Example #1
<form method="GET" action="menu_session.php">
echo gettext("Sensor");
<select name="sensor" onChange="submit()">
/* Get highest priority sensor first */
$tmp = Sensor::get_list($conn, "ORDER BY priority DESC LIMIT 1");
if (is_array($tmp)) {
    $first_sensor = $tmp[0];
    $option = "<option value='" . $first_sensor->get_ip() . "'>";
    $option .= "Sensor: " . $first_sensor->get_name() . "</option>";
    print $option;
if ($sensor_list = Sensor::get_list($conn, "ORDER BY name")) {
    foreach ($sensor_list as $s) {
        /*  don't show highest priority sensor again.. */
        if ($s->get_ip() != $first_sensor->get_ip()) {
            if ($sensor == $s->get_ip()) {
                echo " SELECTED ";
            echo $s->get_ip();
            echo "Sensor: " . $s->get_name();
Example #2
     $agent_type = 0;
 } else {
     exec("sudo /var/ossec/bin/agent_control -i " . $agent[0] . " -s", $more_info, $ret);
     $more_info = $ret !== 0 ? _("Information from agent not available") : explode(",", $more_info[0]);
     $agent_name = "<a class='agent_id'><img src='../pixmaps/plus-small.png' alt='More info' align='absmiddle'/>" . $agent[0] . "</a>";
     $agent_actions = get_actions($agent);
     $agent_type = 1;
 //Agents trends
 $trend = array();
 if ($agent[2] == "") {
     require_once 'classes/Sensor.inc';
     $db = new ossim_db();
     $dbconn = $db->connect();
     $name = trim(str_replace("(server)", "", $agent[1]));
     $sensor = Sensor::get_list($dbconn, "WHERE name = '{$name}'");
     $ip = empty($sensor) ? $agent[2] : $sensor[0]->get_ip();
 } else {
     $ip = $agent[2];
 $data = SIEM_trends_hids($ip);
 if (is_array($data)) {
     $max = 7;
     for ($ii = $max - 1; $ii >= 0; $ii--) {
         $d = gmdate("j M", $timetz - 86400 * $ii);
         $trend[$d] = $data[$d] != "" ? $data[$d] : 0;
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($trend as $k => $v) {
         $x[$k] = $i;
Example #3
require_once 'classes/Host.inc';
$host_list = Host::get_list($conn);
$hosts[] = array("value" => ANY, "name" => "ANY");
foreach ($host_list as $h) {
    $hosts[] = array("value" => $h->get_ip(), "name" => $h->get_hostname() . " (" . $h->get_ip() . ")");
/* nets */
require_once 'classes/Net.inc';
$net_list = Net::get_list($conn);
$nets[] = array("value" => ANY, "name" => "ANY");
foreach ($net_list as $n) {
    $nets[] = array("value" => $n->get_name(), "name" => $n->get_name());
/* sensors */
require_once 'classes/Sensor.inc';
$sensor_list = Sensor::get_list($conn);
$sensors[] = array("value" => ANY, "name" => "ANY");
foreach ($sensor_list as $s) {
    $sensors[] = array("value" => $s->get_ip(), "name" => $s->get_name() . " (" . $s->get_ip() . ")");
/* ports */
require_once 'classes/Port_group.inc';
$port_list = Port_group::get_list($conn);
$ports[] = array("value" => ANY, "name" => "ANY");
foreach ($port_list as $p) {
    $ports[] = array("value" => $p->get_name(), "name" => $p->get_name() . " (" . $p->get_descr() . ")");
/* plugins */
require_once 'classes/Plugin.inc';
$plugin_list = Plugin::get_list($conn);
$plugins[] = array("value" => ANY, "name" => "ANY");
Example #4
             $title = strlen($db_name) > $length_name ? substr($db_name, 0, $length_name) . "..." : $db_name;
             $title = Util::htmlentities($title);
             $tooltip = $db_title;
             $li = "title:'{$title}', tooltip:'{$tooltip}', icon:'{$icon}', h:'{$h}', url:'../server/newdbsform.php?name=" . urlencode($db_name) . "'";
             $buffer .= ($j > 0 ? "," : "") . "{ {$li} }";
     } else {
         $buffer .= "{title:'" . _("No Databases Found") . "', noLink:true}";
     $buffer .= "]";
     echo $buffer;
 } else {
     if (preg_match("/sensors/", $key)) {
         $j = 0;
         $sensors = Sensor::get_list($conn);
         $buffer = "[";
         foreach ($sensors as $sensor) {
             $icon = "../../pixmaps/server.png";
             $sensor_name = $sensor->get_name();
             $related_assets = Sensor::get_assets($conn, $sensor_name);
             $s_title = Util::htmlentities($sensor_name);
             $s_url = urlencode($sensor_name);
             $title = strlen($sensor_name) > $length_name ? substr($sensor_name, 0, $length_name) . "..." : $sensor_name;
             $title = Util::htmlentities($title);
             $tooltip = $s_title;
             if (count($related_assets["host"]) == 0 && count($related_assets["net"]) == 0 && count($related_assets["hgroup"]) == 0 && count($related_assets["ngroup"]) == 0) {
                 $li = "title:'{$title}', tooltip:'{$tooltip}', icon:'{$icon}', h:'{$h}', url:'../sensor/interfaces.php?sensor=" . $s_url . "&name=" . utf8_encode($sensor_name) . "'";
             } else {
                 $li = "title:'{$title}', tooltip:'{$tooltip}', icon:'{$icon}', key:'sensor_" . utf8_encode($sensor_name) . "' ,isLazy:true, h:'{$h}', url:'../sensor/interfaces.php?sensor=" . $s_url . "&name=" . utf8_encode($sensor_name) . "'";
Example #5
echo _("Description");
if ($_SESSION["_user"] == "admin") {
    echo _("User");
$locations = Wireless::get_locations($conn);
$ossim_sensors = Sensor::get_list($conn, "s, sensor_properties p WHERE s.ip=p.ip AND p.has_kismet=1");
$sensors_list = "";
foreach ($ossim_sensors as $sensor) {
    $sensors_list .= "<option value='" . $sensor->get_name() . "'>" . $sensor->get_name() . " [" . $sensor->get_ip() . "]";
$c = 0;
foreach ($locations as $data) {
    echo "<tr bgcolor='#f2f2f2'>\n\t<td width='20'><a href=\"javascript:;\" onclick=\"showhide('#cell{$c}','#img{$c}')\"><img src='../pixmaps/plus-small.png' id='img{$c}' border=0></a></td>\n\t<td>" . $data["location"] . "</td>\n\t<td style='text-align:left;padding-left:10px'>" . $data['description'] . "</td>";
    if ($_SESSION["_user"] == "admin") {
        echo "<td>" . $data["user"] . "</td>";
    echo "<td width='20'>\n\t\t<a href='?action=del&location=" . urlencode($data["location"]) . "'><img src='../repository/images/del.gif' border=0></a>\n\t</td></tr>\n\t<tr><td colspan=3 style='padding:10px 0px 10px 40px;display:none' id='cell{$c}'>\n\t\t<table width='100%'>\n\t\t<tr><td colspan=7>\n\n\t\t\t<form>\n\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='action' value='add_sensor'>\n\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='layer' value='{$c}'>\n\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='location' value='" . $data["location"] . "'>\n\t\t\t<table class='noborder'>\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td class='noborder'><select name='sensor'>" . $sensors_list . "</select></td>\n\t\t\t\t<td class='noborder'><input type='text' size='15' name='model' id='model{$c}'></td>\n\t\t\t\t<td class='noborder'><input type='text' size='15' name='serial' id='serial{$c}'></td>\n\t\t\t\t<td class='noborder'><input type='text' size='25' name='mounting' id='mounting{$c}'></td>\n\t\t\t\t<td class='noborder'><input type='submit' value='Add Sensor' class='lbutton'></td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t</table>\n\t\t\t</form>\n\t\n\t\t</td></tr>\n\t\t<th nowrap>" . _("Sensor") . "</th>\n\t\t<th nowrap>" . _("IP Addr") . "</th>\n\t\t<th nowrap>" . _("Mac Address") . "</th>\n\t\t<th nowrap>" . _("Model #") . "</th>\n\t\t<th nowrap>" . _("Serial #") . "</th>\n\t\t<th nowrap>" . _("Mounting Location") . "</th>\n\t\t<th></th>";
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($data["sensors"] as $sensors) {
        $color = $i++ % 2 == 0 ? "bgcolor='#f2f2f2'" : "";
Example #6
function ReadProfile($profileswitch)
    // User sensors filtering
    require_once 'classes/Session.inc';
    require_once 'classes/Sensor.inc';
    require_once 'ossim_db.inc';
    $db_aux = new ossim_db();
    $conn_aux = $db_aux->connect();
    $sensors_list = Sensor::get_list($conn_aux);
    $opts['profile'] = $profileswitch;
    $profileinfo = nfsend_query("get-profile", $opts, 0);
    if (!is_array($profileinfo)) {
        return false;
    if (!array_key_exists('description', $profileinfo)) {
        $profileinfo['description'] = array();
    $channels = array();
    // in case it's a new profile with no channels associated yet
    if (!array_key_exists('channel', $profileinfo)) {
        $profileinfo['channel'] = $channels;
    // Decode channel information
    foreach ($profileinfo['channel'] as $channel) {
        list($name, $sign, $colour, $order, $sourcelist) = explode(":", $channel);
        $has_perm = 0;
        foreach ($sensors_list as $s) {
            if ($name == $s->get_name()) {
                $has_perm = 1;
        if (Session::am_i_admin()) {
            $has_perm = 1;
        if (!$has_perm) {
        $_tmp = array();
        $_tmp['name'] = $name;
        $_tmp['sign'] = $sign;
        $_tmp['colour'] = $colour;
        $_tmp['order'] = $order;
        $_tmp['sourcelist'] = $sourcelist;
        $channels[$name] = $_tmp;
    $profileinfo['channel'] = $channels;
    return $profileinfo;
Example #7
echo gettext("properties");

require_once 'ossim_db.inc';
require_once 'classes/Sensor.inc';
$db = new ossim_db();
$conn = $db->connect();
if (!(REQUEST('snort') || REQUEST('spade') || REQUEST('ossim') || REQUEST('ntop') || REQUEST('snortwrite') || REQUEST('spadewrite') || REQUEST('ossimwrite') || REQUEST('ntopwrite'))) {
    if (empty($ip)) {
        echo "<p> " . gettext("What sensor do you want to edit") . " ?</p>\n";
        if ($sensor_list = Sensor::get_list($conn, "")) {
            foreach ($sensor_list as $sensor) {
                $ip = $sensor->get_ip();
                $name = $sensor->get_name();
  <p><a href="<?php 
                echo $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"];
                echo $ip;
                echo $name;
Example #8
require_once 'classes/Sensor.inc';
require_once 'classes/Net_group_scan.inc';
require_once 'classes/Net_group.inc';
require_once 'classes/Net_scan.inc';
require_once 'classes/Host_group_scan.inc';
require_once 'classes/Host_group.inc';
require_once 'classes/Host_scan.inc';
$db = new ossim_db();
$conn = $db->connect();
define("NESSUS", 3001);
$sensor_list = array();
// Quick & dirty sensor index array for "sensor#" further below
$sensor_index = array();
$tmp_index = 0;
//$tmp_sensors = Sensor::get_all($conn, "ORDER BY name ASC");
$tmp_sensors = Sensor::get_list($conn, "ORDER BY name ASC");
// For filtering user perms
$tmp_group_hosts = Host_group_scan::get_list($conn, "WHERE plugin_id = 3001 ORDER BY host_group_name ASC");
$tmp_group_nets = Net_group_scan::get_list($conn, "WHERE plugin_id = 3001 ORDER BY net_group_name ASC");
$tmp_host = Host_scan::get_list($conn, "WHERE plugin_id = 3001 ORDER BY host_ip ASC");
$tmp_nets = Net_scan::get_list($conn, "WHERE plugin_id = 3001 ORDER BY net_name ASC");
$net_group_index = array();
$host_group_index = array();
$hosts_index = array();
$nets_index = array();
$net_group_list = array();
$host_group_list = array();
$hosts_list = array();
$nets_list = array();
foreach ($tmp_sensors as $sensor) {
    if (Sensor::check_plugin_rel($conn, $sensor->get_ip(), NESSUS)) {
Example #9
function getSensorList()
    global $conn;
    if ($host_list = Sensor::get_list($conn, '', '')) {
        return $host_list;
    return "";
Example #10
function DisplayProcessing()
    global $self;
    global $ListNOption;
    global $TopNOption;
    global $OutputFormatOption;
    global $IPStatOption;
    global $IPStatOrder;
    global $LimitScale;
    require_once 'classes/Session.inc';
    require_once 'classes/Sensor.inc';
    require_once 'ossim_db.inc';
    $db_aux = new ossim_db();
    $conn_aux = $db_aux->connect();
    $sensors_list = Sensor::get_list($conn_aux);
    $detail_opts = $_SESSION['detail_opts'];
    $process_form = $_SESSION['process_form'];
    $type = $detail_opts['type'] == "flows" ? 0 : ($detail_opts['type'] == "packets" ? 1 : 2);
	<a name="processing"></a>
   <table style='width:100%;margin-top:15px;margin-bottom:5px;border:none'><tr>
   <td class='nobborder'><b><?php 
    echo _("Netflow Processing");
   <td class='noborder' style='text-align:center'>
    [ <a href='javascript:lastsessions()'><?php 
    echo _("List last 500 sessions");
</a> ]
    &nbsp;[ <a href='javascript:launch("2","<?php 
    echo $type;
    echo _("Top 10 Src IPs");
</a> ]
    &nbsp;[ <a href='javascript:launch("3","<?php 
    echo $type;
    echo _("Top 10 Dst IPs");
</a> ]
    &nbsp;[ <a href='javascript:launch("5","<?php 
    echo $type;
    echo _("Top 10 Src Port");
</a> ]
    &nbsp;[ <a href='javascript:launch("6","<?php 
    echo $type;
    echo _("Top 10 Dst Port");
</a> ]
    &nbsp;[ <a href='javascript:launch("13","<?php 
    echo $type;
    echo _("Top 10 Proto");
</a> ]

<form action="<?php 
    echo $self;
" onSubmit="return ValidateProcessForm()" id="FlowProcessingForm" method="POST">
<TABLE border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" style='font-size:14px;font-weight:bold;width:100%'>
    echo _("Source");
    echo _("Filter");
    echo _("Options");

	<TD style='vertical-align:top;border:none'>
		<SELECT name="srcselector[]" id='SourceSelector' size="6" style="width: 100%" multiple>
    foreach ($process_form['srcselector'] as $selected_channel) {
        $_tmp[$selected_channel] = 1;
    $i = 0;
    foreach (array_keys($_SESSION['profileinfo']['channel']) as $channel) {
        $has_perm = 0;
        foreach ($sensors_list as $s) {
            if ($channel == $s->get_name()) {
                $has_perm = 1;
        if (Session::am_i_admin()) {
            $has_perm = 1;
        if (!$has_perm) {
        $checked = array_key_exists($channel, $_tmp) ? 'selected' : '';
        print "<OPTION value='{$channel}' {$checked}>{$channel}</OPTION>\n";
		<INPUT class="lbutton" TYPE="button" NAME="JSbutton2" Value="<?php 
    echo _("All Sources");
" onClick="SelectAllSources()">
	<td style="vertical-align:top;border:none">
		<textarea name="filter" id="filter" multiline="true" wrap="phisical" rows="6" cols="50"><?php 
    if (is_array($process_form)) {
        $display_filter = array_key_exists('editfilter', $process_form) ? $process_form['editfilter'] : $process_form['filter'];
    } else {
        $display_filter = array();
    if (count($display_filter) < 1 && GET('ip') != "") {
        $display_filter[0] = "src ip " . GET('ip') . " or dst ip " . GET('ip');
    foreach ($display_filter as $line) {
        print htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($line)) . "\n";
    $deletefilter_display_style = is_array($process_form) && array_key_exists('editfilter', $process_form) ? '' : 'style="display:none;"';
		<input type="image" name="filter_delete" id="filter_delete" title="<?php 
    echo _("Delete filter");
" align="right"
			onClick="HandleFilter(3)" value="" src="icons/trash.png" <?php 
    echo $deletefilter_display_style;
		<input type="hidden" name="filter_name" id="filter_name" value="none">
		<span id="filter_span">and
		<select name="DefaultFilter" id="DefaultFilter" onChange="HandleFilter(0)" size="1">
    print "<option value='-1' label='none'>&lt;none&gt;</option>\n";
    foreach ($_SESSION['DefaultFilters'] as $name) {
        $checked = $process_form['DefaultFilter'] == $name ? 'selected' : '';
        print "<option value='{$name}' {$checked}>{$name}</option>\n";
    $editfilter_display_style = 'style="display:none;"';
    foreach ($_SESSION['DefaultFilters'] as $name) {
        if ($process_form['DefaultFilter'] == $name) {
            $editfilter_display_style = '';
		<input type="image" name="filter_save" id="filter_save" title="<?php 
    echo _("Save filter");
			value="" src="icons/save.png" border="0" align="absmiddle">
		<input type="image" name="filter_edit" id="filter_edit" title="<?php 
    echo _("Edit filter");
" <?php 
    echo $editfilter_display_style;
			onClick="HandleFilter(1)" value="" src="icons/edit.png">
        <script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript">
            var DefaultFilters = new Array();
    foreach ($_SESSION['DefaultFilters'] as $name) {
        print "DefaultFilters.push('{$name}');\n";
    if (array_key_exists('editfilter', $process_form)) {
        print "edit_filter = '" . $process_form['DefaultFilter'] . "';\n";
	<!-- Options start here -->
	<td style='padding: 0px;vertical-align:top;border:none'>
 		<table border="0"id="ProcessOptionTable" style="font-size:14px;font-weight:bold;border:none;width:100%">
    $i = 0;
    foreach (array('List Flows', 'Stat TopN') as $s) {
        $checked = $process_form['modeselect'] == $i ? 'checked' : '';
        print "<input type='radio' onClick='SwitchOptionTable({$i})' name='modeselect' id='modeselect{$i}' value='{$i}' {$checked}>{$s}&nbsp;";
    $list_display_style = $process_form['modeselect'] == 0 ? '' : 'style="display:none;"';
    $stat_display_style = $process_form['modeselect'] == 0 ? 'style="display:none;"' : '';
    $formatselect_display_opts = $process_form['modeselect'] == 1 && $process_form['stattype'] != 0 ? 'style="display:none;"' : '';
			<td align="right" style="border:none">
				<input class="button" type="button" name="JSbutton1" value="<?php 
    echo _("Clear Form");
" onClick="ResetProcessingForm()">
				<input class="button" type="submit" name="process" value="<?php 
    echo _("Process");
" style="font-weight:bold" id="process_button" onClick="form_ok=true;" size="1">
			<tr id="listNRow" <?php 
    echo $list_display_style;
				<td class='TDnfprocLabel'><?php 
    echo _("Limit to");
				<td class='TDnfprocControl'>
					<select name="listN" id="listN" style="margin-left:1" size="1">
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($ListNOption); $i++) {
        $checked = $process_form['listN'] == $i ? 'selected' : '';
        print "<OPTION value='{$i}' {$checked}>" . $ListNOption[$i] . "</OPTION>\n";
					</select> <?php 
    echo _("Flows");
			<tr id="topNRow" <?php 
    echo $stat_display_style;
				<td class='TDnfprocLabel'><?php 
    echo _("Top");
				<td class='TDnfprocControl'> 
					<select name="topN" id="TopN" size="1">
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($TopNOption); $i++) {
        $checked = $process_form['topN'] == $i ? 'selected' : '';
        print "<OPTION value='{$i}' {$checked}>" . $TopNOption[$i] . "</OPTION>\n";
			<tr id="stattypeRow" <?php 
    echo $stat_display_style;
				<td class="TDnfprocLabel"><?php 
    echo _("Stat");
				<td class="TDnfprocControl">
					<select name="stattype" id="StatTypeSelector" onChange="ShowHideOptions()" size="1">
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($IPStatOption); $i++) {
        $checked = $process_form['stattype'] == $i ? 'selected' : '';
        print "<OPTION value='{$i}' {$checked}>" . $IPStatOption[$i] . "</OPTION>\n";
    echo _("order by");
					<select name='statorder' id="statorder" size='1'>
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($IPStatOrder); $i++) {
        $checked = $process_form['statorder'] == $i ? 'selected' : '';
        print "<OPTION value='{$i}' {$checked}>" . $IPStatOrder[$i] . "</OPTION>\n";
			<tr id="AggregateRow" <?php 
    echo $formatselect_display_opts;
				<td class='TDnfprocLabel'><?php 
    echo _("Aggregate");
				<td class='TDnfprocControl'>
					<input type="checkbox" name="aggr_proto" id="aggr_proto" value="checked" 
						style="margin-left:1" <?php 
    echo $process_form['aggr_proto'];
    echo _("proto");
					<input type="checkbox" name="aggr_srcport" id="aggr_srcport" value="checked" 
						style="margin-left:1" <?php 
    echo $process_form['aggr_srcport'];
    echo _("srcPort");
					<input type="checkbox" name="aggr_srcip" id="aggr_srcip" value="checked" 
						style="margin-left:1" <?php 
    echo $process_form['aggr_srcip'];
    				<select name="aggr_srcselect" id="aggr_srcselect" onChange="NetbitEntry('src')" size="1">
    $i = 0;
    foreach (array('srcIP', 'srcIPv4/', 'srcIPv6/') as $s) {
        $checked = $process_form['aggr_srcselect'] == $i ? 'selected' : '';
        print "<option value='{$i}' {$checked}>{$s}</option>\n";
    $_style = $process_form['aggr_srcselect'] == 0 ? 'style="display:none"' : '';
					<input size="3" type="text" name="aggr_srcnetbits" id="aggr_srcnetbits" 
    echo $process_form['aggr_srcnetbits'];
" <?php 
    echo $_style;
					<input type="checkbox" name="aggr_dstport" id="aggr_dstport" value="checked" 
						style="margin-left:1" <?php 
    echo $process_form['aggr_dstport'];
    echo _("dstPort");
					<input type="checkbox" name="aggr_dstip" id="aggr_dstip" value="checked" 
						style="margin-left:1" <?php 
    echo $process_form['aggr_dstip'];
    				<select name="aggr_dstselect" id="aggr_dstselect" onChange="NetbitEntry('dst')" size="1">
    $i = 0;
    foreach (array('dstIP', 'dstIPv4/', 'dstIPv6/') as $s) {
        $checked = $process_form['aggr_dstselect'] == $i ? 'selected' : '';
        print "<option value='{$i}' {$checked}>{$s}</option>\n";
    $_style = $process_form['aggr_dstselect'] == 0 ? 'style="display:none"' : '';
					<input size="3" type="text" name="aggr_dstnetbits" id="aggr_dstnetbits" 
    echo $process_form['aggr_dstnetbits'];
" <?php 
    echo $_style;
			<tr id="timesortedRow" <?php 
    echo $list_display_style;
				<td class='TDnfprocLabel'><?php 
    echo _("Sort");
				<td class='TDnfprocControl'>
					<input type="checkbox" name="timesorted" id="timesorted" value="checked" 
						style="margin-left:1" <?php 
    echo $process_form['timesorted'];
    echo _("start time of flows");
			<tr id="limitoutputRow" <?php 
    echo $stat_display_style;
				<td class='TDnfprocLabel'><?php 
    echo _("Limit");
				<td class='TDnfprocControl'>
					<input type="checkbox" name="limitoutput" id="limitoutput" value="checked" style="margin-left:1" 
						size="1" <?php 
    echo $process_form['limitoutput'];
					<select name="limitwhat" id="limitwhat" size="1">
    $i = 0;
    foreach (array(gettext("Packets"), gettext("Traffic")) as $s) {
        $checked = $process_form['limitwhat'] == $i ? 'selected' : '';
        print "<option value='{$i}' {$checked}>{$s}</option>\n";
					<select name="limithow" id="limithow" size="1">
    $i = 0;
    foreach (array('&gt;', '&lt;') as $s) {
        $checked = $process_form['limithow'] == $i ? 'selected' : '';
        print "<option value='{$i}' {$checked}>{$s}</option>\n";
					<input type="text" name="limitsize" id="limitsize" value="<?php 
    echo $process_form['limitsize'];
					<select name="limitscale" id="limitscale" size="1" style="margin-left:1">
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($LimitScale as $s) {
        $checked = $process_form['limitscale'] == $i ? 'selected' : '';
        print "<option value='{$i}' {$checked}>{$s}</option>\n";

			<tr id="outputRow">
				<td class='TDnfprocLabel'><?php 
    echo _("Output");
				<td class='TDnfprocControl'>
					<span id="FormatSelect" <?php 
    echo $formatselect_display_opts;
					<select name="output" id="output" onChange="CustomOutputFormat()"  style="margin-left:1" size="1">
    foreach ($_SESSION['formatlist'] as $key => $value) {
        $checked = $process_form['output'] == $key ? 'selected' : '';
        print "<OPTION value='{$key}' {$checked}>{$key}</OPTION>\n";
    $fmt = $_SESSION['formatlist'][$process_form['output']];
    if ($process_form['output'] == $fmt) {
        // built in format
        $space_display_style = '';
        $edit_display_style = 'style="display:none"';
    } else {
        $space_display_style = 'style="display:none"';
        $edit_display_style = '';
    				<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript">
						var fmts = new Hash();
    foreach ($_SESSION['formatlist'] as $key => $value) {
        print "fmts.setItem('{$key}', '{$value}');\n";
					<img src="icons/space.png" border="0" alt='space' id='space' <?php 
    echo $space_display_style;
					<a href="#null" onClick="EditCustomFormat()"
    echo _("Edit format");
" ><IMG SRC="icons/edit.png" name="fmt_doedit" id="fmt_doedit" border="0"
    echo $edit_display_style;
    echo _("Edit format");
					<input type="checkbox" name="IPv6_long" id="IPv6_long" style="margin-left:1" value="checked" <?php 
    echo $process_form['IPv6_long'];
					&nbsp;/ <?php 
    echo _("IPv6 long");
    $fmt_edit_display_style = $process_form['output'] == 'custom ...' ? '' : 'style="display:none"';
					<span id="fmt_edit" <?php 
    echo $fmt_edit_display_style;
    echo _("Enter custom output format");
					<input size="30" type="text" name="customfmt" id="customfmt" 
    echo htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($process_form['customfmt']));
" >
					<input type="image" name="fmt_save" id="fmt_save" title="<?php 
    echo _("Save format");
						value="" src="icons/save.png">
					<input type="image" name="fmt_delete" id="fmt_delete" title="<?php 
    echo _("Delete format");
						value="" src="icons/trash.png" <?php 
    echo $edit_display_style;
	<td align="right" style="border:none">
		<input type="button" name="JSbutton1" value="<?php 
    echo _("Clear Form");
" onClick="ResetProcessingForm()">
		<input type="submit" name="process" value="<?php 
    echo _("process");
" id="process_button" onClick="form_ok=true;" size="1">

<div id="lookupbox">
	<div id="lookupbar" align="right" style="background-color:olivedrab"><img src="icons/close.png"
		onmouseover="this.style.cursor='pointer';" onClick="hidelookup()" title="<?php 
    echo _("Close lookup box");
	<iframe id="cframe" src="" frameborder="0" width=100% height=100%></iframe>

    if (!array_key_exists('run', $_SESSION)) {
    print "<div class='flowlist'>\n";
    $run = $_SESSION['run'];
    if ($run != null) {
        $filter = $process_form['filter'];
        if ($process_form['DefaultFilter'] != -1) {
            $cmd_opts['and_filter'] = $process_form['DefaultFilter'];
        $cmd_opts['type'] = ($_SESSION['profileinfo']['type'] & 4) > 0 ? 'shadow' : 'real';
        $cmd_opts['profile'] = $_SESSION['profileswitch'];
        $cmd_opts['srcselector'] = implode(':', $process_form['srcselector']);
        print "<pre>\n";
        $pattern = '/(\\s*)([^\\s]+)/';
        $replacement = "\$1<a href='#null' onClick='lookup(\"\$2\", this, event)' title='lookup \$2'>\$2</a>";
        $cmd_opts['args'] = "-T {$run}";
        $cmd_opts['filter'] = $filter;
        $titcol = "";
        if (preg_match("/ srcip/", $run)) {
            $titcol = _("Src IP");
        } elseif (preg_match("/ dstip/", $run)) {
            $titcol = _("Dst IP");
        } elseif (preg_match("/ srcport/", $run)) {
            $titcol = _("Src Port");
        } elseif (preg_match("/ dstport/", $run)) {
            $titcol = _("Dst Port");
        $cmd_out = nfsend_query("run-nfdump", $cmd_opts);
        if (!is_array($cmd_out)) {
        } else {
            require_once "classes/Host.inc";
            require_once "classes/Net.inc";
            require_once 'ossim_db.inc';
            require_once "ossim_conf.inc";
            $conf = $GLOBALS["CONF"];
            $solera = $conf->get_conf("solera_enable", FALSE) ? true : false;
            include "geoip.inc";
            $gi = geoip_open("/usr/share/geoip/GeoIP.dat", GEOIP_STANDARD);
            $db = new ossim_db();
            $conn = $db->connect();
            $sensors = $hosts = $ossim_servers = array();
            list($sensors, $hosts, $icons) = Host::get_ips_and_hostname($conn);
            /*$networks = "";
              $_nets = Net::get_all($conn);
              $_nets_ips = $_host_ips = $_host = array();
              foreach ($_nets as $_net) $_nets_ips[] = $_net->get_ips();
              $networks = implode(",",$_nets_ips);*/
            $hosts_ips = array_keys($hosts);
            				if ( array_key_exists('arg', $cmd_out) ) {
            					print "** nfdump " . $cmd_out['arg'] . "\n";
            				if ( array_key_exists('filter', $cmd_out) ) {
            					print "nfdump filter:\n";
            					foreach ( $cmd_out['filter'] as $line ) {
            						print "$line\n";
            				foreach ( $cmd_out['nfdump'] as $line ) {
            					print preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $line) . "\n";
            				print "</pre>\n";*/
            # parse command line
            #2009-12-09 17:08:17.596    40.262 TCP    -> .AP.SF   0       70   180978        1    35960   2585     1
            $list = preg_match("/ \\-a  \\-A /", $cmd_out['arg']) ? 1 : 0;
            $regex = $list ? "/(\\d\\d\\d\\d\\-.*?\\s.*?)\\s+(.*?)\\s+(.*?)\\s+(.*?)\\s+->\\s+(.*?)\\s+(.*?)\\s+(.*?)\\s+(.*?)\\s+(.*?\\s*[KMG]?)\\s+(.*?)\\s+(.*?)\\s+(.*?)\\s+(.*)/" : "/(\\d\\d\\d\\d\\-.*?\\s.*?)\\s+(.*?)\\s+(.*?)\\s+(.*?)\\s+(.*?)\\s+(.*?)\\s+(.*?\\s*[KMGT]?)\\s+(.*?)\\s+(.*?)\\s+(.*)/";
            echo "<table style='width:100%;margin-bottom:5px''>";
            $geotools = false;
            if ($list && file_exists("../kml/GoogleEarth.php")) {
                $geotools = true;
                $geoips = array();
                echo "<tr><td class='nobborder'></td><td class='nobborder'></td><td class='nobborder'></td>";
                echo "<td class='center nobborder'>Geo Tools: <a href='' onclick='window.open(\"../kml/TourConfig.php?type=ip_src&ip=&flows=1\",\"Flows sources - Goggle Earth API\",\"width=1024,height=700,scrollbars=NO,toolbar=1\");return false'><img align='absmiddle' src='../pixmaps/google_earth_icon.png' border='0'></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='' onclick='window.open(\"../kml/IPGoogleMap.php?type=ip_src&ip=&flows=1\",\"Flows sources - Goggle Maps API\",\"width=1024,height=700,scrollbars=NO,toolbar=1\");return false'><img align='absmiddle' src='../pixmaps/google_maps_icon.png' border='0'></a></td>";
                echo "<td class='center nobborder'>Geo Tools: <a href='' onclick='window.open(\"../kml/TourConfig.php?type=ip_dst&ip=&flows=1\",\"Flows destinations - Goggle Earth API\",\"width=1024,height=700,scrollbars=NO,toolbar=1\");return false'><img align='absmiddle' src='../pixmaps/google_earth_icon.png' border='0'></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='' onclick='window.open(\"../kml/IPGoogleMap.php?type=ip_dst&ip=&flows=1\",\"Flows destinations - Goggle Maps API\",\"width=1024,height=700,scrollbars=NO,toolbar=1\");return false'><img align='absmiddle' src='../pixmaps/google_maps_icon.png' border='0'></a></td>";
                echo "</tr>";
            echo $list ? "<tr>\n                    <th>" . _("Date flow start") . "</th>\n                    <th>" . _("Duration") . "</th>\n                    <th>" . _("Proto") . "</th>\n                    <th>" . _("Src IP Addr:Port") . "</th>\n                    <th>" . _("Dst IP Addr:Port") . "</th>\n                    <th>" . _("Flags") . "</th>\n                    <th>" . _("Tos") . "</th>\n                    <th>" . _("Packets") . "</th>\n                    <th>" . _("Bytes") . "</th>\n                    <th>" . _("pps") . "</th>\n                    <th>" . _("bps") . "</th>\n                    <th>" . _("Bpp") . "</th>\n                    <th>" . _("Flows") . "</th>\n                \t" . ($solera ? "<th></th>" : "") . "\n                    </tr>" : "<tr>\n                    <th>" . _("Date flow seen") . "</th>\n                    <th>" . _("Duration") . "</th>\n                    <th>" . _("Proto") . "</th>\n                    <th>" . $titcol . "</th>\n                    <th>" . _("Flows") . "</th>\n                    <th>" . _("Packets") . "</th>\n                    <th>" . _("Bytes") . "</th>\n                    <th>" . _("pps") . "</th>\n                    <th>" . _("bps") . "</th>\n                    <th>" . _("bpp") . "</th>\n                \t" . ($solera ? "<th></th>" : "") . "\n                    </tr>";
            $status = $errors = array();
            foreach ($cmd_out['nfdump'] as $k => $line) {
                echo "<tr>\n";
                #capture status
                if (preg_match("/^(Summary|Time window|Total flows processed|Sys)\\:/", $line, $found)) {
                    $status[$found[1]] = str_replace($found[1] . ":", "", $line);
                # capture errors
                if (preg_match("/ error /i", $line, $found)) {
                    $errors[] = $line;
                # print results
                $line = preg_replace("/\\(\\s(\\d)/", "(\\1", $line);
                // Patch for ( 0.3)
                $line = preg_replace("/(\\d)\\s([KMG])/", "\\1\\2", $line);
                // Patch for 1.2 M(99.6)
                $start = $end = $proto = "";
                $ips = $ports = array();
                if (preg_match($regex, preg_replace('/\\s*/', ' ', $line), $found)) {
                    foreach ($found as $ki => $field) {
                        if ($ki > 0) {
                            $wrap = $ki == 1 ? "nowrap" : "";
                            $field = preg_replace("/(\\:\\d+)\\.0\$/", "\\1", $field);
                            if (preg_match("/(\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+)(.*)/", $field, $fnd)) {
                                # match ip (resolve and geolocalize)
                                $ip = $fnd[1];
                                $port = $fnd[2];
                                $name = $sensors[$ip] != "" ? $sensors[$ip] : ($hosts[$ip] != "" ? $hosts[$ip] : $ip);
                                $homelan = ($match_cidr = Net::is_ip_in_cache_cidr($conn, $ip)) || in_array($ip, $hosts_ips) ? " <a href='javascript:;' class='scriptinfo' style='text-decoration:none' ip='{$ip}'><img src=\"" . Host::get_homelan_icon($ip, $icons, $match_cidr, $conn) . "\" border=0></a>" : "";
                                $country = strtolower(geoip_country_code_by_addr($gi, $ip));
                                $country_name = geoip_country_name_by_addr($gi, $ip);
                                if ($country) {
                                    $country_img = " <img src=\"/ossim/pixmaps/flags/" . $country . ".png\" alt=\"" . _($country_name) . "\" title=\"" . _($country_name) . "\">";
                                } else {
                                    $country_img = "";
                                $field = "<a href='javascript:;' class='HostReportMenu' id='{$ip};{$name}'>{$name}</a>{$port} {$country_img} {$homelan}";
                                $wrap = "nowrap";
                                $ips[] = $ip;
                                if ($geotools) {
                                    if ($ki == 4) {
                                    } elseif ($ki == 5) {
                                $ports[] = str_replace(":", "", $port);
                            if (preg_match("/(\\d+-\\d+-\\d+ \\d+:\\d+:\\d+)(.*)/", $field, $fnd)) {
                                # match date
                                $start = $end = $fnd[1];
                            if (preg_match("/(TCP|UDP|ICMP|RAW)/", $field, $fnd)) {
                                # match date
                                $proto = strtolower($fnd[1]);
                            print "<td {$wrap}>{$field}</td>";
                    // solera deepsee integration
                    if ($solera) {
                        echo "<td><a href=\"javascript:;\" onclick=\"solera_deepsee('{$start}','{$end}','" . $ips[0] . "','" . $ports[0] . "','" . $ips[1] . "','" . $ports[1] . "','{$proto}')\"><img src='/ossim/pixmaps/solera.png' border='0' align='absmiddle'></a></td>";
                echo "</tr>\n";
            echo "</table>";
            if ($geotools) {
                foreach ($geoips as $type => $list) {
                    $ipsfile = fopen("/var/tmp/flowips_" . Session::get_session_user() . ".{$type}", "w");
                    foreach ($list as $ip => $val) {
                        fputs($ipsfile, "{$ip}\n");
            #Summary: total flows: 20, total bytes: 7701, total packets: 133, avg bps: 60, avg pps: 0, avg bpp: 57
            #Time window: 2009-12-10 08:21:30 - 2009-12-10 08:38:26
            #Total flows processed: 21, Records skipped: 0, Bytes read: 1128
            #Sys: 0.000s flows/second: 0.0        Wall: 0.000s flows/second: 152173.9
            if (count($status) > 0) {
                echo "<table style='margin-bottom:5px;width:100%'>";
                foreach ($status as $key => $line) {
                    $line = preg_replace("/(Wall)\\:/", "<span class='th'>\\1</span>", $line);
                    $line = preg_replace("/\\,\\s+(.*?)\\:/", " <span class='th'>\\1</span>", $line);
                    echo "<tr><td class='nobborder'><span class='th'>{$key}</span>{$line}</td></tr>";
                echo "</table>";
            # stat() error '/home/dk/nfsen/profiles-data/live/device2/2009/12/10/nfcapd.200912100920': File not found!
            if (count($errors) > 0) {
                echo "<table style='margin-bottom:5px;width:100%'>";
                foreach ($errors as $key => $line) {
                    echo "<tr><td class='nobborder'><span class='th'>" . _("Error found") . "</span> {$line}</td></tr>";
                echo "</table>";
        #print "</pre>\n";
    print "</div>\n";
Example #11
    $ip = $_SESSION['_sensor']['ip'];
    $priority = $_SESSION['_sensor']['priority'];
    $descr = $_SESSION['_sensor']['descr'];
    $tzone = $_SESSION['_sensor']['tzone'];
    $s_tpl = Sensor::is_sensor_in_templates($conn, $ip);
    if (!empty($s_tpl)) {
        $s_tpl = implode(",", $s_tpl);
} else {
    if ($sname != '') {
        ossim_valid($sname, OSS_ALPHA, OSS_PUNC, OSS_SCORE, 'illegal:' . _("Sensor name"));
        if (ossim_error()) {
        if ($sensor_list = Sensor::get_list($conn, "WHERE name = '{$sname}'")) {
            $sensor = $sensor_list[0];
            $sname = $sensor->get_name();
            $ip = $sensor->get_ip();
            $priority = $sensor->get_priority();
            $descr = $sensor->get_descr();
            $tzone = $sensor->get_tzone();
            $s_tpl = Sensor::is_sensor_in_templates($conn, $ip);
            if (!empty($s_tpl)) {
                $s_tpl = implode(",", $s_tpl);
Example #12
<input type="hidden" name="proto" value="<?php 
echo $proto;
<input type="hidden" name="port" value="<?php 
echo $port;
<input type="hidden" name="sensor" value="<?php 
echo $sensor;
<select name="interface" onChange="submit()">

if ($sensor_list = Sensor::get_list($conn, "{$sensor_where}")) {
    $sflag = 0;
    foreach ($sensor_list as $s) {
        if ($sensor == $s->get_ip()) {
            $sflag = 1;
            if ($sensor_interface_list = Sensor_interfaces::get_list($conn, $s->get_ip())) {
                foreach ($sensor_interface_list as $s_int) {
                    if (!$interface && $s_int->get_main() == 1) {
                        echo "SELECTED";
                    } elseif ($interface == $s_int->get_interface()) {
                        echo "SELECTED";