmpty(false)->setMultiOptions(array('1' => $translate->_('Create services on the least full server'), '2' => $translate->_('Fill default server until full then switch to next least used'), '3' => $translate->_('Fill servers starting from the newest to the older'), '4' => $translate->_('Fill servers starting from the older to the newest'), '5' => $translate->_('Fill servers randomly'), '6' => $translate->_('Fill manually. Only default server will be used.'), '7' => $translate->_('Fill servers starting from the cheaper to the expensive.'), '8' => $translate->_('Fill servers starting from the expensive to the cheaper.')));
     $this->addElement('multiselect', 'servers', array('label' => $translate->_('Servers'), 'decorators' => array('Bootstrap'), 'title' => $translate->_('Select ...'), 'data-container' => 'body', 'data-selected-text-format' => 'count > 2', 'data-size' => 'auto', 'data-live-search' => 'true', 'class' => 'multiselect show-tick col-md-4'));
     $this->addElement('checkbox', 'active', array('label' => $translate->_('Active'), 'decorators' => array('Bootstrap')));
     $this->addElement('hidden', 'group_id');
Example #11
  * list servers
  * @param resource the SQL result
  * @return string the rendered text
  * @see layouts/layout.php
 function layout($result)
     global $context;
     // empty list
     if (!SQL::count($result)) {
         $output = array();
         return $output;
     // we return an array of ($url => $attributes)
     $items = array();
     // process all items in the list
     while ($item = SQL::fetch($result)) {
         // the url to view this item
         $url = Servers::get_url($item['id']);
         // use the title as a label
         $label = Skin::strip($item['title'], 10);
         // list all components for this item
         $items[$url] = array('', $label, ' ' . Skin::build_date($item['edit_date']), 'server', NULL);
     // end of processing
     return $items;
Example #12

class Servers extends DB_Accessor
    public static $TableName = "gmd_servers";
    public function Delete()
        Database::Query("DELETE FROM `gmd_servers` WHERE `ID` = %s;", $this->GetValue("ID"));
    public static function AddServer($DisplayName, $IP, $Port)
        // Make it in the database
        Database::Insert(self::$TableName, array("Name" => $DisplayName, "IP" => $IP, "Port" => $Port));
        // Flush the cache
Example #13

if (Servers::GetCacheCount("Servers") == 0) {
    KERNEL::OnError("You must first add a server before adding an item.", false);
} else {
    if (isset($_FILES["itemImage"])) {
        $ImageURLName = "item_default.png";
        // TODO -- Make this utilize the built in functionality of the Item class
        if (isset($_FILES["itemImage"])) {
            $File = $_FILES["itemImage"];
            $FileExtension = end(explode(".", $File["name"]));
            $FileType = $File["type"];
            $FileSize = $File["size"];
            if (75000 < $FileSize) {
                // Too Big
            } elseif ($FileType != "image/png" && $FileType != "image/jpg" && $FileType != "image/jpeg") {
                // Bad Type
            } elseif ($FileExtension != "png" && $FileExtension != "jpg" && $FileExtension != "jpeg") {
                // Bad Extension
            } else {
                $ImageURLName = md5(rand());
                move_uploaded_file($File["tmp_name"], "includes/images/uploaded/" . $ImageURLName . "." . $FileExtension);
        Database::Insert("gmd_items", array("Category" => intval($_POST["catID"]), "Name" => $_POST["itemName"], "Description" => $_POST["itemDesc"], "Cost" => floatval($_POST["itemCost"]), "Image" => $ImageURLName, "ShowImage" => !empty($_POST["showImage"]) ? 1 : 0, "Status" => ItemStatus::ACTIVE));
        echo "<h4>You are being redirected..</h4>";
        KERNEL::HardNavigate("admin", "&area=items");
    } else {
        $CatObj = ItemCategory::GetByField("ItemCategory", "ID", $_GET["catid"]);
Example #14
	iconAnchor:   [15, 20],
	shadowAnchor: [15, 20],
	popupAnchor:  [0, -10]
var buildind_icon = new LeafIcon({iconUrl: '/images/building_icon.png'});

var markers_cluster = new L.MarkerClusterGroup();

$servers = array();
foreach ($myCams as $cam) {
    if (isset($servers[$cam->server_id])) {
        $server = $servers[$cam->server_id];
    } else {
        $servers[$cam->server_id] = Servers::model()->findByPK($cam->server_id);
        $server = $servers[$cam->server_id];
    if (!$cam->show) {
    echo $cam->id;
"] = {low:"<?php 
    echo $cam->getSessionId(true);
    echo $server->ip;

$server_types = ZHtml::enumItem(Servers::model(), 'server_type');
$select_types = array('' => '--Select Server Type--') + $server_types;

<div id="app-main-list" class="table-main" style="display:none";>
        <input type="hidden" id="app-main-list-csrf" value="<?php 
echo Yii::app()->request->csrfToken;
" />
        <div class="table-header-block">
            <div class="header-block-button">
                <a id="app-main-list-create-button" class="button round blue image-right ic-add text-upper" href="#">Create Application</a>
            </div><!-- End Header Block Button -->

            <div class="header-block-side">
                <div class="page-nav">
                    <div class="page-count">
                        <span class="current-page" id="app-main-list-part"></span>
                        <span class="all-page" id="app-main-list-total"></span>
                    <div class="page-nav-arrow">
                        <a id="app-main-list-prev" class="prev" href="#" title="Previous"><span class="icon"></span></a>
                        <a id="app-main-list-next" class="next" href="#" title="Next"><span class="icon"></span></a>
            </div><!-- End Header Block Side -->
        </div><!-- End Table Header Block -->
Example #16
 // increment the post counter of the surfer
 // do whatever is necessary on page publication
 if (isset($_REQUEST['publish_date']) && $_REQUEST['publish_date'] > NULL_DATE) {
     Articles::finalize_publication($anchor, $_REQUEST, $overlay, isset($_REQUEST['silent']) && $_REQUEST['silent'] == 'Y', isset($_REQUEST['notify_followers']) && $_REQUEST['notify_followers'] == 'Y');
     // else do whatever is necessary on page submission
 } else {
     Articles::finalize_submission($anchor, $_REQUEST, $overlay);
 // get the new item
 $article = Anchors::get('article:' . $_REQUEST['id'], TRUE);
 // list persons that have been notified
 $context['text'] .= Mailer::build_recipients('article:' . $_REQUEST['id']);
 // list endpoints that have been notified
 $context['text'] .= Servers::build_endpoints(i18n::s('Servers that have been notified'));
 // follow-up commands
 $follow_up = i18n::s('What do you want to do now?');
 $menu = array();
 $menu = array_merge($menu, array($article->get_url() => i18n::s('View the page')));
 if (Surfer::may_upload()) {
     $menu = array_merge($menu, array('files/edit.php?anchor=' . urlencode('article:' . $_REQUEST['id']) => i18n::s('Add a file')));
 if ((!isset($_REQUEST['publish_date']) || $_REQUEST['publish_date'] <= NULL_DATE) && Surfer::is_empowered()) {
     $menu = array_merge($menu, array(Articles::get_url($_REQUEST['id'], 'publish') => i18n::s('Publish the page')));
 if (is_object($anchor) && Surfer::is_empowered()) {
     $menu = array_merge($menu, array('articles/edit.php?anchor=' . urlencode($anchor->get_reference()) => i18n::s('Add another page')));
 $follow_up .= Skin::build_list($menu, 'menu_bar');
 $context['text'] .= Skin::build_block($follow_up, 'bottom');
Example #17
 $data['if']['noquery'] = false;
 $data['if']['server'] = false;
 include_once 'mods/servers/servers.class.php';
 /* Get Server SQL-Data */
 $select = 'servers_name, servers_ip, servers_port, servers_info, servers_query, servers_class, servers_slots, servers_stats, servers_order, servers_id';
 $order = 'servers_order ASC';
 $where = empty($id) ? '' : 'servers_id = \'' . $id . '\'';
 $cs_servers = cs_sql_select(__FILE__, 'servers', $select, $where, $order, 0, 0);
 $servers_count = count($cs_servers);
 /* if no Server in SQL */
 if (empty($servers_count)) {
 } else {
     $data['if']['server'] = true;
     /* Settings */
     $objServers = Servers::__getInstance();
     for ($run = 0; $run < $servers_count; $run++) {
         $server_query_ex = explode(";", $cs_servers[$run]['servers_class']);
         $cs_servers[$run]['servers_class'] = $server_query_ex[0];
         $cs_servers[$run]['servers_game'] = $server_query_ex[0];
         $data['servers'][$run]['info'] = $cs_servers[$run]['servers_info'];
         $data['servers'][$run]['if']['live'] = false;
         $data['servers'][$run]['mappic'] = 'uploads/servers/' . $cs_servers[$run]['servers_game'] . '/default.jpg';
         $data['servers'][$run]['hostname'] = $cs_servers[$run]['servers_name'];
         $data['servers'][$run]['ip'] = $cs_servers[$run]['servers_ip'];
         $data['servers'][$run]['port'] = $cs_servers[$run]['servers_port'];
         $data['servers'][$run]['game'] = isset($server_query_ex[1]) ? $server_query_ex[1] : $server_query_ex[0];
         $data['servers'][$run]['slots'] = $cs_servers[$run]['servers_slots'];
         $data['servers'][$run]['if']['playersexist'] = false;
         if (!empty($cs_servers[$run]['servers_stats'])) {
             $objServers->addServer(0, $cs_servers[$run]);
Example #18
File: view.php Project: rair/yacs
        $label = sprintf(i18n::s('This server is allowed to submit monitoring requests (<code>monitor.ping</code>) at %s'), Skin::build_link('services/index.php#xml-rpc', i18n::s('the XML-RPC interface'), 'shortcut'));
    } else {
        $label = i18n::s('This server is not allowed to submit monitoring requests.');
    $text .= '<p>' . $label . "</p>\n";
    // a section for the description
    if ($item['description']) {
        // display the full text
        $text .= Skin::build_block(i18n::s('Server description'), 'subtitle');
        // show the description
        $text .= Skin::build_block($item['description'], 'description');
    $context['text'] .= $text;
    // insert anchor suffix
    if (is_object($anchor)) {
        $context['text'] .= $anchor->get_suffix();
    // test links
    if ($item['submit_feed'] == 'Y') {
        $context['page_tools'][] = Skin::build_link(Servers::get_url($id, 'test'), i18n::s('Test feed'));
    // commands for associates
    if (Surfer::is_associate()) {
        $context['page_tools'][] = Skin::build_link(Servers::get_url($id, 'edit'), i18n::s('Edit'));
        $context['page_tools'][] = Skin::build_link(Servers::get_url($id, 'delete'), i18n::s('Delete'));
    // referrals, if any
    $context['components']['referrals'] =& Skin::build_referrals(Servers::get_url($item['id']));
// render the skin
Example #19
echo CHtml::submitButton($model->isNewRecord ? Yii::t('cams', 'Add') : Yii::t('cams', 'Save'), array('class' => 'btn btn-primary'));


if ($model->server_id) {
    $server = Servers::model()->findByPK($model->server_id);
if (Yii::app()->user->hasFlash('notify')) {
    $notify = Yii::app()->user->getFlash('notify');
	<div class="alert alert-<?php 
    echo $notify['type'];
    echo $notify['message'];
    echo Yii::t('cams', 'Go to {user CP}', array('{user CP}' => CHtml::link(Yii::t('cams', 'personal cabinet'), $this->createUrl('cams/manage'))));
Example #20
  * create or update a server entry
  * This function is called when a remote server pings us, to mean its content has changed.
  * If the provided URL does not exist, a new server profile is created.
  * Else the profile is updated only if ping is still allowed for this server profile.
  * @see services/ping.php
  * @param string the title of the updated server
  * @param string the link to it
  * @return string either a null string, or some text describing an error to be inserted into the html response
 public static function ping($title, $url)
     global $context;
     // the entry already exists
     if ($item = Servers::get_by_url($url)) {
         // ensure this operation is allowed
         if (isset($item['process_ping']) && $item['process_ping'] != 'Y') {
             return 'You are not allowed to perform this operation.';
         // clear the cache for this server
         Cache::clear('server:' . $item['id']);
         // update the existing record
         $query = "UPDATE " . SQL::table_name('servers') . " SET " . "title='" . SQL::escape($title) . "', " . "edit_name='ping', " . "edit_id=0, " . "edit_address='', " . "edit_date='" . gmstrftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') . "'" . " WHERE id = " . SQL::escape($item['id']);
         if (SQL::query($query) === FALSE) {
             return 'ERROR';
         // the entry does not exist yet
     } else {
         // create a new record
         $query = "INSERT INTO " . SQL::table_name('servers') . " SET " . "title='" . SQL::escape($title) . "', " . "main_url='" . SQL::escape($url) . "', " . "edit_name='" . SQL::escape($title) . "', " . "edit_id=0, " . "edit_address='', " . "edit_date='" . gmstrftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') . "'";
         if (SQL::query($query) === FALSE) {
             return 'ERROR';
     // clear the cache for server profiles
     // end of job
     return NULL;
Example #21
File: ping.php Project: rair/yacs
            // ping an external reference to some page on this site
        // ping an external reference to some page on this site
        case 'weblogUpdates.ping':
            list($label, $url) = $parameters['params'];
            // caller has been banned
            if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST'] && ($server = Servers::get($_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST']) && $server['process_ping'] != 'Y')) {
                $response = array('flerror' => 49, 'message' => 'Access denied');
            } elseif (preg_match('/\\b(127\\.0\\.0\\.1|localhost)\\b/', $url)) {
                $response = array('flerror' => 1, 'message' => 'We don\'t accept local references ' . $url);
            } elseif (($content = http::proceed($url)) === FALSE && ($content = http::proceed($url . '/')) === FALSE) {
                $response = array('flerror' => 1, 'message' => 'Cannot read source address ' . $url);
            } else {
                $response = Servers::ping(strip_tags($label), $url);
                if ($response) {
                    Logger::remember('services/ping.php: failing ping', $response, 'debug');
                    $response = array('flerror' => 1, 'message' => $response);
                } else {
                    $response = array('flerror' => 0, 'message' => 'Thanks for the ping');
            $response = array('faultCode' => 1, 'faultString' => 'Do not know how to process ' . $parameters['methodName']);
            Logger::remember('services/ping.php: ping unsupported methodName', $parameters, 'debug');
// no response yet
if (!isset($response)) {
Example #22
    <div class="server-banner">
        <a href="/out?mode=server&id=<?php 
echo $server->id;
            <img src="/static/images/banner.png">
    <div class="server-content">
        <table cellpadding="2"></span></td></tr>
            <tr><td>Версия</td> <td><span class="green"><?php 
echo Servers::version($server);
            <tr><td>Whitelist</td> <td><span class="green"><?php 
echo Servers::whitelist($server);
            <tr><td>Вход</td> <td><span class="green"><?php 
echo Servers::client($server);
            <tr><td>Uptime</td>  <td><span class="green"><?php 
echo Servers::uptime($server);
Example #23
File: ping.php Project: rair/yacs
// the title of the page
$context['page_title'] = i18n::s('Ping the cloud');
// stop crawlers
if (Surfer::is_crawler()) {
    Safe::header('Status: 401 Unauthorized', TRUE, 401);
    Logger::error(i18n::s('You are not allowed to perform this operation.'));
    // anonymous users are invited to log in or to register
} elseif (!Surfer::is_logged()) {
    Safe::redirect($context['url_to_home'] . $context['url_to_root'] . 'users/login.php?url=' . urlencode('servers/ping.php'));
} elseif (!Surfer::is_associate()) {
    Safe::header('Status: 401 Unauthorized', TRUE, 401);
    Logger::error(i18n::s('You are not allowed to perform this operation.'));
    // do the ping
} elseif (isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'ping') {
    // list servers to be advertised
    if ($servers = Servers::list_for_ping(0, 20, 'ping')) {
        $context['text'] .= '<p>' . i18n::s('Servers that have been notified') . '</p><ul>';
        // ping each server
        foreach ($servers as $server_url => $attributes) {
            list($server_ping, $server_label) = $attributes;
            $milestone = get_micro_time();
            $result = @Call::invoke($server_ping, 'weblogUpdates.ping', array(strip_tags($context['site_name']), $context['url_to_home'] . $context['url_to_root']), 'XML-RPC');
            if ($result[0]) {
                $label = round(get_micro_time() - $milestone, 2) . ' sec.';
            } else {
                $label = @$result[1];
            $context['text'] .= '<li>' . $server_label . ' (' . $label . ')</li>';
        $context['text'] .= '</ul>';
        // no server to ping
Example #24
File: search.php Project: rair/yacs
    // Yahoo!
    $link = 'http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=' . $search . '&ei=utf-8';
    $text .= '<li>' . Skin::build_link($link, i18n::s('Yahoo!'), 'external') . '</li>';
    // Ask Jeeves
    $link = 'http://web.ask.com/web?q=' . $search;
    $text .= '<li>' . Skin::build_link($link, i18n::s('Ask Jeeves'), 'external') . '</li>';
    // in a separate panel
    $panels[] = array('extension', i18n::s('Extended search'), 'extensions_panel', $text);
// assemble all tabs
if (count($panels)) {
    $context['text'] .= Skin::build_tabs($panels);
// search at peering sites, but only on unconstrained request and on first page
include_once $context['path_to_root'] . 'servers/servers.php';
if (!$section_id && ($servers = Servers::list_for_search(0, 3, 'search'))) {
    // everything in a separate section
    $context['text'] .= Skin::build_block(i18n::s('At partner sites'), 'title');
    // query each server
    foreach ($servers as $server_url => $attributes) {
        list($server_search, $server_label) = $attributes;
        // a REST API that returns a RSS list
        $result = Call::list_resources($server_search, array('search' => $search));
        // error message
        if (!$result[0]) {
            $context['text'] .= $result[1];
        } else {
            $items = array();
            foreach ($result[1] as $item) {
                $suffix = '';
                if ($item['description']) {
Example #25
File: search.php Project: rair/yacs
 * The response is a list of matching articles encoded with RSS.
 * Only public items are searched.
 * @author Bernard Paques
 * @author GnapZ
 * @reference
 * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt GNU Lesser General Public License
 * @see search.php
 * @see services/rss_codec.php
include_once '../shared/global.php';
// stop banned hosts
include_once $context['path_to_root'] . 'servers/servers.php';
if (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST']) && ($server = Servers::get($_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST']) && $server['process_search'] != 'Y')) {
    exit('Access denied');
// look for words
$search = '';
if (isset($_REQUEST['search'])) {
    $search = $_REQUEST['search'];
} elseif (isset($context['arguments'][0])) {
    $search = $context['arguments'][0];
$search = strip_tags($search);
// search type
$type = '';
if (isset($_REQUEST['type'])) {
    $type = $_REQUEST['type'];
Example #26
foreach ($ActionArr["Arguments"] as $ArgObject) {
    echo $ArgObject->GenerateEditor($ItemActionData[$i]);
	<div class="row">
		<div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4" style="text-align: right;line-height: 34px;">
		<div class="col-sm-6 col-md-8" style="text-align: left;line-height: 34px;">
			<div style="font-size: 12px;border: 1px solid #DDD;padding: 6px;width: 300px;border-radius: 4px;">
$ServersArr = explode(";", $ItemAction->GetValue("Servers"));
foreach (Servers::GetCachedResults("Servers") as $ServerObj) {
    $Checked = "";
    foreach ($ServersArr as $ServerID) {
        if ($ServerObj->GetValue("ID") == intval($ServerID)) {
            $Checked = "checked";
    echo '<input name="action_server_' . $ServerObj->GetValue("ID") . '" type="checkbox" ' . $Checked . ' /> ' . $ServerObj->GetValue("Name") . '<br />';
	<div class="row">
		<div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4" style="text-align: right;line-height: 34px;">
Example #27
  * Set domain hosts (records) for a domain name.
  * Executes the '...' command on Registrar's servers, to set domain hosts (records)
  * for a domain name that is active and belongs to your Ascio account.
  * @param      integer     $domainID   Domain code identifier
  * @return     bool        True if succeed and False if failed.
  * @access     public
  * @see        getDomainHosts
 function setDomainHosts($domainID)
     $zonesrows = "";
     $nserver = "";
     // Connection to the SOAP system
     $soap = $this->Connect();
     if (empty($this->session)) {
         throw new Exception('SOAP connection system error');
     // Get the domain information
     $domain = Domains::find($domainID);
     if (!empty($domain[0])) {
         $domain_name = $domain[0]['domain'] . "." . $domain[0]['DomainsTlds']['WhoisServers']['tld'];
         $customer = Customers::find($domain[0]['customer_id']);
     } else {
         throw new Exception('Domain information has not found.');
     // Get the customer dns set in his control panel
     $NS = Dns_Zones::getCustomNameServers($domainID);
     // Get the default domain set
     $NSDefault = $soap->domainInfo($this->session['id'], $domain_name);
     if (!empty($NS)) {
         // Get the client nameserver set in the shineisp control panel
         foreach ($NS as $ns) {
             $nameservers[] = $ns['target'];
     } else {
         // Get the domain nameservers set in Ascio
         if (!empty($NSDefault->dns[0]) && !empty($NSDefault->dns[1])) {
             $nameservers[] = $NSDefault->dns[0]->name . ".";
             $nameservers[] = $NSDefault->dns[1]->name . ".";
         } else {
             // Get the common domain dns zones information set in shineisp preferences
             $NSDefault = Servers::getDnsserver();
             foreach ($NSDefault as $ns) {
                 $nameservers[] = $ns['host'] . "." . $ns['domain'] . ".";
     // Create the NS records
     foreach ($nameservers as $ns) {
         $nameserver = array();
         $nameserver[] = "";
         $nameserver[] = " IN ";
         $nameserver[] = " NS ";
         $nameserver[] = $ns;
         $nserver .= implode("\t", $nameserver) . "\n";
     if (!empty($nameservers[0])) {
         $zoneTemplate = "\$TTL 86400\n@   IN SOA " . $nameservers[0] . " tech.ascio.net. (2011022503 86400 3600 3600000 86400)\n";
         // Get the domain dns zones information
         $dnsZones = Dns_Zones::getZones($domainID);
         // Create the DNS Zones records
         if (!empty($dnsZones)) {
             foreach ($dnsZones as $zone) {
                 if ($zone['fieldtype'] != "NS") {
                     // Exclude the NS because already included above
                     $zones = array();
                     $zones[] = $zone['subdomain'];
                     $zones[] = " IN ";
                     $zones[] = $zone['fieldtype'];
                     $zones[] = $zone['target'];
                     $zonesrows .= implode("\t", $zones) . "\n";
             $zones = array();
             $zone = $zoneTemplate . $nserver . $zonesrows;
         } else {
             $webservers = Servers::getWebserver();
             $mailservers = Servers::getMailserver();
             // Set Web server zone
             $zones[] = "www\tIN\tCNAME\t" . $domain_name . ".";
             if (!empty($webservers['ip'])) {
                 $zones[] = "\tIN\tA\t" . $webservers['ip'];
             // Set mail zone
             $zones[] = "\tIN\tMX 1\tmail." . $domain_name . ".";
             if (isset($mailservers)) {
                 $zones[] = "mail\tIN\tA\t" . $mailservers['ip'];
             } else {
                 $zones[] = "mail\tIN\tA\t" . $webservers['ip'];
             $zonesrows = implode("\n", $zones) . "\n";
             $zone = $zoneTemplate . $nserver . $zonesrows;
         // Reset of the Zone dns
         $soap->dnsReset($this->session['id'], $domain_name, 'REDIRECT', true);
         // Import the DNS Custom Zone
         $soap->zoneImport($this->session['id'], $domain_name, $zone);
         return true;
     return false;
Example #28
 public function create_newdir($srvid, $dir_name)
     if (empty($dir_name)) {
         return 'No directory name given!';
     // Get network ID
     $result_nid = @mysql_query("SELECT netid FROM servers WHERE id = '{$srvid}'");
     $row_nid = mysql_fetch_row($result_nid);
     $this_netid = $row_nid[0];
     if (empty($this_netid)) {
         return 'Failed to get network ID!';
     require DOCROOT . '/includes/classes/network.php';
     $Network = new Network();
     $netinfo = $Network->netinfo($this_netid);
     // Get real server info
     require DOCROOT . '/includes/classes/servers.php';
     $Servers = new Servers();
     $srvinfo = $Servers->getinfo($srvid);
     $net_game_ip = $netinfo['game_ip'];
     $net_local = $netinfo['is_local'];
     $net_gameuser = $srvinfo[0]['username'];
     $net_game_port = $srvinfo[0]['port'];
     // Add full path to dir
     if (isset($_SESSION['curdir'])) {
         $dir_name = $_SESSION['curdir'] . '/' . $dir_name;
     // Get userdir
     if ($net_local) {
         $localdir = DOCROOT . '/_SERVERS/';
         $game_dir = $localdir . '/accounts/' . $net_gameuser . '/' . $net_game_ip . '.' . $net_game_port . '/' . $dir_name;
         // Check existing
         if (file_exists($game_dir)) {
             die('Sorry, that directory already exists!');
         // Create directory
         if (!mkdir($game_dir)) {
             return 'Failed to create the directory (' . $game_dir . ')!';
         } else {
             return 'success';
     } else {
         // Save File
         $run_cmd = "CreateDirectory -u {$net_gameuser} -i {$net_game_ip} -p {$net_game_port} -d \"{$dir_name}\"";
         // Run the command, return output
         return $Network->runcmd($this_netid, $netinfo, $run_cmd, true, $srvid);
<tr style="text-align: left;">
    <td style="text-align: center">Work In Progress<hr><!--<a href="/server/<?php 
echo $server->id;
">Страница сервера</a>--></td>
    <td style="text-align: center"><?php 
    <td>Work In Progress<hr></td>
    <td>Work In Progress<hr></td>
    <td>Work In Progress<hr></td>
    <td>Work In Progress<hr></td>
    <td style="text-align: center"><?php 
Example #30
$fields = array();
$fields['host_name'] = i18n::s('www.yacs.fr');
if (Servers::get($fields['host_name'])) {
    $text .= sprintf(i18n::s('An entry already exists for server %s'), $fields['host_name']) . BR . "\n";
} else {
    $fields['title'] = 'yacs';
    $fields['description'] = i18n::c('The origin server for the YACS system');
    $fields['main_url'] = 'http://www.yacs.fr/';
    $fields['submit_feed'] = 'Y';
    $fields['feed_url'] = 'http://www.yacs.fr/feeds/rss.php';
    $fields['submit_ping'] = 'Y';
    $fields['ping_url'] = 'http://www.yacs.fr/services/ping.php';
    $fields['submit_search'] = 'N';
    $fields['search_url'] = 'http://www.yacs.fr/services/search.php';
    $fields['submit_monitor'] = 'N';
    $fields['monitor_url'] = 'http://www.yacs.fr/services/ping.php';
    if ($error = Servers::post($fields)) {
        $text .= $error;
    } else {
        $text .= sprintf(i18n::s('A record has been created for server %s'), $fields['host_name']) . BR . "\n";
// report on actions performed
if ($included) {
    echo $text;
} else {
    $context['text'] .= $text;
    $menu = array('servers/' => i18n::s('Back to servers'));
    $context['text'] .= Skin::build_list($menu, 'menu_bar');