public function get_actions_tree_links() { $lang = LangLoader::get('common', 'sandbox'); $tree = new ModuleTreeLinks(); $tree->add_link(new ModuleLink($lang['title.form_builder'], SandboxUrlBuilder::form())); $tree->add_link(new ModuleLink($lang['title.css'], SandboxUrlBuilder::css())); $tree->add_link(new ModuleLink($lang['title.icons'], SandboxUrlBuilder::icons())); $tree->add_link(new ModuleLink($lang['title.table_builder'], SandboxUrlBuilder::table())); $tree->add_link(new ModuleLink($lang['title.string_template'], SandboxUrlBuilder::template())); $tree->add_link(new ModuleLink($lang['title.mail_sender'], SandboxUrlBuilder::mail())); return $tree; }
$lang['module_title'] = 'Bac à sable'; $lang['title.form_builder'] = 'Formulaires'; $lang['title.table_builder'] = 'Tableaux'; $lang['title.icons'] = 'Icônes'; $lang['title.css'] = 'CSS'; $lang['title.mail_sender'] = 'Envoi de mail'; $lang['title.string_template'] = 'Génération de template'; $lang['welcome_message'] = 'Bienvenue dans le module Bac à sable.<br /><br /> Vous pouvez ici tester plusieurs parties du framework PHPBoost :<br /> <ul> <li>Le rendu des différents champs utilisables avec le <a href="' . SandboxUrlBuilder::form()->absolute() . '">constructeur de formulaires</a></li> <li>La <a href="' . SandboxUrlBuilder::table()->absolute() . '">génération de tableaux dynamiques</a></li> <li>La <a href="' . SandboxUrlBuilder::icons()->absolute() . '">liste des icônes</a> de la librairie Font Awesome utilisées dans les modules</li> <li>Le rendu des principales <a href="' . SandboxUrlBuilder::css()->absolute() . '">classes CSS</a></li> <li>L\'<a href="' . SandboxUrlBuilder::mail()->absolute() . '">envoi de mails</a></li> <li>La <a href="' . SandboxUrlBuilder::template()->absolute() . '">génération de template</a> avec ou sans cache</li> </ul> <br /> '; $lang['css.message_success'] = 'Ceci est un message de succès'; $lang['css.message_notice'] = 'Ceci est un message d\'information'; $lang['css.message_warning'] = 'Ceci est un message d\'avertissement'; $lang['css.message_error'] = 'Ceci est un message d\'erreur'; $lang['css.message_question'] = 'Ceci est une question, est-ce que l\'affichage sur deux lignes fonctionne correctement ?'; $lang['css.typography'] = 'Typographie'; $lang['css.titles'] = 'Titres'; $lang['css.title'] = 'Titre'; $lang['css.styles'] = 'Styles'; $lang['css.text_bold'] = 'Texte en gras'; $lang['css.text_italic'] = 'Texte en italique'; $lang['css.text_underline'] = 'Texte souligné';
$lang['module_title'] = 'Sandbox'; $lang['title.form_builder'] = 'Form builder'; $lang['title.table_builder'] = 'Table builder'; $lang['title.icons'] = 'Icons'; $lang['title.css'] = 'CSS'; $lang['title.mail_sender'] = 'Mail sender'; $lang['title.string_template'] = 'Template benchmark'; $lang['welcome_message'] = 'Welcome in the Sandbox module.<br /><br /> Here you can test several parts of the PHPBoost framework:<br /> <ul> <li>Rendering of the different fields of the <a href="' . SandboxUrlBuilder::form()->absolute() . '">form builder</a></li> <li>The <a href="' . SandboxUrlBuilder::table()->absolute() . '">dynaic table generation</a></li> <li>The <a href="' . SandboxUrlBuilder::icons()->absolute() . '">icons list</a> of the Font Awesome library used in the different modules</li> <li>Rendering of the main <a href="' . SandboxUrlBuilder::css()->absolute() . '">CSS clsss</a></li> <li><a href="' . SandboxUrlBuilder::mail()->absolute() . '">Mail sending</a></li> <li>The <a href="' . SandboxUrlBuilder::template()->absolute() . '">template benchmark</a> with or without cache</li> </ul> <br /> '; $lang['css.message_success'] = 'This is a success message'; $lang['css.message_notice'] = 'This is a notice message'; $lang['css.message_warning'] = 'This is a warning message'; $lang['css.message_error'] = 'This is an error message'; $lang['css.message_question'] = 'This is a question, is the two-lines display working correctly?'; $lang['css.typography'] = 'Typography'; $lang['css.titles'] = 'Titles'; $lang['css.title'] = 'Title'; $lang['css.styles'] = 'Styles'; $lang['css.text_bold'] = 'Bold text'; $lang['css.text_italic'] = 'Italic text'; $lang['css.text_underline'] = 'Underline text';