public function prepareIngredient() { echo "準備「吐司」、「生菜」、「小黃瓜」、「蛋」、「肉」\n"; } // 烹煮食材 public function cooking() { echo "將蛋及肉煎熟、生菜及小黃瓜切絲,平均放在烤好的土司上夾起來\n"; } // 上菜 public function serve() { echo "吐司對切放在盤子上即可\n"; } } $sandwich = new Sandwich(); $sandwich->prepareIngredient(); $sandwich->cooking(); $sandwich->serve(); /** * 廚師工廠 */ class ChefFactory { /** * 聘請廚師 */ public static function hireChef($meal) { switch ($meal) { // 咖哩廚師
public function __construct() { // Create a new Lunch $Lunch = new Sandwich(); // Print a description of this Lunch print $Lunch->getDescription() . " \$" . $Lunch->price() . "\n"; // Create another Lunch $Lunch2 = new Burrito(); // Add Cheese $Lunch2 = new Cheese($Lunch2); // Add Veggies $Lunch2 = new Veggies($Lunch2); // Print a description of this Lunch print $Lunch2->getDescription() . " \$" . $Lunch2->price() . "\n"; // Create a third Lunch $Lunch3 = new PadThai(); // Add Tofu $Lunch3 = new Tofu($Lunch3); // Add Cheese $Lunch3 = new Cheese($Lunch3); // Add Veggies $Lunch3 = new Veggies($Lunch3); // Print a description of this Lunch print $Lunch3->getDescription() . " \$" . $Lunch3->price() . "\n"; }
<?php require_once realpath(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'TRest' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'trest_init.php'); require_once realpath(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'models' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Sandwich.php'); require_once realpath(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'models' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Ingredient.php'); header('Content-Type: application/json'); $id = @$_GET['id']; $id = (int) $id; if ($id) { $result = Sandwich::findOne($id); $result->ingredients[0]->name = 'jamon'; $result->title = "el mio"; $result->price = 9200; $result->save(); $result = Sandwich::find()->setCacheTtl(00)->findOne($id); } else { $result = Sandwich::find()->all(); } echo json_encode($result);
{ echo 'Ingredientes:' . "\n"; foreach ($this->getIngredients() as $ingredient) { echo get_class($ingredient) . "\n"; } } public function bite($grams) { $bite = $this->weigth - $grams; if ($bite > 0) { $this->setWeigth($bite); } else { $this->setWeigth(0); } return $grams; } } $snd = new Sandwich($ingredients = null, $breadType = 'Miga'); echo 'Sandwich Basico' . "\n"; $snd->getDescription(); $snd->addIngredient('Butter'); $snd->addIngredient('Cheese'); $snd->addIngredient('RawHam'); echo 'Sandwich Con Tres Ingredientes' . "\n"; $snd->getDescription(); echo 'Luego de una mordida de 30 gr' . "\n"; $snd->bite(30); $snd->getDescription(); echo 'Luego de una mordida de 50 gr' . "\n"; $snd->bite(50); $snd->getDescription();