public function renameFile($originalFile) { $S = new Serie($this->A("SerieID")); if (Util::isWindowsHost()) { $originalFile = utf8_decode($originalFile); } if (rename($S->A("dir") . "/" . $originalFile, $S->A("dir") . "/" . $this->getNewFileName($S, $this->getSuffix($originalFile)))) { echo "message:'renaming successfull'"; } }
public function download(RSSFilter $RSF, $filename, $page, $targetFileName, Serie $Serie) { $usableHosts = $this->getAvailableHosts($RSF); if (count($usableHosts) == 0) { return array("You did not select any hosts to download from", ""); } $JD = new JD($RSF->A("RSSFilterJDID")); foreach (self::$links[$page] as $link) { $url = parse_url($link); #print_r($url); #echo $link."\n"; $found = false; foreach ($usableHosts as $host) { if (stripos($url["host"], $host) === false) { continue; } #echo Serie::determineQuality($link); #echo $Serie->A("quality"); if (Serie::determineQuality($link) != SerieGUI::getQualities($Serie->A("quality"))) { continue; } $found = $link; } if (!$found) { continue; } try { $JD->download($link, $filename, $targetFileName, $Serie); } catch (Exception $e) { } break; } return true; }
public function fileExists($S = null) { if ($S == null) { $S = new Serie($this->A("SerieID")); } return file_exists($S->A("dir") . "/" . $this->getNewFileName($S, $this->getExistingSuffix($S))); #return (file_exists($S->A("dir")."/".$this->getNewFileName($S, "avi")) OR file_exists($S->A("dir")."/".$this->getNewFileName($S, "mkv")) OR file_exists($S->A("dir")."/".$this->getNewFileName($S, "divx"))); }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $bps = $this->getMyBPSData(); $S = new Serie($bps["SerieID"]); $F = new mFile(); $F->setDir($S->A("dir"), true); mFolgeGUI::$Serie = $S; $E = array(); while ($t = $F->getNextEntry()) { if (!$t->A("FileIsDir")) { $newFilename = $t->A("FileName"); if (Util::isWindowsHost()) { $newFilename = utf8_encode($newFilename); } $E[] = $newFilename; } } mFolgeGUI::$files = $E; mFolgeGUI::$found = array(); }
function newEpisodes() { $html = "<h1>Demnächst</h1>"; $AC = anyC::get("Folge"); $AC->addAssocV3("UNIX_TIMESTAMP(STR_TO_DATE(airDate, '%Y-%m-%d')) + 120", ">=", mktime(0, 0, 1)); $AC->addAssocV3("UNIX_TIMESTAMP(STR_TO_DATE(airDate, '%Y-%m-%d'))", "<=", time() + 3600 * 24 * 6); $AC->addAssocV3("RSSFilterID", ">", "0"); $AC->addJoinV3("Serie", "SerieID", "=", "SerieID"); $AC->addOrderV3("UNIX_TIMESTAMP(STR_TO_DATE(airDate, '%Y-%m-%d 18:00'))", "ASC"); $i = 0; $lastAD = null; while ($S = $AC->getNextEntry()) { if ($lastAD != $S->A("airDate")) { if ($lastAD !== null) { $html .= "</div>"; } $date = strtotime($S->A("airDate")); $html .= "<div class=\"comingUp\" style=\"box-sizing:border-box;" . ($i % 2 == 0 ? "background-color: #F2F2F2;" : "") . "padding:10px;display:inline-block;width:calc(100% / 7);vertical-align:top;\"><h2 style=\"margin-top:0;padding-top:0;\">" . mb_substr(Util::CLWeekdayName(date("w", $date)), 0, 2) . ", " . Util::CLDateParser($date) . "</h2>"; $i++; } $html .= $S->A("name") . " <span style=\"color:grey;\">S" . ($S->A("season") < 10 ? "0" : "") . $S->A("season") . "E" . ($S->A("episode") < 10 ? "0" : "") . $S->A("episode") . "</span><br>"; $lastAD = $S->A("airDate"); } $html .= "</div>" . OnEvent::script("g.sameHeight('.comingUp');"); $html .= "<h1>Neue Folgen</h1>"; $AC = anyC::get("JDownload"); $AC->addAssocV3("JDownloadDate", ">", time() - 3600 * 24 * 7); $AC->addOrderV3("JDownloadDate", "DESC"); $AC->addAssocV3("JDownloadSerieID", "!=", "0"); $AC->addJoinV3("Serie", "JDownloadSerieID", "=", "SerieID"); while ($D = $AC->getNextEntry()) { if ($D->A("JDownloadSerieID") != "0" and $D->A("cover") != "" and trim($D->A("coverThumb")) == "") { $S = new Serie($D->A("JDownloadSerieID")); $S->changeA("coverThumb", DBImageGUI::stringifyDataS("image/png", DBImageGUI::getData($S->A("cover")), 150, 220)); $S->saveMe(true, false); $D->changeA("coverThumb", $S->A("coverThumb")); } preg_match("/S([0-9]+)E([0-9]+)/", $D->A("JDownloadRenameto"), $matches); $ACF = anyC::get("Folge", "SerieID", $D->A("SerieID")); $ACF->addAssocV3("season", "=", $matches[1]); $ACF->addAssocV3("episode", "=", $matches[2]); $ACF->setLimitV3(1); $F = $ACF->getNextEntry(); $B = new Button("Abspielen", "play", "touch"); $B->onclick("'" . Util::makeFilename(str_replace(" ", ".", $D->A("JDownloadRenameto"))) . "');"); $html .= "\n\t\t\t<div style=\"display:inline-block;width:33%;margin-bottom:2%;vertical-align:top;\">\n\t\t\t\t<div style=\"margin-right:20px;float:left;width:150px;\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<img style=\"width:150px;height:220px;margin-bottom:5px;\" src=\"./index.php?D=trinityDB/Serien&M=getCover&P0=" . $D->A("SerieID") . "\" />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{$B}\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<h2 style=\"margin-top:0px;padding-top:0px;\">" . $D->A("JDownloadRenameto") . "</h2>\n\t\t\t\t<p style=\"color:grey;\">" . ($F != null ? $F->A("description") : "Keine Beschreibung") . " <small>" . Util::CLDateParser($D->A("JDownloadDate")) . "</small></p>\n\t\t\t</div>"; } return $html; }
public static function parserSerie($w) { $Serie = new Serie($w); return $Serie->A("name"); }
/** * @param Serie $Series * @param Folge[] $Episodes */ public function filterFor(Serie $Series, $Episodes) { $filtered = array(); $foundEpisodes = array(); $this->loadFeed(); $Adapter = $this->getFeedAdapter(); $xml = RSSFilter::$feeds[$this->A("RSSFilterFeed")]; if ($xml === "null") { return $filtered; } foreach ($xml->channel->item as $v) { #print_r($v); foreach ($Episodes as $E) { $title = $v->title . ""; if (strpos($title, "[ENGLISCH]") !== false or strpos($title, "[DEUTSCH]") !== false) { if ($Series->A("sprache") == "en" and strpos($title, "[ENGLISCH]") === false) { continue; } if ($Series->A("sprache") == "de" and strpos($title, "[DEUTSCH]") === false) { continue; } } $ts01e01 = stripos($title, "S" . ($E->A("season") < 10 ? "0" : "") . $E->A("season") . "E" . ($E->A("episode") < 10 ? "0" : "") . $E->A("episode")); $t01x01 = stripos($title, $E->A("season") . "×" . ($E->A("episode") < 10 ? "0" : "") . $E->A("episode")); $t01ix01 = stripos($title, $E->A("season") . "x" . ($E->A("episode") < 10 ? "0" : "") . $E->A("episode")); if ($ts01e01 === false and $t01x01 === false and $t01ix01 === false) { continue; } if (strpos(strtolower($title), strtolower(str_replace(" ", ".", $Series->A("name")))) === false and strpos(strtolower($title), strtolower($Series->A("name"))) === false and ($Series->A("altFeedName1") == "" or strpos(strtolower($title), strtolower(str_replace(" ", ".", $Series->A("altFeedName1")))) === false)) { continue; } if ($Series->A("quality") > 1 and strpos(strtolower($title), strtolower(SerieGUI::getQualities($Series->A("quality")))) === false) { continue; } $continue = false; if ($Series->A("quality") == "1") { foreach (SerieGUI::getQualities() as $k => $q) { if ($k < 2) { continue; } if (strpos(strtolower($title), strtolower($q)) !== false) { $continue = true; } } } if ($continue) { continue; } if (isset($foundEpisodes[$E->getID()])) { continue; } $foundEpisodes[$E->getID()] = true; $filtered[] = array("title" => $title, "link" => $v->link . "", "pubDate" => $v->pubDate . "", "description" => $v->description . "", "fileName" => $Adapter->filterFilename($Series, $v), "season" => ($E->A("season") < 10 ? "0" : "") . $E->A("season"), "episode" => ($E->A("episode") < 10 ? "0" : "") . $E->A("episode")); #print_r($filtered); #echo $title."<br />"; } } return $filtered; }
public function download(Serie $S, $echo = false) { $tab = new HTMLTable(1); $mirrorPath = $this->getMirror(); $tab->addRow("Retrieving mirror list... using {$mirrorPath}"); $serverTime = $this->getServerTime(); $tab->addRow("Retrieving server time... {$serverTime}"); $S->changeA("lastupdate", $serverTime); if ($S->A("siteID") == 0) { $tab->addRow("Retrieving series information..."); $data = file_get_contents("{$mirrorPath}/api/GetSeries.php?seriesname=" . urlencode($S->A("name")) . "&language=" . $S->A("sprache")); if ($data === false) { throw new Exception("No data from {$mirrorPath}/api/GetSeries.php?seriesname=" . urlencode($S->A("name")) . "&language=" . $S->A("sprache")); } #die("DATA: $data"); $seriesInfo = new SimpleXMLElement($data, null, false); $seriesID = $seriesInfo->Series->seriesid; $S->changeA("siteID", $seriesID); #$S->changeA("description", $seriesInfo->Series->Overview); } else { $seriesID = $S->A("siteID"); } $tempFile = Util::getTempFilename("SerieID" . $S->getID(), "zip"); $tab->addRow("Downloading episodes information..."); $SZip = "{$mirrorPath}/api/{$this->apiKey}/series/{$seriesID}/all/" . $S->A("sprache") . ".zip"; if (!copy($SZip, $tempFile)) { Red::errorD("The download of {$SZip} failed!"); } try { $zip = new ZipArchive(); if ($zip->open($tempFile) === TRUE) { $zip->extractTo(dirname($tempFile) . "/SerieID" . $S->getID()); $zip->close(); $tab->addRow("Extracting data..."); } else { throw new ClassNotFoundException(""); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException $e) { if (!Util::isWindowsHost()) { $commandUnzip = "unzip -o {$tempFile} -d SerieID" . $S->getID(); } else { $commandUnzip = Util::getRootPath() . "trinityDB/Serien/unzip.exe -o {$tempFile} -d SerieID" . $S->getID(); } $tab->addRow("Extracting data...<br />{$commandUnzip}"); $sc = new SystemCommand(); $sc->setCommand("cd " . dirname($tempFile) . " && {$commandUnzip}"); $sc->execute(); } $e = 0; $u = 0; $file = dirname($tempFile) . "/SerieID" . $S->getID() . "/" . $S->A("sprache") . ".xml"; if (!file_exists($file)) { Red::errorD("Could not find the expected file {$file}. Please check if it was properly extracted from {$tempFile}."); } $episodesList = new SimpleXMLElement(file_get_contents($file)); $status = $episodesList->Series->Status; $S->changeA("description", $episodesList->Series->Overview); $S->changeA("status", $status); $S->changeA("genre", $episodesList->Series->Genre); foreach ($episodesList->Episode as $k => $v) { $AC = anyC::get("Folge", "SerieID", $S->getID()); $AC->addAssocV3("season", "=", $v->SeasonNumber); $AC->addAssocV3("episode", "=", $v->EpisodeNumber); $AC->lCV3(); if ($AC->numLoaded() > 1) { while ($F = $AC->getNextEntry()) { $F->deleteMe(); } } $F = new Factory("Folge"); $F->sA("SerieID", $S->getID()); $F->sA("season", $v->SeasonNumber); $F->sA("episode", $v->EpisodeNumber); if ($E = $F->exists(true)) { if ($v->lastupdated == $E->A("lastupdate")) { continue; } $E->changeA("name", $v->EpisodeName); $E->changeA("airDate", $v->FirstAired); $E->changeA("lastupdate", $v->lastupdated); $E->changeA("description", $v->Overview); $E->saveMe(true, false); $u++; continue; } $F->sA("episodeID", $v->id); $F->sA("name", $v->EpisodeName); $F->sA("airDate", $v->FirstAired); $F->sA("lastupdate", $v->lastupdated); $F->sA("description", $v->Overview); $F->sA("wanted", "1"); $F->store(true, false); $e++; } $tab->addRow("Loaded {$e} episodes"); $tab->addRow("Updated {$u} episodes"); if (mUserdata::getGlobalSettingValue("trinityDBdlCover", "0") == "1") { $bannerList = new SimpleXMLElement(dirname($tempFile) . "/SerieID" . $S->getID() . "/banners.xml", null, true); foreach ($bannerList as $banner) { if ($banner->BannerType . "" == "poster") { #echo $banner->BannerPath.""; $cover = file_get_contents("" . $banner->BannerPath); $temp = Util::getTempFilename("cover", "jpg"); file_put_contents($temp, $cover); if ($S->A("dir") != "" and file_exists($S->A("dir"))) { file_put_contents($S->A("dir") . "/Folder.jpg", $cover); } $S->changeA("cover", DBImageGUI::stringifyS("image/jpg", $temp)); $S->changeA("coverThumb", DBImageGUI::stringifyS("image/png", $temp, 150, 220)); #$S->saveMe(); unlink($temp); $tab->addRow("Downloaded cover"); break; } } } $S->saveMe(true, false); if ($echo) { echo $tab; } }