function get_metagroup_members($metagroup_name, $args = array())
     require_once SCOPER_ABSPATH . '/admin/admin_lib_rs.php';
     if ($group = ScoperAdminLib::get_group_by_name('[' . $metagroup_name . ']')) {
         return ScoperAdminLib::get_group_members($group->ID, COL_ID_RS, true);
     return array();
function printGroupMembers()
    $results = ScoperAdminLib::get_all_groups(FILTERED_RS);
    $alt = false;
    if (isset($results) && count($results) > 0) {
        echo "\n<table class='rs-member_table' width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"3\" cellpadding=\"3\">";
        echo "\n\t<tr class=\"thead\">";
        echo "\n\t\t<th>Group Name</th>\n\t\t<th>Members</th>\n\t\t<th>&nbsp;</th>";
        echo "\n\t</tr>";
        foreach ($results as $result) {
            $alt = !$alt;
            $style = $alt ? 'class=\'alternate\'' : 'margin: 1em 0 1em 0;';
            echo "<tr " . $style . "><td>" . $result->display_name . "</td><td>";
            if ($members = ScoperAdminLib::get_group_members($result->ID)) {
                printf(_n('%d user', '%d users', count($members), 'scoper'), count($members));
                echo '<br />';
                foreach ($members as $member) {
                    echo "- " . $member->display_name . "<br />";
            } else {
                if ($result->meta_id) {
                    _e('(automatic)', 'scoper');
                } else {
                    _e('(no users)', 'scoper');
            echo "</td><td " . $style . ">";
            if (!$result->meta_id) {
                echo "<a class='edit' href='admin.php?page=rs-group_members&amp;mode=edit&amp;id={$result->ID}'>" . __awp('Edit') . "</a>";
            echo "</td></tr>";
        echo "\n</table>";
    } else {
        echo "<p><strong>" . __('No groups available.', 'scoper') . "</strong></p>";
    $group_id = !empty($group) ? $group->ID : 0;
    // force_all_users arg is a temporary measure to ensure that any user can be viewed / added to a sitewide MU group regardless of what blog backend it's edited through
    $sitewide_groups = IS_MU_RS && scoper_get_site_option('mu_sitewide_groups');
    $_args = $sitewide_groups ? array('force_all_users' => true) : array();
    $all_users = $scoper->users_who_can('', COLS_ID_NAME_RS, '', '', $_args);
    // need this for group managers checklist even if using Ajax UI for members
    if (scoper_get_option('group_ajax')) {
        require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/user_search_ui_rs.php';
        $arr_display_names = array();
        $status_users = array();
        $status_users['active'] = ScoperAdminLib::get_group_members($group_id, COLS_ID_NAME_RS, false, array('status' => 'active'));
        $status_users['recommended'] = ScoperAdminLib::get_group_members($group_id, COLS_ID_NAME_RS, false, array('status' => 'recommended'));
        $status_users['requested'] = ScoperAdminLib::get_group_members($group_id, COLS_ID_NAME_RS, false, array('status' => 'requested'));
        foreach ($status_users as $key => $users) {
            foreach ($users as $user) {
                $arr_display_names[$key][$user->ID] = $user->display_name;
        global $scoper_user_search;
        $scoper_user_search->output_html($arr_display_names, 'users');
    } else {
        UserGroups_tp::group_members_checklist($group_id, 'member', $all_users);

    if ($can_manage_all_groups || current_user_can('manage_groups', $group->ID)) {
function scoper_limit_subscribe2_autosub($query)
    global $wpdb;
    if ("SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM {$wpdb->usermeta} WHERE {$wpdb->usermeta}.meta_key='s2_autosub' AND {$wpdb->usermeta}.meta_value='yes'" == $query) {
        global $scoper, $subscribe2_category_rs;
        //rs_errlog("subscribe2 cat creation: $subscribe2_category_rs");
        $post_roles = $scoper->role_defs->qualify_roles('read', 'rs', 'post');
        // WP roles containing the 'activate plugins' capability are always honored regardless of object or term restritions
        $admin_roles_wp = array();
        global $wp_roles;
        if (isset($wp_roles->roles)) {
            $admin_cap_name = defined('SCOPER_CONTENT_ADMIN_CAP') ? constant('SCOPER_CONTENT_ADMIN_CAP') : 'activate_plugins';
            foreach (array_keys($wp_roles->roles) as $wp_role_name) {
                if (!empty($wp_roles->roles[$wp_role_name]['capabilities'])) {
                    if (array_intersect_key($wp_roles->roles[$wp_role_name]['capabilities'], array($admin_cap_name => 1))) {
                        $admin_roles_wp = array_merge($admin_roles_wp, array($wp_role_name => 1));
        if ($admin_roles_wp) {
            $admin_roles_wp = scoper_role_names_to_handles(array_keys($admin_roles_wp), 'wp', true);
        //arg: return as array keys
        $args = array('id' => $subscribe2_category_rs);
        $restrictions = $scoper->get_restrictions(TERM_SCOPE_RS, 'category', $args);
        $restricted_roles = array();
        if (!empty($restrictions['unrestrictions'])) {
            if ($restrictions['unrestrictions'] = array_intersect_key($restrictions['unrestrictions'], $post_roles)) {
                foreach ($restrictions['unrestrictions'] as $role_handle => $entries) {
                    if (!isset($entries[$subscribe2_category_rs]) || 'children' == $entries[$subscribe2_category_rs]) {
                        $restricted_roles[$role_handle] = true;
        if (!empty($restrictions['restrictions'])) {
            if ($restrictions['restrictions'] = array_intersect_key($restrictions['restrictions'], $post_roles)) {
                foreach ($restrictions['restrictions'] as $role_handle => $entries) {
                    if (isset($entries[$subscribe2_category_rs]) && 'children' != $entries[$subscribe2_category_rs]) {
                        $restricted_roles[$role_handle] = true;
        $unrestricted_roles = array_diff_key($post_roles, $restricted_roles);
        // for our purposes, a role is only restricted if all its contained qualifying roles are also restricted
        if ($restricted_roles) {
            foreach (array_keys($restricted_roles) as $role_handle) {
                if ($contained_roles = $scoper->role_defs->get_contained_roles($role_handle, false, 'rs')) {
                    if ($contained_roles = array_intersect_key($contained_roles, $unrestricted_roles)) {
            $unrestricted_roles = array_diff_key($post_roles, $restricted_roles);
        // account for WP blog roles
        $unrestricted_roles_wp = array();
        $restricted_roles_wp = array();
        if ($post_roles_wp = $scoper->role_defs->qualify_roles('read', 'wp', 'post')) {
            foreach (array_keys($post_roles_wp) as $wp_role) {
                if ($contains_rs_roles = $scoper->role_defs->get_contained_roles($wp_role, false, 'rs')) {
                    if ($contains_rs_roles = array_intersect_key($contains_rs_roles, $unrestricted_roles)) {
                        $unrestricted_roles_wp = array_merge($unrestricted_roles_wp, array($wp_role => true));
            $restricted_roles_wp = array_diff_key($post_roles_wp, $unrestricted_roles_wp);
        $unrestricted_roles_wp = array_merge($unrestricted_roles_wp, $admin_roles_wp);
        $role_in_wp = implode("', '", scoper_role_handles_to_names(array_keys($unrestricted_roles_wp)));
        // account for blog roles, where allowed
        if ($unrestricted_roles) {
            $wp_role_clause = !empty($role_in_wp) ? "OR ( role_type = 'wp' AND scope = 'blog' AND role_name IN ('{$role_in_wp}') )" : '';
            $role_in = implode("', '", scoper_role_handles_to_names(array_keys($unrestricted_roles)));
            $qry = "SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM {$wpdb->user2role2object_rs}" . " WHERE user_id > 0 AND (" . " ( role_type = 'rs' AND scope = 'blog' AND role_name IN ('{$role_in}') ) {$wp_role_clause} )";
            $users = scoper_get_col($qry);
            $qry = "SELECT DISTINCT group_id FROM {$wpdb->user2role2object_rs}" . " WHERE group_id > 0 AND (" . " ( role_type = 'rs' AND scope = 'blog' AND role_name IN ('{$role_in}') ) {$wp_role_clause} )";
            if ($groups = scoper_get_col($qry)) {
                foreach ($groups as $group_id) {
                    if ($group_members = ScoperAdminLib::get_group_members($group_id, $cols, true)) {
                        $users = array_merge($users, $group_members);
                $users = array_unique($users);
        } else {
            $users = array();
        // account for category roles
        $role_in = implode("', '", scoper_role_handles_to_names(array_keys($post_roles)));
        $qry = "SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM {$wpdb->user2role2object_rs}" . " WHERE user_id > 0 AND role_type = 'rs' AND scope = 'term' AND role_name IN ('{$role_in}')" . " AND assign_for IN ('entity', 'both')" . " AND src_or_tx_name = 'category' AND obj_or_term_id = '{$subscribe2_category_rs}'";
        $catrole_users = scoper_get_col($qry);
        $users = array_merge($users, $catrole_users);
        $qry = "SELECT DISTINCT group_id FROM {$wpdb->user2role2object_rs}" . " WHERE group_id > 0 AND role_type = 'rs' AND scope = 'term' AND role_name IN ('{$role_in}')" . " AND assign_for IN ('entity', 'both')" . " AND src_or_tx_name = 'category' AND obj_or_term_id = '{$subscribe2_category_rs}'";
        if ($groups = scoper_get_col($qry)) {
            foreach ($groups as $group_id) {
                if ($group_members = ScoperAdminLib::get_group_members($group_id, $cols, true)) {
                    $users = array_merge($users, $group_members);
            $users = array_unique($users);
        if ($users) {
            $query .= " AND user_id IN ('" . implode("', '", $users) . "')";
        } else {
            $query .= ' AND 1=2';
        remove_filter('query', 'scoper_limit_subscribe2_autosub', 99);
    return $query;
 function group_members_checklist($group_id, $user_class = 'member', $all_users = '')
     global $scoper;
     if (!$all_users) {
         $all_users = $scoper->users_who_can('', COLS_ID_NAME_RS);
     if ($group_id) {
         $group = ScoperAdminLib::get_group($group_id);
     if ('member' == $user_class) {
         $current_ids = $group_id ? array_flip(ScoperAdminLib::get_group_members($group_id, COL_ID_RS)) : array();
         if (!empty($group) && in_array($group->meta_id, array('rv_pending_rev_notice_ed_nr_', 'rv_scheduled_rev_notice_ed_nr_'))) {
             $args = array('any_object' => true);
             $eligible_ids = array();
             foreach (get_post_types(array('public' => true), 'object') as $_type => $_type_obj) {
                 $args['object_type'] = $_type;
                 $type_eligible_ids = $scoper->users_who_can(array($_type_obj->cap->edit_published_posts, $_type_obj->cap->edit_others_posts), COL_ID_RS, 'post', 0, $args);
                 $eligible_ids = array_merge($eligible_ids, $type_eligible_ids);
             $eligible_ids = array_unique($eligible_ids);
         } else {
             // force_all_users arg is a temporary measure to ensure that any user can be viewed / added to a sitewide MU group regardless of what blog backend it's edited through
             $_args = IS_MU_RS && scoper_get_option('mu_sitewide_groups', true) ? array('force_all_users' => true) : array();
             $eligible_ids = $scoper->users_who_can('', COL_ID_RS, '', '', $_args);
         $admin_ids = array();
     } else {
         $group_role_defs = 'moderator' == $user_class ? array('rs_group_moderator') : array('rs_group_manager');
         if ($group_id) {
             require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/role_assignment_lib_rs.php';
             $current_roles = ScoperRoleAssignments::organize_assigned_roles(OBJECT_SCOPE_RS, 'group', $group_id, $group_role_defs, ROLE_BASIS_USER);
             $current_roles = agp_array_flatten($current_roles, false);
             $current_ids = isset($current_roles['assigned']) ? $current_roles['assigned'] : array();
         } else {
             $current_ids = array();
         $cap_name = defined('SCOPER_USER_ADMIN_CAP') ? constant('SCOPER_USER_ADMIN_CAP') : 'edit_users';
         $admin_ids = $scoper->users_who_can($cap_name, COL_ID_RS);
         // optionally, limit available group managers according to role_admin_blogwide_editor_only option
         if ('manager' == $user_class) {
             $require_blogwide_editor = false;
             if (!empty($group)) {
                 if (!strpos($group->meta_id, '_nr_')) {
                     // don't limit manager selection for groups that don't have role assignments
                     $require_blogwide_editor = scoper_get_option('role_admin_blogwide_editor_only');
             if ('admin' == $require_blogwide_editor) {
                 $eligible_ids = $admin_ids;
             } elseif ('admin_content' == $require_blogwide_editor) {
                 $cap_name = defined('SCOPER_CONTENT_ADMIN_CAP') ? constant('SCOPER_CONTENT_ADMIN_CAP') : 'activate_plugins';
                 $eligible_ids = array_unique(array_merge($admin_ids, $scoper->users_who_can($cap_name, COL_ID_RS)));
             } elseif ($require_blogwide_editor) {
                 $post_editors = $scoper->users_who_can('edit_others_posts', COL_ID_RS);
                 $page_editors = $scoper->users_who_can('edit_others_pages', COL_ID_RS);
                 $eligible_ids = array_unique(array_merge($post_editors, $page_editors, $admin_ids));
             } else {
                 $eligible_ids = '';
         } else {
             $eligible_ids = '';
     // endif user class is not "member"
     $css_id = $user_class;
     $args = array('eligible_ids' => $eligible_ids, 'via_other_scope_ids' => $admin_ids, 'suppress_extra_prefix' => true);
     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/agents_checklist_rs.php';
     ScoperAgentsChecklist::agents_checklist(ROLE_BASIS_USER, $all_users, $css_id, $current_ids, $args);
  * function UsersInterceptor_RS::users_who_can
  * Get all users with required capabilities, applying scoped roles where pertinent.
  * reqd_caps: array of capability names, or string value containing single capability name
  * cols: enumeration COLS_ALL_RS, COL_ID_RS, COLS_ID_NAME_RS or COLS_ID_DISPLAYNAME_RS. Determines return array dimensions.
  * object_src_name: object data source name as defined in $scoper->data_sources ( 'post' for posts OR pages )
  * object_id: array(reqd_cap => object_id), or string value containing single object_id
  * Any WP-defined or RS-defined cap may be included to filter users on blog-wide capabilities.
  * In addition, object-specific calls filter users for RS-defined caps based on 
  * Taxonomy/Object role assignment and role scoping requirements.
  * Any reqd_caps lacking a Role Scoper definition are still tested for blog-wide users roles.
  * returns query results: 1D array of user_ids for $cols = COL_ID_RS, otherwise 2D array with all user columns
 function users_who_can($reqd_caps, $cols = COLS_ALL_RS, $object_src_name = '', $object_id = 0, $args = array())
     global $wpdb;
     $defaults = array('where' => '', 'orderby' => '', 'disable_memcache' => false, 'group_ids' => '', 'force_refresh' => false, 'force_all_users' => false);
     $args = array_merge($defaults, (array) $args);
     if (!$orderby) {
         if (COLS_ALL_RS == $cols || COLS_ID_DISPLAYNAME_RS == $cols) {
             $orderby = " ORDER BY display_name";
         } elseif (COLS_ID_NAME_RS == $cols) {
             $orderby = " ORDER BY user_login AS display_name";
         // calling code assumes display_name property for user or group object
     if ('id' == $cols) {
         $cols = COL_ID_RS;
     if (COL_ID_RS == $cols) {
         if ($force_all_users) {
             $qry = "SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->users}";
         } else {
             $qry = "SELECT DISTINCT uro.user_id AS ID FROM {$wpdb->user2role2object_rs} AS uro";
     } else {
         if (COLS_ID_DISPLAYNAME_RS == $cols) {
             $qcols = "{$wpdb->users}.ID, {$wpdb->users}.display_name";
         } elseif (COLS_ID_NAME_RS == $cols) {
             $qcols = "{$wpdb->users}.ID, {$wpdb->users}.user_login AS display_name";
         } elseif (COLS_ALL_RS == $cols) {
             $qcols = "{$wpdb->users}.*";
         } else {
             $qcols = $cols;
         $qry = "SELECT DISTINCT {$qcols} FROM {$wpdb->users}";
         $where = '';
     if ($reqd_caps || !$force_all_users) {
         if (COL_ID_RS != $cols) {
             $qry .= " INNER JOIN {$wpdb->user2role2object_rs} AS uro ON uro.user_id = {$wpdb->users}.ID";
         if (!is_array($args)) {
             $args = array();
         if (isset($args['ignore_user_roles'])) {
         $do_groups = empty($args['ignore_group_roles']);
         $args['ignore_group_roles'] = 1;
         $args['enforce_duration_limits'] = scoper_get_option('role_duration_limits');
         $args['enforce_content_date_limits'] = scoper_get_option('role_content_date_limits');
         //log_mem_usage_rs( 'before flt_users_where' );
         $where = $this->flt_users_where($where, $reqd_caps, $object_src_name, $object_id, $args);
         //log_mem_usage_rs( 'flt_users_where' );
     $id_clause = $force_all_users ? '' : 'AND uro.user_id > 0';
     $qry = "{$qry} WHERE 1=1 {$id_clause} {$where} {$orderby}";
     $qry_key = $qry . serialize($args);
     // if we've already run this query before, return the result
     if (empty($disable_memcache) && isset($this->user_cache[$qry_key])) {
         return $this->user_cache[$qry_key];
     if (COL_ID_RS == $cols) {
         $users = scoper_get_col($qry);
     } else {
         $users = scoper_get_results($qry);
     //log_mem_usage_rs( 'users query' );
     if (!empty($do_groups)) {
         if (!empty($args['preserve_or_clause']) && strpos($args['preserve_or_clause'], 'uro.')) {
         if (!empty($args['orderby'])) {
         if (empty($group_ids)) {
             $group_ids = $this->groups_who_can($reqd_caps, COL_ID_RS, $object_src_name, $object_id, $args);
         if (!empty($group_ids)) {
             if (!defined('DISABLE_PERSISTENT_CACHE')) {
                 // if persistent cache is enabled, use cached members list for each group instead of querying for all groups
                 foreach ($group_ids as $group_id) {
                     if ($group_members = ScoperAdminLib::get_group_members($group_id, $cols, true)) {
                         $users = array_merge($users, $group_members);
             } else {
                 // avoid separate query for each group if persistent cache is not enabled
                 if ($group_members = ScoperAdminLib::get_group_members($group_ids, $cols, true)) {
                     $users = array_merge($users, $group_members);
         if (COL_ID_RS == $cols) {
             $users = array_unique($users);
         } else {
             $users = agp_array_unique_md($users);
     $this->user_cache[$qry_key] = $users;
     //log_mem_usage_rs( 'end UsersInt::users_who_can' );
     return $users;
 function display_ui_group_roles($group_id)
     $users = ScoperAdminLib::get_group_members($group_id, COL_ID_RS);
     $args = array('disable_user_roles' => true, 'filter_usergroups' => array($group_id => true), 'disable_wp_roles' => true);
     $user_id = $users ? $users[0] : 0;
     $user = new WP_Scoped_User($user_id, '', $args);
     if (!$users) {
         $user->groups = array($group_id => true);
     if ($group = ScoperAdminLib::get_group($group_id)) {
         if (!strpos($group->meta_id, '_nr_')) {
             global $wpdb;
             echo '<div class="rs-group-profile">';
             if (IS_MU_RS && scoper_get_option('mu_sitewide_groups')) {
                 global $blog_id;
                 $blog_ids = scoper_get_col("SELECT blog_id FROM {$wpdb->blogs} ORDER BY blog_id");
                 $orig_blog_id = $blog_id;
             } else {
                 $blog_ids = array('1');
             foreach ($blog_ids as $id) {
                 if (count($blog_ids) > 1) {
                 if (!$wpdb->get_results("SHOW TABLES LIKE '{$wpdb->user2role2object_rs}'")) {
                 ScoperProfileUI::display_ui_user_roles($user, true);
                 //arg: groups only
             echo '</div>';
             if (count($blog_ids) > 1) {
 function draw_object_roles_content($src_name, $object_type, $role_handle, $object_id = '', $skip_user_validation = false, $object = false)
     //log_mem_usage_rs( 'start ItemRolesUI::draw_object_roles_content()' );
     if (!$object_id) {
         $object_id = scoper_get_object_id($src_name, $object_type);
     if (!empty($object) && 'auto-draft' == $object->post_status) {
         $object_id = 0;
     if ($src_name != $this->loaded_src_name || $object_type != $this->loaded_object_type || $object_id != $this->loaded_object_id) {
         $this->load_roles($src_name, $object_type, $object_id);
     if (!($otype_def = $this->scoper->data_sources->member_property($src_name, 'object_types', $object_type))) {
     if (!$skip_user_validation && !$this->scoper_admin->user_can_admin_role($role_handle, $object_id, $src_name, $object_type)) {
     // since we may be dumping a lot of hidden user <li> into the page, enumerate role names to shorten html
     $role_code = 'r' . array_search($role_handle, $this->role_handles);
     $role_def = $this->scoper->role_defs->get($role_handle);
     if (!isset($role_def->valid_scopes[OBJECT_SCOPE_RS])) {
     if (empty($this->drew_objroles_marker)) {
         echo "<input type='hidden' name='rs_object_roles' value='true' />";
         $this->drew_objroles_marker = true;
     // ========== OBJECT RESTRICTION CHECKBOX(ES) ============
     // checkbox to control object role scoping (dictates whether taxonomy and blog role assignments also be honored for operations on this object )
     $checked = empty($this->object_strict_roles[$role_handle]) ? '' : 'checked="checked"';
     $val = $checked ? '1' : '0';
     echo "<input type='hidden' name='last_objscope_{$role_code}' value='{$val}' id='last_objscope_{$role_code}' />";
     echo "\r\n<p style='margin-bottom:0.8em;'>" . "<span class='alignright'><a href='#wphead'>" . __('top', 'scoper') . '</a></span>' . "<label for='objscope_{$role_code}'>" . "<input type='checkbox' class='rs-check' name='objscope_{$role_code}' value='1' id='objscope_{$role_code}' {$checked} /> " . sprintf(__('Restrict for %1$s (<strong>only</strong> selected users/groups are %2$s)', 'scoper'), $otype_def->labels->singular_name, $this->scoper->role_defs->get_abbrev($role_handle, OBJECT_UI_RS)) . '</label></p>';
     if ($this->do_propagation_cboxes) {
         $checked = empty($this->child_strict_roles[$role_handle]) ? '' : 'checked="checked"';
         $val = $checked ? '1' : '0';
         echo "<input type='hidden' name='last_objscope_children_{$role_code}' value='{$val}' id='last_objscope_children_{$role_code}' />";
         echo "<p style='margin-top: 0.5em;'>" . "<label for='objscope_children_{$role_code}'>" . "<input type='checkbox' class='rs-check' name='objscope_children_{$role_code}' value='1' id='objscope_children_{$role_code}' {$checked} /> " . sprintf(__('Restrict for Sub-%1$s', 'scoper'), $otype_def->labels->name) . '</label></p>';
     // ========== OBJECT ROLE ASSIGNMENT CHECKBOX(ES) ============
     // toggle groups / users view if both are enabled
     //echo "<p style='margin: 1em 0 0.2em 0;'><strong>" . sprintf(__('Assign %s Role:', 'scoper'), $display_name ) . '</strong></p>';
     //echo '<br />';
     $toggle_agents = USER_ROLES_RS && GROUP_ROLES_RS && !empty($this->all_groups);
     if ($toggle_agents) {
         if (!empty($this->current_roles[ROLE_BASIS_USER][$role_handle])) {
             $default_role_basis = ROLE_BASIS_USER;
         } else {
             $default_role_basis = ROLE_BASIS_GROUPS;
         $class_selected = 'agp-selected_agent_colorized agp-selected_agent agp-agent';
         $class_unselected = 'agp-unselected_agent_colorized agp-unselected_agent agp-agent';
         $class = ROLE_BASIS_GROUPS == $default_role_basis ? "class='{$class_selected}'" : "class='{$class_unselected}'";
         $js_call = "agp_swap_display('{$role_code}_groups', '{$role_code}_user', '{$role_code}_show_group_roles', '{$role_code}_show_user_roles', '{$class_selected}', '{$class_unselected}')";
         $bottom_margin = !empty($GLOBALS['is_IE']) ? '-0.7em' : 0;
         echo "\r\n" . "<div class='agp_js_show' style='display:none;margin:0 0 {$bottom_margin} 0'>" . "<ul class='rs-list_horiz' style='margin-bottom:-0.1em'><li {$class}>" . "<a href='javascript:void(0)' id='{$role_code}_show_group_roles' onclick=\"{$js_call}\">" . __('Groups', 'scoper') . '</a></li>';
         $class = ROLE_BASIS_USER == $default_role_basis ? "class='{$class_selected}'" : "class='{$class_unselected}'";
         $js_call = "agp_swap_display('{$role_code}_user', '{$role_code}_groups', '{$role_code}_show_user_roles', '{$role_code}_show_group_roles', '{$class_selected}', '{$class_unselected}')";
         echo "\r\n" . "<li {$class}><a href='javascript:void(0)' id='{$role_code}_show_user_roles' onclick=\"{$js_call}\">" . __awp('Users') . '</a></li>' . '</ul></div>';
     $class = "class='rs-agents'";
     //need effective line break here if not IE
     echo "<div style='clear:both;margin:0 0 0.3em 0' {$class}>";
     $role_ops = $this->scoper->cap_defs->get_cap_ops($this->scoper->role_defs->role_caps[$role_handle]);
     $agents_reqd_op = isset($role_ops[OP_EDIT_RS]) ? OP_EDIT_RS : OP_READ_RS;
     $containing_roles = $this->scoper->role_defs->get_containing_roles($role_handle);
     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/agents_checklist_rs.php';
     $args = array('suppress_extra_prefix' => true, 'default_hide_threshold' => 20, 'propagation' => $this->do_propagation_cboxes, 'otype_label_singular' => $otype_def->labels->singular_name, 'otype_label' => $otype_def->labels->name, 'object_type' => $object_type, 'object_id' => $object_id);
     $args['via_other_role_ids'] = array();
     // must set this here b/c subsequent for loop is set up for users iteration to recall via_other_role_ids from groups iteration
     foreach ($this->agent_captions as $role_basis => $agent_caption) {
         if (!is_array($this->blog_term_roles[$role_basis][$role_handle])) {
             $this->blog_term_roles[$role_basis][$role_handle] = array();
         // for the purpose of indicating implicit role ownership, we will consider any assignment of a containing role as equivalent
         foreach (array_keys($containing_roles) as $containing_role_handle) {
             if (isset($this->blog_term_roles[$role_basis][$containing_role_handle]) && is_array($this->blog_term_roles[$role_basis][$containing_role_handle])) {
                 $this->blog_term_roles[$role_basis][$role_handle] = array_merge($this->blog_term_roles[$role_basis][$role_handle], $this->blog_term_roles[$role_basis][$containing_role_handle]);
         $this->blog_term_roles[$role_basis][$role_handle] = array_unique($this->blog_term_roles[$role_basis][$role_handle]);
         $hide_class = $toggle_agents && $role_basis != $default_role_basis ? ' class="agp_js_hide"' : '';
         echo "\r\n<div id='{$role_code}_{$role_basis}' {$hide_class}>";
         // also abbreviate "groups" to 'g', 'user' to 'u'
         $id_prefix = $role_code . substr($role_basis, 0, 1);
         if ($this->indicate_blended_roles && $object_id && GROUP_ROLES_RS && ROLE_BASIS_USER == $role_basis) {
             $args['via_other_basis_ids'] = array();
             // note users who are in a group that has this role object-assigned
             if (!empty($this->current_roles[ROLE_BASIS_GROUPS][$role_handle]['assigned'])) {
                 foreach (array_keys($this->current_roles[ROLE_BASIS_GROUPS][$role_handle]['assigned']) as $group_id) {
                     if (!isset($this->group_members[$group_id])) {
                         $this->group_members[$group_id] = ScoperAdminLib::get_group_members($group_id, COL_ID_RS, true);
                     //arg: maybe WP role metagroup
                     $args['via_other_basis_ids'] = array_merge($args['via_other_basis_ids'], $this->group_members[$group_id]);
             // note users who are in a group that has this role term-assigned or blog-assigned (and not restricted)
             foreach ($this->blog_term_roles[ROLE_BASIS_GROUPS][$role_handle] as $group_id) {
                 if (!isset($this->group_members[$group_id])) {
                     $this->group_members[$group_id] = ScoperAdminLib::get_group_members($group_id, COL_ID_RS, true);
                 //arg: maybe WP role metagroup
                 $args['via_other_basis_ids'] = array_merge($args['via_other_basis_ids'], $this->group_members[$group_id]);
             // note users who are in a group that has a containing role object-assigned
             // (note: via_other_role_ids element was set in previous iteration since ROLE_BASIS_GROUPS is first element in agents_caption array
             foreach ($args['via_other_role_ids'] as $group_id) {
                 if (!isset($this->group_members[$group_id])) {
                     $this->group_members[$group_id] = ScoperAdminLib::get_group_members($group_id, COL_ID_RS, true);
                 //arg: maybe WP role metagroup
                 $args['via_other_basis_ids'] = array_merge($args['via_other_basis_ids'], $this->group_members[$group_id]);
             $args['via_other_basis_ids'] = array_unique($args['via_other_basis_ids']);
         if ($this->indicate_blended_roles) {
             $args['via_other_scope_ids'] = $this->blog_term_roles[$role_basis][$role_handle];
         $args['via_other_role_ids'] = array();
         if ($this->indicate_blended_roles && $containing_roles) {
             foreach (array_keys($containing_roles) as $containing_role_handle) {
                 if (isset($this->current_roles[$role_basis][$containing_role_handle]['assigned'])) {
                     $args['via_other_role_ids'] = array_merge($args['via_other_role_ids'], array_keys($this->current_roles[$role_basis][$containing_role_handle]['assigned']));
             $args['via_other_role_ids'] = array_unique($args['via_other_role_ids']);
         if ($object_id && $this->do_propagation_cboxes) {
             $args['for_entity_ids'] = isset($this->current_roles[$role_basis][$role_handle]['entity']) ? array_keys($this->current_roles[$role_basis][$role_handle]['entity']) : array();
             $args['for_children_ids'] = isset($this->current_roles[$role_basis][$role_handle]['children']) ? array_keys($this->current_roles[$role_basis][$role_handle]['children']) : '';
         $args['eligible_ids'] = isset($this->eligible_agent_ids[$role_basis][$agents_reqd_op]) ? $this->eligible_agent_ids[$role_basis][$agents_reqd_op] : '';
         if ('post' == $src_name && 'auto-draft' == $object->post_status) {
             $args['suppress_last_agents'] = true;
         if (!empty($this->current_roles[$role_basis][$role_handle]['assigned'])) {
             ScoperAgentsChecklist::agents_checklist($role_basis, $this->all_agents[$role_basis], $id_prefix, $this->current_roles[$role_basis][$role_handle]['assigned'], $args);
         } else {
             ScoperAgentsChecklist::agents_checklist($role_basis, $this->all_agents[$role_basis], $id_prefix, '', $args);
         echo "\r\n</div>";
     // end foreach role basis caption (user or group)
     echo '</div>';
     // class rs-agents
     //log_mem_usage_rs( 'end ItemRolesUI::draw_object_roles_content()' );
        $results = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT ID, user_login FROM {$wpdb->users} ORDER BY user_login");
    } else {
        if (awp_ver('3.1-beta')) {
            $search = new WP_User_Query('search=*' . $_GET['rs_user_search'] . '*');
        } else {
            $search = new WP_User_Search($_GET['rs_user_search']);
        if ($search) {
            global $wpdb;
            $results = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT ID, user_login {$search->query_from} {$search->query_where} ORDER BY user_login");
    if ($results) {
        // determine all current users (of any status) for group in question
        if (!empty($_GET['rs_agent_id'])) {
            $users = ScoperAdminLib::get_group_members($_GET['rs_agent_id'], COL_ID_RS, false, array('status' => 'any'));
        } else {
            $users = array();
        foreach ($results as $row) {
            if (!in_array($row->ID, $users)) {
                echo "<option value='{$row->ID}'>{$row->user_login}</option>";
} elseif (isset($_GET['rs_group_search'])) {
    if (!empty($_GET['rs_group_search'])) {
        $searches = array();
        $where = 'AND (';
        foreach (array('group_name', 'group_description') as $col) {
            $searches[] = $col . " LIKE '%{$_GET['rs_group_search']}%'";