Example #1
 function delete()
     $pid = isset($_POST['id']) ? $_POST['id'] : '0';
     $configuration = new Config();
     $database = new SafeMySQL(array('user' => $configuration->db->username, 'pass' => $configuration->db->password, 'db' => $configuration->db->database, 'charset' => $configuration->db->charset));
     $sql = "DELETE FROM students WHERE id=?i";
     $action = $database->query($sql, $pid);
     if (@$action) {
         $response = new Response();

require '../php/main/db_connect.php';
require 'mm/parser.php';
$arr = array();
if (isset($user_id, $category)) {
    $string_object = new SafeMySQL();
    $writer = new Writer();
    $y = $string_object->getRow("SELECT d_id, other_id, pioneer_id,meter FROM users_dialogs WHERE d_id=?i AND pioneer_id=?i OR d_id=?i AND other_id=?i LIMIT 1", $category, $user_id, $category, $user_id);
    if ($y['meter'] !== $user_id) {
        $string_object->query('UPDATE users_dialogs SET meter=0 WHERE d_id=?i', $id_page);
    if ($y['d_id']) {
        $dg = $string_object->getAll("SELECT m.text, m.date, m.mes_id, i.avatar, i.category, i.nickname FROM users_messages m, users_information i WHERE m.d_id=?i AND i.user_id = m.user_id ORDER BY m.mes_id DESC LIMIT 10", $y['d_id']);
        $avatar = $string_object->getOne('SELECT avatar FROM users_information WHERE user_id=?i', $user_id);
        $avatar = file_exists('../upload_image/avatars/pre_150px/' . $avatar . '.jpg') ? $avatar : 'default';
        //Если диалогов нет
        if ($dg) {
            $i = 0;
            foreach ($dg as $array) {
                $avatar_other = file_exists('../upload_image/avatars/pre_150px/' . $array['avatar'] . '.jpg') ? $array['avatar'] : 'default';
                $res = array('n0' => $y['d_id'], 'n1' => $array['mes_id'], 'n2' => $avatar_other, 'n3' => $array['nickname'], 'n4' => $array['date'], 'n5' => $writer->main($array['text'], 1));
                if (!$i) {
                    $res = array('head' => '<nav id="content_menu"> 
                                                                        <a href="mm=dialogs" class="new_local"><p>ДИАЛОГИ</p></a>
                                                                    <section id="message_input">
                                                                        <div id="message_input_center">
                                                                            <div id="user" style="background: #000 no-repeat center url(upload_image/avatars/pre_150px/' . $avatar . '.jpg);">
                                                                            <div id="text" contenteditable="true"></div>

require_once '../../php/main/db_connect.php';
if ($user_id) {
    $r = new SafeMySQL();
    $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
    $r->query("UPDATE users_online SET online='offline' WHERE user_id=?i LIMIT 1", $user_id);
    $r->query("UPDATE users_online SET date=?s WHERE user_id=?i LIMIT 1", $date, $user_id);
    setcookie('RememberMe', $password, time() + 3600 * 24 * 365, '/');
    setcookie('email', $email, time() + 3600 * 24 * 365, '/');
    unset($_SESSION['password'], $_SESSION['email']);
    print 'success';
} else {
    print 'error';
Example #4

ini_set('display_errors', 1);
include 'mysql.php';
$db = new SafeMySQL();
$posts = json_decode(file_get_contents('https://api.vk.com/method/wall.get?owner_id=-99252033&count=30&filter=owner'));
for ($i = 1; $i < 25; $i++) {
    if ($i == 1) {
        $toBase['is_pinned'] = 1;
    } else {
        $toBase['is_pinned'] = 0;
    $toBase['text'] = substr($posts->response[$i]->text, 0, strpos($posts->response[$i]->text, ' ', 240));
    $toBase['img'] = $posts->response[$i]->attachment->photo->src_big;
    $toBase['link'] = 'wall-99252033_' . $posts->response[$i]->id;
    $toBase['reposts_count'] = $posts->response[$i]->reposts->count;
    $test = trim($toBase['text']);
    if (empty($test) or $posts->response[$i]->post_type == 'copy') {
    } else {
        //если закреплённый пост не пуст(нет бана) удаляем старый
        if ($i == 1) {
            $db->query("DELETE FROM posts WHERE is_pinned = '1'");
    $is = $db->getRow("SELECT * FROM posts WHERE text = ?s OR img = ?s", $toBase['text'], $toBase['img']);
    if (!$is) {
        $db->query("INSERT INTO posts SET ?u", $toBase);
Example #5
        $message = 'Настройки обновлены';
    } else {
        $error = 'Возникла ошибка при обновлении настроек';
// Добавление организации
if ($_POST['add']) {
    $filename = mktime() . '.jpg';
    $data = array('title' => $_POST['title'], 'url' => translit($_POST['title']), 'form' => $_POST['form'], 'type' => $_POST['type'], 'category' => $_POST['category'], 'boss' => $_POST['boss'], 'description' => $_POST['description'], 'file' => $filename, 'phone' => $_POST['phone'], 'phone2' => $_POST['phone2'], 'fax' => $_POST['fax'], 'email' => $_POST['email'], 'www' => $_POST['www'], 'city' => $_POST['city'], 'street' => $_POST['street'], 'build' => $_POST['build'], 'lat' => explode(', ', $_POST['coord'])['0'], 'lon' => explode(', ', $_POST['coord'])['1']);
    if (!empty($_FILES["file"]["name"])) {
        file_upload(array("jpeg", "jpg"), "image/jpeg", "../upload/catalog/original/" . $filename);
        resize_pic($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], "800", "600", "../upload/catalog/800-600/" . $filename);
        crop_preview($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], "200", "../upload/catalog/200-200/" . $filename);
    $add_catalog = $db->query("INSERT INTO " . DB_PREFIX . "_catalog SET ?u", $data);
    if ($add_catalog && $_FILES["file"]["error"] == 0) {
        $message = 'Организация добавлена';
    } else {
        $error = 'Возникла ошибка при добавлении организации';
// Изменение организации
if ($_POST['update']) {
    $filename = mktime() . '.jpg';
    $sqlpart = '';
    if (!empty($_FILES["file"]["name"])) {
        $sqlpart = $db->parse(" file='" . $filename . "',");
    $data = array('title' => $_POST['title'], 'url' => translit($_POST['title']), 'form' => $_POST['form'], 'type' => $_POST['type'], 'category' => $_POST['category'], 'boss' => $_POST['boss'], 'description' => $_POST['description'], 'phone' => $_POST['phone'], 'phone2' => $_POST['phone2'], 'fax' => $_POST['fax'], 'email' => $_POST['fax'], 'www' => $_POST['www'], 'city' => $_POST['city'], 'street' => $_POST['street'], 'build' => $_POST['build'], 'lat' => explode(', ', $_POST['coord'])['0'], 'lon' => explode(', ', $_POST['coord'])['1']);
    $update_catalog = $db->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "_catalog SET ?p ?u WHERE id=?i", $sqlpart, $data, $_POST['id']);
Example #6
        demo (Ajar tree)</a>] [<a href="dbtree_visual_demo.php?mode=branch">Visual demo (Branch)</a>]
require_once '../safemysql.class.php';
require_once '../DbTree.class.php';
require_once '../DbTreeExt.class.php';
// Data base connect
$dsn['user'] = '******';
$dsn['pass'] = '';
$dsn['host'] = 'localhost';
$dsn['db'] = 'sesmikcms';
$dsn['charset'] = 'utf8';
$dsn['errmode'] = 'exception';
define('DEBUG_MODE', false);
$db = new SafeMySQL($dsn);
$sql = 'SET NAMES utf8';
$tree_params = array('table' => 'test_sections', 'id' => 'section_id', 'left' => 'section_left', 'right' => 'section_right', 'level' => 'section_level');
$dbtree = new DbTreeExt($tree_params, $db);
/* ------------------------ MOVE ------------------------ */
/* ------------------------ MOVE 2 ------------------------ */
// Method 2: Assigns a node with all its children to another parent.
if (!empty($_GET['action']) && 'move_2' == $_GET['action']) {
    // Move node ($_GET['section_id']) and its children to new parent ($_POST['section2_id'])
    $dbtree->MoveAll((int) $_GET['section_id'], (int) $_POST['section2_id']);
/* ------------------------ MOVE 1 ------------------------ */
// Method 1: Swapping nodes within the same level and limits of one parent with all its children.
if (!empty($_GET['action']) && 'move_1' == $_GET['action']) {
    // Change node ($_GET['section_id']) position and all its childrens to
Example #7
 public function registr()
     if ($_POST['login']) {
         $login = $_POST['login'];
     if ($_POST['name']) {
         $name = $_POST['name'];
     if ($_POST['password']) {
         $password = $_POST['password'];
     if ($_POST['password2']) {
         $password2 = $_POST['password2'];
     $img = new ImgInspector();
     if (!empty($_FILES['avatar']['name'])) {
         $tmp_name = $_FILES['avatar']['tmp_name'];
         $avatar = $_FILES['avatar']['name'];
     } else {
         $avatar = "";
     $login = trim($login);
     $name = trim($name);
     $password = trim($password);
     $password2 = trim($password2);
     //Проверка введенных данных
     if ($this->checkUser($login)) {
         $content['message'] = "Пользователь с таким именем уже существует.";
         $content['redirect'] = "Пожалуйста, вернитесь <a href='javascript:history.back(1)'>назад</a> и повторите попытку.";
         $content['class'] = "logintake";
     } elseif (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{4,16}\$/", $login)) {
         $content['message'] = "Поле <b>Логин</b> должно состоять только из букв латинского алфавита, цифр, нижнего подчеркивания, быть не короче 4 и не длиннее 16 символов.";
         $content['redirect'] = "Пожалуйста, вернитесь <a href='javascript:history.back(1)'>назад</a> и повторите попытку.";
         $content['class'] = "login";
     } elseif (empty($login)) {
         $content['message'] = "Поле <b>Логин</b> обязательно для заполнения.";
         $content['redirect'] = "Пожалуйста, вернитесь <a href='javascript:history.back(1)'>назад</a> и повторите попытку.";
         $content['class'] = "login";
     } elseif (empty($name)) {
         $content['message'] = "Поле <b>Имя</b> обязательно для заполнения.";
         $content['redirect'] = "Пожалуйста, вернитесь <a href='javascript:history.back(1)'>назад</a> и повторите попытку.";
         $content['class'] = "name";
     } elseif (!preg_match("/^[A-Za-zА-Яа-я]+/", $name)) {
         $content['message'] = "Поле <b>Имя</b> должно состоять только из латинских букв и кирилицы, быть не короче 5 и не длиннее 50 символов <br> <em>Например: Иван Васильевич</em>.";
         $content['redirect'] = "Пожалуйста, вернитесь <a href='javascript:history.back(1)'>назад</a> и повторите попытку.";
         $content['class'] = "name";
     } elseif (empty($password)) {
         $content['message'] = "Поле <b>Пароль</b> обязательно для заполнения.";
         $content['redirect'] = "Пожалуйста, вернитесь <a href='javascript:history.back(1)'>назад</a> и повторите попытку.";
         $content['class'] = "password";
     } elseif (empty($password2)) {
         $content['message'] = "Пожалуйста введите <b>Пароль</b> дважды.";
         $content['redirect'] = "Пожалуйста, вернитесь <a href='javascript:history.back(1)'>назад</a> и повторите попытку.";
         $content['class'] = "password2";
     } elseif ($password != $password2) {
         $content['message'] = "<b>Пароли</b> не совпадают.";
         $content['redirect'] = "Пожалуйста, вернитесь <a href='javascript:history.back(1)'>назад</a> и повторите попытку.";
         $content['class'] = "password2";
     } elseif ($img->check_ext($avatar)) {
         $content['message'] = "Неверный формат файла. Доступные форматы: *.jpg, *.png   ";
         $content['redirect'] = "Пожалуйста, вернитесь <a href='javascript:history.back(1)'>назад</a> и повторите попытку.";
         $content['class'] = "error-ext";
     } else {
         if (!empty($avatar)) {
             $img->move_to_tmp($tmp_name, $avatar, TMP_PATH);
             $img->load(TMP_PATH . $avatar);
             $img->resize(80, 80);
             $img->save(IMG_PATH . $avatar);
             $img->delete_to_tmp($avatar, TMP_PATH);
         $password = md5(md5($password));
         $code = $this->generateCode(10);
         setcookie("user_hash", $code, time() + 3600);
         $db = new SafeMySQL();
         $data = array('login' => $login, 'name' => $name, 'password' => $password, 'avatar' => $avatar, 'user_hash' => $code);
         $sql = "INSERT INTO users SET ?u";
         $db->query($sql, $data);
         $content['message'] = "Поздравляем, вы успешно зарегистрированы.";
         $content['redirect'] = "Теперь вы можете <a class='btn btn-success' href='/user'>Bойти в свой кабинет <i class='fa fa-sign-in'></i></a> ";
         $content['class'] = "final";
     $this->view('check', $content);
include MLS_ROOT . "/lib/users.class.php";
include MLS_ROOT . "/lib/presets.class.php";
include MLS_ROOT . "/lib/options.class.php";
$db = new SafeMySQL(array('host' => $set->db_host, 'user' => $set->db_user, 'pass' => $set->db_pass, 'db' => $set->db_name));
if (!($db_set = $db->getRow("SELECT * FROM `" . MLS_PREFIX . "settings` LIMIT 1"))) {
    // if we have no data in db we need to run the install.php
    header("Location: install.php");
// we grab the settings and we merge them into $set
$set = (object) array_merge((array) $set, (array) $db_set);
$presets = new presets();
$user = new User($db);
$options = new Options();
// we check for cookies to autologin
if (!$user->islg() && isset($_COOKIE['user']) && isset($_COOKIE['pass'])) {
    if ($usr = $db->getRow("SELECT `userid` FROM `" . MLS_PREFIX . "users` WHERE `username` = ?s AND `password` = ?s", $_COOKIE['user'], $_COOKIE['pass'])) {
        $_SESSION['user'] = $usr->userid;
        $user = new User($db);
} else {
    $time = time();
    if (!isset($_SESSION['last_log'])) {
        $_SESSION['last_log'] = 0;
    if ($_SESSION['last_log'] < $time - 60 * 2) {
        // we update the db if more then 2 minutes passed since the last update
        $db->query("UPDATE `" . MLS_PREFIX . "users` SET `lastactive` = '" . $time . "' WHERE `userid`='" . $user->data->userid . "'");
        $_SESSION['last_log'] = $time;
 //Данных нет, отлично, ищем в таблице регистрации
 if ($x['password'] == $_SESSION['registration_password'] && $x['email'] == $_SESSION['registration_email']) {
     //Создаем транзакцию, чтобы данные попали во все нужны таблицы
     $load = $o->transactionQuery();
     mysqli_autocommit($load, false);
     $t1 = mysqli_query($load, $o->parse("INSERT INTO users (email,password) VALUES (?s,?s)", $x['email'], $x['password']));
     mysqli_query($load, $o->parse("SET @lastID := LAST_INSERT_ID();"));
     $t2 = mysqli_query($load, $o->parse("INSERT INTO users_information (user_id,nickname,category) VALUES (@lastID,?s,?s)", $x['nickname'], $x['category']));
     $t3 = mysqli_query($load, $o->parse("INSERT INTO users_online (user_id,online) VALUES (@lastID,'offline')"));
     if ($t1 && $t2 && $t3) {
         $res = array('head' => '<div id="none"><p>Вы зарегистрированы! Теперь можно попробовать войти на сайт.</p></div>');
         array_push($arr, $res);
         $o->query("DELETE FROM users_registration WHERE key_reg=?s", $category);
         unset($_SESSION['registration_email'], $_SESSION['registration_password'], $key_reg);
     } else {
         $res = array('head' => '<div id="material_null">
                 <p>Что-то пошло не так.</p>
         array_push($arr, $res);
 } else {
     $res = array('head' => '<div id="material_null">
                             <p>Данные не сошлись.</p>
     array_push($arr, $res);

require_once '../../php/main/SafeMySQL.php';
$string_object = new SafeMySQL();
$email = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'email', FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);
$password = md5(filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'password'));
if (isset($email, $password)) {
    $login_query = $string_object->getOne("SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE email=?s AND password=?s LIMIT 1", $email, $password);
    if ($login_query) {
        setcookie('RememberMe', $password, time() + 3600 * 24 * 365, '/');
        setcookie('email', $email, time() + 3600 * 24 * 365, '/');
        $string_object->query("UPDATE users_online SET online='online' WHERE user_id=?i", $login_query['user_id']);
        print 'success';
    } else {
        print 'Вы не зарегитрированы.';
} else {
    print 'Вы не заполнили нужные формы.';
    // add the data to the file
    if (!file_put_contents('inc/settings.php', $data)) {
        $page->error = "There is an error with inc/settings.php make sure it is writable.";
    $sqls[] = "\n  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" . $prefix . "banned` (\n  `userid` int(11) NOT NULL,\n  `until` int(11) NOT NULL,\n  `by` int(11) NOT NULL,\n  `reason` varchar(255) NOT NULL,\n  UNIQUE KEY `userid` (`userid`)\n) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;";
    $sqls[] = "\n  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" . $prefix . "groups` (\n  `groupid` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n  `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,\n  `type` int(11) NOT NULL,\n  `priority` int(11) NOT NULL,\n  `color` varchar(50) NOT NULL,\n  `canban` int(11) NOT NULL,\n  `canhideavt` int(11) NOT NULL,\n  `canedit` int(11) NOT NULL,\n  PRIMARY KEY (`groupid`)\n) ENGINE=InnoDB  DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ;\n";
    $sqls[] = "\n  INSERT INTO `" . $prefix . "groups` (`groupid`, `name`, `type`, `priority`, `color`, `canban`, `canhideavt`, `canedit`) VALUES\n(1, 'Guest', 0, 1, '', 0, 0, 0),\n(2, 'Member', 1, 1, '#08c', 0, 0, 0),\n(3, 'Moderator', 2, 1, 'green', 1, 1, 0),\n(4, 'Administrator', 3, 1, '#F0A02D', 1, 1, 1);";
    $sqls[] = "\n  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" . $prefix . "privacy` (\n  `userid` int(11) NOT NULL,\n  `email` int(11) NOT NULL,\n  UNIQUE KEY `userid` (`userid`)\n) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;";
    $sqls[] = "\n  INSERT INTO `" . $prefix . "privacy` (`userid`, `email`) VALUES (1, 0);";
    $sqls[] = "\n  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" . $prefix . "settings` (\n  `site_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Demo Site',\n  `url` varchar(300) NOT NULL,\n  `admin_email` varchar(255) NOT NULL,\n  `max_ban_period` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '10',\n  `register` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',\n  `email_validation` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n  `captcha` int(11) NOT NULL\n) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;";
    $sqls[] = $db->parse("\n  INSERT INTO `" . $prefix . "settings` (`site_name`, `url`, `admin_email`, `max_ban_period`, `register`, `email_validation`, `captcha`) VALUES\n(?s, ?s, '*****@*****.**', 10, 1, 0, 1);", $_POST['sitename'], $_POST['siteurl']);
    $sqls[] = "\n  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" . $prefix . "users` (\n  `userid` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n  `username` varchar(50) NOT NULL,\n  `display_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,\n  `password` varchar(50) NOT NULL,\n  `email` varchar(255) NOT NULL,\n  `key` varchar(50) NOT NULL,\n  `validated` varchar(100) NOT NULL,\n  `groupid` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '2',\n  `lastactive` int(11) NOT NULL,\n  `showavt` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',\n  `banned` int(11) NOT NULL,\n  `regtime` int(11) NOT NULL,\n  PRIMARY KEY (`userid`)\n) ENGINE=InnoDB  DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ;";
    $sqls[] = "\n  INSERT INTO `" . $prefix . "users` (`userid`, `username`, `display_name`, `password`, `email`, `key`, `validated`, `groupid`, `lastactive`, `showavt`, `banned`, `regtime`) VALUES\n(1, 'admin', 'Admin', '7110eda4d09e062aa5e4a390b0a572ac0d2c0220', '*****@*****.**', '', '1', 4, " . time() . ", 1, 0, " . time() . ");";
    foreach ($sqls as $sql) {
        if (!isset($page->error) && !$db->query("?p", $sql)) {
            $page->error = "There was a problem while executing <code>{$sql}</code>";
    if (!isset($page->error)) {
        $page->success = "The installation was successful ! Thank you for using master loging system and we hope you enjo it ! Have fun ! <br/><br/>\n    <a class='btn btn-success' href='./index.php'>Start exploring</a>\n    <br/><br/>\n\n    <h3>USER: admin <br/> PASSWORD: 1234</h3>";
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        <meta charset="utf-8">

require '../../php/main/db_connect.php';
$dialog = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'dialog', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
if ($user_id) {
    //Кол-во новых сообщений
    $o = new SafeMySQL();
    if ($dialog) {
        $mm = $o->getOne('SELECT COUNT(meter) FROM users_dialogs WHERE meter=other_id AND pioneer_id=?i AND d_id <>?i OR meter=pioneer_id AND other_id=?i AND d_id <>?i', $user_id, $dialog, $user_id, $dialog);
        $query_dialog = $o->query('UPDATE users_dialogs SET meter=0 WHERE d_id=?i AND meter<>?i LIMIT 1', $dialog, $user_id);
    } else {
        $mm = $o->getOne('SELECT COUNT(meter) FROM users_dialogs WHERE meter=other_id AND pioneer_id=?i OR meter=pioneer_id AND other_id=?i', $user_id, $user_id);
    if ($mm) {
        print $mm;
Example #13
    // проверяем, установлена ли cms
    $db = new SafeMySQL(array('user' => DB_LOGIN, 'pass' => DB_PASSWORD, 'db' => DB_NAME, 'charset' => 'utf8'));
    $rows = get_subcategories($_POST['category_list']);
    foreach ($rows as $rows2) {
        echo '<option value="' . $rows2['id'] . '">' . $rows2['title'] . '</option>';
defined('CAFE') or die(header('Location: /'));
// Добавление новой записи
if (isset($_POST['add']) && empty($error)) {
    empty($_POST['url']) ? $url = translit($_POST['title']) : ($url = translit($_POST['url']));
    $data = array('date' => timestamp($_POST['date']), 'login' => $_SESSION['login'], 'status' => $_POST['status'], 'title' => $_POST['title'], 'text' => $_POST['text'], 'type' => $_POST['type'], 'category' => $_POST['category'], 'keywords' => $_POST['keywords'], 'description' => $_POST['description'], 'url' => preg_replace("/[^a-z0-9-]/", "", $url), 'preview' => $_POST['preview'], 'source' => $_POST['source']);
    $add_post = $db->query("INSERT " . DB_PREFIX . "_posts SET ?u", $data);
    if ($add_post) {
        $message = 'Запись добавлена';
    } else {
        $error = 'Возникла ошибка при сохранении записи';
// Измененяем содержимое записи
if ($_POST['update'] && empty($error)) {
    empty($_POST['url']) ? $url = translit($_POST['title']) : ($url = translit($_POST['url']));
    $data = array('date' => timestamp($_POST['date']), 'login' => $_POST['login'], 'status' => $_POST['status'], 'title' => $_POST['title'], 'text' => $_POST['text'], 'type' => $_POST['type'], 'category' => $_POST['category'], 'keywords' => $_POST['keywords'], 'description' => $_POST['description'], 'url' => preg_replace("/[^a-z0-9-]/", "", $url), 'preview' => $_POST['preview'], 'source' => $_POST['source']);
    $update_post = $db->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "_posts SET ?u WHERE id=?i", $data, $_POST['id']);
    if ($update_post) {
        $message = 'Содержимое записи обновлено';
    } else {
        $error = 'Возникла ошибка при обновлении содержимого записи';
    if ($x) {
        print 'Извините пожайлуста, но такой email уже зарегистрирован.';
    $x = $string_object->getOne("SELECT in_id FROM users_information WHERE nickname=?s", $login);
    if ($x) {
        print 'Извините пожайлуста, но такой никнейм уже зарегистрирован.';
    $x = $string_object->getOne("SELECT nickname FROM users_registration WHERE nickname=?s", $login);
    if ($x) {
        print 'Просим прощения, но такой никнейм уже пытается зарегистрироваться.';
    $x = $string_object->getOne("SELECT email FROM users_registration WHERE email=?s", $email);
    if ($x) {
        print 'Просим прощения, но кто-то уже регистрируется с таким E-mail.';
    $_SESSION['registration_email'] = $email;
    $_SESSION['registration_password'] = $password;
    $key_reg = uniqid(rand(1, 1000) . '_');
    $x = $string_object->query("INSERT INTO users_registration (key_reg, password, email, nickname, category, rules) VALUES (?s, ?s, ?s, ?s, ?s, ?s)", $key_reg, $password, $email, $login, $category, $rules);
    if ($x) {
        $text = 'Для окончания регистрации пройдите по ссылке: http://subscribeonme.ru/rn=' . $key_reg;
        mail($email, 'Pulsar. Подтверждение регистрации на сайте', $text);
        print 'success';
} else {
    print 'Нам неудобно вас разочаровывать, но формат данных некоректен.';
Example #15
    [<a href="dbtree.php">Manage demo</a>] [<a href="dbtree.php?mode=map">Visual demo (Map)</a>] [<a href="dbtree.php?mode=ajar">Visual demo (Ajar)</a>] [<a href="dbtree.php?mode=branch">Visual demo (Branch)</a>]
require_once 'classes/safemysql.class.php';
require_once 'classes/DbTree.class.php';
require_once 'classes/DbTreeExt.class.php';
// Data base connect
$dsn['user'] = '******';
$dsn['pass'] = '';
$dsn['host'] = 'localhost';
$dsn['db'] = 'test';
$dsn['charset'] = 'utf8';
$dsn['errmode'] = 'exception';
define('DEBUG_MODE', false);
$db = new SafeMySQL($dsn);
$sql = 'SET NAMES utf8';
$tree_params = array('table' => 'test_sections', 'id' => 'section_id', 'left' => 'section_left', 'right' => 'section_right', 'level' => 'section_level');
$dbtree = new DbTreeExt($tree_params, $db);
/* ------------------------ NAVIGATOR ------------------------ */
$navigator = 'You are here: ';
if (!empty($_GET['section_id'])) {
    $parents = $dbtree->Parents((int) $_GET['section_id'], array('section_id', 'section_name'));
    foreach ($parents as $item) {
        if (@$_GET['section_id'] != $item['section_id']) {
            $navigator .= '<a href="dbtree.php?mode=' . $_GET['mode'] . '&section_id=' . $item['section_id'] . '">' . $item['section_name'] . '</a> > ';
        } else {
            $navigator .= '<strong>' . $item['section_name'] . '</strong>';
/* ------------------------ BRANCH ------------------------ */

require '../../php/main/db_connect.php';
$id_other = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'page');
$text = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'text');
if (isset($user_id, $text, $id_other) && $id_other !== $user_id) {
    $string = new SafeMySQL();
    $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
    $x = $string->getRow("SELECT d_id FROM users_dialogs WHERE pioneer_id=?i AND other_id=?i OR other_id=?i AND pioneer_id=?i", $user_id, $id_other, $user_id, $id_other);
    if ($x) {
        $y = $string->query("INSERT INTO users_messages (d_id,user_id,text,date) VALUES (?i,?i,?s,?s)", $x['d_id'], $user_id, $text, $date);
        $query_dialog = $string->query('UPDATE users_dialogs SET date=?s,meter=?i WHERE d_id=?i LIMIT 1', $date, $user_id, $x['d_id']);
        print "success";
    } else {
        $y = $string->query("INSERT INTO users_dialogs (other_id, pioneer_id, date) VALUES (?i, ?i, ?s)", $id_other, $user_id, $date);
        $k = $string->getOne('SELECT d_id FROM users_dialogs WHERE pioneer_id=?i AND other_id=?i', $user_id, $id_other);
        $z = $string->query("INSERT INTO users_messages (d_id,user_id,text,date) VALUES (?i,?i,?s,?s)", $k, $user_id, $text, $date);
        print "success";
} else {
    print 'Пройдите регистрацию или авторизацию.';
Example #17
function terminator()
    if ($_SESSION['status'] == '1') {
        // удалять может только администратор
        $db = new SafeMySQL(array('user' => DB_LOGIN, 'pass' => DB_PASSWORD, 'db' => DB_NAME, 'charset' => 'utf8'));
        $delete = $db->query("DELETE FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "_" . $_GET['section'] . " WHERE id=?i", $_GET['id']);
        if ($delete) {
            header('Location: /admin/index.php?section=' . $_GET['section'] . '&action=list');
        } else {
            print_message('', 'При удалении записи возникла ошибка: ' . mysql_errno() . ': ' . mysql_error() . '.');
    } else {
        print_message('', 'Не достаточно прав для удаления.');