function _edit()
     $this->autoRender = false;
     $this->autoLayout = false;
     $response = array();
     $review_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'review_id');
     $extension = $this->Review->getReviewExtension($review_id);
     // Dynamic loading Everywhere Model for given extension
     $this->Everywhere->loadListingModel($this, $extension);
     $fields = array(' AS `Criteria.criteria_id`', 'Criteria.criteria AS `Criteria.criteria`', 'Criteria.state AS `Criteria.state`', 'Criteria.required AS `Criteria.required`', 'Criteria.tooltips AS `Criteria.tooltips`', 'Criteria.weights AS `Criteria.weights`', 'Criteria.config AS `ListingType.config`');
     $review = $this->Review->findRow(array('fields' => $fields, 'conditions' => array(' = ' . $review_id)));
     # Override global configuration
     isset($review['ListingType']) and $this->Config->override($review['ListingType']['config']);
     $review['Criteria']['required'] = explode("\n", Sanitize::getVar($review['Criteria'], 'required'));
     if (count($review['Criteria']['required']) != count($review['Criteria']['criteria'])) {
         $review['Criteria']['required'] = array_fill(0, count($review['Criteria']['criteria']), 1);
     if (!$this->Access->canEditReview($review['User']['user_id'])) {
         return $this->ajaxError(s2Messages::accessDenied());
     # Set the theme suffix
     if ($review['Review']['extension'] == 'com_content') {
         $this->Theming->setSuffix(array('listing_id' => $review['Review']['listing_id']));
     # Get custom fields for review form is form is shown on page
     $review_fields = $this->Field->getFieldsArrayNew($review['Criteria']['criteria_id'], 'review', $review);
     $review['Review']['criteria_id'] = $review['Criteria']['criteria_id'];
     # Form integrity
     $this->set(array('User' => $this->_user, 'Access' => $this->Access, 'review' => $review, 'review_fields' => $review_fields, 'formTokenKeys' => $this->formTokenKeys));
     return $this->ajaxUpdateDialog($this->render('reviews', 'create'));
Example #2
 function overallRatings($listing, $page, $type = '')
     $editor_reviews = $this->Config->getOverride('author_review', $listing['ListingType']['config']);
     $user_reviews = $this->Config->getOverride('user_reviews', $listing['ListingType']['config']);
     if (!($listing['Criteria']['state'] == 1 && ($editor_reviews || $user_reviews))) {
         return '';
     $ratings = '<div class="overall_ratings">';
     // editor ratings
     if ($editor_reviews && $type != 'user') {
         $editor_rating = Sanitize::getVar($listing['Review'], 'editor_rating');
         $editor_rating_count = Sanitize::getInt($listing['Review'], 'editor_rating_count');
         $rating_stars = $this->drawStars($editor_rating, $this->Config->rating_scale, 'editor');
         $rating_value = $this->round($editor_rating, $this->Config->rating_scale);
         $rating_count = $editor_rating_count > 1 ? ' (' . $editor_rating_count . ')' : '';
         $ratings .= '<div class="overall_editor" title="' . __t("Editor rating", true) . '">';
         $ratings .= '<span class="rating_label jrIcon jrIconEditorReview">' . __t("Editor rating", true) . '</span>';
         $ratings .= '<div class="rating_stars">' . $rating_stars . '</div>';
         $ratings .= '<span class="rating_value">' . $rating_value . $rating_count . '</span>';
         $ratings .= '</div>';
     // user ratings
     if ($page == 'content' && $user_reviews && $type != 'editor') {
         $user_rating = Sanitize::getVar($listing['Review'], 'user_rating');
         $rating_stars = $this->drawStars($user_rating, $this->Config->rating_scale, 'user');
         $rating_value = $this->round($user_rating, $this->Config->rating_scale);
         $rating_count = Sanitize::getInt($listing['Review'], 'user_rating_count');
         $review_s = "";
         if ($rating_count > 1) {
             $review_s = "reviews";
         } else {
             $review_s = "review";
         $ratings .= '<div class="overall_user rating" title="' . __t("User rating", true) . '">';
         $ratings .= '<span class="rating_label jrIcon jrIconUserReviews">' . __t("User rating", true) . '</span>';
         $ratings .= '<div class="rating_stars">' . $rating_stars . '</div>';
         $ratings .= '<span class="rating_value average">' . $rating_value . '<span class="best"><span class="value-title" title="' . $this->Config->rating_scale . '"></span></span> (<span class="count">' . $rating_count . '</span> ' . $review_s . ')</span>';
         $ratings .= '</div>';
     } else {
         if ($page == 'list' && $user_reviews && $this->Config->list_show_user_rating && $type != 'editor') {
             $user_rating = Sanitize::getVar($listing['Review'], 'user_rating');
             $rating_stars = $this->drawStars($user_rating, $this->Config->rating_scale, 'user');
             $rating_value = $this->round($user_rating, $this->Config->rating_scale);
             $rating_count = Sanitize::getInt($listing['Review'], 'user_rating_count');
             $review_s = "";
             if ($rating_count > 1) {
                 $review_s = "reviews";
             } else {
                 $review_s = "review";
             $ratings .= '<div class="overall_user" title="' . __t("User rating", true) . '">';
             $ratings .= '<span class="rating_label jrIcon jrIconUserReviews">' . __t("User rating", true) . '</span>';
             $ratings .= '<div class="rating_stars">' . $rating_stars . '</div>';
             $ratings .= '<span class="rating_value">' . $rating_value . ' (<span class="count">' . $rating_count . '</span> ' . $review_s . ')</span>';
             $ratings .= '</div>';
     $ratings .= '</div>';
     return $ratings;
 function _save()
     $response = array();
     $this->Config->twitter_oauth = Sanitize::getVar($this->data, 'twitter_oauth');
     $response[] = 'jreviews_admin.dialog.close();';
     return $this->ajaxResponse($response);
Example #4
 function beforeSave(&$data)
     // Convert Control Value array to string
     if (isset($data['Group']['control_value'])) {
         $control_value = Sanitize::getVar($data['Group'], 'control_value');
         $data['Group']['control_value'] = !empty($control_value) ? '*' . implode('*', $control_value) . '*' : '';
     } else {
         $data['Group']['control_field'] = '';
Example #5
 function _edit()
     $this->autoRender = false;
     $this->autoLayout = false;
     $response = array();
     $review_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'review_id');
     $extension = $this->Review->getReviewExtension($review_id);
     // Dynamic loading Everywhere Model for given extension
     $this->Everywhere->loadListingModel($this, $extension);
     //		unset($this->Review->joins['listings'],$this->Review->joins['jreviews_categories'],$this->Review->joins['criteria']);
     $fields = array(' AS `Criteria.criteria_id`', 'Criteria.criteria AS `Criteria.criteria`', 'Criteria.state AS `Criteria.state`', 'Criteria.required AS `Criteria.required`', 'Criteria.tooltips AS `Criteria.tooltips`', 'Criteria.weights AS `Criteria.weights`');
     $review = $this->Review->findRow(array('fields' => $fields, 'conditions' => array(' = ' . $review_id)));
     $review['Criteria']['required'] = explode("\n", Sanitize::getVar($review['Criteria'], 'required'));
     if (count($review['Criteria']['required']) != count($review['Criteria']['criteria'])) {
         $review['Criteria']['required'] = array_fill(0, count($review['Criteria']['criteria']), 1);
     if (!$this->Access->canEditReview($review['User']['user_id'])) {
         return $this->ajaxError(s2Messages::accessDenied());
     # Get custom fields for review form is form is shown on page
     $review_fields = $this->Field->getFieldsArrayNew($review['Criteria']['criteria_id'], 'review', $review);
     $this->set(array('User' => $this->_user, 'Access' => $this->Access, 'review' => $review, 'review_fields' => $review_fields));
     return $this->ajaxUpdateDialog($this->render('reviews', 'create'));
Example #6
  * Creates the json object used for map rendering
  * @param array $results listings
  * @param mixed $fields  custom fields, required when using the GeoMaps module
  * @param mixed $options mapUI options to override globals when using GeoMaps module
 function makeJsonObject(&$results, &$fields = array(), $options = array())
     $www_base = array_shift(pathinfo(WWW_ROOT));
     // Required for thumbnail path
     $paths = array(S2Paths::get('jreviews', 'S2_VIEWS_OVERRIDES') . 'themes' . DS . $this->c->Config->template . DS . 'theme_images' . DS, S2Paths::get('jreviews', 'S2_VIEWS') . 'themes' . DS . $this->c->Config->template . DS . 'theme_images' . DS, S2Paths::get('jreviews', 'S2_VIEWS_OVERRIDES') . 'themes' . DS . 'default' . DS . 'theme_images' . DS, S2Paths::get('jreviews', 'S2_VIEWS') . 'themes' . DS . 'default' . DS . 'theme_images' . DS);
     $path = fileExistsInPath(array('name' => '', 'suffix' => '', 'ext' => ''), $paths);
     App::import('Helper', array('html', 'routes', 'custom_fields', 'thumbnail'));
     $Html = new HtmlHelper();
     $Routes = new RoutesHelper();
     $CustomFields = new CustomFieldsHelper();
     $Thumbnail = new ThumbnailHelper();
     $Thumbnail->app = 'jreviews';
     $Thumbnail->name = $this->c->name;
     $Thumbnail->action = $this->c->action;
     $Routes->Config = $CustomFields->Config = $Thumbnail->Config = $this->c->Config;
     $Routes->Access = $CustomFields->Access = $Thumbnail->Access = $this->c->Access;
     $Routes->Html = $CustomFields->Html = $Thumbnail->Html = $Html;
     $CustomFields->viewTheme = $Thumbnail->viewTheme =& $this->c->viewTheme;
     $CustomFields->viewSuffix =& $this->c->viewSuffix;
     // Check format of results because we may need to re-format and add fields for Geomaps module
     $first = current($results);
     if (!isset($first['Listing'])) {
         $results = $this->buildListingArray($results, $fields);
     // PaidListings - remove unpaid info
     Configure::read('PaidListings') and PaidListingsComponent::processPaidData($results);
     $marker_icons = array();
     $infowindow_data = array();
     $i = 1;
     $map_counter = 0;
     $default_icon = $this->c->name == 'categories' ? 'numbered' : 'default';
     if (!empty($results)) {
         $infowindow_fields = str_replace(" ", "", Sanitize::getString($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.infowindow_fields'));
         $infowindow_fields = $infowindow_fields != '' ? explode(",", $infowindow_fields) : array();
         foreach ($results as $key => $result) {
             $results[$key] = $this->injectDistanceGroup($result);
             // Override global setting for map display in lists if at least one listing has map enabled
             // For it's listing type and has valid coordinates
             if ($this->c->name == 'categories' && isset($result['ListingType']) && Sanitize::getBool($result['ListingType']['config'], 'geomaps.enable_map_list', true)) {
                 if (isset($result['Geomaps']) && abs($result['Geomaps']['lat']) > 0 && abs($result['Geomaps']['lon']) > 0) {
             // Add menu id if not already there
             if (!isset($result['Listing']['menu_id'])) {
                 $results[$key]['Listing']['menu_id'] = $this->c->Menu->getCategory(array('cat_id' => $result['Listing']['cat_id'], 'dir_id' => $result['Directory']['dir_id'], 'section_id' => isset($result['Listing']['section_id']) ? $result['Listing']['section_id'] : null, 'listing' => $result['Listing']['listing_id']));
             $listing_index = ($this->c->page - 1) * $this->c->limit + $i++;
             // Process and add icon info
             $icon = isset($result['Geomaps']) ? json_decode($result['Geomaps']['icon'], true) : array();
             $results[$key]['Geomaps']['icon'] = '';
             $icon_name = $default_icon;
             if (!empty($icon)) {
                 $foundIcon = false;
                 // Check if custom field assigned
                 if ($icon['field'] != '' && substr($icon['field'], 0, 3) == 'jr_') {
                     if (isset($result['Field']['pairs'][$icon['field']]) && isset($result['Field']['pairs'][$icon['field']]['image'][0])) {
                         $icon_name = substr($result['Field']['pairs'][$icon['field']]['image'][0], 0, strpos($result['Field']['pairs'][$icon['field']]['image'][0], '.'));
                         $marker_icons[$icon_name] = $results[$key]['Geomaps']['icon'] = $result['Field']['pairs'][$icon['field']]['image'][0];
                         $foundIcon = true;
                 } elseif ($icon['cat'] != '' && !$foundIcon) {
                     $icon_name = substr($icon['cat'], 0, strpos($icon['cat'], '.'));
                     if ($icon_name != 'default') {
                         $marker_icons[$icon_name] = $results[$key]['Geomaps']['icon'] = $icon['cat'];
             if (isset($result['Geomaps']) && $result['Geomaps']['lat'] != '' && $result['Geomaps']['lon'] != '' && $result['Geomaps']['lat'] != 0 && $result['Geomaps']['lon']) {
                 # Create infowindow JSON object
                 // start with standard fields
                 $infowindow = array('id' => $result['Listing']['listing_id'], 'url' => str_replace(array($www_base, '&amp;'), array('', '&'), $Routes->content('', $results[$key], array('return_url' => true))), 'index' => $listing_index, 'title' => $result['Listing']['title'], 'image' => str_replace($www_base, '', $Thumbnail->thumb($result, 0, array('tn_mode' => $this->c->Config->list_thumb_mode, 'location' => 'list', 'dimensions' => array($this->c->Config->list_image_resize), 'return_src' => 1))), 'featured' => $result['Listing']['featured'], 'rating_scale' => $this->c->Config->rating_scale, 'user_rating' => $result['Review']['user_rating'], 'user_rating_count' => $result['Review']['user_rating_count'], 'editor_rating' => $result['Review']['editor_rating'], 'editor_rating_count' => $result['Review']['editor_rating_count'], 'lat' => (double) $result['Geomaps']['lat'], 'lon' => (double) $result['Geomaps']['lon'], 'icon' => $icon_name);
                 if (!empty($result['Field']['pairs'])) {
                     # Limit fields will included in the payload json object
                     $result['Field']['pairs'] = array_intersect_key($result['Field']['pairs'], array_flip($infowindow_fields));
                     foreach ($result['Field']['pairs'] as $name => $fieldArray) {
                         $infowindow['field'][$name] = $CustomFields->field($name, $result);
                 $infowindow_data['id' . $result['Listing']['listing_id']] = $infowindow;
     $this->c->Config->{'geomaps.enable_map_list'} = $map_counter;
     $mapUI = array();
     $zoom = '';
     switch ($this->c->name) {
         case 'categories':
             $maptypes = Sanitize::getString($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.maptype_list', 'buttons');
             $maptype_def = Sanitize::getString($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.maptype_def_list', 'G_NORMAL_MAP');
             $map = Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.map_list', 1);
             $hybrid = Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.hybrid_list', 1);
             $satellite = Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.satellite_list', 1);
             $terrain = Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.terrain_list', 1);
             $panzoom = Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.panzoom_list', 1);
             $scale = Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.scale_list', 0);
             $scrollwheel = Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.scrollwheel_list', 0);
             $doubleclick = Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.doubleclick_list', 1);
             $mapUI['title']['trim'] = Sanitize::getVar($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.trimtitle_list', 0);
             $mapUI['title']['trimchars'] = Sanitize::getVar($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.trimtitle_chars', 30);
         case 'com_content':
             $maptypes = Sanitize::getString($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.maptype_detail', 'buttons');
             $maptype_def = Sanitize::getString($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.maptype_def_detail', 'G_NORMAL_MAP');
             $map = Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.map_detail', 1);
             $hybrid = Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.hybrid_detail', 1);
             $satellite = Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.satellite_detail', 1);
             $terrain = Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.terrain_detail', 1);
             $panzoom = Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.panzoom_detail', 1);
             $scale = Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.scale_detail', 0);
             $scrollwheel = Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.scrollwheel_detail', 0);
             $doubleclick = Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.doubleclick_detail', 1);
             $zoom = Sanitize::getInt($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.zoom_detail', '');
             $mapUI['title']['trim'] = Sanitize::getVar($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.trimtitle_detail', 0);
             $mapUI['title']['trimchars'] = Sanitize::getVar($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.trimtitle_chars', 30);
         case 'module_geomaps':
             $maptypes = Sanitize::getString($options, 'ui_maptype', 2) == '2' ? Sanitize::getString($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.maptype_module', 'buttons') : Sanitize::getString($options, 'ui_maptype');
             $maptype_def = Sanitize::getString($options, 'ui_maptype_def', 2) == '2' ? Sanitize::getString($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.maptype_def_module', 'G_NORMAL_MAP') : Sanitize::getString($options, 'ui_maptype_def', 'G_NORMAL_MAP');
             $map = Sanitize::getInt($options, 'ui_map', 2) == '2' ? Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.map_module', 1) : Sanitize::getBool($options, 'ui_map');
             $hybrid = Sanitize::getInt($options, 'ui_hybrid', 2) == '2' ? Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.hybrid_module', 1) : Sanitize::getBool($options, 'ui_hybrid');
             $satellite = Sanitize::getInt($options, 'ui_satellite', 2) == '2' ? Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.satellite_module', 1) : Sanitize::getBool($options, 'ui_satellite');
             $terrain = Sanitize::getInt($options, 'ui_terrain', 2) == '2' ? Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.terrain_module', 1) : Sanitize::getBool($options, 'ui_terrain');
             $panzoom = Sanitize::getInt($options, 'ui_panzoom', 2) == '2' ? Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.panzoom_module', 1) : Sanitize::getBool($options, 'ui_panzoom');
             $scale = Sanitize::getInt($options, 'ui_scale', 2) == '2' ? Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.scale_module', 0) : Sanitize::getBool($options, 'ui_scale');
             $scrollwheel = Sanitize::getInt($options, 'ui_scrollwheel', 2) == '2' ? Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.scrollwheel_module', 0) : Sanitize::getBool($options, 'ui_scrollwheel');
             $doubleclick = Sanitize::getInt($options, 'ui_doubleclick', 2) == '2' ? Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.doubleclick_module', 1) : Sanitize::getBool($options, 'ui_doubleclick');
             $mapUI['title']['trim'] = Sanitize::getInt($options, 'ui_trimtitle_module', 2) == '2' ? Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.trimtitle_module', 30) : Sanitize::getBool($options, 'ui_trimtitle_module');
             $mapUI['title']['trimchars'] = Sanitize::getInt($options, 'ui_trimtitle_chars', 2) == '2' ? Sanitize::getInt($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.trimtitle_chars', 30) : Sanitize::getInt($options, 'ui_trimtitle_chars');
             if (Sanitize::getString($options, 'detail_view', 1)) {
                 $zoom = Sanitize::getInt($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.zoom_detail', '');
     switch ($maptypes) {
         case 'buttons':
             $mapUI['controls']['maptypecontrol'] = true;
             $mapUI['controls']['menumaptypecontrol'] = false;
         case 'menu':
             $mapUI['controls']['maptypecontrol'] = false;
             $mapUI['controls']['menumaptypecontrol'] = true;
             $mapUI['controls']['maptypecontrol'] = false;
             $mapUI['controls']['menumaptypecontrol'] = false;
     $mapUI['maptypes']['def'] = $maptype_def;
     $mapUI['maptypes']['map'] = $map;
     $mapUI['maptypes']['hybrid'] = $hybrid;
     $mapUI['maptypes']['satellite'] = $satellite;
     $mapUI['maptypes']['terrain'] = $terrain;
     if ($panzoom) {
         $mapUI['controls']['smallzoomcontrol3d'] = true;
         $mapUI['controls']['largemapcontrol3d'] = true;
     } else {
         $mapUI['controls']['smallzoomcontrol3d'] = false;
         $mapUI['controls']['largemapcontrol3d'] = false;
     $mapUI['controls']['scalecontrol'] = $scale;
     $mapUI['zoom']['scrollwheel'] = $scrollwheel;
     $mapUI['zoom']['doubleclick'] = $doubleclick;
     $mapUI['zoom']['start'] = $zoom;
     $mapUI['anchor']['x'] = Sanitize::getVar($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.infowindow_x', 0);
     $mapUI['anchor']['y'] = Sanitize::getVar($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.infowindow_y', 0);
     unset($Html, $Routes, $CustomFields, $Thumbnail);
     return json_encode(array('count' => count($infowindow_data), 'mapUI' => $mapUI, 'infowindow' => Sanitize::getString($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.infowindow', '_google'), 'icons' => $this->processIcons($marker_icons), 'payload' => $infowindow_data));
 function listings()
     // Initialize variables
     $id = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'id');
     $option = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'option');
     $view = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'view');
     $menu_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'Itemid');
     // Read params
     $cat_id = '';
     $criteria_ids = '';
     $in_detail_view = false;
     $detail_view = 1;
     $dir_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'dir');
     $section_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'section');
     $cat_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'cat');
     $extension = 'com_content';
     $custom_where = null;
     $custom_fields = array();
     $click2search_auto = false;
     $cache = 0;
     $radius = 0;
     $mode = 0;
     if (isset($this->params['module'])) {
         // Read module parameters
         $click2search_auto = Sanitize::getBool($this->params['module'], 'click2search_auto', false);
         $custom_where = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'custom_where');
         $filter = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'filter');
         $detail_view = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'detail_view', 1);
         $dir_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'dir');
         $section_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'section');
         $cat_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'category');
         $listing_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'listing');
         $criteria_ids = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'criteria');
         $limit_results = Sanitize::getInt($this->params['module'], 'limit_results');
         $mode = Sanitize::getInt($this->params['module'], 'mode', 0);
         $custom_fields = str_replace(" ", "", Sanitize::getString($this->Config, 'geomaps.infowindow_fields'));
         $custom_fields = $custom_fields != '' ? explode(",", $custom_fields) : array();
          * 0 - Normal
          * 1 - GeoTargeting
          * 2 - Custom center and zoom
         $radius = Sanitize::getInt($this->params['module'], 'radius');
         $cache = $mode == 1 ? 0 : Sanitize::getInt($this->params['module'], 'cache_map');
         $custom_lat = Sanitize::getFloat($this->params['module'], 'custom_lat');
         $custom_lon = Sanitize::getFloat($this->params['module'], 'custom_lon');
         if ($mode == 2 && ($custom_lat == 0 || $custom_lon == 0)) {
             echo __t("You selected the Custom Center mode, but did not specify the coordinates.");
     # Prevent sql injection
     $token = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'token');
     $tokenMatch = 0 === strcmp($token, cmsFramework::formIntegrityToken($this->params, array('module', 'module_id', 'form', 'data'), false));
     $filters = $listing_id != '' || $dir_id != '' || $section_id != '' || $cat_id != '';
     if (!$filters && $id > 0 && 'article' == $view && 'com_content' == $option) {
         $sql = "SELECT catid FROM #__content WHERE id = " . $id;
         $cat_id_host_page = $this->_db->loadResult();
         if (!empty($cat_id_host_page) && $this->Category->isJreviewsCategory($cat_id_host_page)) {
             $in_detail_view = true;
             $cat_id = $cat_id_host_page;
     $detail_view = $this->params['module']['detail_view'] = (int) ($detail_view && $in_detail_view);
     # Custom WHERE
     $tokenMatch and $custom_where and $conditions[] = $custom_where;
     if ($click2search_auto && isset($this->params['tag'])) {
         $field = 'jr_' . Sanitize::getString($this->params['tag'], 'field');
         $value = Sanitize::getString($this->params['tag'], 'value');
         $query = "SELECT Field.type FROM #__jreviews_fields AS Field WHERE = " . $this->quote($field);
         $type = $this->_db->loadResult();
         if (in_array($type, array('select', 'selectmultiple', 'checkboxes', 'radiobuttons'))) {
             $conditions[] = "Field.{$field} LIKE " . $this->quoteLike('*' . $value . '*');
         } else {
             $conditions[] = "Field.{$field} = " . $this->quote($value);
     # Category auto detect
     if (isset($this->params['module']) && Sanitize::getInt($this->params['module'], 'cat_auto') && $extension == 'com_content') {
         $ids = CommonController::_discoverIDs($this);
     $autodetect = compact('dir_id', 'section_id', 'cat_id');
     // Check for cached version if cache enabled
     if ($cache) {
         $params = array();
         foreach ($this->params as $key => $value) {
             if ((!is_array($value) || $key == 'module') && !in_array($key, array('page', 'limit', 'order', 'Itemid'))) {
                 $params[$key] = $value;
         $cache_key = array_merge($params, $autodetect, Sanitize::getVar($this->params, 'tag', array()));
         $json_filename = 'geomaps_' . md5(serialize($cache_key)) . '.json';
         $json_data = S2Cache::read($json_filename);
         if ($json_data && $json_data != '') {
             $this->set('json_data', $json_data);
             S2Cache::write($json_filename, $json_data);
             return $this->render('modules', 'geomaps');
     $this->Listing->fields = array(' AS `Listing.listing_id`', 'Listing.title AS `Listing.title`', 'Listing.images AS `Listing.images`', 'CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(Listing.alias) THEN Listing.alias ELSE "" END AS `Listing.slug`', ' AS `Listing.cat_id`', 'CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(Category.alias) THEN Category.alias ELSE Category.title END AS `Category.slug`', 'Listing.sectionid AS `Listing.section_id`', 'JreviewsCategory.criteriaid AS `Criteria.criteria_id`', 'JreviewsCategory.dirid AS `Directory.dir_id`', 'JreviewsCategory.marker_icon AS `Geomaps.icon`', 'Field.featured AS `Listing.featured`', 'Totals.user_rating AS `Review.user_rating`', 'Totals.user_rating_count AS `Review.user_rating_count`', 'Totals.editor_rating AS `Review.editor_rating`', 'Totals.editor_rating_count AS `Review.editor_rating_count`', "Field.{$this->jr_lat} ``", "Field.{$this->jr_lon} `Geomaps.lon`", 'ListingType.state AS `Criteria.state`', 'ListingType.config AS `ListingType.config`');
     if ($custom_lon != '' and $custom_lat != '') {
         $this->set('CustomCenter', array('lon' => $custom_lon, 'lat' => $custom_lat));
     // Geo Targeting OR Custom Center modes
     if ($mode == 1 || $mode == 2) {
         if ($mode == 1) {
             $ch = curl_init();
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, '' . s2GetIpAddress());
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5);
             $geoData = unserialize(curl_exec($ch));
             if (!empty($geoData) && isset($geoData['geoplugin_latitude']) && $geoData['geoplugin_latitude'] != '' && $geoData['geoplugin_longitude'] != '') {
                 $center = array('lon' => $geoData['geoplugin_longitude'], 'lat' => $geoData['geoplugin_latitude']);
             $this->set('geoLocation', $geoData);
         if ($mode == 2) {
             $center = array('lon' => $custom_lon, 'lat' => $custom_lat);
         if (!empty($center) && $radius > 0) {
             $distanceIn = Sanitize::getString($this->Config, 'geomaps.radius_metric', 'mi');
             $degreeDistance = $distanceIn == 'mi' ? 69.172 : 40076 / 360;
             // Send center coordinates to theme
             $this->set('GeomapsCenter', $center);
             $lat_range = $radius / $degreeDistance;
             $lon_range = $radius / abs(cos($center['lat'] * pi() / 180) * $degreeDistance);
             $min_lat = $center['lat'] - $lat_range;
             $max_lat = $center['lat'] + $lat_range;
             $min_lon = $center['lon'] - $lon_range;
             $max_lon = $center['lon'] + $lon_range;
             $squareArea = "`Field`.{$this->jr_lat} BETWEEN {$min_lat} AND {$max_lat} AND `Field`.{$this->jr_lon} BETWEEN {$min_lon} AND {$max_lon}";
             $conditions[] = $squareArea;
     // Create marker_icons array
     $marker_icons = array();
     $icon_fields = array();
     $field_images = array();
     $query = "SELECT DISTINCT marker_icon FROM #__jreviews_categories WHERE marker_icon != ''";
     $icon_rows = $this->_db->loadAssocList();
     foreach ($icon_rows as $icons) {
         $icon = (array) json_decode($icons['marker_icon']);
         if ($icon['field'] != '') {
             $icon_fields[$icon['field']] = "'" . $icon['field'] . "'";
     if (!empty($icon_fields)) {
         foreach ($icon_fields as $field_key => $field) {
             if (substr($field_key, 0, 3) == 'jr_') {
                 $this->Listing->fields[] = "Field.{$field_key} AS `Field.{$field_key}`";
     if (!empty($custom_fields)) {
         foreach ($custom_fields as $field) {
             $this->Listing->fields[] = "Field.{$field} AS `Field.{$field}`";
     $this->Listing->joins = array("LEFT JOIN #__categories AS Category ON Listing.catid =", 'ParentCategory' => "LEFT JOIN #__categories AS ParentCategory ON Category.lft BETWEEN ParentCategory.lft AND ParentCategory.rgt", "LEFT JOIN #__jreviews_listing_totals AS Totals ON Totals.listing_id = AND Totals.extension = 'com_content'", "LEFT JOIN #__jreviews_content AS `Field` ON Field.contentid =", "INNER JOIN #__jreviews_categories AS JreviewsCategory ON Listing.catid = AND JreviewsCategory.`option` = 'com_content'", "LEFT JOIN #__jreviews_criteria AS ListingType ON JreviewsCategory.criteriaid =", "LEFT JOIN #__jreviews_directories AS Directory ON JreviewsCategory.dirid =");
     // Don't regroup the results by model name keys to save time
     $this->Listing->primaryKey = false;
     # Set conditionals based on configuration parameters
     if ($detail_view) {
         $conditions[] = ' = ' . $id;
     if (!empty($cat_id)) {
         $conditions[] = $this->cmsVersion == CMS_JOOMLA15 ? 'Listing.catid IN (' . cleanIntegerCommaList($cat_id) . ')' : ' IN (' . cleanIntegerCommaList($cat_id) . ')';
     if ($this->cmsVersion == CMS_JOOMLA15) {
     empty($cat_id) and !empty($section_id) and $conditions[] = 'Listing.sectionid IN (' . cleanIntegerCommaList($section_id) . ')';
     empty($cat_id) and !empty($dir_id) and $conditions[] = 'JreviewsCategory.dirid IN (' . cleanIntegerCommaList($dir_id) . ')';
     empty($cat_id) and !empty($criteria_id) and $conditions[] = 'JreviewsCategory.criteriaid IN (' . cleanIntegerCommaList($criteria_id) . ')';
     if ($listing_id) {
         $conditions[] = ' IN (' . $listing_id . ')';
     if ($filter == 'featured' && !$detail_view) {
         $conditions[] = 'Field.featured = 1';
     $conditions[] = "Field.{$this->jr_lat} <> ''";
     $conditions[] = "Field.{$this->jr_lon} <> ''";
     $conditions = array_merge($conditions, array('Listing.state = 1', '( Listing.publish_up = "' . NULL_DATE . '" OR DATE(Listing.publish_up) <= DATE("' . _CURRENT_SERVER_TIME . '") )', '( Listing.publish_down = "' . NULL_DATE . '" OR DATE(Listing.publish_down) >= DATE("' . _CURRENT_SERVER_TIME . '") )'));
     if ($this->cmsVersion == CMS_JOOMLA15) {
         //                    $conditions[] = 'Section.access <= ' . $this->Access->getAccessId();
         $conditions[] = 'Category.access <= ' . $this->Access->getAccessId();
         $conditions[] = 'Listing.access <= ' . $this->Access->getAccessId();
     } else {
         $conditions[] = 'Category.access IN (' . $this->Access->getAccessLevels() . ')';
         $conditions[] = 'Listing.access IN (' . $this->Access->getAccessLevels() . ')';
     // Paid Listings - add plan cat id
     isset($this->PaidListings) and $this->PaidListings->applyBeforeFindListingChanges($this->Listing);
     $listings = $this->Listing->findAll(array('conditions' => $conditions, 'limit' => $limit_results), array());
     $custom_fields = array_filter(array_merge($custom_fields, array_keys($icon_fields)));
     $fieldOptionValues = array();
     // Extract custom field values to avoid loading all options for each fields
     // It's a trade-off between that and doing a foreach on all listings
     foreach ($listings as $key => $row) {
         $listings[$key]['Criteria']['state'] = $row['Criteria.state'];
         $listings[$key]['ListingType']['config'] = json_decode($row['ListingType.config'], true);
         unset($listings[$key]['Criteria.state'], $listings[$key]['ListingType.config']);
         foreach ($custom_fields as $field) {
             $optionValue = Sanitize::getVar($row, 'Field.' . $field);
             if ($optionValue != '' && $optionValue != '**') {
                 $fieldOptionValues = array_merge($fieldOptionValues, array_filter(explode('*', $optionValue)));
     $fields = $this->Field->getFields($custom_fields, 'listing', $fieldOptionValues);
     $json_data = $this->Geomaps->makeJsonObject($listings, $fields, $this->params['module']);
     $this->set('json_data', $json_data);
     if ($cache) {
         S2Cache::write($json_filename, $json_data);
     return $this->render('modules', 'geomaps');
 private function __relatedlistings(&$listing, &$settings, &$conditions)
     $match = Sanitize::getString($settings, 'match');
     $curr_fname = Sanitize::getString($settings, 'curr_fname');
     $match_fname = Sanitize::getString($settings, 'match_fname');
     $created_by = $listing['User']['user_id'];
     $listing_id = $listing['Listing']['listing_id'];
     $title = $listing['Listing']['title'];
     $custom_order = Sanitize::getString($settings, 'custom_order');
     $custom_order and $this->Listing->order[] = $custom_order;
     switch ($match) {
         case 'id':
             // Specified field matches the current listing id
             if ($curr_fname != '') {
                 $conditions[] = "`Field`.{$curr_fname} = " . (int) $listing_id;
                 $conditions[] = ' <> ' . $listing_id;
             } else {
                 $this->abort = true;
         case 'about':
             // Specified field matches the current listing id
             if ($curr_fname != '' && ($field = Sanitize::getVar($listing['Field']['pairs'], $curr_fname))) {
                 $value = $field['type']['relatedlisting'] ? $field['real_value'][0] : $field['value'][0];
                 $conditions[] = " = " . (int) $value;
             } else {
                 $this->abort = true;
         case 'field':
             // Specified field matches the current listing field of the same name
             $field_conditions = array();
             if ($curr_fname != '' && ($field = Sanitize::getVar($listing['Field']['pairs'], $curr_fname))) {
                 foreach ($field['value'] as $value) {
                     if (in_array($field['type'], array('selectmultiple', 'checkboxes'))) {
                         $field_conditions[] = "`Field`.{$curr_fname} LIKE " . $this->quoteLike('*' . $value . '*');
                     } elseif (in_array($field['type'], array('select', 'radiobuttons'))) {
                         $field_conditions[] = "`Field`.{$curr_fname} = " . $this->quote('*' . $value . '*');
                     } elseif ($field['type'] == 'relatedlisting') {
                         $value = $field['real_value'][0];
                         $field_conditions[] = "`Field`.{$curr_fname} = " . (int) $value;
                     } else {
                         $field_conditions[] = "`Field`.{$curr_fname} = " . $this->quote($value);
                 !empty($field_conditions) and $conditions[] = '(' . implode(' OR ', $field_conditions) . ')';
                 $conditions[] = ' <> ' . $listing_id;
             } else {
                 $this->abort = true;
         case 'diff_field':
             // Specified field matches a different field in the current listing
             $curr_listing_fname = $match_fname;
             $search_listing_fname = $curr_fname;
             $field_conditions = array();
             if ($curr_listing_fname != '' && $search_listing_fname != '' && ($curr_field = Sanitize::getVar($listing['Field']['pairs'], $curr_listing_fname))) {
                 if (!($search_field = Sanitize::getVar($listing['Field']['pairs'], $search_listing_fname))) {
                     // Need to query the field type
                     $query = "SELECT fieldid AS field_id,type FROM #__jreviews_fields WHERE name = " . $this->quote($search_listing_fname);
                     $search_field = array_shift($this->_db->loadAssocList());
                 foreach ($curr_field['value'] as $value) {
                     if (in_array($search_field['type'], array('selectmultiple', 'checkboxes'))) {
                         $field_conditions[] = "`Field`.{$search_listing_fname} LIKE " . $this->quoteLike('*' . $value . '*');
                     } elseif (in_array($search_field['type'], array('select', 'radiobuttons'))) {
                         $field_conditions[] = "`Field`.{$search_listing_fname} = " . $this->quote('*' . $value . '*');
                     } elseif ($search_field['type'] == 'relatedlisting') {
                         $value = $curr_field['real_value'][0];
                         $field_conditions[] = "`Field`.{$search_listing_fname} = " . (int) $value;
                     } else {
                         $field_conditions[] = "`Field`.{$search_listing_fname} = " . $this->quote($value);
                 !empty($field_conditions) and $conditions[] = '(' . implode(' OR ', $field_conditions) . ')';
                 $conditions[] = ' <> ' . $listing_id;
             } else {
                 $this->abort = true;
         case 'title':
             // Specified field matches the current listing title
             if ($curr_fname != '') {
                 // Need to find out the field type. First check if the field exists for this listing type
                 if (!($field = Sanitize::getVar($listing['Field']['pairs'], $curr_fname))) {
                     // Need to query the field type
                     $query = "SELECT fieldid AS field_id,type FROM #__jreviews_fields WHERE name = " . $this->quote($curr_fname);
                     $field = array_shift($this->_db->loadAssocList());
                 switch ($field['type']) {
                     case 'relatedlisting':
                         $this->abort = true;
                     case 'text':
                         $conditions[] = "`Field`.{$curr_fname} = " . $this->quote($title);
                     case 'select':
                     case 'selectmultiple':
                     case 'radiobuttons':
                     case 'checkboxes':
                         # Need to find the option value using the option text
                         $query = "\n                                SELECT \n                                    value \n                                FROM \n                                    #__jreviews_fieldoptions \n                                WHERE \n                                    fieldid = " . (int) $field['field_id'] . "\n                                    AND \n                                    text = " . $this->quote($title);
                         $value = $this->_db->loadResult();
                         if ($value != '') {
                             if (in_array($field['type'], array('select', 'radiobuttons'))) {
                                 $conditions[] = "`Field`.{$curr_fname} = " . $this->quote('*' . $value . '*');
                             } else {
                                 $conditions[] = "`Field`.{$curr_fname} LIKE " . $this->quoteLike('*' . $value . '*');
                         } else {
                             $this->abort = true;
                 $conditions[] = ' <> ' . $listing_id;
         case 'owner':
             // The listing owner matches the current listing owner
             $conditions[] = 'Listing.created_by = ' . $created_by;
             $conditions[] = ' <> ' . $listing_id;
Example #9
    $url_param = $url;
    $url = str_replace('menu', '', $url);
    $db = cmsFramework::getDB();
    $query = "SELECT * FROM #__menu WHERE id = " . $menu_id;
    $menu = end($db->loadObjectList());
    $mparams = getCmsVersion() == CMS_JOOMLA16 ? json_decode($menu->params, true) : stringToArray($menu->params);
    if (isset($mparams['action'])) {
        $action = paramsRoute((int) $mparams['action']);
        $_REQUEST['Itemid'] = $_GET['Itemid'] = $menu->id;
        // For default - home page menu
        $menu_params['data'] = $mparams;
        $filters = array('dir' => 'dirid', 'section' => 'sectionid', 'cat' => 'catid', 'criteria' => 'criteriaid');
        foreach ($filters as $key => $key2) {
            $menu_params[$key] = Sanitize::getVar($mparams, $key2);
            is_array($menu_params[$key]) and $menu_params[$key] = implode(',', $menu_params[$key]);
        //        $menu_params['url'] = 'menu';
        $menu_params['data']['component_menu'] = true;
        $menu_params['data']['controller'] = $action[0];
        $menu_params['data']['action'] = $action[1];
$Dispatcher = new S2Dispatcher('jreviews');
echo $Dispatcher->dispatch($menu_params);
unset($db, $User, $menu, $Dispatcher);
function paramsRoute($action)
    $a = array("100" => "m", "0" => array('directories', 'index'), "1" => array('categories', 'section'), "2" => array('categories', 'category'), "3" => array('listings', 'create'), "4" => array('categories', 'toprated'), "5" => array('categories', 'topratededitor'), "6" => array('categories', 'latest'), "7" => array('categories', 'popular'), "8" => array('categories', 'mostreviews'), "9" => array('categories', 'featured'), "10" => array('reviews', 'myreviews'), "11" => array('search', 'index'), "12" => array('categories', 'mylistings'), "13" => array('categories', 'favorites'), "14" => array('reviews', 'latest'), "15" => array('reviews', 'latest_user'), "16" => array('reviews', 'latest_editor'), "17" => array('discussions', 'latest'), "18" => array('reviews', 'rankings'), "19" => array('paidlistings', 'myaccount'), "20" => array('paidlistings_plans', 'index'), "21" => array('categories', 'custom'));
    return $a[$action];
Example #10
    if (getCmsVersion() == CMS_JOOMLA15) {
        define('_PLUGIN_DIR_NAME', 'plugins');
    } else {
        define('_PLUGIN_DIR_NAME', 'mambots');
$query = "SELECT published,params FROM #__" . _PLUGIN_DIR_NAME . " WHERE element = 'jreviews' AND folder = 'content' LIMIT 1";
$jrbot = current($CMS->_db->loadObjectList());
$params = stringToArray($jrbot->params);
$published = $jrbot->published;
if ((int) (!$published)) {
$frontpageOff = Sanitize::getVar($params, 'frontpage');
$blogLayoutOff = Sanitize::getVar($params, 'blog');
# Get theme, suffix and load CSS so it's not killed by the built-in cache
if (getCmsVersion() == CMS_JOOMLA10 || getCmsVersion() == CMS_MAMBO46) {
    if ($option == 'com_content' && ($task == 'category' || $task == 'section' || $blogLayoutOff && $task == 'blogsection' || $blogLayoutOff && $task == 'blogcategory') || $frontpageOff && $option == 'com_frontpage') {
} elseif ($blogLayoutOff && $option == 'com_content' && ($view == 'category' || $view == 'section') && ($layout == 'blog' || $layout == 'blogfull')) {
} elseif ($frontpageOff && $view == 'frontpage') {
class plgContentJreviews extends JPlugin
    function plgContentJreviews(&$subject, $params)
 function _changeOrder()
     $row_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'entry_id');
     $inc = Sanitize::getVar($this->params, 'direction');
     // Move row
     $group = $this->Group->findRow(array('conditions' => array('groupid = ' . $row_id)));
     $group['Group']['groupid'] = $group['Group']['group_id'];
     $this->Group->Result = $group;
     $this->Group->move($inc, "type = '{$group['Group']['type']}'");
     $this->data['Group']['type'] = $group['Group']['type'];
     return $this->index();
 function __seo_fields(&$page)
     if ($tag = Sanitize::getVar($this->params, 'tag')) {
         $field = 'jr_' . $tag['field'];
         //            $value = $tag['value'];
         // Field value underscore fix: remove extra menu parameter not removed in routes regex
         $value = preg_replace(array('/_m[0-9]+$/', '/_m$/', '/_$/', '/:/'), array('', '', '', '-'), $tag['value']);
         $query = "\n                    SELECT \n                        fieldid,type,metatitle,metakey,metadesc \n                    FROM \n                        #__jreviews_fields \n                    WHERE \n                        name = " . $this->quote($field) . " AND `location` = 'content'\n                ";
         $meta = $this->_db->loadObjectList();
         if ($meta) {
             $meta = $meta[0];
             $multichoice = array('select', 'selectmultiple', 'checkboxes', 'radiobuttons');
             if (in_array($meta->type, $multichoice)) {
                 $query = "\n                                SELECT \n                                    optionid, text \n                                FROM \n                                    #__jreviews_fieldoptions \n                                WHERE \n                                    fieldid = '{$meta->fieldid}' AND value = " . $this->quote(stripslashes($value));
                 $fieldValue = array_shift($this->_db->loadAssocList());
                 $fieldValue = $fieldValue['text'];
             } else {
                 $fieldValue = urldecode($value);
             $page['title'] = $meta->metatitle == '' ? $fieldValue : str_replace("{FIELDVALUE}", $fieldValue, $meta->metatitle);
             $page['keywords'] = str_replace("{FIELDVALUE}", $fieldValue, $meta->metakey);
             $page['description'] = str_replace("{FIELDVALUE}", $fieldValue, $meta->metadesc);
             $page['show_title'] = $this->Config->seo_title;
             $page['show_description'] = $this->Config->seo_description;
  * Returns sef urls passed as posted data via curl
  * Used to get front end sef urls from admin side
 function _sefUrl()
     $sef_urls = array();
     $urls = Sanitize::getVar($this->data, 'url');
     if (empty($urls)) {
     foreach ($urls as $key => $url) {
         $sef_urls[$key] = cmsFramework::route($url);
     echo json_encode($sef_urls);
Example #14
  * Creates the json object used for map rendering
  * @param array $results listings
  * @param mixed $fields  custom fields, required when using the GeoMaps module
  * @param mixed $options mapUI options to override globals when using GeoMaps module
 function makeJsonObject(&$results, &$fields = array(), $options = array())
     $www_base = array_shift(pathinfo(WWW_ROOT));
     // Required for thumbnail path
     $paths = array(S2Paths::get('jreviews', 'S2_VIEWS_OVERRIDES') . 'themes' . DS . $this->c->Config->template . DS . 'theme_images' . DS, S2Paths::get('jreviews', 'S2_VIEWS') . 'themes' . DS . $this->c->Config->template . DS . 'theme_images' . DS, S2Paths::get('jreviews', 'S2_VIEWS_OVERRIDES') . 'themes' . DS . 'default' . DS . 'theme_images' . DS, S2Paths::get('jreviews', 'S2_VIEWS') . 'themes' . DS . 'default' . DS . 'theme_images' . DS);
     $path = fileExistsInPath(array('name' => '', 'suffix' => '', 'ext' => ''), $paths);
     App::import('Helper', array('html', 'routes', 'custom_fields', 'thumbnail'));
     $Html = new HtmlHelper();
     $Routes = new RoutesHelper();
     $CustomFields = new CustomFieldsHelper();
     $Thumbnail = new ThumbnailHelper();
     $Thumbnail->app = 'jreviews';
     $Thumbnail->name = $this->c->name;
     $Thumbnail->action = $this->c->action;
     $Routes->Config = $CustomFields->Config = $Thumbnail->Config = $this->c->Config;
     $Routes->Access = $CustomFields->Access = $Thumbnail->Access = $this->c->Access;
     $Routes->Html = $CustomFields->Html = $Thumbnail->Html = $Html;
     $CustomFields->viewTheme = $Thumbnail->viewTheme =& $this->c->viewTheme;
     $CustomFields->viewSuffix =& $this->c->viewSuffix;
     // Check format of results because we may need to re-format and add fields for Geomaps module
     $first = current($results);
     if (!isset($first['Listing'])) {
         $results = $this->buildListingArray($results, $fields);
     // PaidListings - remove unpaid info
     Configure::read('PaidListings') and PaidListingsComponent::processPaidData($results);
     $marker_icons = array();
     $infowindow_data = array();
     $i = 1;
     $default_icon = $this->c->name == 'categories' ? 'numbered' : 'default';
     // make sure we only have the numeric part of the id from request when checking against listing ids
     $request_id = explode(':', JRequest::getVar('id'));
     $request_id = $request_id[0];
     if (!empty($results)) {
         foreach ($results as $key => $result) {
             $results[$key] = $this->injectDistanceGroup($result);
             // Add menu id if not already there
             if (!isset($result['Listing']['menu_id'])) {
                 $results[$key]['Listing']['menu_id'] = $this->c->Menu->getCategory($result['Listing']['cat_id'], $result['Listing']['section_id'], $result['Directory']['dir_id'], $result['Listing']['listing_id']);
             // Added to support extra coordinates
             //$coords = $result["Field"]["groups"]["Location Info"]["Fields"]["jr_extracoords"]["value"][0];
             //$xtracoords = $CustomFields->field('jr_extracoords', $listing, false, false);
             if (isset($result["Field"]["groups"]["Location Info"]) && isset($result["Field"]["groups"]["Location Info"]["Fields"]["jr_extracoords"])) {
                 $coords = $result["Field"]["groups"]["Location Info"]["Fields"]["jr_extracoords"]["value"][0];
                 if ($coords) {
                     $coords = json_decode($coords);
                     $results[$key]["ExtraCoords"] = $coords;
                     if (JRequest::getString("option") != "com_content") {
                         $results[$key]["ExtraCoords"] = 0;
                     // HTGMOD
             } elseif (isset($result["Field"]["pairs"]["jr_extracoords"])) {
                 //detail page
                 $coords = $result["Field"]["pairs"]["jr_extracoords"]["value"][0];
                 if ($coords) {
                     $coords = json_decode($coords);
                     $results[$key]["ExtraCoords"] = $coords;
                     if ($results[$key]["Listing"]["listing_id"] != $request_id) {
                         // "if the current listing_id in the loop == the listing_id being viewed on the detail page...."
                         $results[$key]["ExtraCoords"] = 0;
             $listing_index = ($this->c->page - 1) * $this->c->limit + $i++;
             // Process and add icon info
             $icon = isset($result['Geomaps']) ? json_decode($result['Geomaps']['icon'], true) : array();
             $results[$key]['Geomaps']['icon'] = '';
             $icon_name = $default_icon;
             if (!empty($icon)) {
                 $foundIcon = false;
                 // Check if custom field assigned
                 if ($icon['field'] != '' && substr($icon['field'], 0, 3) == 'jr_') {
                     if (isset($result['Field']['pairs'][$icon['field']]) && isset($result['Field']['pairs'][$icon['field']]['image'][0])) {
                         $icon_name = substr($result['Field']['pairs'][$icon['field']]['image'][0], 0, strpos($result['Field']['pairs'][$icon['field']]['image'][0], '.'));
                         $marker_icons[$icon_name] = $results[$key]['Geomaps']['icon'] = $result['Field']['pairs'][$icon['field']]['image'][0];
                         $foundIcon = true;
                 } elseif ($icon['cat'] != '' && !$foundIcon) {
                     $icon_name = substr($icon['cat'], 0, strpos($icon['cat'], '.'));
                     if ($icon_name != 'default') {
                         $marker_icons[$icon_name] = $results[$key]['Geomaps']['icon'] = $icon['cat'];
             if (isset($result['Geomaps']) && $result['Geomaps']['lat'] != '' && $result['Geomaps']['lon'] != '' && $result['Geomaps']['lat'] != 0 && $result['Geomaps']['lon']) {
                 # Create infowindow JSON object
                 // start with standard fields
                 $infowindow = array('id' => $result['Listing']['listing_id'], 'url' => str_replace(array($www_base, '&amp;'), array('', '&'), $Routes->content('', $results[$key], array('return_url' => true))), 'index' => $listing_index, 'title' => $result['Listing']['title'], 'image' => str_replace($www_base, '', $Thumbnail->thumb($result, 0, 'scale', 'list', array($this->c->Config->list_image_resize), array('return_src' => 1))), 'featured' => $result['Listing']['featured'], 'rating_scale' => $this->c->Config->rating_scale, 'user_rating' => $result['Review']['user_rating'], 'user_rating_count' => $result['Review']['user_rating_count'], 'editor_rating' => $result['Review']['editor_rating'], 'editor_rating_count' => $result['Review']['editor_rating_count'], 'lat' => (double) $result['Geomaps']['lat'], 'lon' => (double) $result['Geomaps']['lon'], 'icon' => $icon_name);
                 // Added for Hooked
                 $infowindow['criteria_id'] = $result['Criteria']['criteria_id'];
                 if (isset($results[$key]["ExtraCoords"])) {
                     $infowindow['extracoords'] = $results[$key]["ExtraCoords"];
                 if (isset($results[$key]['Listing']['relations'])) {
                     $infowindow['relations'] = $results[$key]['Listing']['relations'];
                 if ($results[$key]['Listing']['section_id'] != 1) {
                     $infowindow['hascontent'] = 1;
                 } else {
                     if (isset($results[$key]['Listing']['summary']) && $results[$key]['Listing']['summary'] != '') {
                         $infowindow['hascontent'] = 1;
                     } else {
                         $infowindow['hascontent'] = 0;
                 if (!empty($result['Field']['pairs'])) {
                     foreach ($result['Field']['pairs'] as $name => $fieldArray) {
                         $infowindow['field'][$name] = $CustomFields->field($name, $result);
                 $infowindow_data['id' . $result['Listing']['listing_id']] = $infowindow;
     $mapUI = array();
     $zoom = '';
     switch ($this->c->name) {
         case 'categories':
             $maptypes = Sanitize::getString($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.maptype_list', 'buttons');
             $maptype_def = Sanitize::getString($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.maptype_def_list', 'G_NORMAL_MAP');
             $map = Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.map_list', 1);
             $hybrid = Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.hybrid_list', 1);
             $satellite = Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.satellite_list', 1);
             $terrain = Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.terrain_list', 1);
             $panzoom = Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.panzoom_list', 1);
             $scale = Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.scale_list', 0);
             $scrollwheel = Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.scrollwheel_list', 0);
             $doubleclick = Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.doubleclick_list', 1);
             $mapUI['title']['trim'] = Sanitize::getVar($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.trimtitle_list', 0);
             $mapUI['title']['trimchars'] = Sanitize::getVar($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.trimtitle_chars', 30);
         case 'com_content':
             $maptypes = Sanitize::getString($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.maptype_detail', 'buttons');
             $maptype_def = Sanitize::getString($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.maptype_def_detail', 'G_NORMAL_MAP');
             $map = Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.map_detail', 1);
             $hybrid = Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.hybrid_detail', 1);
             $satellite = Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.satellite_detail', 1);
             $terrain = Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.terrain_detail', 1);
             $panzoom = Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.panzoom_detail', 1);
             $scale = Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.scale_detail', 0);
             $scrollwheel = Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.scrollwheel_detail', 0);
             $doubleclick = Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.doubleclick_detail', 1);
             $zoom = Sanitize::getInt($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.zoom_detail', '');
             $mapUI['title']['trim'] = Sanitize::getVar($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.trimtitle_detail', 0);
             $mapUI['title']['trimchars'] = Sanitize::getVar($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.trimtitle_chars', 30);
         case 'module_geomaps':
             $maptypes = Sanitize::getString($options, 'ui_maptype', 2) == '2' ? Sanitize::getString($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.maptype_module', 'buttons') : Sanitize::getString($options, 'ui_maptype');
             $maptype_def = Sanitize::getString($options, 'ui_maptype_def', 2) == '2' ? Sanitize::getString($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.maptype_def_module', 'G_NORMAL_MAP') : Sanitize::getString($options, 'ui_maptype_def', 'G_NORMAL_MAP');
             $map = Sanitize::getInt($options, 'ui_map', 2) == '2' ? Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.map_module', 1) : Sanitize::getBool($options, 'ui_map');
             $hybrid = Sanitize::getInt($options, 'ui_hybrid', 2) == '2' ? Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.hybrid_module', 1) : Sanitize::getBool($options, 'ui_hybrid');
             $satellite = Sanitize::getInt($options, 'ui_satellite', 2) == '2' ? Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.satellite_module', 1) : Sanitize::getBool($options, 'ui_satellite');
             $terrain = Sanitize::getInt($options, 'ui_terrain', 2) == '2' ? Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.terrain_module', 1) : Sanitize::getBool($options, 'ui_terrain');
             $panzoom = Sanitize::getInt($options, 'ui_panzoom', 2) == '2' ? Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.panzoom_module', 1) : Sanitize::getBool($options, 'ui_panzoom');
             $scale = Sanitize::getInt($options, 'ui_scale', 2) == '2' ? Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.scale_module', 0) : Sanitize::getBool($options, 'ui_scale');
             $scrollwheel = Sanitize::getInt($options, 'ui_scrollwheel', 2) == '2' ? Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.scrollwheel_module', 0) : Sanitize::getBool($options, 'ui_scrollwheel');
             $doubleclick = Sanitize::getInt($options, 'ui_doubleclick', 2) == '2' ? Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.doubleclick_module', 1) : Sanitize::getBool($options, 'ui_doubleclick');
             $mapUI['title']['trim'] = Sanitize::getInt($options, 'ui_trimtitle_module', 2) == '2' ? Sanitize::getBool($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.trimtitle_module', 30) : Sanitize::getBool($options, 'ui_trimtitle_module');
             $mapUI['title']['trimchars'] = Sanitize::getInt($options, 'ui_trimtitle_chars', 2) == '2' ? Sanitize::getInt($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.trimtitle_chars', 30) : Sanitize::getInt($options, 'ui_trimtitle_chars');
             if (Sanitize::getString($options, 'detail_view', 1)) {
                 $zoom = Sanitize::getInt($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.ui.zoom_detail', '');
     switch ($maptypes) {
         case 'buttons':
             $mapUI['controls']['maptypecontrol'] = true;
             $mapUI['controls']['menumaptypecontrol'] = false;
         case 'menu':
             $mapUI['controls']['maptypecontrol'] = false;
             $mapUI['controls']['menumaptypecontrol'] = true;
             $mapUI['controls']['maptypecontrol'] = false;
             $mapUI['controls']['menumaptypecontrol'] = false;
     $mapUI['maptypes']['def'] = $maptype_def;
     $mapUI['maptypes']['map'] = $map;
     $mapUI['maptypes']['hybrid'] = $hybrid;
     $mapUI['maptypes']['satellite'] = $satellite;
     $mapUI['maptypes']['terrain'] = $terrain;
     if ($panzoom) {
         $mapUI['controls']['smallzoomcontrol3d'] = true;
         $mapUI['controls']['largemapcontrol3d'] = true;
     } else {
         $mapUI['controls']['smallzoomcontrol3d'] = false;
         $mapUI['controls']['largemapcontrol3d'] = false;
     $mapUI['controls']['scalecontrol'] = $scale;
     $mapUI['zoom']['scrollwheel'] = $scrollwheel;
     $mapUI['zoom']['doubleclick'] = $doubleclick;
     $mapUI['zoom']['start'] = $zoom;
     $mapUI['anchor']['x'] = Sanitize::getVar($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.infowindow_x', 0);
     $mapUI['anchor']['y'] = Sanitize::getVar($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.infowindow_y', 0);
     unset($Html, $Routes, $CustomFields, $Thumbnail);
     return json_encode(array('count' => count($infowindow_data), 'mapUI' => $mapUI, 'infowindow' => Sanitize::getString($this->c->Config, 'geomaps.infowindow', '_google'), 'icons' => $this->processIcons($marker_icons), 'payload' => $infowindow_data));
Example #15
 function loadWysiwygEditor()
     return $this->in_groups(Sanitize::getVar($this->Config, 'addnewwysiwyg'));
 function delete()
     $cat_ids = array();
     $response = array();
     $boxchecked = Sanitize::getInt($this->params['form'], 'boxchecked');
     $cat_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->params['form'], 'cat_id');
     $cat_ids = Sanitize::getVar($this->params['form'], 'cid');
     if (!$boxchecked && $cat_id) {
         $cat_ids = array($cat_id);
     if (!empty($cat_ids)) {
         $query = "\n                SELECT\n                    COUNT(*)\n                FROM\n                    #__jreviews_comments AS Review\n                INNER JOIN\n                    #__content AS Content ON =\n                WHERE\n                    Review.mode = 'com_content'\n                    AND Content.catid IN ( " . implode(',', $cat_ids) . " )\n            ";
         $reviews = $this->_db->loadResult();
         if (!empty($reviews)) {
             $response[] = "jreviews_admin.dialog.close();";
             $response[] = "s2Alert('Some of the categories you are trying to delete have reviews and therefore cannot be deleted. Please choose categories without reviews or delete the reviews first.');";
             return $this->ajaxResponse($response);
         $response[] = 'jreviews_admin.dialog.close();';
         foreach ($cat_ids as $cat_id) {
             $removed = $this->JreviewsCategory->delete('id', $cat_id);
             $removed and $response[] = "'category{$cat_id}');";
     return $this->ajaxResponse($response);
 function index()
     $module_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'module_id', Sanitize::getInt($this->data, 'module_id'));
     if (!isset($this->params['module'])) {
         $this->params['module'] = array();
     // For direct calls to the controller
     $listing_type_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'listingtype', false);
     # Find the correct set of params to use
     if ($this->ajaxRequest && $listing_type_id) {
         $listingType = $this->Criteria->getCriteria(array('criteria_id' => $listing_type_id));
         if (isset($listingType['ListingType']['config']['userfavorites'])) {
             $userfavoritesParams = $listingType['ListingType']['config']['userfavorites'];
             $userfavoritesParams['criteria'] = implode(',', Sanitize::getVar($userfavoritesParams, 'criteria', array()));
             $this->params['module'] = array_merge($this->params['module'], $userfavoritesParams);
     } elseif ($this->ajaxRequest && empty($this->params['module']) && $module_id) {
         $query = "SELECT params FROM #__modules WHERE id = " . $module_id;
         $this->params['module'] = stringToArray($this->_db->loadResult());
     # Get cached vesion
     /*        if($this->_user->id === 0) 
                 $page = $this->cached($this->here);
                 if($page) {
                     return $this->ajaxRequest ? $this->ajaxResponse($page,false) : $page;
             }  */
     srand((double) microtime() * 1000000);
     $this->params['rand'] = rand();
     isset($this->params['module']) and $this->viewSuffix = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'tmpl_suffix');
     // Read the module parameters
     $img_width = Sanitize::getInt($this->params['module'], 'img_width', 50);
     $random_mode = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'random_mode', 'Random Users');
     $favorites_mode = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'favorites_mode', 'Other users interested in {title}');
     $limit = Sanitize::getInt($this->params['module'], 'module_limit', 5);
     $total = min(50, Sanitize::getInt($this->params['module'], 'module_total', 10));
     # Get url params for current controller/action
     if (!$this->ajaxRequest) {
         $url = Sanitize::getString($_REQUEST, 'url');
         $route['url']['url'] = $url;
         $route['data'] = array();
         $route = S2Router::parse($route, true, 'jreviews');
         # Check if page is listing detail
         $detail = Sanitize::getString($route['url'], 'extension', 'com_content') == 'com_content' && isset($route['data']) && Sanitize::getString($route['data'], 'controller') == 'listings' && Sanitize::getString($route['data'], 'action') == 'detail' ? true : false;
         # Initialize variables
         $listing_id = $detail ? Sanitize::getInt($route, 'id') : Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'id');
         $option = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'option');
         $view = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'view');
         $task = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'task');
         $listing_title = '';
     } else {
         $detail = true;
         $listing_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'id');
     # Article auto-detect - only for com_content
     if ($detail || 'com_content' == $option && ('article' == $view || 'view' == $task)) {
         $query = "SELECT, Listing.title FROM #__content AS Listing WHERE = " . $listing_id;
         $listing = current($this->_db->loadObjectList());
         $listing_title = $listing->title;
     } else {
         $listing_id = null;
     $profiles = $this->Community->getListingFavorites($listing_id, $this->_user->id, $this->params);
     $total = count($profiles);
     $this->set(array('profiles' => $profiles, 'listing_title' => $listing_title, 'limit' => $limit, 'total' => $total));
     $page = $this->ajaxRequest && empty($profiles) ? '' : $this->render('modules', 'favorite_users');
     # Save cached version
     /*        if($this->_user->id ===0) {    
                 $this->cacheView('modules','userfavorites',$this->here, $page);
             }      */
     return $this->ajaxRequest ? $this->ajaxResponse($page, false) : $page;
Example #18
  * Creates a thumbnail if it doesn't already exist and returns an array with full paths to original image and thumbnail
  * returns false if thumbnail cannot be created
 function makeThumb($listing_id, $image, $cat_image, $attributes = array())
     $imageName = '';
     $this->catImage = false;
     $this->noImage = false;
     $tn_mode = Sanitize::getString($attributes, 'tn_mode', 'scale');
     $location = Sanitize::getString($attributes, 'location', '_');
     if ($location != '_') {
         $location = '_' . $location . '_';
     $dimensions = Sanitize::getVar($attributes, 'dimensions', array());
     if (empty($dimensions)) {
         $dimensions = array($this->Config->list_image_resize);
     if (isset($image['path']) && $image['path'] != '') {
         if (isset($image['skipthumb']) && $image['skipthumb'] === true) {
             return array('image' => $image['path'], 'thumbnail' => $image['path']);
         $temp = explode('/', $image['path']);
         $imageName = $temp[count($temp) - 1];
         $length = strlen($listing_id);
         if (substr($imageName, 0, $length + 1) == $listing_id . '_') {
             // Uploaded image already has entry id prepended so we remove it and put it before the content suffix
             $imageName = substr($imageName, $length + 1);
         $thumbnail = "tn_" . $listing_id . $location . $imageName;
         $output = array('image' => $this->www . $image['path'], 'thumbnail' => $this->www_tn . $thumbnail);
         $image_path = trim(isset($image['basepath']) && $image['basepath'] ? $image['path'] : $this->path . $image['path']);
         // If in administration, then can't use relative path because it will include /administrator
         defined('MVC_FRAMEWORK_ADMIN') and strpos($image_path, PATH_ROOT) === false and $image_path = PATH_ROOT . str_replace(_DS, DS, $image_path);
         if ($imageName != '' && file_exists($image_path)) {
             $this->image_size = getimagesize($image_path);
             if (file_exists($this->path_tn . $thumbnail)) {
                 // Thumbnail exists, so we check if current size is correct
                 $thumbnailSize = getimagesize($this->path_tn . $thumbnail);
                 // Checks the thumbnail width to see if it needs to be resized
                 if ($thumbnailSize[0] == $dimensions[0] || $thumbnailSize[0] != $dimensions[0] && $this->image_size[0] < $dimensions[0] || $tn_mode == 'crop' && $thumbnailSize[0] == $thumbnailSize[1] && $thumbnailSize[0] == $dimensions[0]) {
                     // No resizing is necessary
                     $output['width'] = $thumbnailSize[0];
                     $output['height'] = $thumbnailSize[1];
                     return $output;
             // Create the thumbnail
             if ($newDimensions = $this->{$tn_mode}($image_path, $this->path_tn . $thumbnail, $dimensions)) {
                 $output = array_merge($output, $newDimensions);
                 return $output;
     if ($this->Config->list_category_image && $cat_image != '') {
         $this->image_size = getimagesize($this->path . $cat_image);
         if ($this->image_size[0] == min($this->image_size[0], trim(intval($dimensions[0])))) {
             // Image is smaller (narrower) than thumb so no thumbnailing is done
             return array('width' => $this->image_size[0], 'height' => $this->image_size[1], 'image' => $this->www . $cat_image, 'thumbnail' => $this->www . $cat_image);
         // Create category thumb
         $cat_tn = basename($cat_image);
         if ($newDimensions = $this->{$tn_mode}($this->path . $cat_image, $this->path_tn . 'tn' . $location . $cat_tn, $dimensions)) {
             $this->catImage = true;
             return array('width' => $newDimensions['width'], 'height' => $newDimensions['height'], 'image' => $this->www . $cat_image, 'thumbnail' => $this->www_tn . 'tn' . $location . $cat_tn);
     // Create NoImage thumb
     $this->viewSuffix = '';
     $noImagePath = $this->locateThemeFile('theme_images', $this->Config->list_noimage_filename, '');
     if ($noImagePath && $this->Config->list_noimage_image && $this->Config->list_noimage_filename != '') {
         $noImageWww = pathToUrl($noImagePath);
         $noImageThumbnailPath = $this->path_tn . 'tn' . $location . $this->Config->list_noimage_filename;
         $thumbExists = file_exists($noImageThumbnailPath);
         if ($thumbExists) {
             $noImageSize = getimagesize($noImageThumbnailPath);
             if ($this->image_size[0] == min($noImageSize[0], trim(intval($dimensions[0])))) {
                 // Image is smaller (narrower) than thumb so no thumbnailing is done
                 return array('width' => $noImageSize[0], 'height' => $noImageSize[1], 'image' => $noImageWww, 'thumbnail' => $noImageWww);
             if ($noImageSize[0] != $dimensions[0]) {
                 $newDimensions = $this->{$tn_mode}($noImagePath, $noImageThumbnailPath, $dimensions);
             } else {
                 $newDimensions = array('width' => $noImageSize[0], 'height' => $noImageSize[1]);
         } else {
             $newDimensions = $this->{$tn_mode}($noImagePath, $noImageThumbnailPath, $dimensions);
         $this->noImage = true;
         return array('width' => $newDimensions['width'], 'height' => $newDimensions['height'], 'image' => $noImageWww, 'thumbnail' => $this->www_tn . 'tn' . $location . $this->Config->list_noimage_filename);
     return false;
 function index()
     $this->EverywhereAfterFind = true;
     // Triggers the afterFind in the Observer Model
     $module_id = Sanitize::getVar($this->params, 'module_id', Sanitize::getVar($this->data, 'module_id'));
     if (!Sanitize::getVar($this->params['module'], 'community')) {
     $conditions = array();
     $joins = array();
     $order = array();
     // Initialize variables
     $id = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'id');
     $option = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'option');
     $view = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'view');
     $task = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'task');
     $menu_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'Itemid');
     # Read module parameters
     $extension = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'extension');
     $user_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'user', $this->_user->id);
     $limit = Sanitize::getInt($this->params['module'], 'module_limit', 5);
     $total = min(50, Sanitize::getInt($this->params['module'], 'module_total', 10));
     if (!$user_id && !$this->_user->id) {
     $cat_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'category');
     $listing_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'listing');
     if ($extension == 'com_content') {
         $dir_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'dir');
         $section_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'section');
         $criteria_ids = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'criteria');
     } else {
         $dir_id = null;
         $section_id = null;
         $criteria_ids = null;
     // This parameter determines the module mode
     $sort = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'reviews_order');
     # Remove unnecessary fields from model query
     //		$this->Review->modelUnbind();
     !empty($extension) and $conditions[] = "Review.mode = '{$extension}'";
     $conditions[] = "Review.userid = " . (int) $user_id;
     # Set conditionals based on configuration parameters
     if ($extension == 'com_content') {
         // Only works for core articles
         $conditions = array_merge($conditions, array('( Listing.publish_up = "' . NULL_DATE . '" OR DATE(Listing.publish_up) <= DATE("' . _CURRENT_SERVER_TIME . '") )', '( Listing.publish_down = "' . NULL_DATE . '" OR DATE(Listing.publish_down) >= DATE("' . _CURRENT_SERVER_TIME . '") )', 'Listing.catid > 0'));
         if ($this->cmsVersion == CMS_JOOMLA15) {
             //                $conditions[] = 'Section.access <= ' . $this->Access->getAccessId();
             $conditions[] = 'Category.access <= ' . $this->Access->getAccessId();
             $conditions[] = 'Listing.access <= ' . $this->Access->getAccessId();
         } else {
             $conditions[] = 'Category.access IN (' . $this->Access->getAccessLevels() . ')';
             $conditions[] = 'Listing.access IN ( ' . $this->Access->getAccessLevels() . ')';
         $conditions[] = $this->Access->canEditListing() ? 'Listing.state >= 0' : 'Listing.state = 1';
         !empty($dir_id) and $conditions[] = 'JreviewsCategory.dirid IN (' . $dir_id . ')';
         !empty($section_id) and $conditions[] = 'Listing.sectionid IN (' . $section_id . ')';
         if (!empty($cat_id)) {
             $conditions[] = $this->cmsVersion == CMS_JOOMLA15 ? 'Listing.catid IN (' . $cat_id . ')' : ' IN (' . $cat_id . ')';
         } else {
     } else {
         if (Sanitize::getInt($this->params['module'], 'cat_auto') && method_exists($this->Listing, 'catUrlParam')) {
             if ($cat_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->passedArgs, $this->Listing->catUrlParam())) {
                 $conditions[] = ' IN (' . $cat_id . ')';
         } elseif ($cat_id) {
             $conditions[] = ' IN (' . $cat_id . ')';
     !empty($listing_id) and $conditions[] = " IN ({$listing_id})";
     $conditions[] = 'Review.published > 0';
     switch ($sort) {
         case 'latest':
             $order[] = $this->Review->processSorting('rdate');
         case 'helpful':
             $order[] = $this->Review->processSorting('helpful');
         case 'random':
             srand((double) microtime() * 1000000);
             $this->params['rand'] = rand();
             $order[] = 'RAND(' . $this->params['rand'] . ')';
             $order[] = $this->Review->processSorting('rdate');
     $queryData = array('fields' => array(), 'joins' => $joins, 'conditions' => $conditions, 'order' => $order, 'limit' => $total);
     # Don't run it here because it's run in the Everywhere Observer Component
     $this->Review->runProcessRatings = false;
     // Excludes listing owner info in Everywhere component
     $this->Review->controller = 'module_reviews';
     $reviews = $this->Review->findAll($queryData);
     $count = count($reviews);
     # Send variables to view template
     $this->set(array('module_id' => $module_id, 'reviews' => $reviews, 'total' => $count, 'limit' => $limit));
     $page = $this->ajaxRequest && empty($reviews) ? '' : $this->render('community_plugins', 'community_myreviews');
     return $this->ajaxRequest ? $this->ajaxResponse($page, false) : $page;
Example #20
 function validate(&$data, $fieldLocation, $Access)
     if (!isset($data['Field'])) {
     $location = $fieldLocation == 'listing' ? 'content' : 'review';
     $query = "\n            SELECT \n                groupid \n            FROM \n                #__jreviews_criteria \n            WHERE \n                id = " . (int) $data['Criteria']['id'];
     $groupids = $this->_db->loadResult();
     if ($groupids) {
         appLogMessage("*********Validate fields", 'database');
         # PaidListings integration to remove hidden fields from validation
         $plan_fields = isset($data['Paid']) ? explode(",", Sanitize::getString($data['Paid'], 'fields')) : '';
         !empty($plan_fields) and $plan_fields = "'" . implode("','", $plan_fields) . "'";
         $queryData = array('conditions' => array('Field.groupid IN (' . $groupids . ')', 'Field.published = 1', "Field.location = '{$location}'"));
         $plan_fields != '' and $queryData['conditions'][] = " IN (" . $plan_fields . ")";
         $fields = $this->findAll($queryData);
         if (!$fields) {
         $valid_fields = array();
         $fieldLocation = inflector::camelize($fieldLocation);
         foreach ($fields as $field) {
             // Check validation only for displayed fields *access rights*
             if (in_array($Access->gid, explode(",", $field['Field']['access']))) {
                 $value = Sanitize::getVar($data['Field'][$fieldLocation], $field['Field']['name'], '');
                 //                    $value = isset($data['Field'][$fieldLocation][$field['Field']['name']]) ? $data['Field'][$fieldLocation][$field['Field']['name']] : '';
                 $label = sprintf(__t("You must fill in a valid value for %s.", true), $field['Field']['title']);
                 $name = $field['Field']['name'];
                 $type = $field['Field']['type'];
                 $required = $field['Field']['required'];
                 $valid_fields[] = $field['Field'];
                 $regex = '';
                 if (!isset($field['Field']['_params']['valid_regex'])) {
                     switch ($field['Field']['type']) {
                         case 'integer':
                             $regex = "^[0-9]+\$";
                         case 'decimal':
                             $regex = "^(\\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]*)?)\$";
                         case 'website':
                             $regex = "^(ftp|http|https)+(:\\/\\/)+[a-z0-9_-]+\\.+[a-z0-9_-]";
                         case 'email':
                             $regex = ".+@.*";
                             $regex = '';
                 } elseif ($type != 'date') {
                     $regex = $field['Field']['_params']['valid_regex'];
                 if (!is_array($value)) {
                     $value = array($value);
                 } elseif ($type == 'selectmultiple' && is_array($value[0])) {
                     $data['Field'][$fieldLocation][$field['Field']['name']] = $data['Field'][$fieldLocation][$field['Field']['name']][0];
                     $value = $value[0];
                 $value = trim(implode(',', $value));
                 $this->validateInput($value, $name, $type, $label, $required, $regex);
         return $valid_fields;
Example #21
  * Used in Administration in controllers:
  *         admin_listings_controller.php
  * Also used in Frontend listings_controller.php in create function.
 function getList($section_id, $cat_ids = '')
     $Access = Configure::read('JreviewsSystem.Access');
     $query = "\n            SELECT \n       AS value, Category.title AS text, Criteria.config AS config, \n            FROM \n                #__categories AS Category\n            RIGHT JOIN \n                #__jreviews_categories AS JreviewsCategory ON = AND JreviewsCategory.`option` = 'com_content'\n            LEFT JOIN\n                #__jreviews_criteria AS Criteria On JreviewsCategory.criteriaid =\n            WHERE \n                Category.published = 1\n                AND Category.section IN ({$section_id}) \n                " . ($cat_ids != '' ? "\n AND IN ({$cat_ids})" : '') . "\n            ORDER \n                BY Category.title\n        ";
     $categories = $this->_db->loadObjectlist();
     // For admin use return all categories
     if (defined('MVC_FRAMEWORK_ADMIN')) {
         return $categories;
     foreach ($categories as $key => $cat) {
         if ($cat->config != '') {
             $config = json_decode($cat->config, true);
             if (!$Access->canAddListing(Sanitize::getVar($config, 'addnewaccess'))) {
     return $categories;
 function _save()
      * This method is processed inside an iframe
      * To access any of the DOM elements via jQuery it's necessary to prepend
      * all jQuery calls with $parentFrame (i.e. $parentFrame.jQuery)
     $this->autoRender = false;
     $this->autoLayout = false;
     $response = array();
     $parentFrame = 'window.parent';
     $validation = '';
     $listing_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->data['Listing'], 'id', 0);
     $isNew = $this->Listing->isNew = $listing_id == 0 ? true : false;
     $this->data['email'] = Sanitize::getString($this->data, 'email');
     $this->data['name'] = Sanitize::getString($this->data, 'name');
     $this->data['categoryid_hidden'] = Sanitize::getInt($this->data['Listing'], 'categoryid_hidden');
     $cat_id = Sanitize::getVar($this->data['Listing'], 'catid');
     $this->data['Listing']['catid'] = is_array($cat_id) ? (int) array_pop(array_filter($cat_id)) : (int) $cat_id;
     $this->data['Listing']['title'] = Sanitize::getString($this->data['Listing'], 'title', '');
     $this->data['Listing']['created_by_alias'] = Sanitize::getString($this->data, 'name', '');
     if ($this->cmsVersion == CMS_JOOMLA15) {
         $this->data['sectionid_hidden'] = Sanitize::getInt($this->data['Listing'], 'sectionid_hidden');
         $this->data['Listing']['sectionid'] = Sanitize::getInt($this->data['Listing'], 'sectionid');
     } else {
         $this->data['Listing']['language'] = '*';
         $this->data['Listing']['access'] = 1;
     $category_id = $this->data['Listing']['catid'] ? $this->data['Listing']['catid'] : $this->data['categoryid_hidden'];
     # Get criteria info
     $criteria = $this->Criteria->findRow(array('conditions' => array(' = 
             (SELECT criteriaid FROM #__jreviews_categories WHERE id = ' . (int) $category_id . ' AND `option` = "com_content")
     if (!$criteria) {
         $validation = __t("The category selected is invalid.", true, true);
         $response[] = "{$parentFrame}.jQuery('#jr_listingFormValidation').html('{$validation}');";
         $response[] = "{$parentFrame}.jQuery('.button').removeAttr('disabled');";
         $response[] = "{$parentFrame}.jQuery('.jr_loadingSmall').hide();";
         return $this->makeJS($response);
     $this->data['Criteria']['id'] = $criteria['Criteria']['criteria_id'];
     # Override global configuration
     isset($criteria['ListingType']) and $this->Config->override($criteria['ListingType']['config']);
     # Perform access checks
     if ($isNew && !$this->Access->canAddListing()) {
         return $this->makeJS("{$parentFrame}.s2Alert('" . __t("You are not allowed to submit listings in this category.", true, true) . "')");
     } elseif (!$isNew) {
         $query = "SELECT created_by FROM #__content WHERE id = " . $listing_id;
         $listing_owner = $this->_db->loadResult();
         if (!$this->Access->canEditListing($listing_owner)) {
             return $this->makeJS("{$parentFrame}.s2Alert('" . s2Messages::accessDenied() . "')");
     # Load the notifications observer model component and initialize it.
     # Done here so it only loads on save and not for all controlller actions.
     $this->components = array('security', 'notifications');
     if ($this->invalidToken == true) {
         return $this->makeJS("{$parentFrame}.s2Alert('" . s2Messages::invalidToken() . "')");
     # Override configuration
     $category = $this->Category->findRow(array('conditions' => array(' = ' . $this->data['Listing']['catid'])));
     if ($this->Access->loadWysiwygEditor()) {
         $this->data['Listing']['introtext'] = Sanitize::stripScripts(Sanitize::stripWhitespace(Sanitize::getVar($this->data['__raw']['Listing'], 'introtext')));
         $this->data['Listing']['fulltext'] = Sanitize::stripScripts(Sanitize::stripWhitespace(Sanitize::getVar($this->data['__raw']['Listing'], 'fulltext')));
         $this->data['Listing']['introtext'] = html_entity_decode($this->data['Listing']['introtext'], ENT_QUOTES, cmsFramework::getCharset());
         $this->data['Listing']['fulltext'] = html_entity_decode($this->data['Listing']['fulltext'], ENT_QUOTES, cmsFramework::getCharset());
     } else {
         $this->data['Listing']['introtext'] = Sanitize::stripAll($this->data['Listing'], 'introtext', '');
         if (isset($this->data['Listing']['fulltext'])) {
             $this->data['Listing']['fulltext'] = Sanitize::stripAll($this->data['Listing'], 'fulltext', '');
         } else {
             $this->data['Listing']['fulltext'] = '';
     $this->data['Listing']['introtext'] = str_replace('<br>', '<br />', $this->data['Listing']['introtext']);
     $this->data['Listing']['fulltext'] = str_replace('<br>', '<br />', $this->data['Listing']['fulltext']);
     if ($this->Access->canAddMeta()) {
         $this->data['Listing']['metadesc'] = Sanitize::getString($this->data['Listing'], 'metadesc');
         $this->data['Listing']['metakey'] = Sanitize::getString($this->data['Listing'], 'metakey');
     // Title alias handling
     $slug = '';
     $alias = Sanitize::getString($this->data['Listing'], 'alias');
     if ($isNew && $alias == '') {
         $slug = S2Router::sefUrlEncode($this->data['Listing']['title']);
         if (trim(str_replace('-', '', $slug)) == '') {
             $slug = date("Y-m-d-H-i-s");
     } elseif ($alias != '') {
         // Alias filled in so we convert it to a valid alias
         $slug = S2Router::sefUrlEncode($alias);
         if (trim(str_replace('-', '', $slug)) == '') {
             $slug = date("Y-m-d-H-i-s");
     $slug != '' and $this->data['Listing']['alias'] = $slug;
     # Check for duplicates
     switch ($this->Config->content_title_duplicates) {
         case 'category':
             // Checks for duplicates in the same category
             $query = "\r\n                        SELECT \r\n                            count(*) \r\n                        FROM \r\n                            #__content AS Listing WHERE Listing.title = " . $this->_db->Quote($this->data['Listing']['title']) . "\r\n                            AND Listing.state >= 0 \r\n                            AND Listing.catid = " . $this->data['Listing']['catid'] . (!$isNew ? " AND <> " . $listing_id : '');
             $titleExists = $this->_db->loadResult();
         case 'no':
             // Checks for duplicates all over the place
             $query = "\r\n                        SELECT \r\n                            count(*) \r\n                        FROM \r\n                            #__content AS Listing\r\n                        WHERE \r\n                            Listing.title = " . $this->_db->Quote($this->data['Listing']['title']) . "\r\n                           AND Listing.state >= 0\r\n                           " . (!$isNew ? " AND <> " . $listing_id : '');
             $titleExists = $this->_db->loadResult();
         case 'yes':
             // Duplicates are allowed, no checking necessary
             $titleExists = false;
     if ($titleExists && $this->data['Listing']['title'] != '') {
         // if listing exists
         $validation = '<span>' . __t("A listing with that title already exists.", true, true) . "</span>";
         $response[] = "{$parentFrame}.jQuery('#jr_listingFormValidation').html('{$validation}');";
         $response[] = "{$parentFrame}.jQuery('.button').removeAttr('disabled');";
         $response[] = "{$parentFrame}.jQuery('.jr_loadingSmall').hide();";
         return $this->makeJS($response);
     // Review form display check logic used several times below
     $revFormSetting = $this->Config->content_show_reviewform;
     if ($revFormSetting == 'noteditors' && !$this->Config->author_review) {
         $revFormSetting = 'all';
     $revFormEnabled = !isset($this->data['review_optional']) && $this->Access->canAddReview() && $isNew && ($revFormSetting == 'all' && ($this->Config->author_review || $this->Config->user_reviews) || $revFormSetting == 'authors' && $this->Access->isJreviewsEditor($this->_user->id) || $revFormSetting == 'noteditors' && !$this->Access->isJreviewsEditor($this->_user->id));
     // Validation of content default input fields
     if ($this->cmsVersion == CMS_JOOMLA15) {
         if (!$this->data['Listing']['catid'] || !$this->data['Listing']['sectionid']) {
             $this->Listing->validateSetError("sec_cat", __t("You need to select both a section and a category.", true));
     } else {
         !$this->data['Listing']['catid'] and $this->Listing->validateSetError("sec_cat", __t("You need to select a category.", true));
     // Validate only if it's a new listing
     if ($isNew) {
         if (!$this->_user->id) {
             $this->Listing->validateInput($this->data['name'], "name", "text", __t("You must fill in your name.", true), $this->Config->content_name == "required" ? 1 : 0);
             $this->Listing->validateInput($this->data['email'], "email", "email", __t("You must fill in a valid email address.", true), $this->Config->content_email == "required" ? 1 : 0);
             $this->data['name'] = Sanitize::getString($this->data, 'name', '');
             $this->data['email'] = Sanitize::getString($this->data, 'email', '');
         } else {
             $this->data['name'] = $this->_user->name;
             $this->data['email'] = $this->_user->email;
     $this->Listing->validateInput($this->data['Listing']['title'], "title", "text", __t("You must fill in a title for the new listing.", true, true), 1);
     # Validate listing custom fields
     $listing_valid_fields =& $this->Field->validate($this->data, 'listing', $this->Access);
     $this->Listing->validateErrors = array_merge($this->Listing->validateErrors, $this->Field->validateErrors);
     $this->Listing->validateInput($this->data['Listing']['introtext'], "introtext", "text", __t("You must fill in a summary for the new listing.", true, true), $this->Config->content_summary == "required" ? 1 : 0);
     $this->Listing->validateInput($this->data['Listing']['fulltext'], "fulltext", "text", __t("You must fill in a description for the new listing.", true, true), $this->Config->content_description == "required" ? 1 : 0);
     # Validate review custom fields
     if ($revFormEnabled && $criteria['Criteria']['state']) {
         // Review inputs
         $this->data['Review']['userid'] = $this->_user->id;
         $this->data['Review']['email'] = $this->data['email'];
         $this->data['Review']['name'] = $this->data['name'];
         $this->data['Review']['username'] = Sanitize::getString($this->data, 'name', '');
         $this->data['Review']['title'] = Sanitize::getString($this->data['Review'], 'title');
         $this->data['Review']['location'] = Sanitize::getString($this->data['Review'], 'location');
         // deprecated
         $this->data['Review']['comments'] = Sanitize::getString($this->data['Review'], 'comments');
         // Review standard fields
         $this->Listing->validateInput($this->data['Review']['title'], "rev_title", "text", __t("You must fill in a title for the review.", true, true), $this->Config->reviewform_title == 'required' ? true : false);
         if ($criteria['Criteria']['state'] == 1) {
             $criteria_qty = $criteria['Criteria']['quantity'];
             $ratingErr = 0;
             if (!isset($this->data['Rating'])) {
                 $ratingErr = $criteria_qty;
             } else {
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $criteria_qty; $i++) {
                     if (!isset($this->data['Rating']['ratings'][$i]) || (empty($this->data['Rating']['ratings'][$i]) || $this->data['Rating']['ratings'][$i] == 'undefined' || (double) $this->data['Rating']['ratings'][$i] > $this->Config->rating_scale)) {
             $this->Listing->validateInput('', "rating", "text", sprintf(__t("You are missing a rating in %s criteria.", true, true), $ratingErr), $ratingErr);
         // Review custom fields
         $this->Field->validateErrors = array();
         // Clear any previous validation errors
         $review_valid_fields = $this->Field->validate($this->data, 'review', $this->Access);
         $this->Listing->validateErrors = array_merge($this->Listing->validateErrors, $this->Field->validateErrors);
         $this->Listing->validateInput($this->data['Review']['comments'], "comments", "text", __t("You must fill in your comment.", true, true), $this->Config->reviewform_comment == 'required' ? true : false);
     // if ($revFormEnabled && $criteria['Criteria']['state'])
     # Validate image fields
     # Validate Captcha security code
     if ($isNew && $this->Access->showCaptcha()) {
         if (!isset($this->data['Captcha']['code'])) {
             $this->Listing->validateSetError("code", __t("The security code you entered was invalid.", true, true));
         } elseif ($this->data['Captcha']['code'] == '') {
             $this->Listing->validateInput($this->data['Captcha']['code'], "code", "text", __t("You must fill in the security code.", true), 1);
         } else {
             if (!$this->Captcha->checkCode($this->data['Captcha']['code'], $this->ipaddress)) {
                 $this->Listing->validateSetError("code", __t("The security code you entered was invalid.", true, true));
     # Get all validation messages
     $validation = $this->Listing->validateGetError() . $this->Uploads->getMsg();
     # Validation failed
     if ($validation != '') {
         $response[] = "var parentForm = {$parentFrame}.jQuery('#jr_listingForm');";
         $response[] = "{$parentFrame}.jQuery('#jr_listingFormValidation').html('{$validation}');";
         $response[] = "parentForm.find('.button').removeAttr('disabled');";
         // Transform textareas into wysiwyg editors
         if ($this->Access->loadWysiwygEditor()) {
             App::import('Helper', 'Editor', 'jreviews');
             $Editor = new EditorHelper();
             $response[] = $parentFrame . '.' . $Editor->transform(true);
         // Replace captcha with new instance
         if ($this->Access->in_groups($this->Config->security_image)) {
             $captcha = $this->Captcha->displayCode();
             $response[] = "{$parentFrame}.jQuery('#captcha').attr('src','{$captcha['src']}');";
             $response[] = "{$parentFrame}.jQuery('#jr_captchaCode').val('');";
         $response[] = "parentForm.find('.jr_loadingSmall').hide();";
         return $this->makeJS($response);
         // Can't use ajaxResponse b/c we are in an iframe
     # Validation passed, continue...
     if ($isNew) {
         $this->data['Listing']['created'] = _CURRENT_SERVER_TIME;
         //gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         $this->data['Listing']['publish_up'] = _CURRENT_SERVER_TIME;
         //gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         $this->data['Listing']['created_by'] = $this->_user->id;
         $this->data['Listing']['publish_down'] = NULL_DATE;
         $this->data['Field']['Listing']['email'] = $this->data['email'];
         // If visitor, assign name field to content Alias
         if (!$this->_user->id) {
             $this->data['Listing']['created_by_alias'] = $this->data['name'];
         // Check moderation settings
         $this->data['Listing']['state'] = (int) (!$this->Access->moderateListing());
         // If listing moderation is enabled, then the review is also moderated
         if (!$this->data['Listing']['state']) {
             $this->Config->moderation_reviews = $this->Config->moderation_editor_reviews = $this->Config->moderation_item;
     } else {
         if ($this->Config->moderation_item_edit) {
             $this->data['Listing']['state'] = (int) (!$this->Access->moderateListing());
         $this->data['Listing']['modified'] = _CURRENT_SERVER_TIME;
         //gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         $this->data['Listing']['modified_by'] = $this->_user->id;
         $query = 'SELECT images FROM #__content WHERE id = ' . $this->data['Listing']['id'];
         $this->data['Listing']['images'] = $this->_db->loadResult();
         // Check total number of images
         if (!$this->Uploads->checkImageCount($this->data['Listing']['images'])) {
             $validation .= '<span>' . sprintf(__t("The total number of images is limited to %s", true, true), $this->Config->content_images) . '</span><br />';
             $response[] = "{$parentFrame}.jQuery('#jr_listingFormValidation').html('{$validation}');";
             $response[] = "{$parentFrame}.jQuery('.button').removeAttr('disabled');";
             $response[] = "{$parentFrame}.jQuery('.jr_loadingSmall').hide();";
             return $this->makeJS($response);
     // Process images and update data array
     if ($this->Uploads->success) {
         $imageUploadPath = PATH_ROOT . _JR_PATH_IMAGES . 'jreviews' . DS;
         $this->Uploads->uploadImages($this->data['Listing']['id'], $imageUploadPath);
         if ($isNew) {
             // New item
             $currImages = $this->Uploads->images;
         } elseif ($this->data['Listing']['images'] != '') {
             // Editing and there are existing images
             $currImages = array_merge(explode("\n", $this->data['Listing']['images']), $this->Uploads->images);
         } else {
             // Editing and there are no existing images
             $currImages = $this->Uploads->images;
         $this->data['Listing']['images'] = implode("\n", $currImages);
     # Save listing
     $savedListing = $this->Listing->store($this->data);
     $listing_id = $this->data['Listing']['id'];
     if (!$savedListing) {
         $validation .= __t("The was a problem saving the listing", true, true);
     // Error on listing save
     if ($validation != '') {
         $response[] = "{$parentFrame}.jQuery('#jr_listingFormValidation').html('{$validation}');";
         $response[] = "{$parentFrame}.jQuery('.button').removeAttr('disabled');";
         $response[] = "{$parentFrame}.jQuery('.jr_loadingSmall').hide();";
         return $this->makeJS($response);
     # Save listing custom fields
     $this->data['Field']['Listing']['contentid'] = $this->data['Listing']['id'];
     $this->Field->save($this->data, 'listing', $isNew, $listing_valid_fields);
     # Begin insert review in table
     if ($revFormEnabled && $criteria['Criteria']['state']) {
         // Get reviewer type, for now editor reviews don't work in Everywhere components
         $this->data['Review']['author'] = (int) $this->Access->isJreviewsEditor($this->_user->id);
         $this->data['Review']['mode'] = 'com_content';
         $this->data['Review']['pid'] = (int) $this->data['Listing']['id'];
         // Force plugin loading on Review model
         $this->Review->isNew = true;
         $savedReview = $this->Review->save($this->data, $this->Access, $review_valid_fields);
     # Before render callback
     if ($isNew && isset($this->Listing->plgBeforeRenderListingSaveTrigger)) {
         $plgBeforeRenderListingSave = $this->Listing->plgBeforeRenderListingSave();
         switch ($plgBeforeRenderListingSave) {
             case '0':
                 $this->data['Listing']['state'] = 1;
             case '1':
                 $this->data['Listing']['state'] = 0;
             case '':
                 return $plgBeforeRenderListingSave;
     # Moderation disabled
     if (!isset($this->data['Listing']['state']) || $this->data['Listing']['state']) {
         $fields = array('Criteria.criteria AS `Criteria.criteria`', 'Criteria.tooltips AS `Criteria.tooltips`');
         $listing = $this->Listing->findRow(array('fields' => $fields, 'conditions' => array(' = ' . $listing_id)), array('afterFind'));
         # Facebook wall integration
         $fb_checkbox = Sanitize::getBool($this->data, 'fb_publish');
         $facebook_integration = Sanitize::getBool($this->Config, 'facebook_enable') && Sanitize::getBool($this->Config, 'facebook_listings') && $fb_checkbox;
         $token = cmsFramework::getCustomToken($listing_id);
         $facebook_integration and $response[] = $parentFrame . '.jQuery.get(' . $parentFrame . '.s2AjaxUri+' . $parentFrame . '.jreviews.ajax_params()+\'&url=facebook/_postListing/id:' . $listing_id . '&' . $token . '=1\');
         $url = cmsFramework::route($listing['Listing']['url']);
         $update_text = $isNew ? __t("Thank you for your submission.", true, true) : __t("The listing was successfully saved.", true, true);
         //JOEYG CODE
         //IF WE ONLY WANT TO ADD THE after_submit.thtml if the listing is new then add
         if ($isNew) {
             $query = "SELECT `listing_type` FROM `jos_vpbd_content_criteria` WHERE `jos_vpbd_content_criteria`.`listing_id` = " . $this->data['Listing']['id'];
             $jg_listing_type = $this->_db->loadResult();
             if ($jg_listing_type == 2 || $jg_listing_type == 7) {
                 $update_html = $this->render('listings', 'after_submit');
             } else {
                 $update_html = "<a href=\"{$url}\">" . __t("Click here to view your listing", true) . "</a>";
             //ends if/else
         } else {
             //not new
             $update_html = "<a href=\"{$url}\">" . __t("Click here to view your listing", true) . "</a>";
         //ends if($isNew)
         $jsonObject = json_encode(compact('target_id', 'update_text', 'update_html'));
         $response[] = '
                 var $parentForm = ' . $parentFrame . '.jQuery(\'#jr_listingForm\');
                 $parentForm.s2ShowUpdate(' . $jsonObject . ');                                                       
         return $this->makeJS($response);
     # Moderation enabled
     $update_text = __t("Thank you for your submission. It will be published once it is verified.", true);
     $update_html = '<div id=\\"s2Msgjr_listingForm\\" class=\\"jr_postUpdate\\">' . $update_text . '</div>';
     $response[] = '
         var $parentForm = ' . $parentFrame . '.jQuery(\'#jr_listingForm\');
             $parentForm.fadeOut(250,function(){$parentForm.html("' . $update_html . '").show();});
     return $this->makeJS($response);
Example #23
 function beforeFilter()
     # These should be called in each controller where they are required instead of globally
     $this->_db = cmsFramework::getDB();
     $this->_user = cmsFramework::getUser();
     # Overcome host restrictions
     $query = "SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1";
     # Fix Joomla bug when language filter is active with default language code hidden in url
     if (isset($this->params['lang'])) {
         $this->params['lang'] = cmsFramework::getUrlLanguageCode();
     # Init Access
     if (isset($this->Access)) {
     App::import('Component', 'theming', 'jreviews');
     $this->Theming = ClassRegistry::getClass('ThemingComponent');
     # Set pagination vars
     // First check url, then menu parameter. Otherwise the limit list in pagination doesn't respond b/c menu params always wins
     $this->limit = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'limit', Sanitize::getInt($this->data, 'limit_special', Sanitize::getInt($this->data, 'limit')));
     //		$this->passedArgs['limit'] = $this->limit;
     $this->page = Sanitize::getInt($this->data, 'page', Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'page', 1));
     if (!$this->limit) {
         if (Sanitize::getVar($this->params, 'action') == 'myreviews') {
             $this->limit = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'limit', $this->Config->user_limit);
             $this->params['default_limit'] = $this->Config->user_limit;
         } else {
             $this->limit = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'limit', $this->Config->list_limit);
             $this->params['default_limit'] = $this->Config->list_limit;
     if (Sanitize::getVar($this->params, 'action') == 'myreviews') {
         $this->params['default_limit'] = $this->Config->user_limit;
     } else {
         $this->params['default_limit'] = $this->Config->list_limit;
     // Set a hard code limit to prevent abuse
     $this->limit = max(min($this->limit, 50), 1);
     // Need to normalize the limit var for modules
     if (isset($this->params['module'])) {
         $module_limit = Sanitize::getInt($this->params['module'], 'module_limit', 5);
     } else {
         $module_limit = 5;
     $this->module_limit = Sanitize::getInt($this->data, 'module_limit', $module_limit);
     $this->module_page = Sanitize::getInt($this->data, 'module_page', 1);
     $this->module_page = $this->module_page === 0 ? 1 : $this->module_page;
     $this->module_offset = (int) ($this->module_page - 1) * $this->module_limit;
     if ($this->module_offset < 0) {
         $this->module_offset = 0;
     $this->page = $this->page === 0 ? 1 : $this->page;
     $this->offset = (int) ($this->page - 1) * $this->limit;
     if ($this->offset < 0) {
         $this->offset = 0;
     # Required further below for Community Model init
     if (!isset($this->Menu)) {
         App::import('Model', 'menu', 'jreviews');
         $this->Menu = ClassRegistry::getClass('MenuModel');
     if (!$this->ajaxRequest) {
         if (!($menu_id = Configure::read('_public_menu_id'))) {
             # Find and set one public Itemid to use for Ajax requests
             $menu_id = '';
             $menu_id = $this->Menu->get('jreviews_public');
             $menu_id = $menu_id != '' ? $menu_id : 99999;
             Configure::write('_public_menu_id', $menu_id);
         if (!($search_itemid = Configure::read('_search_itemid'))) {
             // Set search menu Itemid used in several of the controllers
             $option = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'option');
             $auto_itemid = Sanitize::getBool($this->Config, 'search_itemid', false);
             $hc_itemid = Sanitize::getInt($this->Config, 'search_itemid_hc', '');
             $search_menuid = $this->Menu->get('jr_advsearch');
             $search_itemid = '';
             switch ($option) {
                 case 'com_jreviews':
                     // page Itemid is enabled
                     if (!$auto_itemid && $hc_itemid > 0) {
                         $search_itemid = $hc_itemid;
                     } elseif (!$auto_itemid & $search_menuid > 0) {
                         $search_itemid = $search_menuid;
                     // Non-JReviews pages - can't use current page Itemid
                     if ($hc_itemid > 0) {
                         $search_itemid = $hc_itemid;
                     } else {
                         $search_itemid = $search_menuid;
             $search_itemid == '' and $option == 'com_jreviews' and $search_itemid = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'Itemid');
             Configure::write('_search_itemid', $search_itemid);
         $this->set(array('search_itemid' => $search_itemid, 'public_menu_id' => $menu_id));
     if (!defined('MVC_GLOBAL_JS_VARS') && !$this->ajaxRequest && $this->action != '_save') {
         # Add global javascript variables
         $this->assets['head-top'][] = '<script type="text/javascript">
         /* <![CDATA[ */
         var s2AjaxUri = "' . getAjaxUri() . '",
             jrLanguage = new Array(),
             jrVars = new Array(),
             datePickerImage = "' . $this->viewImages . 'calendar.gif",
             jrPublicMenu = ' . $menu_id . ';
         jrLanguage["cancel"] = "' . __t("Cancel", true) . '";
         jrLanguage["submit"] = "' . __t("Submit", true) . '";
         jrLanguage["clearDate"] = "' . __t("Clear", true) . '";
         jrLanguage[""] = "' . __t("-- Select --", true) . '";
         jrLanguage["field.select_field"] = "' . __t("-- Select %s --", true) . '";
         jrLanguage["field.no_results"] = "' . __t("No results found, try a different spelling.", true) . '";
         jrLanguage["field.ui_help"] = "' . __t("Start typing for suggestions", true) . '";
         jrLanguage["field.ui_add"] = "' . __t("Add", true) . '";
         jrLanguage["compare.heading"] = "' . __t("Compare", true) . '";
         jrLanguage["compare.compare_all"] = "' . __t("Compare All", true) . '";
         jrLanguage["compare.remove_all"] = "' . __t("Remove All", true) . '";
         jrLanguage["compare.select_more"] = "' . __t("You need to select more than one listing for comparison.", true) . '";
         jrLanguage["compare.select_max"] = "' . __t("You selected maximum number of listings for comparison.", true) . '";
         jrVars["locale"] = "' . cmsFramework::getLocale() . '";
         /* ]]> */
         if ($item_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'Itemid')) {
             $menu = $this->Menu->getMenuParams($item_id);
             $meta_desc = Sanitize::getString($menu, 'menu-meta_description');
             $meta_keys = Sanitize::getString($menu, 'menu-meta_keywords');
             $meta_desc != '' and cmsFramework::meta('description', $meta_desc);
             $meta_keys != '' and cmsFramework::meta('keywords', $meta_keys);
         define('MVC_GLOBAL_JS_VARS', 1);
     # Dynamic Community integration loading
     $community_extension = Configure::read('Community.extension');
     $community_extension = $community_extension != '' ? $community_extension : 'community_builder';
     App::import('Model', $community_extension, 'jreviews');
     $this->Community = new CommunityModel();
     # Init plugin system
Example #24
 function section($directory, $section, $attributes = array())
     $dir_title = S2Router::sefUrlEncode($directory['Directory']['slug'], __t("and", true));
     $section_title = S2Router::sefUrlEncode($section['slug'], __t("and", true));
     $dir_id = $directory['Directory']['dir_id'];
     $section_id = $section['section_id'];
     if (Sanitize::getVar($attributes, 'image')) {
         $section['title'] = $this->Html->image(WWW_ROOT . 'images' . _DS . 'stories' . _DS . $section['image'], array('border' => 0, 'alt' => $section['title']));
     // Check if there's a jReviews menu for this section to prevent duplicate urls
     $menuModel = ClassRegistry::getClass('MenuModel');
     $menu_id = $menuModel->get('jr_section_menu_id_' . $section_id);
     if ($menu_id) {
         if (!$menuModel->get('jr_manyIds_' . $menu_id)) {
             $url = sprintf($this->routes['menu'], $menu_id);
             return $this->Html->sefLink($section['title'], $url, $attributes);
     $menu_id = $section['menu_id'];
     if ($menu_id == '') {
         $this->routes['section'] = str_replace(array('_m%5$s', '&amp;Itemid=%5$s'), '', $this->routes['section']);
     $url = sprintf($this->routes['section'], $dir_title, $section_title, $dir_id, $section_id, $menu_id);
     return $this->Html->sefLink($section['title'], $url, $attributes);
  * Returns a json object of field options used to dynamicaly show and populate dependent fields
 function _loadFieldData($json = true, $_data = array())
     !empty($_data) and $this->data = $_data;
     $fields = $field_options = $selected_values = $group_ids = array();
     $selected_values_autocomplete = array();
     $dependent_fields = $dependent_groups = $control_fields = $fields = $responses = array();
     $location = strtolower(Sanitize::getString($this->data, 'fieldLocation', 'content'));
     $location == 'listing' and $location = 'content';
     $recursive = Sanitize::getBool($this->data, 'recursive');
     $field_names = Sanitize::getVar($this->data, 'fields');
     $control_field = $field_names = is_array($field_names) ? array_filter($field_names) : array($field_names);
     $page_setup = Sanitize::getInt($this->data, 'page_setup', false);
     $control_value = Sanitize::getVar($this->data, 'value');
     $entry_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->data, 'entry_id');
     $referrer = Sanitize::getString($this->data, 'referrer');
     $edit = (bool) $entry_id || is_array($control_value);
     // In adv. search module we make it work like edit for previously searched values which are passed as an array in $control_value
     # Access check
     # Need to pass token to validate the listing id and check user access.
     # Filter passed field names to fix those with double underscores which are checkboxes and radiobuttons
     foreach ($field_names as $key => $name) {
         if (substr_count($name, '_') > 1) {
             $tmp = explode('_', $name);
             $field_names[$key] = implode('_', $tmp);
     $field_names = array_unique($field_names);
      * We are in edit mode. Find selected values
     if ($page_setup && $entry_id > 0) {
         # PaidListings integration
         if ($location == 'content' && Configure::read('PaidListings.enabled') && PaidPlanCategoryModel::isInPaidCategoryByListingId($entry_id)) {
             // Load the paid_listing_fields table instead of the jos_content table so users can see all their
             // fields when editing a listing
             Configure::write('ListingEdit', false);
             $curr_field_values = PaidListingFieldModel::edit($entry_id);
             if ($curr_field_values && !empty($curr_field_values)) {
                 $curr_field_values = (array) array_shift($curr_field_values);
                 $curr_field_values['contentid'] = $curr_field_values['element_id'];
                 unset($curr_field_values['element_id'], $curr_field_values['email']);
         if (empty($curr_field_values)) {
             $query = $location == 'content' ? "SELECT * FROM #__jreviews_content WHERE contentid = {$entry_id}" : "SELECT * FROM #__jreviews_review_fields WHERE reviewid = {$entry_id}";
             $curr_field_values = array_shift($this->_db->loadAssocList());
         if (!empty($curr_field_values)) {
             foreach ($curr_field_values as $key => $val) {
                 if (substr($key, 0, 3) == 'jr_') {
                     $selected_values[$key] = $val != '' ? is_array($val) ? $val : array($val) : array();
     } elseif (is_array($control_value)) {
         $selected_values = $control_value;
         $control_value = '';
      *  Control field option selected, so we find all dependent fields and groups
      *  Need to look in FieldOptions, Fields and FieldGroups
     if (!$page_setup) {
         # Find dependent FieldOptions
         $query = "\r\n                SELECT \r\n                    DISTINCT\r\n                FROM \r\n                    #__jreviews_fieldoptions AS FieldOption\r\n                LEFT JOIN\r\n                    #__jreviews_fields AS Field ON Field.fieldid = FieldOption.fieldid AND (\r\n                        Field.published = 1 AND Field.location = " . $this->quote($location) . "\r\n                    )\r\n                LEFT JOIN\r\n                    #__jreviews_groups AS FieldGroup ON Field.groupid = FieldGroup.groupid\r\n                WHERE\r\n                    Field.published = 1 AND Field.location = " . $this->quote($location) . "\r\n                    AND FieldOption.control_field = " . $this->quote($control_field) . " AND FieldOption.control_value LIKE " . $this->quoteLike('*' . $control_value . '*') . "\r\n                ORDER BY \r\n                    FieldGroup.ordering, Field.ordering \r\n            ";
         $field_names = $this->_db->loadResultArray();
         # Find dependent Fields
         $query = "\r\n                SELECT \r\n                    DISTINCT\r\n                FROM \r\n                    #__jreviews_fields AS Field\r\n                LEFT JOIN\r\n                    #__jreviews_groups AS FieldGroup ON Field.groupid = FieldGroup.groupid\r\n                WHERE\r\n                    Field.published = 1 AND Field.location = " . $this->quote($location) . "\r\n                    AND Field.control_field = " . $this->quote($control_field) . " AND Field.control_value LIKE " . $this->quoteLike('*' . $control_value . '*') . "\r\n                ORDER BY \r\n                    FieldGroup.ordering, Field.ordering \r\n            ";
         $field_names = is_array($field_names) ? array_merge($field_names, $this->_db->loadResultArray()) : $this->_db->loadResultArray();
         # Find depedent Field Groups
         $query = "\r\n                SELECT DISTINCT\r\n                   FieldGroup.groupid\r\n                FROM \r\n                    #__jreviews_groups AS FieldGroup\r\n                LEFT JOIN\r\n                    #__jreviews_fields AS Field ON Field.groupid = FieldGroup.groupid\r\n                WHERE\r\n                    Field.published = 1 AND Field.location = " . $this->quote($location) . "  \r\n                    AND FieldGroup.type = " . $this->quote($location) . "\r\n                    AND FieldGroup.control_field = " . $this->quote($control_field) . "\r\n                    AND FieldGroup.control_value LIKE " . $this->quoteLike('*' . $control_value . '*') . "\r\n                ORDER BY\r\n                    FieldGroup.ordering\r\n           ";
         $group_ids = $this->_db->loadResultArray();
         !empty($field_names) and $field_names = array_unique($field_names);
         if (empty($field_names) && empty($group_ids)) {
             return json_encode(compact('control_field', 'dependent_fields', 'dependent_groups', 'data'));
     # Get info for all fields
     $query = "\r\n            SELECT \r\n                Field.fieldid, Field.groupid, Field.title,, Field.type, Field.options, Field.control_field, Field.control_value, AS group_name\r\n            FROM \r\n                #__jreviews_fields AS Field \r\n            LEFT JOIN\r\n                #__jreviews_groups AS FieldGroup ON Field.groupid = FieldGroup.groupid\r\n            WHERE \r\n                Field.published = 1 AND Field.location = " . $this->quote($location) . "\r\n                AND (\r\n                    " . (!empty($field_names) ? " IN (" . $this->quote($field_names) . ")" : '') . "\r\n                    " . (!empty($field_names) && !empty($group_ids) ? " OR " : '') . "\r\n                    " . (!empty($group_ids) ? "Field.groupid IN (" . $this->quote($group_ids) . ")" : '') . "\r\n                )\r\n            ORDER BY \r\n                FieldGroup.ordering, Field.ordering\r\n        ";
     $curr_form_fields = $this->_db->loadAssocList('name');
     if (empty($curr_form_fields)) {
         return json_encode(compact('control_field', 'dependent_fields', 'dependent_groups', 'data'));
     foreach ($curr_form_fields as $key => $curr_form_field) {
         $curr_form_fields[$key]['options'] = stringToArray($curr_form_field['options']);
      *  Check if fields have any dependents to avoid unnecessary ajax requests 
      *  Three tables need to be checked: fieldoptions, fields, and fieldgroups
     # FieldOptions
     $query = "\r\n            SELECT DISTINCT     \r\n       AS dependent_field, FieldOption.control_field\r\n            FROM \r\n                #__jreviews_fieldoptions AS FieldOption\r\n            LEFT JOIN\r\n                #__jreviews_fields AS Field ON Field.fieldid = FieldOption.fieldid\r\n            WHERE\r\n                Field.published = 1 AND Field.location = " . $this->quote($location) . "\r\n                AND FieldOption.control_field IN ( " . $this->quote($page_setup ? array_keys($curr_form_fields) : $control_field) . ")\r\n            " . (!$page_setup ? "AND FieldOption.control_value LIKE " . $this->quoteLike('*' . $control_value . '*') : '') . "\r\n            ORDER BY Field.ordering\r\n       ";
     $controlling_and_dependent_fields = $this->_db->loadAssocList();
     # Fields
     $query = "\r\n            SELECT DISTINCT\r\n       AS dependent_field, Field.control_field\r\n            FROM \r\n                #__jreviews_fields AS Field\r\n            WHERE\r\n                Field.published = 1 AND Field.location = " . $this->quote($location) . "\r\n                AND Field.control_field IN ( " . $this->quote($page_setup ? array_keys($curr_form_fields) : $control_field) . ")\r\n            " . (!$page_setup ? "AND Field.control_value LIKE " . $this->quoteLike('*' . $control_value . '*') : '') . "\r\n            ORDER BY Field.ordering\r\n       ";
     $controlling_and_dependent_fields = is_array($controlling_and_dependent_fields) ? array_merge($controlling_and_dependent_fields, $this->_db->loadAssocList()) : $this->_db->loadAssocList();
     # Groups
     $query = "\r\n            SELECT DISTINCT\r\n      AS dependent_group, FieldGroup.control_field\r\n            FROM \r\n                #__jreviews_groups AS FieldGroup\r\n            LEFT JOIN\r\n                #__jreviews_fields AS Field ON Field.groupid = FieldGroup.groupid\r\n            WHERE\r\n                Field.published = 1 AND Field.location = " . $this->quote($location) . "  \r\n                AND FieldGroup.type = " . $this->quote($location) . "\r\n                AND FieldGroup.control_field IN ( " . $this->quote($page_setup ? array_keys($curr_form_fields) : $control_field) . ")\r\n            " . (!$page_setup ? "AND FieldGroup.control_value LIKE " . $this->quoteLike('*' . $control_value . '*') : '') . "\r\n            ORDER BY\r\n                FieldGroup.ordering\r\n       ";
     $controlling_and_dependent_fields = is_array($controlling_and_dependent_fields) ? array_merge($controlling_and_dependent_fields, $this->_db->loadAssocList()) : $this->_db->loadAssocList();
     #Extract controlling and dependent fields
     foreach ($controlling_and_dependent_fields as $row) {
         isset($row['dependent_field']) and $dependent_fields[$row['dependent_field']] = $row['dependent_field'];
         if (isset($row['dependent_group'])) {
             $group_name = str_replace(' ', '', $row['dependent_group']);
             $dependent_groups[$group_name] = $group_name;
         $control_fields[$row['control_field']] = $row['control_field'];
     $ids_to_names = $ids_to_names_autocomplete = $ids_to_names_noautocomplete = array();
     $control_fields_array = array();
     foreach ($curr_form_fields as $curr_form_field) {
         $ordering = Sanitize::getVar($curr_form_field['options'], 'option_ordering', null);
         $fields[$curr_form_field['name']]['name'] = $curr_form_field['name'];
         $fields[$curr_form_field['name']]['type'] = $curr_form_field['type'];
         $fields[$curr_form_field['name']]['group'] = $curr_form_field['group_name'];
         $fields[$curr_form_field['name']]['autocomplete'] = Sanitize::getVar($curr_form_field['options'], in_array($referrer, array('adv_search', 'adv_search_module')) ? '' : 'autocomplete', 0);
         $fields[$curr_form_field['name']]['autocompletetype'] = Sanitize::getVar($curr_form_field['options'], 'autocomplete.option_type', 'link');
         $fields[$curr_form_field['name']]['autocompletepos'] = Sanitize::getVar($curr_form_field['options'], 'autocomplete.option_pos', 'after');
         $fields[$curr_form_field['name']]['title'] = $curr_form_field['title'];
         $entry_id and $fields[$curr_form_field['name']]['selected'] = array();
         !is_null($ordering) and $fields[$curr_form_field['name']]['order_by'] = !$ordering ? 'ordering' : 'text';
         // Add selected value for text fields
         if (isset($selected_values[$curr_form_field['name']])) {
             switch ($fields[$curr_form_field['name']]['type']) {
                 case 'date':
                     if (isset($selected_values[$curr_form_field['name']][0])) {
                         if ($selected_values[$curr_form_field['name']][0] == NULL_DATE) {
                             $fields[$curr_form_field['name']]['selected'] = array();
                         } else {
                             $fields[$curr_form_field['name']]['selected'] = array(str_replace(" 00:00:00", "", $selected_values[$curr_form_field['name']][0]));
                 case 'relatedlisting':
                     if (isset($selected_values[$curr_form_field['name']][0]) && $selected_values[$curr_form_field['name']][0] > 0) {
                         $fields[$curr_form_field['name']]['selected'] = $selected_values[$curr_form_field['name']];
                 case 'radiobuttons':
                 case 'select':
                 case 'checkboxes':
                 case 'selectmultiple':
                     if (!empty($selected_values[$curr_form_field['name']])) {
                         $selected_values[$curr_form_field['name']] = explode('*', ltrim(rtrim($selected_values[$curr_form_field['name']][0], '*'), '*'));
                         $fields[$curr_form_field['name']]['selected'] = $selected_values[$curr_form_field['name']];
                     $fields[$curr_form_field['name']]['selected'] = $selected_values[$curr_form_field['name']];
         // Add control related vars
         // If field is text type, then it has no control and we check the controlBy values
         if ($fields[$curr_form_field['name']]['type'] == 'text') {
             $fields[$curr_form_field['name']]['control'] = false;
             $fields[$curr_form_field['name']]['controlled'] = $curr_form_field['control_field'] != '' && $curr_form_field['control_value'];
         } else {
             $fields[$curr_form_field['name']]['control'] = $recursive ? true : in_array($curr_form_field['name'], $control_fields);
             $fields[$curr_form_field['name']]['controlled'] = in_array($curr_form_field['name'], $dependent_fields);
         if (in_array($curr_form_field['groupid'], $group_ids)) {
             $fields[$curr_form_field['name']]['controlgroup'] = true;
         // Create an array of field ids to field names used below to save on additional queries.
         // The initial field option values are loaded for the fields in this array
         if (!$page_setup || !$fields[$curr_form_field['name']]['autocomplete'] || !empty($fields[$curr_form_field['name']]['selected'])) {
             if (in_array($fields[$curr_form_field['name']]['type'], array('select', 'selectmultiple'))) {
                 $ids_to_names[$curr_form_field['fieldid']] = $curr_form_field['name'];
             if (!empty($fields[$curr_form_field['name']]['selected']) && $fields[$curr_form_field['name']]['autocomplete'] && in_array($fields[$curr_form_field['name']]['type'], array('select', 'selectmultiple'))) {
                 $ids_to_names_autocomplete[$curr_form_field['fieldid']] = $curr_form_field['name'];
                 $selected_values_autocomplete = array_merge($selected_values_autocomplete, $selected_values[$curr_form_field['name']]);
             } elseif (!$fields[$curr_form_field['name']]['autocomplete'] && in_array($fields[$curr_form_field['name']]['type'], array('select', 'selectmultiple'))) {
                 $ids_to_names_noautocomplete[$curr_form_field['fieldid']] = $curr_form_field['name'];
         $control_fields_array[] = $curr_form_field['name'];
      * Build the fields array for control and controlled fields 
     # For FieldOption-FieldOption relationships get field options ordered by a-z ASC to start building the fields array.
     if (!empty($ids_to_names)) {
         if ($edit) {
             if (!empty($ids_to_names_autocomplete)) {
                 $query = "\r\n                        SELECT \r\n                  , Field.fieldid, FieldOption.optionid, FieldOption.text, FieldOption.value, FieldOption.image, FieldOption.ordering\r\n                        FROM \r\n                            #__jreviews_fieldoptions AS FieldOption\r\n                        LEFT JOIN\r\n                            #__jreviews_fields AS Field ON Field.fieldid = FieldOption.fieldid\r\n                        WHERE\r\n                            Field.published = 1 AND Field.location = " . $this->quote($location) . "  \r\n                            AND " . ($page_setup ? " FieldOption.fieldid IN (" . $this->quote(array_keys($ids_to_names_autocomplete)) . ") " : '1 = 1') . " \r\n                            " . ($page_setup ? " AND FieldOption.control_field = ''" : " AND FieldOption.control_field = " . $this->quote($control_field) . " AND FieldOption.control_value LIKE " . $this->quoteLike('*' . $control_value . '*')) . " \r\n                            " . (!empty($selected_values_autocomplete) ? "AND FieldOption.value IN ( " . $this->quote($selected_values_autocomplete) . ")" : '') . "\r\n                        ORDER BY \r\n                            FieldOption.fieldid, FieldOption.text\r\n                    ";
                 $field_options_ac = $this->_db->loadAssocList();
             if (!empty($ids_to_names_noautocomplete)) {
                 $query = "\r\n                        SELECT \r\n                  , Field.fieldid, FieldOption.optionid, FieldOption.text, FieldOption.value, FieldOption.image, FieldOption.ordering\r\n                        FROM \r\n                            #__jreviews_fieldoptions AS FieldOption\r\n                        LEFT JOIN\r\n                            #__jreviews_fields AS Field ON Field.fieldid = FieldOption.fieldid\r\n                        WHERE\r\n                            Field.published = 1 AND Field.location = " . $this->quote($location) . "  \r\n                            AND " . ($page_setup ? " FieldOption.fieldid IN (" . $this->quote(array_keys($ids_to_names_noautocomplete)) . ") " : '1 = 1') . " \r\n                            " . ($page_setup ? " AND FieldOption.control_field = ''" : " AND FieldOption.control_field = " . $this->quote($control_field) . " AND FieldOption.control_value LIKE " . $this->quoteLike('*' . $control_value . '*')) . " \r\n                        ORDER BY \r\n                            FieldOption.fieldid, FieldOption.text\r\n                    ";
                 $field_options_noac = $this->_db->loadAssocList();
             empty($field_options_ac) and $field_options_ac = array();
             empty($field_options_noac) and $field_options_noac = array();
             $field_options = array_merge($field_options_ac, $field_options_noac);
         } else {
             $query = "\r\n                    SELECT \r\n              , Field.fieldid, FieldOption.optionid, FieldOption.text, FieldOption.value, FieldOption.image, FieldOption.ordering\r\n                    FROM \r\n                        #__jreviews_fieldoptions AS FieldOption\r\n                    LEFT JOIN\r\n                        #__jreviews_fields AS Field ON Field.fieldid = FieldOption.fieldid\r\n                    WHERE\r\n                        Field.published = 1 AND Field.location = " . $this->quote($location) . "  \r\n                        AND " . ($page_setup ? " FieldOption.fieldid IN (" . $this->quote(array_keys($ids_to_names)) . ") " : '1 = 1') . " \r\n                        " . ($page_setup ? " AND FieldOption.control_field = ''" : " AND FieldOption.control_field = " . $this->quote($control_field) . " AND FieldOption.control_value LIKE " . $this->quoteLike('*' . $control_value . '*')) . " \r\n                    ORDER BY \r\n                        FieldOption.fieldid, FieldOption.text\r\n                ";
             $field_options = $this->_db->loadAssocList();
     # For FieldOption-Field relationships get field options ordered by a-z ASC to start building the fields array.
     if (!$page_setup && !empty($ids_to_names)) {
         $query = "\r\n                SELECT \r\n          , Field.fieldid, FieldOption.optionid, FieldOption.text, FieldOption.value, FieldOption.image, FieldOption.ordering\r\n                FROM \r\n                    #__jreviews_fieldoptions AS FieldOption\r\n                LEFT JOIN\r\n                    #__jreviews_fields AS Field ON Field.fieldid = FieldOption.fieldid\r\n                WHERE\r\n                    Field.published = 1 AND Field.location = " . $this->quote($location) . "  \r\n                    AND " . ($page_setup ? " FieldOption.fieldid IN (" . $this->quote(array_keys($ids_to_names)) . ") " : '1 = 1') . " \r\n                    " . ($page_setup ? " AND Field.control_field = ''" : " AND Field.control_field = " . $this->quote($control_field) . " AND Field.control_value LIKE " . $this->quoteLike('*' . $control_value . '*')) . " \r\n                ORDER BY \r\n                    FieldOption.fieldid, FieldOption.text\r\n            ";
         $field_options = array_merge($field_options, $this->_db->loadAssocList());
     foreach ($field_options as $field_option) {
         $field_id = $field_option['fieldid'];
         $field_name = $field_option['name'];
         unset($field_option['fieldid'], $field_option['name']);
         if (isset($ids_to_names[$field_id])) {
             $fields[$ids_to_names[$field_id]]['options'][] = $field_option;
             isset($selected_values[$field_name]) and $fields[$ids_to_names[$field_id]]['selected'] = $selected_values[$field_name];
     if ($page_setup) {
         $control_field = array_values($control_fields_array);
         $dependent_fields = array();
     } else {
         $control_field = $control_field;
         $dependent_fields = array_values($dependent_fields);
     # Edit mode: for each control field that has a selected value find dependent field options
     foreach ($selected_values as $key => $val) {
         if (!empty($val) && $val != '' && in_array($key, $field_names)) {
             foreach ($val as $selected) {
                 $res = $this->_loadFieldData(false, array('recursive' => true, 'fields' => $key, 'value' => array_shift($val), 'fieldLocation' => $location));
                 if (is_array($res)) {
                     $responses[$res['control_field'][0]][$res['control_value']] = $res;
                     foreach ($res['fields'] as $res_fields) {
                         if (isset($selected_values[$res_fields['name']]) && !empty($res_fields['options']) && empty($fields[$res_fields['name']]['options'])) {
                             $fields[$res_fields['name']] = $res_fields;
                             $fields[$res_fields['name']]['selected'] = $selected_values[$res_fields['name']];
                 } elseif ($fields[$key]['type'] != 'text') {
                     $responses[$key][$selected] = array('location' => $location, 'control_field' => array($key), 'control_value' => $selected, 'dependent_groups' => array(), 'dependent_fields' => array(), 'fields' => array());
     /** DEBUG **/
     //if($json) {prx(compact('page_setup','control_field','control_value','dependent_fields','dependent_groups','fields','responses'));}
     //if($json && !$page_setup) {prx(compact('page_setup','control_field','control_value','dependent_fields','dependent_groups','fields','responses'));}
     $dependent_groups = array_values($dependent_groups);
     $location = $location == 'content' ? 'Listing' : 'Review';
     return $json ? json_encode(compact('page_setup', 'edit', 'location', 'control_field', 'control_value', 'dependent_groups', 'dependent_fields', 'fields', 'responses')) : compact('location', 'control_field', 'control_value', 'dependent_groups', 'dependent_fields', 'fields');
 function _process()
     $urlSeparator = "_";
     $simple_search = Sanitize::getInt($this->data, 'simple_search');
     $keywords = Sanitize::getVar($this->data, 'keywords');
     $criteria = isset($this->data['Search']) ? Sanitize::getInt($this->data['Search'], 'criteria_id') : null;
     $dir = str_replace(array(',', ' '), array($urlSeparator, ''), Sanitize::getString($this->data, 'dir'));
     $cat = str_replace(array(',', ' '), array($urlSeparator, ''), Sanitize::getString($this->data, 'cat'));
     $section = str_replace(array(',', ' '), array($urlSeparator, ''), Sanitize::getString($this->data, 'section'));
     $order = Sanitize::getVar($this->data, 'order');
     $query_type = Sanitize::getVar($this->data, 'search_query_type');
     $scope = Sanitize::getVar($this->data, 'contentoptions');
     $author = Sanitize::getString($this->data, 'author');
     $categories = Sanitize::getVar($this->data, 'categories');
     $menu_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->data, 'menu_id');
     $tmpl_suffix = Sanitize::getString($this->data, 'tmpl_suffix');
     $illegal_chars = array('#', '/', '?', ':', urldecode('%E3%80%80'));
     // Last one is japanese double space
     $sort = '';
     # Load Routes helper
     App::import('Helper', 'routes', 'jreviews');
     $Routes = new RoutesHelper();
     // Replace ampersands with temp string to be replaced back as urlencoded ampersand further below
     $keywords = str_replace(array_keys($this->KeywordReplacementMask), array_values($this->KeywordReplacementMask), $keywords);
     # Get the Itemid
     $menu_id_param = $menu_id > 0 ? $menu_id : '';
     $url_params = '';
     if ($simple_search) {
         # Build the query string
         if (trim($keywords) != '') {
             $url_params .= (cmsFramework::mosCmsSef() ? '' : '/') . 'keywords' . _PARAM_CHAR . str_replace(' ', '+', urlencode(str_replace($illegal_chars, ' ', $keywords)));
         !empty($dir) and $url_params .= "/dir" . _PARAM_CHAR . $dir;
         !empty($section) and $url_params .= "/cat" . _PARAM_CHAR . 's' . $section;
         !empty($cat) and $url_params .= "/cat" . _PARAM_CHAR . $cat;
         !empty($tmpl_suffix) and $url_params .= '/tmpl_suffix' . _PARAM_CHAR . $tmpl_suffix;
         !empty($order) and $sort = '/order' . _PARAM_CHAR . $order;
         # Checks if need to keep the Itemid on the result page
         if ($this->Config->search_itemid && $menu_id) {
             $url = $Routes->search_results($menu_id_param, '');
         } else {
             $url = $Routes->search_results(null, '');
         $url = cmsFramework::route($url . $url_params . $sort);
         $url = str_replace(array_keys($this->KeywordReplacementUrl), array_values($this->KeywordReplacementUrl), $url);
     $url_params = array();
     $criteria_param = $criteria ? (cmsFramework::mosCmsSef() ? '' : '/') . 'criteria:' . $criteria : '';
     // Search query type
     !empty($query_type) and $url_params[] = "query" . _PARAM_CHAR . $query_type;
     !empty($dir) != '' and $url_params[] = "dir" . _PARAM_CHAR . $dir;
     // Listing and reviews
     if ($keywords) {
         if ($scope) {
             $url_params[] = "scope" . _PARAM_CHAR . urlencode(implode($urlSeparator, $scope));
         $url_params[] = "keywords" . _PARAM_CHAR . urlencode(str_replace($illegal_chars, ' ', $keywords));
     // Author
     !empty($author) and $url_params[] = "author" . _PARAM_CHAR . urlencode($author);
     // Categories
     if (is_array($categories)) {
         // Remove empty values from array
         foreach ($categories as $index => $value) {
             if (empty($value)) {
         if (!empty($categories)) {
             $cat = urlencode(implode($urlSeparator, $categories));
             !empty($cat) and $url_params[] = "cat" . _PARAM_CHAR . $cat;
     } elseif ($categories != '') {
         // Single select category list
         !empty($categories) and $url_params[] = "cat" . _PARAM_CHAR . $categories;
     // First pass to process numeric values, need to merge operator and operand into one parameter
     if (isset($this->data['Field'])) {
         foreach ($this->data['Field']['Listing'] as $key => $value) {
             if (substr($key, -9, 9) == '_operator') {
                 $operand = substr($key, 0, -9);
                 if (is_array($this->data['Field']['Listing'][$operand]) && is_numeric($this->data['Field']['Listing'][$operand][0]) || is_numeric($this->data['Field']['Listing'][$operand])) {
                     $this->data['Field']['Listing'][$operand] = $value . $urlSeparator . trim(implode('_', $this->data['Field']['Listing'][$operand]));
                 } elseif (is_array($this->data['Field']['Listing'][$operand]) && trim($this->data['Field']['Listing'][$operand][0]) != '' || !is_array($this->data['Field']['Listing'][$operand]) && trim($this->data['Field']['Listing'][$operand]) != '') {
                     // Assume it's a date field
                     $this->data['Field']['Listing'][$operand] = $value . $urlSeparator . "date_" . implode('_', $this->data['Field']['Listing'][$operand]);
                 } else {
                     $this->data['Field']['Listing'][$operand] = '';
                 // Remove trailing separator char
                 $this->data['Field']['Listing'][$operand] = rtrim($this->data['Field']['Listing'][$operand], $urlSeparator);
         // Second pass to process everything
         foreach ($this->data['Field']['Listing'] as $key => $value) {
             $key_parts = explode("_", $key);
             $imploded_value = '';
             if (substr($key, 0, 3) == "jr_" && substr($key, -9, 9) != '_operator' && @$key_parts[2] != 'reset') {
                 // multiple option field
                 if (is_array($value)) {
                     if (is_array($value[0]) && !empty($value[0])) {
                         $imploded_value = implode($urlSeparator, $value[0]);
                     } elseif (!is_array($value[0]) && implode('', $value) != '') {
                         $imploded_value = implode($urlSeparator, $value);
                     if ($key != '' && $imploded_value != '') {
                         $url_params[] = "{$key}" . _PARAM_CHAR . urlencode(trim($imploded_value));
                     // single option field
                 } elseif (!is_array($value) && trim($value) != '') {
                     $url_params[] = "{$key}" . _PARAM_CHAR . urlencode(trim($value));
     // End isset $this->Data['Field']
     !empty($tmpl_suffix) and $url_params[] = 'tmpl_suffix' . _PARAM_CHAR . $tmpl_suffix;
     $url_params[] = "order" . _PARAM_CHAR . ($order ? $order : $this->Config->list_order_default);
     # Remove empty values from array
     foreach ($url_params as $index => $value) {
         if (empty($value)) {
     $url_params = (cmsFramework::mosCmsSef() ? '' : '/') . implode('/', $url_params);
     # Uncomment this line and comment the one below to keep the Itemid on the result page
     if ($this->Config->search_itemid && $menu_id) {
         $url = $Routes->search_results($menu_id_param, '');
     } else {
         $url = $Routes->search_results(null, '');
     // Params outside route function because it messes up the urlencoding
     $url = cmsFramework::route($url . $criteria_param . $url_params);
     $url = str_replace(array_keys($this->KeywordReplacementUrl), array_values($this->KeywordReplacementUrl), $url);
Example #27
    function relatedListingsJS($listing)
        # Detail page widgets
        $key = 0;
        $listingtype = Sanitize::getInt($listing['Criteria'], 'criteria_id');
        $listing_id = Sanitize::getInt($listing['Listing'], 'listing_id');
        $listing_title = Sanitize::getString($listing['Listing'], 'title');
        $ajax_init = true;
        $target_id = $target_class = '';
        // Process related listings
        $related_listings = Sanitize::getVar($listing['ListingType']['config'], 'relatedlistings', array());
        $related_listings = array_filter($related_listings);
        $created_by = Sanitize::getVar($listing['User'], 'user_id');
        $field_pairs = $listing['Field']['pairs'];
        $type = 'relatedlistings';
        // Created an array of tab ids => tab indices
        <script type="text/javascript">    
        /* <![CDATA[ */
        var jrTabArray = {};
            jQuery('.jr_tabs').find('li>a').each(function(i,t) {
                var tabId = jQuery(t).attr('href');
                jrTabArray[tabId] = jQuery(t).parent('li');
        /* ]]> */
        foreach ($related_listings as $key => $related_listing) {
            if (!Sanitize::getInt($related_listing, 'enable', 0)) {
            $module_id = 10000 + $listing_id + $key;
            $target_id = Sanitize::getString($related_listing, 'target_id', 'jrRelatedListings');
            $target_class = Sanitize::getString($related_listing, 'target_class');
            $moduleParams = compact('module_id', 'ajax_init', 'listing_id', 'type', 'key');
            $title = str_ireplace('{title}', $listing_title, __t(Sanitize::getString($related_listing, 'title'), true, true));
            $title = htmlspecialchars($title, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8');
            $targetElement = $target_class ? $target_class : $target_id;
            <script type="text/javascript">    
            /* <![CDATA[ */
            echo json_encode($moduleParams);
                        var $<?php 
            echo $targetElement;
 = <?php 
            if ($target_class) {
                echo $target_class;
            } else {
                echo $target_id;
                        if(res.response != '') {  
                            var $widget = jQuery('<div id="<?php 
            echo $targetElement;
            echo $key;
            if ($title != '') {
                echo $title;
            echo $targetElement;

                            var array = [0,1,2,3,4];
                            for(var i=0; i < array.length; i++) { array[i] = jQuery('#<?php 
            echo $targetElement;
Widget'+ array[i]); }    
            echo $targetElement;
                            for(var i=0; i < array.length; i++) { $<?php 
            echo $targetElement;
.append(array[i]); }                                 

            echo $targetElement;
'] != undefined && $<?php 
            echo $targetElement;
.html() != '') {   
            echo $targetElement;
                        else {
            echo $targetElement;
'] != undefined && $<?php 
            echo $targetElement;
.html() == '') {   
            echo $targetElement;
            echo json_encode(compact('module_id', 'columns', 'orientation', 'slideshow', 'slideshow_interval', 'nav_position'));
            /* ]]> */
        // Process favorite users
        $module_id = 11000 + $listing_id;
        $userfavorites = Sanitize::getVar($listing['ListingType']['config'], 'userfavorites', array());
        if (Sanitize::getBool($userfavorites, 'enable')) {
            $target_id = Sanitize::getString($userfavorites, 'target_id', 'jrRelatedListings');
            $target_class = Sanitize::getString($userfavorites, 'target_class');
            $id = $listing_id;
            $moduleParams = compact('module_id', 'listingtype', 'ajax_init', 'id');
            $title = str_ireplace('{title}', $listing_title, __t(Sanitize::getString($userfavorites, 'title'), true, true));
            $title = htmlspecialchars($title, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8');
            $targetElement = $target_class ? $target_class : $target_id;
            <script type="text/javascript">    
            /* <![CDATA[ */
            echo json_encode($moduleParams);
                        var $<?php 
            echo $targetElement;
 = <?php 
            if ($target_class) {
                echo $target_class;
            } else {
                echo $target_id;
                        if(res.response != '') {
                            var $widget = jQuery('<div id="<?php 
            echo $targetElement;
            echo $key;
            if ($title != '') {
                echo $title;
            echo $targetElement;
                            var array = [0,1,2,3,4];
                            for(var i=0; i < array.length; i++) { array[i] = jQuery('#<?php 
            echo $targetElement;
Widget'+ array[i]); }    
            echo $targetElement;
                            for(var i=0; i < array.length; i++) { $<?php 
            echo $targetElement;
.append(array[i]); }                                 
            echo $targetElement;
'] != undefined && $<?php 
            echo $targetElement;
.html() != '') {   
            echo $targetElement;
                        else {
            echo $targetElement;
'] != undefined && $<?php 
            echo $targetElement;
.html() == '') {   
            echo $targetElement;
            echo json_encode(compact('module_id', 'columns', 'orientation', 'slideshow', 'slideshow_interval', 'nav_position'));
            /* ]]> */
Example #28
  * Sets the correct view layout
  * @param mixed $categories
 public function setLayout($options = array())
     if (Sanitize::getVar($options, 'categories')) {
         # Iterate from parent to child and overwrite the suffix if not null
         foreach ($options['categories'] as $category) {
             $category['Category']['tmpl'] != '' and $this->c->tmpl_list = $category['Category']['tmpl'];
     if ($this->c->action == 'search') {
         $this->c->tmpl_list = $this->listTypeConversion($this->c->Config->search_display_type);
     # Add overrides for menus, url params
     if (null != Sanitize::getString($this->c->data, 'tmpl_list')) {
         $this->c->data['tmpl_list'] = Sanitize::getString($this->c->data, 'tmpl_list');
     } elseif (null != Sanitize::getString($this->c->data, 'listview')) {
         $this->c->data['tmpl_list'] = Sanitize::getString($this->c->data, 'listview');
     } elseif (null != Sanitize::getString($this->c->params, 'tmpl_list')) {
         $this->c->data['tmpl_list'] = Sanitize::getString($this->c->params, 'tmpl_list');
     } else {
         $this->c->data['tmpl_list'] = null;
     if (null != $this->c->data['tmpl_list']) {
         $this->c->tmpl_list = $tmpl_list = $this->listTypeConversion($this->c->data['tmpl_list']);
     # Global layout
     empty($this->c->tmpl_list) and $this->c->tmpl_list = $this->listTypeConversion($this->c->Config->list_display_type);
     # Layout can be overriden for certain controller::actions
     if (method_exists($this, $this->c->action)) {
Example #29
 function plgAfterSave(&$model)
     $data = array();
     App::import('Model', 'activity', 'jreviews');
     App::import('Helper', 'routes', 'jreviews');
     $Activity = new ActivityModel();
     $Routes = RegisterClass::getInstance('RoutesHelper');
     $data['Activity']['user_id'] = $this->c->_user->id;
     $data['Activity']['email'] = $this->c->_user->email;
     $data['Activity']['created'] = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     $data['Activity']['ipaddress'] = $this->c->ipaddress;
     $data['Activity']['activity_new'] = isset($model->data['insertid']) ? 1 : 0;
     switch ($this->activityModel->name) {
         case 'Claim':
             //Get the full listing info to create proper permalinks
             $listing = $this->c->Listing->findRow(array('conditions' => array(' = ' . (int) $model->data['Claim']['listing_id'])), array());
             $permalink = $Routes->content('', $listing, array('return_url' => true));
             $permalink = cmsFramework::makeAbsUrl($permalink);
             $data['Activity']['activity_type'] = 'claim';
             $data['Activity']['listing_id'] = $model->data['Claim']['listing_id'];
             $data['Activity']['extension'] = 'com_content';
             $data['Activity']['activity_new'] = 1;
             $data['Activity']['permalink'] = $permalink;
         case 'Listing':
             // Skip logging of admin actions on user listings
             //                if($this->c->_user->id != $model->data['Listing']['created_by']) break;
             //Get the full listing info to create proper permalinks
             $listing = $this->c->Listing->findRow(array('conditions' => array(' = ' . (int) $model->data['Listing']['id'])));
             $permalink = $Routes->content('', $listing, array('return_url' => true));
             $permalink = cmsFramework::makeAbsUrl($permalink);
             $data['Activity']['activity_type'] = 'listing';
             $data['Activity']['email'] = Sanitize::getString($model->data, 'email');
             $data['Activity']['listing_id'] = $model->data['Listing']['id'];
             $data['Activity']['extension'] = 'com_content';
             $data['Activity']['permalink'] = $permalink;
         case 'Review':
             // Skip logging of admin actions on user listings
             //                if($this->c->_user->id != $model->data['Review']['userid']) break;
             $data['Activity']['activity_type'] = 'review';
             $data['Activity']['listing_id'] = $model->data['Review']['pid'];
             $data['Activity']['review_id'] = $model->data['Review']['id'];
             $data['Activity']['extension'] = $model->data['Review']['mode'];
             $data['Activity']['value'] = round(Sanitize::getVar($model->data, 'average_rating'), 0);
             $data['Activity']['permalink'] = $Routes->reviewDiscuss('', array('review_id' => $data['Activity']['review_id']), array('return_url' => true));
         case 'OwnerReply':
             // Skip logging of admin actions on user listings
             //                if($this->c->_user->id != $model->data['Listing']['created_by']) break;
             $data['Activity']['activity_type'] = 'owner_reply';
             $data['Activity']['listing_id'] = $model->data['Listing']['listing_id'];
             $data['Activity']['review_id'] = $model->data['OwnerReply']['id'];
             $data['Activity']['extension'] = $model->data['Listing']['extension'];
             // Editing not yet implemented so all replies are new
             $data['Activity']['activity_new'] = 1;
             $data['Activity']['permalink'] = $Routes->reviewDiscuss('', array('review_id' => $data['Activity']['review_id']), array('return_url' => true));
         case 'Discussion':
             // Skip logging of admin actions on user listings
             //                if($this->c->_user->id != $model->data['Discussion']['user_id']) break;
             // Get listing id and extension
             $this->c->_db->setQuery("\n                    SELECT \n               AS listing_id, Review.`mode` AS extension\n                    FROM \n                        #__jreviews_comments AS Review\n                    WHERE \n               = " . $model->data['Discussion']['review_id']);
             // Get listing owner id and check if it matches the current user
             if ($listing = current($this->c->_db->loadAssocList())) {
                 $data['Activity']['activity_type'] = 'review_discussion';
                 $data['Activity']['listing_id'] = $listing['listing_id'];
                 $data['Activity']['review_id'] = $model->data['Discussion']['review_id'];
                 $data['Activity']['post_id'] = $model->data['Discussion']['discussion_id'];
                 $data['Activity']['extension'] = $listing['extension'];
                 $data['Activity']['permalink'] = $Routes->reviewDiscuss('', array('review_id' => $data['Activity']['review_id']), array('return_url' => true));
         case 'Report':
             $data['Activity']['activity_type'] = $model->data['Report']['post_id'] ? 'discussion_report' : 'review_report';
             $data['Activity']['listing_id'] = $model->data['Report']['listing_id'];
             $data['Activity']['review_id'] = $model->data['Report']['review_id'];
             $data['Activity']['extension'] = $model->data['Report']['extension'];
             // Editing not yet implemented so all replies are new
             $data['Activity']['activity_new'] = 1;
             $data['Activity']['permalink'] = $Routes->reviewDiscuss('', array('review_id' => $data['Activity']['review_id']), array('return_url' => true));
         case 'Vote':
             // Get listing id and extension
             $this->c->_db->setQuery("\n                    SELECT \n               AS listing_id, Review.`mode` AS extension\n                    FROM \n                        #__jreviews_comments AS Review\n                    WHERE \n               = " . $model->data['Vote']['review_id']);
             // Get listing owner id and check if it matches the current user
             if ($listing = current($this->c->_db->loadAssocList())) {
                 $data['Activity']['activity_type'] = 'helpful_vote';
                 $data['Activity']['listing_id'] = $listing['listing_id'];
                 $data['Activity']['review_id'] = $model->data['Vote']['review_id'];
                 $data['Activity']['helpful_vote_id'] = $model->data['Vote']['vote_id'];
                 $data['Activity']['extension'] = $listing['extension'];
                 $data['Activity']['value'] = $model->data['Vote']['vote_yes'];
                 $data['Activity']['permalink'] = $Routes->reviewDiscuss('', array('review_id' => $data['Activity']['review_id']), array('return_url' => true));
     $this->published = false;
     // Run once. With paid listings it is possible for a plugin to run a 2nd time when the order is processed together with the listing (free)
 function listings()
     // Initialize variables
     $id = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'id');
     $option = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'option');
     $view = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'view');
     $task = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'task');
     $menu_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'Itemid');
     // Read params
     $cat_id = '';
     $criteria_ids = '';
     $detail_view = 1;
     $dir_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'dir');
     $section_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'section');
     $cat_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'cat');
     $extension = 'com_content';
     $custom_where = null;
     $custom_fields = array();
     $click2search_auto = false;
     $cache = 0;
     $radius = 0;
     $mode = 0;
     $fishingmap = 0;
     $this->set('listing_id', $id);
     $extracoords = array();
     if (isset($this->params['module'])) {
         // Read module parameters
         $click2search_auto = Sanitize::getBool($this->params['module'], 'click2search_auto', false);
         $custom_where = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'custom_where');
         $filter = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'filter');
         $detail_view = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'detail_view', 1);
         $dir_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'dir');
         $section_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'section');
         $cat_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'category');
         $listing_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'listing');
         $criteria_ids = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'criteria');
         $custom_fields = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'custom_fields', '');
         $custom_fields = $custom_fields != '' ? explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', $custom_fields)) : array();
         $limit_results = Sanitize::getInt($this->params['module'], 'limit_results');
         $mode = Sanitize::getInt($this->params['module'], 'mode', 0);
          * 0 - Normal
          * 1 - GeoTargeting
          * 2 - Custom center and zoom
         $radius = Sanitize::getInt($this->params['module'], 'radius');
         $cache = $mode == 1 ? 0 : Sanitize::getInt($this->params['module'], 'cache_map');
         $custom_lat = Sanitize::getFloat($this->params['module'], 'custom_lat');
         $custom_lon = Sanitize::getFloat($this->params['module'], 'custom_lon');
         if ($mode == 2 && ($custom_lat == 0 || $custom_lon == 0)) {
             echo __t("You selected the Custom Center mode, but did not specify the coordinates.");
         // Added for Hooked
         $extracoords = $this->params['module']['extracoords'];
         //$extracoords = "";
         $fishingmap = Sanitize::getInt($this->params['module'], 'fishingmap', 0);
     $in_detail_view = $id > 0 && ('article' == $view || 'view' == $task) && 'com_content' == $option;
     $detail_view = $this->params['module']['detail_view'] = $detail_view && $in_detail_view;
     # Custom WHERE
     if ($custom_where) {
         $conditions[] = $custom_where;
     if ($click2search_auto && isset($this->params['tag'])) {
         $field = 'jr_' . Sanitize::getString($this->params['tag'], 'field');
         $value = Sanitize::getString($this->params['tag'], 'value');
         $query = "SELECT Field.type FROM #__jreviews_fields AS Field WHERE = " . $this->quote($field);
         $type = $this->_db->loadResult();
         if (in_array($type, array('select', 'selectmultiple', 'checkboxes', 'radiobuttons'))) {
             $conditions[] = "Field.{$field} LIKE " . $this->quoteLike('*' . $value . '*');
         } else {
             $conditions[] = "Field.{$field} = " . $this->quote($value);
     # Category auto detect
     if (isset($this->params['module']) && Sanitize::getInt($this->params['module'], 'cat_auto') && $extension == 'com_content') {
         // Only works for core articles
         switch ($option) {
             case 'com_jreviews':
                 # Get url params for current controller/action
                 $url = Sanitize::getString($this->passedArgs, 'url');
                 $route['url']['url'] = $url;
                 $route = S2Router::parse($route);
                 //                    $route = $route['url'];
                 $dir_id = Sanitize::getString($route, 'dir');
                 $section_id = Sanitize::getString($route, 'section');
                 $cat_id = Sanitize::getString($route, 'cat');
                 $criteria_ids = Sanitize::getString($route, 'criteria');
                 if ($cat_id != '') {
                     $category_ids = $this->makeParamsUsable($cat_id);
                     $category_ids = explode(",", $category_ids);
                     $cat_id = implode(",", $category_ids);
                 } elseif ($section_id != '') {
                     $cat_id = $this->sectionToCat($section_id);
                 } elseif ($criteria_ids != '') {
                     // check criteriaids {
                     $criteriaids_url = $this->makeParamsUsable($criteria_ids);
                     $cat_id = $this->criteriaToCat($criteria_ids);
                 } else {
                     //Discover the params from the menu_id
                     $params = $this->Menu->getMenuParams($menu_id);
                     $dir_id = Sanitize::getString($params, 'dirid');
                     $cat_id = Sanitize::getString($params, 'catid');
                     $section_id = Sanitize::getString($params, 'sectionid');
             case 'com_content':
                 if ('article' == $view || 'view' == $task) {
                     $sql = "SELECT catid FROM #__content WHERE id = " . $id;
                     $cat_id = $this->_db->loadResult();
                 } elseif ($view == "section") {
                     $cat_id = $this->sectionToCat($id);
                 } elseif ($view == "category") {
                     $cat_id = $id;
                 //                    $cat_id = null; // Catid not detected because the page is neither content nor jreviews
     $autodetect = compact('dir_id', 'section_id', 'cat_id');
     // Check for cached version if cache enabled
     if ($cache) {
         $params = array();
         foreach ($this->params as $key => $value) {
             if ((!is_array($value) || $key == 'module') && !in_array($key, array('page', 'limit', 'order', 'Itemid'))) {
                 $params[$key] = $value;
         $cache_key = array_merge($params, $autodetect, Sanitize::getVar($this->params, 'tag', array()));
         $json_filename = 'geomaps_' . md5(serialize($cache_key)) . '.json';
         $json_data = S2Cache::read($json_filename);
         if ($json_data && $json_data != '') {
             $this->set('json_data', $json_data);
             S2Cache::write($json_filename, $json_data);
             return $this->render('modules', 'geomaps');
     $this->Listing->fields = array(' AS `Listing.listing_id`', 'Listing.title AS `Listing.title`', 'Listing.images AS `Listing.images`', 'CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(Listing.alias) THEN Listing.alias ELSE "" END AS `Listing.slug`', ' AS `Listing.cat_id`', 'CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(Category.alias) THEN Category.alias ELSE Category.title END AS `Category.slug`', 'Listing.sectionid AS `Listing.section_id`', 'JreviewsCategory.criteriaid AS `Criteria.criteria_id`', 'JreviewsCategory.dirid AS `Directory.dir_id`', 'Field.featured AS `Listing.featured`', 'Totals.user_rating AS `Review.user_rating`', 'Totals.user_rating_count AS `Review.user_rating_count`', 'Totals.editor_rating AS `Review.editor_rating`', 'Totals.editor_rating_count AS `Review.editor_rating_count`', "Field.{$this->jr_lat} ``", "Field.{$this->jr_lon} `Geomaps.lon`", 'JreviewsCategory.marker_icon AS `Geomaps.icon`');
     if ($fishingmap) {
         $this->Listing->fields[] = 'GROUP_CONCAT(Related.id2) AS `Listing.relations`';
     // Geo Targeting OR Custom Center modes
     if ($mode == 1 || $mode == 2) {
         if ($mode == 1) {
             $ch = curl_init();
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, '' . s2GetIpAddress());
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5);
             $geoData = unserialize(curl_exec($ch));
             if (!empty($geoData) && $geoData['geoplugin_latitude'] != '' && $geoData['geoplugin_longitude'] != '') {
                 $center = array('lon' => $geoData['geoplugin_longitude'], 'lat' => $geoData['geoplugin_latitude']);
             $this->set('geoLocation', $geoData);
         if ($mode == 2) {
             $center = array('lon' => $custom_lon, 'lat' => $custom_lat);
         if (!empty($center) && $radius > 0) {
             $distanceIn = Sanitize::getString($this->Config, 'geomaps.radius_metric', 'mi');
             $degreeDistance = $distanceIn == 'mi' ? 69.172 : 40076 / 360;
             // Send center coordinates to theme
             $this->set('GeomapsCenter', $center);
             $lat_range = $radius / $degreeDistance;
             $lon_range = $radius / abs(cos($center['lat'] * pi() / 180) * $degreeDistance);
             $min_lat = $center['lat'] - $lat_range;
             $max_lat = $center['lat'] + $lat_range;
             $min_lon = $center['lon'] - $lon_range;
             $max_lon = $center['lon'] + $lon_range;
             $squareArea = "`Field`.{$this->jr_lat} BETWEEN {$min_lat} AND {$max_lat} AND `Field`.{$this->jr_lon} BETWEEN {$min_lon} AND {$max_lon}";
             // Added for Hooked
             if ($extracoords) {
                 $squareArea = "((" . $squareArea . ")";
                 foreach ($extracoords as $extra) {
                     $e_lat = $extra->y;
                     $e_lon = $extra->x;
                     $lon_range = $radius / abs(cos($e_lat * pi() / 180) * $degreeDistance);
                     $min_lat = $e_lat - $lat_range;
                     $max_lat = $e_lat + $lat_range;
                     $min_lon = $e_lon - $lon_range;
                     $max_lon = $e_lon + $lon_range;
                     $squareArea .= " OR (`Field`.{$this->jr_lat} BETWEEN {$min_lat} AND {$max_lat} AND `Field`.{$this->jr_lon} BETWEEN {$min_lon} AND {$max_lon})";
                 $squareArea .= ")";
             $conditions[] = $squareArea;
     // Create marker_icons array
     $marker_icons = array();
     $icon_fields = array();
     $field_images = array();
     $query = "SELECT DISTINCT marker_icon FROM #__jreviews_categories WHERE marker_icon != ''";
     $icon_rows = $this->_db->loadAssocList();
     foreach ($icon_rows as $icons) {
         $icon = (array) json_decode($icons['marker_icon']);
         if ($icon['field'] != '') {
             $icon_fields[$icon['field']] = "'" . $icon['field'] . "'";
     if (!empty($icon_fields)) {
         foreach ($icon_fields as $field_key => $field) {
             $this->Listing->fields[] = "Field.{$field_key} AS `Field.{$field_key}`";
     if (!empty($custom_fields)) {
         foreach ($custom_fields as $field) {
             $this->Listing->fields[] = "Field.{$field} AS `Field.{$field}`";
     $this->Listing->joins = array("LEFT JOIN #__categories AS Category ON Listing.catid =", "LEFT JOIN #__jreviews_listing_totals AS Totals ON Totals.listing_id = AND Totals.extension = 'com_content'", "LEFT JOIN #__jreviews_content AS `Field` ON Field.contentid =", "INNER JOIN #__jreviews_categories AS JreviewsCategory ON Listing.catid = AND JreviewsCategory.`option` = 'com_content'", "LEFT JOIN #__jreviews_directories AS Directory ON JreviewsCategory.dirid =");
     if ($fishingmap) {
         $this->Listing->joins[] = "LEFT JOIN #__relate_listings AS Related ON Related.id1 =";
     // Don't regroup the results by model name keys to save time
     $this->Listing->primaryKey = false;
     # Set conditionals based on configuration parameters
     if ($detail_view) {
         $conditions[] = ' = ' . $id;
     if ($dir_id) {
         $conditions[] = 'JreviewsCategory.dirid IN (' . $dir_id . ')';
     if ($section_id) {
         $conditions[] = 'Listing.sectionid IN (' . $section_id . ')';
     if ($cat_id) {
         $conditions[] = 'Listing.catid IN (' . $cat_id . ')';
     if ($listing_id) {
         $conditions[] = ' IN (' . $listing_id . ')';
     if ($filter == 'featured' && !$detail_view) {
         $conditions[] = 'Field.featured = 1';
     $conditions[] = "Field.{$this->jr_lat} <> ''";
     $conditions[] = "Field.{$this->jr_lon} <> ''";
     $conditions[] = 'Listing.state = 1';
     if ($fishingmap) {
         $this->Listing->group = array('');
     // Paid Listings - add plan cat id
     isset($this->PaidListings) and $this->PaidListings->applyBeforeFindListingChanges($this->Listing);
     $listings = $this->Listing->findAll(array('conditions' => $conditions, 'limit' => $limit_results), array());
     $custom_fields = array_filter(array_merge($custom_fields, array_keys($icon_fields)));
     $fields = $this->Field->getFields($custom_fields);
     $json_data = $this->Geomaps->makeJsonObject($listings, $fields, $this->params['module']);
     $this->set('json_data', $json_data);
     if ($cache) {
         S2Cache::write($json_filename, $json_data);
     return $this->render('modules', 'geomaps');