Example #1
function send_new_project_email($group_id)
    global $Language;
    $res_grp = db_query("SELECT * FROM groups WHERE group_id='" . db_ei($group_id) . "'");
    if (db_numrows($res_grp) < 1) {
        echo $Language->getText('include_proj_email', 'g_not_exist', $group_id);
    $row_grp = db_fetch_array($res_grp);
    $res_admins = db_query("SELECT user.user_name,user.email FROM user,user_group WHERE " . "user.user_id=user_group.user_id AND user_group.group_id='" . db_ei($group_id) . "' AND " . "user_group.admin_flags='A'");
    $nb_recipients = db_numrows($res_admins);
    if ($nb_recipients < 1) {
        echo $Language->getText('include_proj_email', 'no_admin', $group_id);
    // send one email per admin
    $nb_mail_failed = 0;
    $pm = ProjectManager::instance();
    while ($row_admins = db_fetch_array($res_admins)) {
        $server = get_server_url();
        $p = $pm->getProject($group_id);
        $host = $GLOBALS['sys_default_domain'];
        if ($p && $p->usesService('svn')) {
            $sf = new ServerFactory();
            if ($s =& $sf->getServerById($p->services['svn']->getServerId())) {
                $host = URL::getHost($s->getUrl(session_issecure()));
        if ($GLOBALS['sys_force_ssl']) {
            $svn_url = 'https://' . $host;
        } else {
            $svn_url = 'http://svn.' . $row_grp['unix_group_name'] . '.' . $host;
        $svn_url .= '/svnroot/' . $row_grp['unix_group_name'];
        // $message is defined in the content file
        include $Language->getContent('include/new_project_email');
        // LJ Uncomment to test
        //echo $message; return
        $mail = new Mail();
        $mail->setSubject($GLOBALS['sys_name'] . ' ' . $Language->getText('include_proj_email', 'proj_approve', $row_grp['unix_group_name']));
        if (!$mail->send()) {
    return $nb_mail_failed < $nb_recipients;
Example #2
 // ########################## OTHER INFO
 print "<P><B>" . $Language->getText('admin_groupedit', 'other_info') . "</B>";
 print "<br><u>" . $Language->getText('admin_groupedit', 'public') . "</u>: " . ($row_grp['is_public'] ? $Language->getText('global', 'yes') : $Language->getText('global', 'no'));
 print "<br><u>" . $Language->getText('admin_groupedit', 'unix_grp') . "</u>: {$row_grp['unix_group_name']}";
 print "<br><u>" . $Language->getText('admin_groupedit', 'license_other') . "</u>: <br> {$row_grp['license_other']}";
 $template_group = ProjectManager::instance()->getProject($row_grp['built_from_template']);
 print "<br><u>" . $Language->getText('admin_groupedit', 'built_from_template') . '</u>: <br> <A href="/projects/' . $template_group->getUnixName() . '"> <B> ' . $template_group->getPublicname() . ' </B></A>';
 $sf = new ServerFactory();
 if (count($sf->getAllServers()) > 1) {
     $p = $pm->getProject($row_grp['group_id']);
     if ($p->usesFile() || $p->usesSVN()) {
         print '<br><u>' . $Language->getText('admin_approve_pending', 'distributed_services') . '</u>:<br><ul>';
         if ($p->usesFile()) {
             if ($s =& $sf->getServerById($p->services['file']->getServerId())) {
                 print '<li>' . $Language->getText('project_admin_editservice', 'service_file_lbl_key') . ': ' . $s->getName() . '</li>';
         if ($p->usesSVN()) {
             if ($s =& $sf->getServerById($p->services['svn']->getServerId())) {
                 print '<li>' . $Language->getText('project_admin_editservice', 'service_svn_lbl_key') . ': ' . $s->getName() . '</li>';
         print '</ul>';
             <TABLE WIDTH="70%">
     <TD style="text-align:center">
Example #3
svn_header(array('title' => $Language->getText('svn_intro', 'info')));
// Table for summary info
print '<TABLE width="100%"><TR valign="top"><TD width="65%">' . "\n";
// Get group properties
$res_grp = db_query("SELECT * FROM groups WHERE group_id=" . db_ei($group_id));
$row_grp = db_fetch_array($res_grp);
$pm = ProjectManager::instance();
$p = $pm->getProject($group_id);
// Show CVS access information
if ($row_grp['svn_preamble'] != '') {
    echo $hp->purify(util_unconvert_htmlspecialchars($row_grp['svn_preamble']), CODENDI_PURIFIER_FULL);
} else {
    $host = $GLOBALS['sys_default_domain'];
    if ($p && $p->usesService('svn')) {
        $sf = new ServerFactory();
        if ($server =& $sf->getServerById($p->services['svn']->getServerId())) {
            $host = URL::getHost($server->getUrl(session_issecure()));
    if ($GLOBALS['sys_force_ssl']) {
        $svn_url = 'https://' . $host;
    } else {
        if (isset($GLOBALS['sys_disable_subdomains']) && $GLOBALS['sys_disable_subdomains']) {
            $svn_url = 'http://' . $host;
        } else {
            $svn_url = 'http://svn.' . $row_grp['unix_group_name'] . '.' . $host;
    // Domain name must be lowercase (issue with some SVN clients)
    $svn_url = strtolower($svn_url);
    $svn_url .= '/svnroot/' . $row_grp['unix_group_name'];